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14:10 / 09.02.06
Storm should always be dour and serious. And in a full-body cast.
19:10 / 09.02.06
>>>Colossus von Doom [poor CGI or bodysuit?]<<<

Probably a practical, physical bodysuit (with mask) for shooting everything other than closeups, which they will then go in and touch up digitally for the final film.
19:26 / 09.02.06
Here's to hoping. Otherwise it looks like the first release in the Halloween costume line.
20:27 / 09.02.06
I was always really amused whenever characters in the X-Books didn't know what to make of Betsy -- "She's Asian, but she has a British accent! MY MIND IS BLOWN!" Uh, dude, hello, ever hear of Hong Kong?
01:38 / 10.02.06
I like that Juggernaut has a Magneto helmet. As it blocks his brother's brainshitwarprays it makes perfect sense he'd a have a derirative.
12:47 / 10.02.06

Psylocke on the right?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:37 / 10.02.06
I beleive so, yes. And in the middle is the inexplicably hot Callisto (oh wait, they gave her a facial tatoo, that makes up for the fact that they have an underwear model playing the scarred and eyepatch wearing leader of the Morlocks).

The wannabe lead hooker from Sin City on the left, I have no idea.
14:22 / 10.02.06
At a guess, Scarlet Witch - something about the stupid, stupid hair.
14:26 / 10.02.06
—and the Ian McKellanesque jawline?

I had read that Stupid-Hair Girl = Stacy X
14:46 / 10.02.06
I can't help thinking...
15:52 / 10.02.06
The wannabe lead hooker from Sin City on the left, I have no idea.

According to the file name of the Abbey Road picture, it's Arclight.
paranoidwriter waves hello
16:16 / 10.02.06
That's what I thought as well, but according to the wiki Omahyra Mota will be playing Stacy X.
20:48 / 10.02.06


Wow, that's a terrible ad campaign.
22:16 / 10.02.06
Beast looks like he's ready for bed.
Phex: Dorset Doom
22:24 / 10.02.06
Never mind him, that's Wolver-fucking-rine right there doing absolutely nothing awesome at all when we all know he should be doing ten awesome things at once, and Rogue looks like she's seen a really scary spider on the floor (is that thing behind her a dead Sentinel or just some 'gritty' industrial machinery?).
I expect better from these ads (or just one of Kitty Pryde).
05:21 / 11.02.06
Six comic covers.
05:26 / 11.02.06
Even the blandest Marvel cover wouldn't have Wolverine leaning on an oil drum and shoegazing.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
05:44 / 11.02.06
He's killed everything else and is now staring down his own foot. That's how badass Logan is.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
05:47 / 11.02.06
"You looking for a fight? You think you're tough just because you're called 'big toe'?"

Not such a bad movie, actually. 90 minutes of Wolverine cutting up his own foot and his foot keeps on regenerating.
09:45 / 11.02.06
He's looking down at the corpse...of Chuck Norris!

bad ass
11:17 / 11.02.06
E-n: Be serious, I know he's a killing machine with unbreakable bones, big claws and almost unlimited regenerative powers but even Wolverine couldn't mess with Chuck.
11:24 / 11.02.06
I really liked the first two movies, but this looks like a mess. There´ll have to be a lot of positive feedback, before I consider seeing this.

And these ads? They look like ads for perfume (pic from another board).
12:34 / 11.02.06
People at Aint It Cool News have also pointed out the similarity to the RENT movie ad campaign.
07:30 / 13.02.06

"Look! It's moving. It's alive. It's alive... It's alive, it's moving, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, IT'S ALIVE!"
19:37 / 13.02.06
Wow, that's a terrible ad campaign.

Word. Even the font is crappy.

They look like ads for perfume

Just about exactly what I was thinking, although on reflection, the Wolvie and Rogue pics have a car commerical vibe to them. Hugh Jackman in "The Hire:FutureShok", quietly contemplating his bionic driving implants.

The Rogue one could also double for the "male hero trapped in a woman's body" staple of comic book covers.

Let's not even mention the porny-Storm.

Colossus seems to have normal flesh-eyes. Sad, sad flesh-eyes.
05:03 / 23.02.06
The following is an except from's six part set tour diary:

'The scene they were filming that day was one where Juggernaut and Kitty Pryde are racing against each other to find a certain mutant within the labs (who I later discovered was Leech). Kitty Pryde phases through the walls while Juggernaut takes the more direct approach.'

Worth the price of admission alone? I'd say so.
Jack Denfeld
08:07 / 23.02.06
Oh man, I hope they have Artie and Leech!
13:09 / 23.02.06
I have the distinct feeling that this movie is going to be horrible and piss me off for weeks.
04:32 / 27.02.06


Vinnie Jones there coming to the startling realization that his entire life up to this point has been an utter waste. Oh, and he's also just a bit anxious at the thought of some of his hooligan friend seeing this movie.
04:55 / 27.02.06
Oy Vey. Leather Harness does not a bad ass make.

Jones definitely has that:"Bring Out The Gimp!" quality in that picture.

That said i RILLY hope this film will at least be a watchable ending to the trilogy. Please God, if you get us X-fans out of this one, i promise i will get out of the next three all by myself.
Keith, like a scientist
01:42 / 07.03.06
there was a new trailer debuted during tonight's 2 hour 24 installment on Fox.

the trailer was really quite great, I thought. Gives me hope again for the film. i wouldn't doubt it will be going up on Apple's site pretty soon.
Keith, like a scientist
02:28 / 07.03.06
Here you go, the new trailer is up
02:52 / 07.03.06
Yeah, the trailer is great! It feels like the first two movies.

It also helps that it's got all the same actors. Angel getting cold feet and jumping out of the window, Fraiser as Beast, Iceman/Kitty/Rogue love triangle, Magneto speechifying... I think this movie might actually be good.
05:59 / 07.03.06
Well shit. That was a pretty good trailer. The potential for this movie is tearing me apart!

I particularly like the wrap-up scene between Wolverine and Rogue: "I'm not your father".
08:02 / 07.03.06
That angel flying scene was kewl!

plus juggernaut running through walls was nice.
Count me in on this one.

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