There's a note at The XVerse saying that "a publicist for 20th Century Fox has confirmed to us that the rumored title for X-Men 3, 'X-Men: The Last Stand,' is currently being cleared for usage. The title also appeared in a review of 2006 films by USA Today, lending further support to the notion. Should everything be cleared within Fox, the film will officially be known as 'X-Men: The Last Stand.'"
Only problems is it won't be the LAST stand cuz Vinnie Jones has signed on for three more starring roles as Juggernaut...in his head perhaps.
TrekWeb.com has posted the synopsis for Chris Claremont's 352-page novelization of X-Men: The Last Stand (aka "X3," aka "X-Men 3") which Del Rey will release on May 16. Spoilers ahead...
"The X-Men, mutant heroes sworn to defend a world that hates and fears them, are back! This time, with the help of new recruits The Beast and Angel, they must face evolution itself in the form of their former teammate, Jean Grey! Possessed with the cosmic power of the Dark Phoenix, the resurrected Jean Grey has become a danger to herself, her mutant comrades, and the entire planet! To stave off this imminent threat to humanity, a potential cure is discovered and processed to treat -- and ultimately eliminate -- genetic mutations, once and for all! Now, as the battle lines are drawn, the X-Men, led by Professor Charles Xavier, must contend with both Jean Grey's world-consuming powers, as well as the malevolent Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organized under Xavier's former ally, Magneto!"
-Um, yes...cosmic power.
-And it seems she skipped that whole irksome plain Phoenix and Black Queen part and went straight for the good stuff.
-Yes, they find a cure for cosmic infection, as you do.
-Eliminate dash dash genetic mutation? Huh?
All's I can say is Bryan Singer would be spinning in his grave if he had to witness what they were doing to his legacy. For shame.

The Phoenix...I mean Dark Phoenix looking equally perturbed about tge state of affairs.
Fun Fact: X-3 Director Brett Ratner is bestest friends with devil eunuch Michael Jackson. They met during the filming of Michael's legendary U Rawk My World video (starring amongst others Marlon Brando). They hit it off instantly and have been bosom buddies ever since. Once a week Michael picks Brett up in his Jeep and they go shopping for mid-century bric-a-brac and shoes in Malibu. |