Well, i actually enjoyed that (possibly because i had fairly low expectations, particularly after reading some of the reviews on here, and also i'm not too much of an X-Men geek (never heard of Arclight, frinstance... tho i too thought she was a boy in goth drag (or maybe intersex/transsexual... thought maybe he was playing with gender-variance-as-mutancy))... but then, i'm always a sucker for incredibly unsubtle political imagery in film anyway, and the plot revolving around the "cure" thing resonated particularly strongly, for disability-rights-movement reasons, with me)...
Some of the criticisms on here taken on board. Yeah, it was shorter than the others, could have done with a bit more tying up of loose strings at the end, plenty of characters were only there as pointless cameos, etc. Angel as the son of Worthington (or rather, Angel's dad as the cure-merchant), and the kid being exploited as the source of the "cure", felt to me like a bit too much of a rehash of X2 with the mutant-hating senator's mutant son being the source of the mutant-controlling serum thing...
Xavier and Magneto both came over as total dicks IMO. Initially, my sympathies were all with Magneto, particularly re Jean and what Xavier did to her head (not just nasty, nasty, nasty, but it didn't work with the Hulk either, did it, or even with you...), but then Erik just leaving Mystique there naked and powerless like that was cooooold... still, it was kinda poetic justice he got the same treatment at the end (even if it was heavily reminiscent of Blade I)... good point that Wolvie could have done the same to Jean rather than killing her tho...
IMO it made more sense in a film context for both Phoenix and Juggernaut to be just mutants rather than any kind of alien/mystical stuff... would be just too silly and "off-topic" of the whole mutant-as-minority theme to put the Shi'ar or Cytorrak in. Vinnie Jones, tho... why the fuck does anybody think he can act? He sounded more like an American pretending badly to sound English than any actual American pretending badly to sound English i've ever seen...
My interpretation of the chess-piece scene at the end wasn't that Magneto was regaining his powers, but that Xavier had passed on the destruction of his body into some sort of astral plane and was now a purely psionic entity, able to move chess pieces from beyond the grave (as X1 ended with a parallel Charles-vs-Erik chess scene)... i didn't see the scene after the credits tho, but if it's true, Xavier could plausibly also have long-range telekinesis now... dunno if there will be an X4 tho, cos i heard this would be the last one (tho i did also hear rumours of both Wolverine and Magneto prequel/spin-off movies)?
"They want to cure us. But I say that we are the cure... the cure for the imperfect condition called... Homo Sapiens!"
TOTALLY NEEDS SAMPLING! (preferably in a tune also containing the wicked noise when Magneto rips apart the bridge...) |