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Lost (US thread)


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02:20 / 30.09.04
Why isn’t anyone talking about this new show? It’s so great the first two episodes looked and felt like a film. It’s like the best of Gilligan’s Island, Lord of the Flies, and Jurassic Park rolled into one. The writing and characterization are top notch and the cast is a good mix.
03:36 / 30.09.04
I've seen both episodes and it does indeed rock. Judging solely from these two episodes, I'd say it's more interesting than JJ's Alias right now. The first episode was a bit tough, but by the second I was starting to get to know the characters, and there's a lot of really interesting story potential.

Every review I've seen says it's brilliant, but they're unsure how they'll maintain quality every week. I think it could be tough, but with that large a cast, just focusing on the relationships between them should be enough material for many an episode.
Matthew Fluxington
13:14 / 30.09.04
I'm not so impressed by it. I don't think it sucks, though. It's generally pretty strong with suspense, and it seems like the story could be going in an interesting direction. The problem is, the characters just aren't particularly interesting. The actors are all pretty generic and boring. It might be too soon, since there are so many and there's only been two episodes, but eh, none of them except for the Hobbit guy seem even remotely interesting or charismatic.

The writing is often laughably clumsy, especially when it needs to spell out already dim-witted metaphors - for example, when the old white is playing parcheesi with the black kid and gets all "there are white pieces and black pieces" - oooooooh, cringe city! The girl-prisoner thing was a lame twist. Oh, there's always got to be a twist with today's lame-ass mainstream fiction. That really annoys me.
It's all plot, no subtext. It's like 24 - technically not a bad show for entertainment purposes, but there is NOTHING underneath. Very shallow, very mediocre.
18:00 / 30.09.04
Every review I've seen says it's brilliant, but they're unsure how they'll maintain quality every week.

One way that they'll be trying is with writers like David Fury (from Buffy) and Paul Dini.

I'm so jazzed about this show. Every scene absolutely *pops* for me. Plus there's so many little details and unanswered questions to ponder over.
Matthew Fluxington
19:37 / 30.09.04
So none of you are cringing at it at all? For real?
20:32 / 30.09.04
Not really. Dude, it's either that or Smallville and compared to SV it's fucking brilliant. And a lot of the stuff you pointed out, I'm figuring it's because the show is new and they're getting used to their many characters. I'm seeing it in terms of potential and, right now, it's looking good.
Foust is SO authentic
20:56 / 30.09.04
Yeah, I've seen the first two hours, and there are mysteries agogo! It's true that the characters are nothing special, but so far the story has been tons of fun.
23:15 / 30.09.04
I'm not cringing, but I can see your comparison to 24, where you don't really care about the people, but instead are more interested in seeing what happens plotwise. Maybe this will change, I don't forsee caring for these people like the characters in Buffy or The Sopranos, but there's definite potential.
Keith, like a scientist
23:36 / 30.09.04
it's hard to care about people after two episodes, but i was watching last night, and thinking that i really can't wait to see where it goes.

really looking forward to finding about terry o'quinn character, and can't wait to see what happens when party of five's charlie finds out his new girlfriend is a criminal...

speaking of which...i had two favorite parts last night:
1. first was the twist about the criminal being that woman, simply because it was very surprising and unexpected (at least to me)
2. second was i loved how they showed Merry's perspective on the plane and how he rushed past the lead character (party of five's charlie)...showing the flip of that scene that was shown in the first episode...i'm thinking this will be a weekly the same action for different people's point of view...revealing more and more about those last few minutes before the plane went down...

oh, it normal for a plane to break in half in mid-air? there didn't appear to be an explosion...right?
01:42 / 02.10.04
All I know about this is Dominic Monaghan's in it, the brunette is really hot and it's by J.J. Abrams. And that some people think it's pretty good. So I'll have to give it a watch at some point.
01:06 / 04.10.04

If anyone wants to download the pilot, it's on there. It's a temp version, so some music is different, but it's pretty similar to what aired. Watch this, and you'll becaught up for the next episode.
17:09 / 07.10.04
So, the third episode has aired. I think this probably gives us a much better idea of what the show's going to be like on a weekly basis, with the story on the island prompting flashbacks to what the people were doing back on the mainland.

As used here, the structure definitely works. It lets us get to know Kate better, and better understand her situation. I think it's a good idea, as long as they don't go too far. The focus should always be on the island.

Other things. The Terry O'Quinn character is still an enigma, and I'm really interested to see where they go with him. Also, the Korean subtitles remove some of the mystery about the characters, but on a weekly basis, we really do need to understand them to get the characters.
20:19 / 11.10.04
Terry O'Quinn is now one of those humans where I can't separate the actor from the character... and by 'character' I mean 'scary-as-hell-Peter-Watts-from-Millennium.' He's always metatextual for me. I even saw him playing a strict father in a ice-skating telemovie and was terrified for his children...

Really enjoying the show though. Slam-bang opening, right level of cheese, just stylish enough. No idea if they can keep it up, though.
08:30 / 26.10.04
watched the first 5 episodes now and I'm enjoying this it's got just enough weirdness to keep you interested and a little bit of cheese thrown in is always good.

Does anyone want to have a guess at what's going on? I've been looking around and it seems a lot of people think that they're all in purgatory (even though I believe the writers have said this isn't the case) - Aliens? Government? What's your thoughts people?

I also heard an interesting idea about all the main characters being "trapped" in some way.

Jack is trapped by his family situation
Trapped in a wheelchair
Trapped by a marriage
Trapped by prison
Trapped by weight

Next episode is tomorrow right?
13:31 / 26.10.04
Yeah wednesday night.

I'm hoping there's a mad scientist (not Rimbaldi though) on the island, but I realize that I shouldn't build my hopes up.
Saint Keggers
14:11 / 26.10.04
I'm hoping there's a mad scientist (not Rimbaldi though) on the island

My theory is the island is run by Rimbaldi followers and eventually they'll be a LOST/ALIAS crossover movie where it will be revealed that the island is much like that of The Prisoner. Sidney will destroy the evil scientists lair then escape the island leaving everyone still trapped, shaking theirs fists at her. Sidneys father will calmly stand at the helm as the Titanic sinks.
19:21 / 26.10.04
Okay... so this MAY BE SPOILERS

Buddies at work are thinking that the show isn't anything more than the Sixth Sense in Hawaii. That's right, they're all already dead, and they are on the island of Purgatory. Over the course of the season, they'll be forced to confront their human weaknesses and then transcend one by one. As much as I don't want it to be true, it makes sense.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
19:48 / 26.10.04
That seems to be the general consensus I've heard as well, but I'm not so sure. There's too much talk of destiny and too many proclamations of Stephen King fannery (see: The Stand, The Dark Tower) among the creators for something like that. I think it's more likely there is something going on on that island and that, somehow, the island has drawn all these people there (Note, the drowned woman was "not supposed to be on the flight") for a reason. If the creators have something legitimate up their sleeves that no one is expecting, I will be mightily impressed. Anything's possible.

Oh, and I finally saw the Locke episode. Clearly the best one of the season so far, as I wasn't too amazingly impressed by the other four.

There has been a lot of talk about the people on the island having more in common than they realize. As far as destiny goes, I find the following things interesting:

1) Locke was paralyzed
2) Jack had spinal surgery experience
3) Jack's father was also a doctor
4) Jack's mother was very angry at Jack, "after what [he] did."
5) Jack's father was either a drunk or in little control of has faculties

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = Jack's father is responsible for Locke's Paralysis

"Prove me wrong, kids! Prove me wrong!"
- Principal Skinner
10:38 / 27.10.04
I really hope it's something completing off the wall that nobody has thought of but there's only so many things it can actually be right?

Do you really think there might be an Alias link, I haven't been following it that much and but I've heard of the scientist you mentioned (there was a big giant water ball thing?)

I'm guessing this must just be a one season show then? Anyone know how many episodes there are?
21:09 / 27.10.04
I don't really read the talk back on aint it cool news but a friend directed me to it and they're busy trying to figure out what the deal with the island is... these posts seemed curious:

Yes, the missing hairbrushes. It is exceedingly odd that you could go through a large number of suitcases and NOT find a single hairbrush. Even most guys pack hairbrushes. Odd. Very odd. Glitch in the system odd. Whoever did the coding forgot to include hairbrushes.


Has anyone actually read or remember the plot of that comic book that the kid was reading (you know the quick shot of the Giant Polar Bear Monster). The folks responsible for LOST said in the TV Guide article that there's a specific reason they chose that comic issue and peple who read it will get a big hint on what's happening on the island.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
22:10 / 27.10.04
The same TV Guide article said it was a Green Lantern story where he teamed up to battle and alien presence that turned out to be good.
Tom Coates
08:24 / 29.10.04
I'm really enjoying Lost too and it's not just because it's got a mostly half-naked Matthew Fox in it each and every episode, although god knows that helps. Yesterday's episode was pretty good, pretty gripping - and I loved the way that they flashed back to the Korean (?) woman's past in that way. It was fascinating. The only thing I wasn't keen on was that the cave set looks like a set. And that's just annoying. I'm keen to see whether the relationship between the camps deteriorates and I'm really interested in the white and black rocks in the pocket. Are we being set up to view these groups as polar opposites - does the island force and create conflict?
Foust is SO authentic
12:41 / 29.10.04
Well they aren't really being set up in groups of good vs. evil, or even sympathetic vs. unsympathetic. The abusive Korean husband went inland, while the blond packrat stayed on the beach. Jack went inland, while Kate stayed on the beach.
13:05 / 29.10.04
It's interesting that we don't know where the brother and sister duo are staying. I can see the girl staying on the beach but the boy seems like he'd go with the cave group?
What about the pregnant girl? She's probably follow the doctor.
Foust is SO authentic
18:43 / 29.10.04
Apparently, the blond packrat (he also shot the polar bear and traded water for a fish) is reading Watership Down in one scene.

Is that foreshadowing for the group that stayed behind, on the beach?
02:32 / 01.11.04
I loved the last episode about the Koreans, maybe the best one yet. The show feels like something that would probably play better in a DVD viewing, since that would be closer to the type of the show, where each episode seems to be about a day. But, that's not to say, it's not great as is. I'm a huge Alias fan, but so far, Lost seems to be the stronger show.
14:33 / 01.11.04
Has anyone actually read or remember the plot of that comic book that the kid was reading (you know the quick shot of the Giant Polar Bear Monster). The folks responsible for LOST said in the TV Guide article that there's a specific reason they chose that comic issue and peple who read it will get a big hint on what's happening on the island.

The comic book in question was from the Faster Friends (Green Lantern/Flash) mini-series, although I'm not positive which issue.
09:29 / 05.11.04
That was an alright episode, I just wish they would explain more about the island!

That Hobbit guy isn't great though is he?

So who bashed Sayid on the head?
Foust is SO authentic
18:56 / 05.11.04
Well, I doubt it was the packrat (wish I could remember his name), 'cause he was presumably setting off the other rocket. Though that wasn't actually on screen...

My guess, the French woman? The one on the recording?

I'm enjoying the pace. Remember, they can't reveal too much about the island yet. Sayid's radio scheme would probably have brought answers, but clearly someone doesn't want the group to have answers.

Curiouser and curiouser.
20:32 / 05.11.04
Exactly, I hear there are 40 episodes to the season (people are making comments about 40 days in the bible).

But yeah it can't be the "evil" guy because he was launching the rocket.

It might have been bald boy though he wasn't around but it was probably too far for him to walk in the time.

Yeah I think your right about it being someone else on the island.

The pace is ok but I think they need to up the weirdness a little in the next episode, the polar bear worked well but they need something else to make things a little stranger.
05:00 / 06.11.04
So who bashed Sayid on the head?

I have two guesses one of them is far fetched and the other one not so much.

1) They were two bodies in the cave (one of them was female, so I'm thinking that's the french woman.) They keep refering to them as Adam and Eve, right? What if these two had a kid, who's grown up a bit wild on the island, and he clocked Sayid?

2) Locke did it. He's the only one who obviously doesn't want to get off the island.
14:15 / 08.11.04
Three possibilites:

1) Locke, as said above. He goes off on his own quite often and nobody knows where he goes. Plus, he is apparently serving the island now in some sort of shamanic way, so may be protecting its secrets.

2) Sawyer could have gotten someone else to set off the rocket for him. But I don't think this is the case.

3) Jack's dead father!!!!
09:20 / 11.11.04
Yeah Locke would be the obvious choice, a little tooooo obvious maybe - I like the idea of a monkey child though that's grown up in the wild eating boars..

Was last nights good, without spoiling? Tell me!

Saw this on thought I might aswell add it here -

David Fury, ex-Buffy and Angel staffer and current Lost writer/producer, reported on The Fuselage that Drew will be writing episode 16 of Lost. Drew says that this has not yet been confirmed - he will let me know if and when it is.

Drew informed me that his first episode of Alias will be episode 9, titled "Welcome to Liberty Village." He thinks it will air some time in February. Drew moved to the J.J. Abrams show along with fellow Mutant Enemy alum Jeff Bell after Angel ended its run last season. Currently it is scheduled to come back in its old slot on Sundays on ABC after Desperate Housewives ends its run in January, but there has been talk that ABC might move it to Wednesdays to be paired with Lost. I will update this site with any new scheduling information as the time for the premiere draws nearer.
Foust is SO authentic
12:31 / 11.11.04
Last night's episode rocked, and indicates that characters are really going to being to act differently than they did back in civilization. Jack in particular makes a choice I doubt he would have made back in suburbia.

I have asthma, so I could only cringe for the poor girl.

I'm glad to see Sawyer's on the road to humanization.
Keith, like a scientist
19:23 / 11.11.04
i was very impressed with last night's episode as well...

but: aintitcoolnews is posting some comments by writer Paul Dini (of Batman cartoon fame) saying that Locke sharing the economic and social philosopher John Locke's last name is on purpose...what in the world does that mean?

oh yes, and i heard some great spoiler-fic news about an upcoming guest star (hint: Babylon 5's Delenn) that should make next week's episode pretty cool, plot-wise.

he also talks about the monster/whatever it a lot of info on it...

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