footage of Emma and Michelle painting bras on each other with an icing bag and cackling is the kind of thing that should never be shown at a time when viewers might be conscious.
Funny, I thought they were trying to recreate the cover of Cut. Kinda.
The thing I really love about Vanessa being nominated is that she believes she's figured out how it happened, but she's added 2 + 2 to make 5 - no, sorry mate, it's the people in the house who don't like you, though some of them have done a good job of hiding it - and is now looking doing a very good job of looking vindictive ("I will make sure she is the most hated woman ever in the UK!") but not too bright. I'm not so sure that the British public will keep her in on the basis of possible shagging - I think the fact that she never stops whining and yet has clearly had a rather easy time of it in life and even on the show so far will count against her (I believe she claimed to have been oppressed for being blonde again last night).
What's interesting about the housemates' trans conversation is that the edited footage made it appear to start with Chicken Stu telling the story about his anecdote... BUT something about the way he said it suggested to me that he was contributing to a conversation which had already begun - the emphasis was "I had a lecturer who was transexual..." - which raises the question "who started it, and was it just 'elephant in the room' syndrome, or something more deliberate?". Well, according to the BB website, it was Dan who brought up the subject. Dan, who so far has seemed one of the more likely housemates to have figured out Nadia's 'secret', and who had just a moment ago been bitchy in a very 'plausible deniability' way to Nadia about cigarettes. Dan, who must know that if he brought the topic up, the combination of people who don't know about Nadia and will thus make insensitive remarks, and people who know about Nadia and will still make insensitive or deliberately bitchy remarks, will be enough to make her feel bad while he can sound quite reasonable and wise and 'tolerant' about the issue. Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I put it to you that DAN is in fact the dirtiest player in the game.
Basically Dan & Vanessa have established a nice little unit with Jason & Not The Real Michelle as their foot-soldiers, and I think it's to the credit of the rest of the house that they figured this out. Now if Vanessa goes, I think Dan will probably re-establish himself pretty quickly, since he hasn't done anything to directly offend the Bedsit Mash-Up Posse. But if Dan goes, Vanessa is soooo unbelievably fucked, it's going to be brilliant.
(Just to add more disagreement, Shell's "ought to piss on his fucking face!" fit endeared me more to her than anything else she's dione - it doesn't, however, make up for her two-faced Ahmed smearing. "Shell, I apologise if I have offended you." "That's okay Ahmed, I don't have a problem with you, it was all the boys who made me uncomfortable." "I would like to nominate Ahmed as he is a creepy stalker." And the fact she's convinced her Clik that Ahmed is a creepy stalker when he seems to spend most of his time asleep... lameor.)
Anyway, tonight the chickens come home to roost.
