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Big Brother 2004


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14:13 / 07.06.04
and I'm sure you have a well-turned ankle or two. I just find this year's bunch such a load of insufferable arses that I NEED to believe there's something more to it to justify my incessant and irrational watching!
14:45 / 07.06.04
Another tabloid treat about this show is the way some of them call it Big Bruv, or simply Bruv. Never heard that name used for it by anyone on this side of the page, I have to say.

The whole ‘money leverage’ was interesting, wasn’t it ? Very cunning, showed who’s moved by what. Who was it who was listing their debts to Kitten ?
And words kinda fail me on the Kitten NotW report.

Love some of the editing they’ve been doing – before the Stuart/Michelle bedroom bit, showing a frankly arse-like shot of the red seat in the garden, then a shot of the dildoid items on the wall, as if to up the sexual content that was kind of missing from the ‘romance’ itself. And there was a moment over the weekend where someone said something about a sex change or a big secret or whatever and they cut to Nadia.
The Natural Way
15:49 / 07.06.04
Cube: well, that's just it, isn't it? We have to believe that some of these people aren't what they project, but, TBH, the BB team interview 1000's of people and they get to hand-pick the most annoying/watchable/deranged characters from the bunch. And, let's face it, we've all seen Pop Idol, and have a pretty good idea of just how....strange many of the peeps who want (read: "NEED") to be on telly really are. It's an odd desire and, IMO, not an altogether healthy one.
Madman in the ruins.
16:39 / 07.06.04
Vics so Gangsta he gets all tetchy when someone walks in on him parking his lunch. (Could he just peretend it was one of his Bitches or Ho's who couldt get enough of his Alpha Maleness)

This is minutes after him giving Stuart lesson on what do do when you get mugged. Which while commonsensical I found a bit distastefull.
Mourne Kransky
20:45 / 07.06.04
I think Victor maybe has some privacy issues, having grown up in all female household. Interesting that he can then launch into a stream of "fuck..." and says, mystified, "it's not like I was swearing at her or nuffin."

Given that Emma's every second word, between sucking on a fag, is "fuck", you'd think she'd be a bit more hardened to hearing it from others. At least something happened out of the ordinary. Bit dull without Kitten to irk one...
20:58 / 07.06.04
In my defence it was the cheek bones.

I now return you to the regular thread...
The Puck
21:21 / 07.06.04
Victor probley hasnt got privacy issues, hes got moron issues, not only was he making it publicly known that he was waiting for the toilet and annouced to everyone, when it came free, his intentions, but also its painted in white letters on the bloody door just in case you have a complete privacy mental block is PLEASE KNOCK. the man had every right to be annoyed.
Mourne Kransky
08:49 / 08.06.04
He surely had every right to get annoyed with dumb and budgie-like Emma. My point is that instead of barking at her in anger and getting over it, he became a vengeful fury from Greek legend, hissing and spitting and out of control, unable to leave it alone. I would like to see him do that with one of the boys, Jason for instance.

Perhaps it was because she saw him without his hat on.
08:51 / 08.06.04
And with his helmet out. Perhaps he doesn't have the girth he boasts about.
Spatula Clarke
09:59 / 08.06.04
To be fair, I think it might have been her whining about his reaction to the others as soon as it happened that set him off. Somebody giving it the whole "I am *not* being spoken to in that way" routine within earshot of the offending party when they're clearly in the wrong is always good of calming a situation down.
Tryphena Absent
12:07 / 08.06.04
Oh come on, she walked in to the loo, I don't think he needed to be so sneering about it, I somehow doubt she stood there for 10 seconds, stared at him and then laughed while still looking. They were completely weird about it.

Also, does Michelle have more than two facial expressions and when are we going to see her in a separate room from Stuart? These questions must be answered soon...
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:41 / 08.06.04

1)no. she doesn't.
2)when one of them gets evicted.
Spatula Clarke
20:30 / 08.06.04
Well, like I said, the blow up didn't happen until after she'd come out and bitched and whinged about somebody saying the words "for fuck's sake" (or similar - I forget) to her. I dunno if he heard her or not, but the way she carried on immediately before it suggests that she totally wanted a confrontation. Just not quite prepapred for the reality of it.
Spatula Clarke
20:37 / 08.06.04
Which isn't to say that Victor isn't a prick.
20:43 / 08.06.04
Hmm. I think Vanessa definitely had the best nomination reason, with Michelle "because she's got rolling eyes". Also admired the curly-lipped dismissal of Stuart - "I'm not interested in a 20-year-old" - and I'm really warming to her generally.

Victor (although I tittered at his characterisation of Nadia as "Jimmy Hill jaw") is an utter arse. Thing is, I don't think he comes out with all this Pantomime Alpha Dame crap in the house generally, just when he's in the Diary Room. That's possibly why he's not been nominated.

The divide between Old Fogeys and Young Harem seemed particularly pronounced...
Spatula Clarke
21:00 / 08.06.04
Ahmed: It's a sunny day.
Nadia: Eh? It's Monday!
Ahmed: No, it's a sunny day. Sunny.
Nadia: No, Monday. It's Monday.

Have they discovered the legendary lost Fawlty Towers script?
Whisky Priestess
22:03 / 08.06.04

(I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it ...)
08:50 / 09.06.04
I like the way that Victor thinks Nadia needs an interpreter, because if he can't understand what she's saying she may get "hotted up" with all this "beef" she'll be habving with him, when she says stuff he can't understand.

Also, without the hat? Can we stop mocking him about that and just make him wear the hat all the time? He looks stupid.

And who for the secret room? Michelle and Emma would make seal noises, so I'm thinking Michelle to have her "heart" "broken" by Stuart complainhing she's stupid, and Ahmed so that he talks and can come up with a plan to stay.
Psi-L is working in hell
10:22 / 09.06.04
It certainly would be interesting putting Michelle and Ahmed in the secret bedsit, given that she nominated him, mainly because she has nothing to say to him....

I thought Victor's nomination blurb was pretty offensive....he is a twat...and i can't stand the way he purposefuly sticks to Michelle and Stuart all the time as if to deny them any time alone...not that i particularly wish to see them having time alone either...

*sigh* i so wasn't going to be sucked into all of this this year....I hold you all entirely responsible.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:28 / 09.06.04
Victor in the diary room, talking directly to the viewers and giving his reasons with vicious, nasty relish: somehow simultaneously less 'likeable' in the normal sense than he has been so far, and yet so much more entertaining. None of this disingenuous "I don't have anything against them, but..." nonsense.

"She was coming at me like some kind of bandolero. She knows that if she brought that beef to the streets, she'd get hotted up!"

He's either a lot smarter than he seems when he's interacting with the others, or a lot dumber.

"Time to weed out some of these suckers!"


Except they're not being weeded out at all. So I can't decided: do I want Michelle to go into the special room so she can watch Stuart diss her and try to cop off with someone else, or do I want her to stay, so she can be evicted for real next week?
10:57 / 09.06.04
Apparently Ahmed has just gone apeshit, smashing plates on the patio and is now sobbing in the little treatment rooms, cripes!
Tryphena Absent
11:16 / 09.06.04
Ohmygod, E4 I'm running to you....

But first Fly, that relies on Stuart behaving like that. He might cry, he does after all whine on about having four A's at A level, he's clearly not on the same earth as the rest of us.
11:28 / 09.06.04
From the website.

"I think you might have scared a few people with the plate smashing," ventured Victor. "Try and keep it together... we don't want them bringing in the guys with white coats," he warned.

Referring to Jason's previous advice in which he told Ahmed to be more outgoing, Victor cautioned, "there's wacky and there's wacko."

Ha, I wish I could write for the Big Brother website. Such fun. Victor has such entertainment value, I hope more people bring him beef soon.
11:43 / 09.06.04
that emma's got to go. ahmed, on the srtrength of today, is clearly too potentially histrionic to be allowed out just yet. and chicken geordie lass is like this close to getting her tits out and keeping them there, so she should stay too.

victor for the cup. despite the twart-parts, too obvious even to deal with, he's great. has a nack for assessing someone's behaviour and saying how he sees it.

vanessa's good too, bless old shell, daniel's funny and jason is a strange babyman. if there's anyone else, i don't care.

anyone been keeping up with that conspiracy corner site? has he outed the rest of the plants yet?
11:57 / 09.06.04
Still waiting for Marco to turn in to an animal. Seal, anyone? (Victor did nail that one, he does seem to have a certain awareness that just falls short of himself. It's great.)
yawn - thing's buddy
12:02 / 09.06.04
victor's nominations were great - his patter can indeed be slick at times - he's good - dramatic - I was impressed with his wander into the diary room straight after the fight with emma: make the case to the audience - good thinkin, sucka.

time after time tho - girls get chucked out first - amazing.

wot gambit said a couple o posts up - my thoughts also.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:12 / 09.06.04
"Try and keep it together... we don't want them bringing in the guys with white coats"

I see a long and profitable career in counselling in Victor's future.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:03 / 09.06.04
Or maybe Emma's the one with the 'calling':

"We have got to think of people walking on the grass and all that, blah, blah, blah... In Italy people do that, don't they?"
13:05 / 09.06.04
Best show ever.
14:04 / 09.06.04
Funniest thing ever, I had big brother on live, and although nothing could even be seen on the screen and I was sitting at my computer all I heard was...

"Yeah, grabbing her hair from behind...uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn.. have some of that, bitch uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn all slapping her ass uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn take that..."

I think you know who was saying that, and during his uncomfortably long sections of grunting noises various housemates were heard saying things like "all right" "calm down!" "we get it!" but it appears he was too excited to stop from thinking about "doing his thing" in front of everyone.
16:11 / 09.06.04
That bedsit looks like hell. One bed for two people and no natural light. It's a little prison!
Fulton McKay will be turning up daily to threaten the inmates over their toilet paper ration, I'll wager.
18:00 / 09.06.04
Big Brother ought to introduce a rabbit as house-pet. And a bi-i-ig saucepan...
Alex's Grandma
23:38 / 09.06.04
Becoming increasingly fond of Vanessa's ice cold personna, and general sense of blonde, whip-weilding, crypto-fascist-style menace. Being a Guardian-reading liberal though, I guess that goes without saying.

But, but, but... What the fuck was going on during the mud-wrestling incident, that at least on E4 Live, we weren't permitted to see ? It's only just gone out, so I'm still trying to process it, but Stuart, Michelle, Emma, Fagbangle, the increasingly loathsome Nadia, and whoever else was in there, in some torrid situation C4 apparently couldn't broadcast... Yikes !

And now... Well God only knows what they're up to really, all I can hear is this howling in the background - If anyone's still awake, I'd suggest you tune in.

Your correspondant signs off, reporting from the front line... Jesus Christ, oh the fucking humanity...
17:43 / 10.06.04
returning briefly to the discussion about Michelle's limpet like tendancies towards Stuart (I really should get to the computewr more often shouldn't I).

But, anyone else get the idea that's she's being this way because Stuart is the first bloke she's met who HASN'T demanded a soapy-tit-wank off her after the third Bacardi Breezer.

Just a thought...
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
20:51 / 10.06.04
Did anyone else just see that?

First Dan licks chocolate sauce from J's ass, and now in an attempt to seduce Stuart, Michelle has poured a very cum-like lotion on her tits.

Are these people obsessed with bodily fluids, or is it me?

However I was amused by the mud wrestling, as I could faintly hear the sounds of hundreds of teenage boys frantically masturbating. Eugh.

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