No, Jub, the Old Dear's not working on BB this time round. Thankfully. Really took the wind out of her last summer.
Oh, and Randy, yr right: every. fucking. year.
The more I watch, the more this looks like it's a big pile of sociological experiment balls.
There seem to be very few real people in there. Fagbangle is a fake, bandana boy is a fake, Emma ("what's that brothers and sisters song?" -It's MARRS you bint, but the producers are too coked up to realise you are too young to remember it...) likewise. They are there to test the others out. These I am pretty damn clear on.
The rest. Not sure yet.
The more I watch, the more I am convinced that Kitten Kwire (and, possibly, Ahmed and Victor) is the only non-actor in the bunch. She reacts realistically, even if that realism is kinda borderline [insert-psychosis-here].
I stick by my prediction of KK to win as the rest contractually cannot (being employees of Endemol).
Please, for God's sake, Shuhuuuuuuuut UP! |