interesting thought, Chad.
We love you Cam! If Millar doesn't like Seaguy then nyah nyah on him! 
messages from MM on his board about this arc of the Ultimates:
>> Cheers, mate. Buzz on this issue seems to be very strong. I just got back from England last weekend and saw Hitchy's art for issue five (HUGE fight with someone you might not expect) and I think it's going to put the book right over the top. Hitchy's just is the absolute best at this kind of stuff. Nobody can touch him.
Also saw the art for The Defenders (issue six) and it's fantastic. They're just this really shitty team one of the Ultimates ends up in and they're comprised of Hellcat, Darkhawk, Luke Cage, Son of Satan, Black Knight and someone I can't tell you about yet. But it's a lot of fun and quite a change of pace.
Anyway, glad you're all digging it. We try our best,
>> These guys come back into play in issue four as we get Thor's secret origin from SHIELD. It's not what you're expecting. They're some of the European Union Ultimates and still something of a secret, their powers still being readied.
They play a huge role in Syria and North Korea at the end of this arc. I just saw the art for some of this stuff at Hitchy's last week too and it's stunning. We're starting small, building up all the characters again in their new situations and then just going nuts.
You'll like it as much as Bendis digs large black guys.
MM |