Last night's episode featured two of my least favorite things: babies and Christianity. I'm getting sick of the Xian stuff consistently creeping into this show. First it's Rose and Charlie praying together last season, and now it's Eko baptizing Claire and child. I don't know, maybe it's just the current "thing" for sci-fi/fantasy entertainment (re: the Star Wars "prequel" dreck, which included "immaculate conception" nonsense straight out of the Bible, and the Matrix sequels, which obliterated the original film's gnosticism by reverting back to the usual Judeo-Christian garbage).
Religious diversions aside...I can't be the only one who found last night's baptism-glorifying finale underwhelming. Is this the Middle Ages? Anyway, lots of red herrings/curveballs last night. Is Locke going bad? Or is Charlie? The final shot of him pulling on his hood in the darkness, while foreboding music played, seemed to imply as much (and again, another Star Wars reference -- reminded me of Anakin/Darth Vader in the latest SW prequel, sad to say).
And I wonder about the Libby situation. She very much seemed to be making up her story of meeting Hurley on the plane, and let's not overlook her facial expressions as she tried on the blouse, while his back was turned -- the gears turning in her head as she came up with a story. But revelations don't come so easily on Lost.
I'm thinking this stuff with Libby is a red herring, to make us think she's bad. Her actions last night weren't in keeping with such an opaque show. It was so out in the open, like the writers were saying, "Look, Libby might be bad, and she's lying to Hurley!" I think the person who truly acted suspicious last night was Locke -- particularly the scene where, after Charlie told him the island was a test and the heroin had been stashed there as part of his (Chalrie's) test, Locke said, "It's there because you put it there, Charlie," or something smug to that affect. Really fucking annoying that Locke said this -- after all, isn't he the guy who believes the island gave him back the use of his legs? Either the writers are trying to change his character (remember, Eko even told Locke earlier this season not to confuse fate with coincidence...the LAST thing you think you'd need to tell Locke), or they're setting us up for the lamest move in Lost history: namely, Locke turning out to be a "bad guy." I also don't want a "bad Locke."
And also, I realized last night that A-L is such a more dynamic presence than Kate has ever been. I take back all the mean things I said about her. She's the only character so far to display a modicum of common sense...I've been saying since September '04 that in the REAL world, photogenic people such as the cast of Lost would be fucking each others' brains out within a week of being stranded on a desert island -- there'd be none of the coy "will they or won't they" shenanigans which are such a drag on this show. A-L finally pointed this out. And she got one of the best lines yet: "Are you hittin' that?" |