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Keith, like a scientist
04:40 / 05.01.06
yeah, i really liked Hulk, honestly. did a great job with the origin and the basic core of Hulk. the movie just suffered from too many endings. i really had to pee halfway through, but I didn't want to get up and go... so that probably made the last quarter pretty tough to sit through. the 3 people i were with totally hated it, though.
05:23 / 05.01.06
The Hulk was awful. For every single one of the reasons listed here.
The Strobe
08:48 / 05.01.06
Seriously, if anything's going to kill the comic-book/superhero crossover, it's going to be the Nic Cage Ghost Rider.
08:55 / 05.01.06
Maybe, but it does offer the opportunity to set Cage's head on fire in the name of art...
H3ct0r L1m4
11:48 / 06.01.06
Juggernaut Maquette

Beast Maquette

dunno why in Hell he's naked, ask Spectral Motion.
17:12 / 06.01.06
Juggy's costume (esp. the head stuff) looks a bit cooler in the sculpture than in the trailer -- although was the head thingie in the trailer? Can't recall & can't watch it now...

And yeah, Beast in a snappy black suit looks a lot cooler than naked Beast.
18:54 / 06.01.06
Yeah I think the sculpts, especially the Juggernaut one, look nothing like their movie counterparts.

Which is a shame. As that maquette is the best improvement on Juggy's helmet I've ever seen.
The Falcon
19:14 / 06.01.06
Juggernaut looks identical to that guy from Thundercats or He-Man in the 80's; Ram-Man, iirc.
19:32 / 06.01.06

Good call, Dunc.
H3ct0r L1m4
12:02 / 09.01.06
given the legend about the original He-Man toy [prior to the cartoon] being based on reject Conan designs, I wouldn't go as far as say Juggernaut was an inspiration to this particular character...
Michelle Gale
12:28 / 09.01.06
you're an inspiration.
12:30 / 09.01.06
18:46 / 22.01.06
Christ. If this review is right (and everything about it reads correct from the script reviews I've read and from nearly all the scenes in the teaser trailer), there might as well be Ewoks in this one.
H3ct0r L1m4
02:29 / 23.01.06
hm, it matches what we saw in the trailer. well, not surprising giving the movie barely had a script ready when shooting began. there goes another franchise. at least cinematography will be good.
18:03 / 24.01.06
comics 2 film sez:

>> X-MEN 3

There's a note at The XVerse saying that "a publicist for 20th Century Fox has confirmed to us that the rumored title for X-Men 3, 'X-Men: The Last Stand,' is currently being cleared for usage. The title also appeared in a review of 2006 films by USA Today, lending further support to the notion. Should everything be cleared within Fox, the film will officially be known as 'X-Men: The Last Stand.'"
05:11 / 25.01.06
There's a note at The XVerse saying that "a publicist for 20th Century Fox has confirmed to us that the rumored title for X-Men 3, 'X-Men: The Last Stand,' is currently being cleared for usage. The title also appeared in a review of 2006 films by USA Today, lending further support to the notion. Should everything be cleared within Fox, the film will officially be known as 'X-Men: The Last Stand.'"

Only problems is it won't be the LAST stand cuz Vinnie Jones has signed on for three more starring roles as his head perhaps. has posted the synopsis for Chris Claremont's 352-page novelization of X-Men: The Last Stand (aka "X3," aka "X-Men 3") which Del Rey will release on May 16. Spoilers ahead...

"The X-Men, mutant heroes sworn to defend a world that hates and fears them, are back! This time, with the help of new recruits The Beast and Angel, they must face evolution itself in the form of their former teammate, Jean Grey! Possessed with the cosmic power of the Dark Phoenix, the resurrected Jean Grey has become a danger to herself, her mutant comrades, and the entire planet! To stave off this imminent threat to humanity, a potential cure is discovered and processed to treat -- and ultimately eliminate -- genetic mutations, once and for all! Now, as the battle lines are drawn, the X-Men, led by Professor Charles Xavier, must contend with both Jean Grey's world-consuming powers, as well as the malevolent Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organized under Xavier's former ally, Magneto!"

-Um, yes...cosmic power.

-And it seems she skipped that whole irksome plain Phoenix and Black Queen part and went straight for the good stuff.

-Yes, they find a cure for cosmic infection, as you do.

-Eliminate dash dash genetic mutation? Huh?

All's I can say is Bryan Singer would be spinning in his grave if he had to witness what they were doing to his legacy. For shame.

The Phoenix...I mean Dark Phoenix looking equally perturbed about tge state of affairs.

Fun Fact: X-3 Director Brett Ratner is bestest friends with devil eunuch Michael Jackson. They met during the filming of Michael's legendary U Rawk My World video (starring amongst others Marlon Brando). They hit it off instantly and have been bosom buddies ever since. Once a week Michael picks Brett up in his Jeep and they go shopping for mid-century bric-a-brac and shoes in Malibu.
06:14 / 25.01.06
So is Michael Jackson in the movie?
The Falcon
12:50 / 25.01.06
'devil eunuch' is right up there with 'thigh-eating pussy preacher'.
13:24 / 25.01.06
Marlon Brando was in a Michael Jackson video?? This I have to see.

The cure for mutation story idea is lifted from Joss Whedon's first 'Astonishing X-Men' arc, by the way.

Also, as for 'X-Men 3: The Last Stand" being the title, no one really refers to "X-Men 2 as "X-Men 2: United" (the official subtitle for that film), do they? It's X3 and that's all that matters.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
16:33 / 25.01.06
All's I can say is Bryan Singer would be spinning in his grave if he had to witness what they were doing to his legacy. For shame.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

His legacy. Yes. Legacy of quality X-Men movies. Completely tarnished by this subpar, clotted with refuse film. Seeing as that would be quite a drop in quality from Singer's subpar, clotted with refuse films that have been previously released.

There's nothing in that information that makes it sound any different than the first two.
This Sunday
17:19 / 25.01.06
Michael Jackson was, in fact, Marlon Brando, in that video. I think. That's the haunted house vid, right? If yes, then, that's Michael in a Brando flesh-suit.
04:40 / 26.01.06
So is Michael Jackson in the movie?

Yup, he's playing Jubilee.
04:59 / 26.01.06
Yup, he's playing Jubilee.

Correction! He's actually playing Sooraya aka Dust from the Morrison run. Look!

Phex: Dorset Doom
06:12 / 26.01.06
I loved this quote from the Rotten Tomatoes message boards (yr 1st stop 4 qulity flim reveews!!11!!!!1): "Jean fans will be happy with what they are given but in turn will be pissed at the shaving and drastic altering of Jean & Phoenix."

Shaving. For real.
17:38 / 08.02.06
Coupla pictures to be found here, including Juggy and company doing their best Abbey Road strut.

Dead Megatron
18:22 / 08.02.06
Doesn't the Dark Phonenix chick look exaclty like Madonna, only with red hair?
Keith, like a scientist
19:07 / 08.02.06
I sort of like the punk take on Psylocke. Does anyone know if she will actually have a British accent?
Dead Megatron
20:04 / 08.02.06
That chick in the pic may not be Psylocke, but Calisto (who I must confess not to remember from the comics). The asian dude is Starfire or somethin'
paranoidwriter waves hello
21:17 / 08.02.06
Dead Megatron, I think Keith is referring to Meiling Melançon as Psylocke, not the picture provided by Hieronymus above. (Also, FYI, in the comics: Calisto was the on/off leader of the Morlocks; Sunfire first joined the X-men along with Colossus, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Storm, Thunderbird, and Banshee, to rescue the original Xmen from Krakoa -- more Marvel Universe character bios are available on the Wiki.)
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
03:35 / 09.02.06
Did Asian Ninja Betsy have the british accent though?
Benny the Ball
07:00 / 09.02.06
I'd like to think so - so they didn't think that they had enough time in the film to dedicate to explaining why the british sister of Captain Britain is running around in an Asian assasin lady's body? Ammatuers!

oh, and the film still seems to have Vinnie Jones in it, ergo, still looks awful...
Dead Megatron
13:26 / 09.02.06
oh, ok, it's all coming back to me now...
H3ct0r L1m4
13:42 / 09.02.06
more pics at that link...

Colossus von Doom [poor CGI or bodysuit?]

Logan: eh, who farted? smells like Catnip.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:45 / 09.02.06
Benny, it is an interesting point.

Although, really, when the Jim Lee reboot happened there was little to no mention that Betsy was A) Related to Captain Britain, or B) In the wrong body.

So if they just wanted to make her a bad ass Ninja Assasin with a purple wig they could just ignore the history without causing undue stress to the, ahem, realism of the film.

I am curious though, because now I am imagining British vocab and slang spoken with an Asian accent, which could be hella cool...
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:49 / 09.02.06
Why is it that the idea of Storm with a shit eating grin on her face just seems TOTALLY wrong to me?

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