Oh, I don't think Millar's in it for the money - he's in it for the fame, too, hence all the big talk about the "Watchmen" of supervillans for Wanted. I can't speak for Wanted, so it might well have been the Watchmen of supervillans. What I can say of Mark is that he's a master at media relations, and perfectly good at writing fast, nasty action like Wolverine, Youngblood: Bloodsport and 2000ad's Purgatory. He's not much good at writing to spec or comedy, though: witness the almighty turd he crafted John Wagner's beloved Robo-Hunter into, because he only has one kind of story to tell. And it's cynical, edgy and likes to think about rape and sexual assault far too much for its own good. And I doubt Mark cares, because his boombastic copy is propelling him along just nicely. A lot of people are fairly vapid, and a lot of them mistake Mark's sadistic bent for depth and originality. If he landed Superman now probably have Doomsday super-rape him, while Lois makes catty coments about celebs.
Oh shit, you know what he almost is? He's almost to comics as Uwe Boll is to video game movies, except Uwe doesn't have the charisma to carry a devoted fanbase.
Haus: Be fair. The Strokes shitstorm was a over a year ago. |