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Big Brother 2004


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11:13 / 04.06.04
I saw that story this morning in the Metro as well.

So could BB5 become a new level of prison. Not quite ppen prison standards, but none of your slopping out the cell at three in the morning.

But then seems Jay is turning into prison mentality after the first week as well.
The Puck
11:19 / 04.06.04
i love shell, for some reason she brings out a irrational protective streak in me i never knew i had, if kitten even looks at her funny i wont be responable for my actions.

I was prepared to hate Daniel, espescailly when he admitted the straight men that he had pulled were "loved up", this was on live feed and strangly never made it onto the highlights, can you imagine the goverment warning

TAKING E CAN LEAD TO BEING BUMMED, JUST SAY NO (or talk to frank or whatever that nonsense is now)

but my opinion has changed, he seems a pretty nice guy and could go on to win
11:20 / 04.06.04
So could BB5 become a new level of prison.

Apart from the 'being able to leave at any time' thing, yeah.

Reminds me of a colleague of mine, who's very lovely but genuinely ignorant of matters moxular. She once asked me, in all seriousness, whether it was true that, if a man went to prison for more than a year, he would then be gay for the rest of his life.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:22 / 04.06.04
God help me, but I'm becoming really fond of Emma.

I'm a little confused by the whole eviction business. Last night, when the 'special extended BB' was announced, our flat thought for sure that this meant they'd cut to live coverage and someone would suddenly go. Instead, it looks like they won't be off until tonight at the earliest... And wasn't that when they were planning to do anyway? I reckon they might have originally intended to have the house choose to evict someone would then live in the walls, and now they're using Kitten's misbehaviour as the pretext instead... Which means that annoying as it was, her spluttered "it's not necessarily my fault!" might be right after all...
The Puck
11:24 / 04.06.04
but they still have lost the power to nominate this week.... right?
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:27 / 04.06.04
Oh, so they're not going to put this one in the walls after all... Hmmm.

I hope it's Marco who goes, to be honest.
11:32 / 04.06.04
I reckon they might have originally intended to have the house choose to evict someone would then live in the walls, and now they're using Kitten's misbehaviour as the pretext instead... Which means that annoying as it was, her spluttered "it's not necessarily my fault!" might be right after all...

I agree that it would've had more boundary-enforcing impact if they'd carried out the threatened eviction there and then. Kitten's behaviour has made a difference, though, in that a) the group won't have the power to nominate an evictee, and b) although they're unaware of it, the 'retribution evictee' now won't "live in the walls" but will be properly out out.

If I were the person evicted, I'd be well fucked off with Kitten - especially when I subsequently realised she'd cost me the 'spy' option...
The Puck
11:32 / 04.06.04
yeah, bit of a one trick pony that one.
The Puck
11:33 / 04.06.04
Marco i mean, DAMN neshs fast fingers
11:37 / 04.06.04
plus kinda hard to be the alpha male when someone else is junking off inside your chosen favourite eh vic?

That's true. From a strictly socioanthropological viewpoint, wouldn't that mean Stuart has "beta"d Victor?

Victor retaliates by taking the credit for motivating Michelle's self-pimping and also suggesting to her that she might be shitting on Stuart's non-existent girlfriend.

Tres alpha male, non?
The Puck
11:39 / 04.06.04
Whats "junking off"?
12:18 / 04.06.04
Junking = jerking + spunking. I'm guessing.

Kitten, meanwhile, shows she's trying to"focus on more positive ways of behaving in the house".

Shame it's not hot tin.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:31 / 04.06.04

"Oh for God's sake! Seize the roof and then what?"
13:07 / 04.06.04
See, this is what happens. Fucking anarchists. Think all you have to do is climb up on a roof and shout "More alcohol! More food!". Like Neolithic apes praying to Halley's fucking comet.

Get a fucking job, why don't you?
13:16 / 04.06.04
i think they're all being very kind. one of them's got to leave tonight because she loves being angry all the time. surely no more than thirty seconds of home truthing and she'd be a wreck. why doesn't someone just omega-bitch her?
Alex's Grandma
14:12 / 04.06.04
Oh Dan... Who else is looking forward to the INEVITABLE Big Brother heart to heart with the ghastly Scots robot, in which he explains that no, he's no' gay, but if people fancy 'um... well ( big smirk - his arse-related antics have now been validated, ) what's a great guy like him to do ?

And poor Vanessa - Yesterday afternoon, she was vocally concerned about seeming " boring, " in a heart to heart with Shell. Which granted, she was understandably concerned about, but to then turn round and get off with Emma... Oh dear. All Vanessa had to do was just sit there quietly and wait for everyone else to kill each other, while spending a lot of time in the jacuzzi, for the lads, and she'd have been fine. Now though, she's going to spend the next however many weeks trying to explain to Victor that while she's bi-curious maybe, she's not really up for a threesome with the Vic-meister and Michelle.

And there are nine more weeks of this to go. Ideally, there would be no evictions, they'd all just stay there for the next two months, as a very object and pertinent lesson as to why you should never, ever, go on reality TV.
14:53 / 04.06.04
Odd little bit of fluff that I've noticed from the extra media coverage:

Marco from the nose up is the spitting image of Grant Morrison.

Or perhaps it's just me
15:03 / 04.06.04
Actually, George Morrison's a lot better-looking in real life. The camera just doesn't do him justice...
Alex's Grandma
15:04 / 04.06.04
So this whole wedding thing's just a cover story then ? For while he's in fact in the Big Brother house ? I think that, uh... God, it all makes sense now... IT ALL MAKES A KIND OF TERRIBLE SENSE
15:54 / 04.06.04
How dare you impugn Morrison's sexuality, Alex? Love has conquered his inner world and I, for one, wish him and his lovely lady wife all the beautiful thiiings Hello can bring.

Any guesses who's gonna be evicted tonight? If there really were a Big Brother mole, now would be the smart time to get 'em out...
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:16 / 04.06.04
Yeah, leave Grant alone. Yr just jealous.

On eviction: I reckon possibly Emma or Michelle. Emma because she's come the closest to striking up a rapport with Kitten, who would find her eviction pretty crushing. And it would remove the only person who's seemed able to tell her off thus far, so K would be upset but with fewer limiters='ing more acting up=happy C4/Endemol.

Michelle because after last night, it'd be hilarious, and she's seems popular with the other housemates= more pressure on Kitten.

And I think leaving K in with a minority of women to men might spook her.

Depends on how close to a breakdown they want to push her.
16:21 / 04.06.04
Well, if they're gonna evict a female, I'd have reckoned more on one of the Dull Blonde Duo being booted out.
Tryphena Absent
16:25 / 04.06.04
why doesn't someone just omega-bitch her?

You know, that's exactly what I kept saying last night.
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:37 / 04.06.04
OMG, was anyone watching tonight's BBLB? As part of the Evicition Prediction Panel, Derm chats to Sensyon, aka Jolyon Winston-Bray, a pyschic Pete Burns and, according to his record label:

an internationally acclaimed psychic, who's track "Domination" is about how psychics will find Bin Laden using remote viewing techniques.

Welcome to BBBizarroWorld... he's also a pal of Siobhan Fahey and some of World Serpent lot. My head hurts.

Ahhhhg: on people anthropomorphising BB , as in 'I think BB should do all he can to foster the romance in the house'.

I *love* the way that there's no 'flirting' or 'fumbling' or 'sex' in BB, only 'romance'

That's romance, kids.
19:15 / 04.06.04
The more I think about it, the more the idea of a mole seems a cert. The BB team would have been putting the ideas for the show together round about the time all that "detective" dinner party stuff was briefly big (and here on Barbelith. I was a detective. I am Persephone's hero) so it makes sense that they might try to incorporate elements into it.
19:23 / 04.06.04
I think evicting a housemate completely randomly - with no crowds, no welcoming family, no nothing - would just be so 'cruel and unusual' that I'm inclined to believe, instead, that Big Brother is about to retrieve its mole, whoever they are (and I'm hoping Marco). Otherwise, they risk looking like utter, utter, bastards to the extent that they risk alienating the UK public...

Anyone else find Kitten's whiny 'who broke the spaghetti-eating rules' rant somewhat ironic?

And "you can have a squeeze of me bap, too". Rrromantic...
The Puck
19:42 / 04.06.04
Wow that was one predatory female, poor little stuart didnt stand a chance "i could teach you a few things" indeed

oh and the extra shot of them dragging a towel under the covers, just to leave absolutly no doubt about what went on, so cheap, so base, so fucking watchable

also Dan poking his head out of his covers clocking it all, if i was scripting the thing that would have been Victor with a single tear rolling down his cheek. His clumsy flirting was more painfull than stuarts complete lack of it.
20:02 / 04.06.04
Kitten. Ha ha.

Is it a bluff, though?
20:12 / 04.06.04
I am now convinced - Kitten has to be the plant. She can't be that much of a bampot in real life, can she????
20:13 / 04.06.04
That surprised me - but, on reflection, it was the only way (other than retrieveing a mole) Big Brother could've enforced its threats and retained the goodwill of the Great British Public. I didn't think they'd kill their cash cow, but I guess now other housemates have started shagging/rimming, she's not as necessary as previously. I wonder also whether her upcoming court appearance forced their hand.

"This is for the Queen! And the aristocracy!"

Enjoy your fifteen seconds, Kitten.
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
20:14 / 04.06.04
Very Disappointed.

Kinda liked Kitten, frankly. She was abrasive, obnoxious, agressive, and became fairly endearing towards the end.

The rest are boring as shite.

20:14 / 04.06.04
I am now convinced - Kitten has to be the plant. She can't be that much of a bampot in real life, can she????

Cantankor, you've worked with people like Kitten. Is your memory sooo short...?
20:16 / 04.06.04
Do you not reckon they'll still put her in that secret room, though?
20:20 / 04.06.04
Do you not reckon they'll still put her in that secret room, though?

Absolutely not. They know she'd immediately be looking for ways to fuck around. She'd crap on the cameras or something.
20:25 / 04.06.04
Oh, God, that's like classic naughty child behaviour... when faced with the "authority" of Davina crumbling and remorseful and whimpering: "I didn't behave very well in there..."

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