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Big Brother 2004


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12:28 / 03.08.04
They're just playing the game.

Let's take this into the real world for a second and stop talking about bloody game-playing.
Would you be comfortable confronting someone about being a transexual when you weren't 100% certain? Would it be appropriate even if you were?

Linus, I'm not trying to get at you mate, but can you see why talk of game-playing really gets on my tits?
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:47 / 03.08.04
I can.

Whenever someone on BBLB or EFourum says the word "gameplan" or "she's playing the game" or "he has an agenda", the girl and I boo the telly.
15:12 / 03.08.04
Well, yes... "they're just being polite" might be another way of putting it. Which needn't be a bad thing.
15:32 / 03.08.04
I don’t know, I go away for a couple of days, and miss Michelle and her lapin sautee attack. Tch, that was daft.

Gameplan (or any other synonym) ? Simple, and I’ll betcha it’ll work : if you’re up for eviction (or the lack of nomination process makes you suspect you are), don’t act in a way likely to make people think you’re an idiot. i.e. don’t act like an idiot. I mean, duh.

I’m really not sure about the whole Nadia thing; she seems harmless enough, but so much of the support for her doesn’t seem to be born out of her behaviour – very loud, and the fag-withdrawal shows a worrying lack of self-control, whereas Dan (my personal favourite odd-wise and preference-wise) has shown a general degree of affability and intelligence.
I worry slightly that part of the reason people are keen to support Nadia is because it would be cool to have a transexual winner, which at first sight sounds fair, but is shockingly reminiscent of Kitten’s reaction in the first week about ‘hoping’ for Nadia to be transexual. If – as one rather hopes – Nadia’s hoping for acceptance for who she is, then being voted the winner because people were feeling it’d be cool for her to win for that reason isn’t truly acceptance; it still betrays a concern (howsoever well-intentioned) about the issue, which isn’t acceptance, surely ?
I dunno, that probably makes me sound a bit callous, but I fear an almost tokenist approach here.
Mourne Kransky
15:56 / 03.08.04
I see your gameplan, DBC: to shake my Nadia enthusiasm by implying that if I were actually to have to be in her company for more than five minutes, I too might want to brain her when she cackles. This is indeed true. But fortunately she's safely tucked away in a box in the living room which I control with my remote and I get to watch her frolicking in the shower and screaming for nicotine without the downside.

I expect the novelty of having a transsexual to cheer for does her no harm but I think she could easily have been other transsexuals of my acquaintance and entirely failed to captivate the public.

By the same token, in other circumstances, I would probably have cheered a muscle bound lunk from my neck of the woods, who liked having men rub lube into his ass crack, but not when it's fucken Spambutt!

Go Nads!
Spatula Clarke
19:29 / 03.08.04
That joke makes itself, really.

But still not quite as funny as this:

As Nadia joined her to reassure her that no offence had been taken, Shell could contain her rage no more. Stamping her feet she burst into tears, leaping up to kick the pillar and painfully stubbing her toes.

Shellworld =

22:17 / 03.08.04
Ooh, those evil bastards,

Or not.

The thing is, it all looks like so much desperate, ham fisted antagonism - a tired attempt to get the housemates at each others' throat in the last week.
22:19 / 03.08.04
Mmm. One suspects that the prospect of face-to-face nominations (and, as punishment for collectively refusing to nominate, showing the housemates previous footage of their making Diary Room nominations) strikes at the heart of ShellWorld. In near-diametrical opposition to VicWorld, ShellWorld's survival hinges on an utter absence of paranoia - the conviction that everybody's, like, really really nice, in the nicest possible way. Being forced to publicly be not-nice (by nominating her fellow nice housemates) threatened to crack ShellWorld's nicey-nice facade in two.

In other news, my mother has it on good authority from a stranger she met in Sainsburys' car-park (I didn't ask) that there'll be a Diary Room eviction on Wednesday - by which I'm assuming he means the housemate with the lowest number of votes will be called into the Diary Room and asked to leave; no warning, no goodbyes...
Spatula Clarke
22:48 / 03.08.04
Yeah, they mentioned that on the Michelle eviction night and today's BBLB. I wonder if they'd have felt confident enough to do it had the remaining housemates all been on an equal footing, popularity-wise - could see people getting pissed off if their favourite got the boot before they heard about the surprise eviction and had the chance to vote to keep them in.

Boboss = I'm going to be charitable and suggest that the main reason why the last couple of 'evil' stunts have appeared a little desperate is because they had to put the whole idea on hold for the majority of the show, after Fight Night. There seem to have been a few other incidents which didn't get as much publicity - big arguments kicking off then the live feed being cut - if the rather worrying official forum is to be believed. I'd kinda like to know what 'evil' ideas - if any - were sacrificed for the greater good. Would Bobossmum have the inside scoop?
22:53 / 03.08.04
I'd assumed that the judicious rationing of alcohol was the biggest consequence of Fight Night. I remember they kept flinging booze at last year's heap of dead losses, with little or no reaction.
10:25 / 04.08.04
Aye, Cameron too busy thinking what Jesus would do, and Steph not masturbating. Boring.

So, who's out tonight? The odds at the moment suggest Shell, although I can't see her going before Jason.

Ladbrokes - - - - William Hill
Nadia 1/50 - - - - - Nadia 1/12
Daniel 16/1- - - - - Jason 8/1
Jason 16/1 - - - - - Daniel 14/1
Stuart 33/1- - - - - Stuart 20/1
Shell 50/1 - - - - - -Shell 25/1
10:43 / 04.08.04
I'd kinda like to know what 'evil' ideas - if any - were sacrificed for the greater good.

No disagreement from me.

Would Bobossmum have the inside scoop?

Nah, Bobossmum's had next to no involvement with BB this year.

I think last year's BB was enough for one lifetime.
17:29 / 04.08.04
Actually, I can totally see Shell (or, to a lesser extent, Stu) going before Jason, because we're now in 'vote for who you want to win' territory, and the more meh characters are likely to garner the least attention. I'd actually be okay with either of them going - although I've given up on Jason's getting more than a passing glimpse of Selfawaria. He is, as we shrinks say, well-defended.
Spatula Clarke
18:14 / 04.08.04
By a huge pair of manbreasts.
18:18 / 04.08.04
Spatula Clarke
18:21 / 04.08.04
Jungle baps.
19:35 / 04.08.04
So there's to be an eviction tonight... and a suprise for the person who's coming out.
Now what evil-ness can they come up with?
20:31 / 04.08.04
Shooting them in the head?
Spatula Clarke
20:39 / 04.08.04
I'm thinking that if Stuart had displayed this much life during his stay, he might not have been booted out. Silly boy.
20:44 / 04.08.04
Wow. I really thought Shell would go first. That surprised me - and the fact that Stu took it all so well somehow made it both better and worse at the same time.

Never nominated and evidently never (or rarely) voted for by the viewing public. Team Blandsome indeed.
Alex's Grandma
20:56 / 04.08.04
I dunno, I think a lot of people might still having been under the impression they were voting who they wanted to leave, not win. At least that's what I'd have been doing anyway, had I been voting - It's sad but it's true.

Then again, maybe they just wanted to see the happy couple reunited, in which case it's probably not just Big Brother that's evil this year.
20:58 / 04.08.04
Well, they have the 'vote for the winner' thing in the last week every year, so I guess I'd expect people to have picked it up by now. But yeah, I suppose some of that could've happened.
Alex's Grandma
21:07 / 04.08.04
Don't they usually wait until the last three though ?

( Just trying to excuse my stupidity here - Admittedly, anyone actually voting was probably well aware of the rules. Then again, that means the Jaybot must have a fanbase somewhere, that there are thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of people all round the country who in some sense look up to the guy, which is a frankly horrifying thought... )
21:10 / 04.08.04
I'm not sure if they wait for the last three, but they certainly emphasise the 'you are now voting for the housemate you think should win Big Brother' stuff in the second-last week.
21:20 / 04.08.04
I don't know, although there may have been a little bit of confusion over what the voting was for this week I think that most people voting know they are voting for who they want to win. I was surprised that it was Stu though, I thought it would be Shell.

Was Stu really that bland? I thought he was fairly interesting, at least a lot more interesting than virtually everyone from previous years' shows. Where has this idea that only a big character can win it this year when it has been fairly bland characters winning it the past four years. I think we've been manipulated by the talk of the Jungle Cats as it is pretty much what they had been saying.
Linus Dunce
21:31 / 04.08.04
BBB -- Linus, I'm not trying to get at you mate, but can you see why talk of game-playing really gets on my tits?

I don't care whether I get on your tits or not, mate. And I don't confront people with my suspicions about their birth-sex so I don't know why you are implying I think others should.

I didn't write "game-playing." I wrote "playing the game." As in pretending it was a surprise so as not to spoil the fun? Being sporting. Related to "being polite," but not quite the same thing. You know?

Perhaps I should dumb it down so as not to spoil your fun.
21:40 / 04.08.04
Was Stu really that bland? I thought he was fairly interesting, at least a lot more interesting than virtually everyone from previous years' shows.

Well, I'm going by the 'no nominations ever' thing; I think he just slipped under the collective radar, partly because he was inoffensively friendly and partly because he stayed out of (pretty much) every disagreement in the house. Thing is, I think that meant he slipped under the viewers' radars too.

Whether you reckon that maps onto 'bland' is probably more subjective. Within the context of this year's housemates, I reckon it does.

Where has this idea that only a big character can win it this year when it has been fairly bland characters winning it the past four years. I think we've been manipulated by the talk of the Jungle Cats as it is pretty much what they had been saying.

I'm not sure that anyone's said "only a big character can win it this year". It's more that, when it comes to the final week, I reckon people vote in terms of events they associate with this or that character - which, given this year's crowd, is likely to mean the way they've interacted with big house conflicts. Other than on Fight Night, Stu hasn't interacted - and even within the rather limp 'romance' with Michelle, he was passive in the extreme. I just think there's not a great deal to associate with him, drama-wise. The same could be said for Shell, but I reckon her recent toe-stubbing mini-strop generated more votes.

Wonder how Stu'll feel when he discovers the Mollusc has sold the story of "our future plans" to OK magazine...
22:07 / 04.08.04
Great suprise, leave via the diary room.


His interview was rather unremarkable as well. Not at all suprised he was the next out to be honest. Jason is a dick but not everyone is gonna be voting for a transexual so he must get some votes just for hating her.

They also weren't showing the "action" live. I watched the house discuss Stu leaving on E4 for at least ten minutes before it was on Channel 4. Kinda killed the suprise for me.

Roll on Friday. I just want them out now if only for Nadia's quite obviously hilarious acceptance speech (all the "characters" have had fun interviews).
Alex's Grandma
22:32 / 04.08.04
Wonder how Stu'll feel when he discovers the Mollusc has sold the story of " our future together " to Ok magazine

Like leaving the country, I'd have thought. I just hope to God for his sake he's got the sense to go through with it.
22:51 / 04.08.04
Jason is a dick but not everyone is gonna be voting for a transexual so he must get some votes just for hating her.

You really reckon there's a transphobic voting bloc keeping Jason in? I honestly haven't got that impression at all, even from the tabloids.
07:35 / 05.08.04
Nah, it's the Scotland massive voting for Jay I reckon. The same blind partial voting that voted Cameron to win last year and Michelle McManus to win Pop Idol 2. No offence, Ganesh.
07:38 / 05.08.04
curse that HTML/UBB tag confusion. Can't be arsed to edit.
08:02 / 05.08.04
Hmmm. Admittedly I've not lived there for three years, but is the Scottish vote that strong/consistent? I agree it's been a factor in past shows, but will, generally speaking, only take an unlikeable individual (and, sadly, pretty much all the Scottish Big Brother contestants have been distinctly unlikeable) so far.
08:05 / 05.08.04
Not everyone is gonna be ok with a transexual winning or evening getting this far on BB. It seems obvious to me that the only person who'd benefit from a knee-jerk vote is Jason as he's had the most friction with Nadia.

We like to think that the UK is all growed up accepting but that really isn't the case.

It's the "bloke" vote. Stuart (too pretty), Dan (too gay), Shell (too intelligent), Nadia (to male), Jason The Jungle Cat (just right).
08:31 / 05.08.04
Mmm. 'Bloke vote' I can just about buy; that seems, intuitively more likely than a sort of 'I hate transsexuals therefore I'll vote Jason' rationale. I suspect, however, that the flirtation between Jason and Dan might partly queer that particular pitch. If Victor had stayed in, I could envisage him more successfully capturing the notional 'straight male who hates alternative sexualities and women' vote...

Given Big Brother's demographic, however (twentysomething females), I wonder just how powerful any sort of 'bloke vote' would actually be.

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