I don’t know, I go away for a couple of days, and miss Michelle and her lapin sautee attack. Tch, that was daft.
Gameplan (or any other synonym) ? Simple, and I’ll betcha it’ll work : if you’re up for eviction (or the lack of nomination process makes you suspect you are), don’t act in a way likely to make people think you’re an idiot. i.e. don’t act like an idiot. I mean, duh.
I’m really not sure about the whole Nadia thing; she seems harmless enough, but so much of the support for her doesn’t seem to be born out of her behaviour – very loud, and the fag-withdrawal shows a worrying lack of self-control, whereas Dan (my personal favourite odd-wise and preference-wise) has shown a general degree of affability and intelligence.
I worry slightly that part of the reason people are keen to support Nadia is because it would be cool to have a transexual winner, which at first sight sounds fair, but is shockingly reminiscent of Kitten’s reaction in the first week about ‘hoping’ for Nadia to be transexual. If – as one rather hopes – Nadia’s hoping for acceptance for who she is, then being voted the winner because people were feeling it’d be cool for her to win for that reason isn’t truly acceptance; it still betrays a concern (howsoever well-intentioned) about the issue, which isn’t acceptance, surely ?
I dunno, that probably makes me sound a bit callous, but I fear an almost tokenist approach here. |