It was explained to my satisfaction in Hurley's first flashback episode, when you view it with S2 knowledge. The Aussies hear the numbers (which, since they're on the hatch could easily be contained in a Hanso/Dharma communique), their lives go to shit, Hurley's pal goes batshit, Hurley hears the numbers, ta and da.
Basically what's ruining their lives is the mere act of stumbling upon a Hanso/Dharma transmission, which, I'm betting dollars to donuts, was telegraphed to happen exactly that way.
Can I just say how happy I was with tonight's episode? That was some classic effing Lost. I loved watching everyone's subtle WTF reactions to the hatch and can't wait for Sawyer to get out of Septic Shock and start cracking wise about it. As much as I wasn't truly convinced that the Raftaways were ever in any real danger of not returning to camp, I really felt the difference of their presence in camp when they returned. If that makes any sense. |