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Big Brother: Revenge of the Sixth.


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Alex's Grandma
13:49 / 19.07.05
I *think* it was because Kemal thinks that seeing as Makosi's a mole she'll have to be outed by the production team at some point before she's evicted from the house, as she'll inevitably have to be, since, as a s*cr*t *g*nt, she clearly can't win the show. And that Kemal was trying to bring this about as quickly as possible, in an effort to prove to the other housemates that just because he's paranoid, it doesn't mean 'they're' not after them.

Or it was because he was possessed by an evil spirit.

Or because he both hates and fears her - he looked like he was up against a firing squad last Friday.

He's in bother, that boy...
13:52 / 19.07.05
Not wanting to be hypocritical, I think. He nominated her in the Diary Room "because I don't know who she is" and was apparently quite conflicted over it. To have voted Vanessa out so soon afterwards would've seemed contradictory.

Kemal's relationship with Makosi has taken on an odd love/hate quality lately, particularly. She blows hot and cold, confusing him, and making him think she has a higher agenda (ie. an Endemol g*m*pl*n).
14:21 / 19.07.05
And how do you think he squares Friday's eviction scenario with his theory? Makosi being in the line of fire doesn't seem to have dented his confidence. Had BB already spelled out what the two lies were by the time Vanessa and Makosi were head-to-head? Is it possible that he imagines that had the votes round the table gone against Molekosi, BB would have pulled another switcheroo and decided to evict the one with the fewest votes? Is he even thinking like this, or is some of Flyboy's analysis being born out here?
14:29 / 19.07.05
Well, Makosi was sitting there saying, "They'll switch it around, I'll go", so it's anyone's guess what Kemal thought. Makosi herself tends to rewrite things after the event and chuck in all sorts of exaggerations, so he's got no idea what's going on. There's all sorts of ways in which Endemol might have manipulated the public vote, so I don't think Kemal's particularly cracked for continuing to suspect the show's being tweaked in favour of Makosi.
20:45 / 19.07.05
Argh, Makosi! What are you doing? That passive-aggressive you've-offended-me-but-I'm-not-gonna-tell-you-how what-do-you-think shit with Kemal is infuriating!
20:59 / 19.07.05
Argh, Kemal! What are you doing? That identifying-with-the-aggressor bonding-with-Makosi-against-Orlaith make-up-bag-abuse shit is infuriating!
21:01 / 19.07.05
Uh-oh. I think we 're about to see Craig's urgh face...
Psi-L is working in hell
21:02 / 19.07.05
Oh god make him stop!!

So not an image I needed to see....ever.
Alex's Grandma
21:07 / 19.07.05
Dr G, how does one go about getting counselling for post-traumatic stress ?

It's just I think that I, and many others, may... *eyes going blurry, room getting dark...*
Psi-L is working in hell
21:08 / 19.07.05
Indeed. I feel violated.
21:21 / 19.07.05
Has Makosi ever confirmed or denied her mole status to Kemal, or is she just fueling his paranoia purposely? She seemed like she didn't want to commit to either a positive or negative response on tonight's show, surely a coherent denial would do the trick? Or does she just enjoy watching Kemal flop about?

He seems completely in her thrall, the make up bag hiding on poor old Orlaith having echoes of what happened to poor old Sam. There is something rotten about the big brother house this year.

Mean Bully Fucks.
21:22 / 19.07.05
I might have made it up in my head, but I'm fairly sure that Makosi jokingly told Kemal she was a mole fairly early on it the show didn't she? It was after the whole first week secret mission thing.

Or if she didn't actually say she was, I'm sure I recall her implying it.
Tryphena Absent
21:34 / 19.07.05
I feel violated.

I feel sick.
21:39 / 19.07.05
Olulabelle: Yes, she did. Smoothly asked something similar, and I've answered more fully in the last page. She's never directly claimed to be an agent of Endemol, but she's tended to exaggerate her part in the various secret missions in which she's been involved (eg. claiming she chose the Secret Garden housemates from a shortlist of ten, claiming Big Brother has threatened her with eviction, etc., etc.), and she maintains an aura of mystique by never giving him a straight answer, behaving inconsistently and pushing the "I cannot explain, and I cannot explain why I cannot explain - but when you get out of here and watch the show, you'll understand" line.

I think Makosi's tendency to appear to take Kemal into her confidence then drop him then seem to be giving him the cold shoulder has utterly disorientated him.
21:56 / 19.07.05
Or does she just enjoy watching Kemal flop about?

Give that man a cigar. One of Derek's.
Whisky Priestess
22:21 / 19.07.05
Uh-oh. I think we 're about to see Craig's urgh face...

What did I miss what did I miss what did I miss?!?!!
Tryphena Absent
22:23 / 19.07.05
I'm sorry I'd describe it to you but I might stab myself in the heart if I think about it too much.
22:30 / 19.07.05
Ah well who can blame him he's been in there for 8 focking weeks. You'd probably begin to worry about nocturnal emissions passed then.
Tryphena Absent
23:02 / 19.07.05
But it was in the living room with the lights on and he didn't hide his face. We saw his glazed eyes. AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. My mind is tainted
Alex's Grandma
23:23 / 19.07.05
Yes. I mean even Eugene had a bit more dignity.

For those who missed it;

Craig, finding himself alone and under a duvet in one of the living areas, quite clearly came to a frank, brave and very personal decision.

Shortly thereafter, he was breathing heavily and wetting his lips, his eyes darting furtively around the room. At least one of his hands was no longer visible. Increasingly agitated, he then lifted the duvet.

What happened next is difficult to relate, but it seemed, back there, as if just for a second he'd 'entered the moment,' and was no longer 'acting,' and had completely forgotten the cameras were there.

It was very, very disturbing.

Let's hope for Craig's sake that this doesn't show up in the interview footage.
23:51 / 19.07.05
They should cut to it with increasing frequency throughout the best bits montage dipping in sound from the usual "eye of the tiger" crap for the thwypp wypphh slyppp sounds and then focus on his face for a full 10 seconds as he reaches his crescendo.
Just because it's Craig.
Whisky Priestess
10:50 / 20.07.05
Even better, soundtrack it either with "All by Myself" or the Divinyls' classic "I Touch Myself".
Alex's Grandma
13:20 / 20.07.05
'Well it was all right for other people in the house to have sex with each other Davina, so why couldn't I have sex with myself?
yawn - thing's buddy
13:23 / 20.07.05
makosi also told anthony and others that they would understand a lot more about her when they all exited the house; to which anthony stared and whooped with genuine beleif and interest; 'really!?'.

I'm still watching.
haus of fraser
13:57 / 20.07.05
Oh god make him stop!!

So not an image I needed to see....ever.

Psi-L is working in hell
14:10 / 20.07.05
BB: Can you please say the name of the person you'd like to nominate for eviction this week?

Psi-Lock: I'd like to nominate Copey's Bottle.

BB: And can you state your reasons for nominating them please?

Psi-Lock: For subjecting me and my fellow housemates to images that create severe urges to pluck our eyes out or stab ourselves with sharp pointy objects and that will most likely haunt us for the rest of our natural lives...
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:29 / 20.07.05
14:42 / 20.07.05

I'm almost convinced that having a quick jostle on national telly might be worse than shagging. It should be the 'lesser sin', but it's the subterfuge that makes it worse I think.

At least when it's shagging it's so blatant it's funny.
Alex's Grandma
14:56 / 20.07.05
Hm. Not much evidence of subertuge on Craigs, er, 'part' there though, is there ? I mean he couldn't even make it as far as the bathroom.
Whisky Priestess
16:07 / 20.07.05
Which is entirely transparent.

I think at this stage he would be more concerned with hiding his onanism from the rest of the house rather than the (increasingly remote, externalised and perhaps beginning to seem more and more like a far-off mirage) watching world.
Alex's Grandma
17:27 / 20.07.05
Which is entirely transparent

Shamefully, I didn't know that.

But presumably the other housemates aren't in the business of actually watching each other while they're in there, are they ? Surely they look away... And as far as I know E4 has yet to broadcast a show entitled 'Live & Uncut From The BB Bathroom' or similar - Craig could have disguised his unchristian activities a bit more effectively, is all I'm saying, had he been so minded.

So how hard, really, was he trying to hids his love away ? Did he in fact possibly *want* to be found out ? An attempt to reach this kind of closure directly in front of the other housemates would have conceivably resulted in his immediate eviction, as well as the risk of criminal charges, but, with the lights on, with people still up in the room next door... it seems to me a bit like the next best thing.

'Craig, what're ye doin' man?'

'Wouldn't you like to know...' etc.
Alex's Grandma
17:45 / 20.07.05
'Yer... Yer not knocking one oot, are ye?'

'What if I am ? Anthony, it's only natural...'

'But, but... fuckin' hell man, they're watching this on telly! Have ye thought aboot that? Ye idiot!'

'So (sotto voce) you don't want to help then?'

'No I fuckin' well do not! No I do not!'

'Aw but Anthony... No wait Anthony, come back...

Anthony and Craig slash fiction - I dare say it's out there somewhere.
Whisky Priestess
19:19 / 20.07.05
Craig: "Anthony ... just stay here with me ... just a few more seconds - will you hold my hand?"

Anthony: "Ye - ye're - oh man I canna tek this! I'm no fookin' gay, aall reet?!"

Craig: *little death rattle*
19:32 / 20.07.05
Look, will you lot just stop it? I feel sick.
20:12 / 20.07.05
"So what, I'm free like the Littlest Hobo"

So says "Sci-dog" (presumably he seems himself as an "ence" when he's not wearing a dog costume), selfish Cunty McShouty, who really needs to be voted out this week. Sadly, knowing the Great British Public, it'll be boring ol' Orlaith who goes this Friday, leaving Makosi alone in a house of males.

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