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Big Brother 2004


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13:51 / 28.07.04
There were flashes of his pre-Vic self during Shell's 'I can't stand the chemistry!' exclamation. He patently enjoys flirting with Dan - certainly more than he enjoyed bitching with Victor.

One wonders whether Victor is, on some level, aware of this - particularly if he's viewed Big Brother since his own eviction. He certainly seems to have become more vitriolic in his condemnation of Dan:

Q: Who did u least like out of the housemates?

Victor: The two I least liked are Dan and Michelle because they are both fake. Dan's an a***hole and Michelle's the richest poor girl in the world and they are both a***-kissers.


Q: If you were still in the House Vic, who would you prefer to be chained to and who would you not want to be chained to?

Victor: I'd prefer to be chained to Shell, because then I'd always be first in line to eat as all she ever does is cook. It's Dan I wouldn't like to be chained up to because he talks so much doo-doo, his breath just smells of excrement it's kinda like he's got verbal diarrhoea syndrome and he just can't find a pharmacist to prescribe him enough drugs to put him out of his misery.

I can't quite decide whether he's attacking Dan because he's resentful that a) Dan came out of the wedding debacle smelling of roses (not poo-oo-oo) and b) Dan's flirting with his Alpha-Mate, or whether it's just Mr Slick's homo-fearful anxieties coming to the boil again. Either way, his obsessive association of Dan with arses and excrement is rather striking...
Tryphena Absent
14:51 / 28.07.04
I am concerned about Jason

Because he's helpless. When he was bitching constantly to someone it was okay because there's a relationship there but the fact that he can't shrug and get on with it... well, I actually get quite upset when I watch him in the diary room. It's not simple aggression, his words are so lost. Victor has been so sweet about him- talking about his reliance on the control of his own body- I think Victor hates Dan because he thinks he treats Jason like pretty meat and Victor knows how important Jason's body is to the man. He's bitchy because he's actually worried about his friend. He keeps trying to tell us that Jason's losing it and the reason he's insulting the various housemates more and more is because no one he speaks to seems to hear him. The thing about the three Jungle Cats is that their confinement fell hardest on them.

I love the way all of the participants have to threaten to leave to remind themselves that they can.
15:24 / 28.07.04
Victor has been so sweet about him- talking about his reliance on the control of his own body- I think Victor hates Dan because he thinks he treats Jason like pretty meat and Victor knows how important Jason's body is to the man. He's bitchy because he's actually worried about his friend. He keeps trying to tell us that Jason's losing it and the reason he's insulting the various housemates more and more is because no one he speaks to seems to hear him.

I agree that Victor cares about Jason, but I think much of their mutual attachment relied on the other shoring up their individual, rather shaky Alpha-masculine egos via the collective conjuring of VicWorld. A sort of folie a deux which, I think, served Victor better than Jayboy - because Victor, while hugely homo-anxious, is more sexually defined than Jason. Thing is, VicWorld was actually quite toxic to Jason: it cut off his social avenues; it reinforced the paranoid uber-male 'subject, not object' identity (which he cannot sustain and, ultimately, doesn't particularly enjoy); it allowed him to distance himself from his own (significant) personal difficulties by Othering them into the 'get-along-gang' and rendering them contemptible. Jason's difficulties with intimacy were thus transformed into everyone else's "fake" over-intimacy; his social boorishness became everyone else's "arse-kissing"; his lack of confidence in his own sexual identity was directed at poor ol' smitten Dan, allowing Jason to present himself as "100% heterosexual".

So VicWorld merely allowed Jason to bulk up his defences against intimacy, social interaction and examination of his own sexuality. And what did he get in return? Security? Perhaps a tenuous sort of security-by-association, while his mates were around. Fun? Didn't look like it.

I don't think Victor's vitriol at Dan stems from worry about Jason at all; I think it stems from a combination of envy (Dan's still in the house, and Jason's actually smiled a couple of times) and projected homo-fear/fascination (Victor's anxious at the merest thought of being a sexual object - which is why he stayed as covered-up as possible - and he projects this anxiety onto Jason, whereas Jason both likes and responds positively to "pretty meat" comments).

Any worries Victor might have about Jason are as misguided as his concerns for Ahmed, and make the leaky assumption that VicWorld is the best possible place for every self-respecting Alpha-Male to live. Dan has a much clearer understanding of how best to shore up Jayboy's self-esteem and encourage growth in intimacy/interaction/examination. It's just a shame that, in the time that's left, he won't get much of a chance to get anywhere near Selfawaria.
Elegant Mess
16:04 / 28.07.04
Victor's anxious at the merest thought of being a sexual object - which is why he stayed as covered-up as possible

Isn't it possible that he stayed covered up because of insecurities about his own body, rather than fear of being objectified? With the possible exception of Ahmed, who's, what, twenty years his senior, Victor is the least physically toned of the housemates. Not that I'm saying he's a porker or anything, but perhaps he's a little bit insecure about the planetary proportions of his arse, especially in comparison to the other men in the house.
19:47 / 28.07.04
Isn't it possible that he stayed covered up because of insecurities about his own body, rather than fear of being objectified?

Well, sure, but the two are hardly mutually exclusive - particularly when one is the lardiest Alpha-Male in the house, and aware that several homosexualist batty-men may be eyeing one's planetarse.
22:12 / 28.07.04
Having just read some of the webchat with Victor it's clear that he cannot even entertain the thought that he might possibly be wrong.

I don't know if it is just bullshit to build up himself or if he truly believes it. His only regret about the outburst at Shell is that it caused him to get evicted which is obviously the public's fault for not seeing that 'she needed taking down a peg or two'.

Although the evidence would suggest otherwise I'm still not entirely convinced about Ganesh's theory on Jason's hundreds of women thing. He has shown a lack of empathy in the house, which may betray a lack of understanding of how the process of emotional attachment actually works. I still believe that he could fake it well enough to 'bed' a number of women, probably not hundreds though. It's almost certain that he's never had a serious relationship with a woman though, as he seems to lack the emotional depth for such a relationship. Although now in the post-Vic world he has gained a little back.

The 'Vicworld meme' is a worrying phenomena as I can see it in other people in the real world. It isn't confined to Victor Ebuwa and it is quite infectious. Any dissent in Vicworld is shouted down and labelled as fake or a threat to be pre-emptively attacked.

Meanwhile Michelle has become so jealous and paranoid that she has become favourite to go and we'll see Jason through to the final week. Further showing the cleverness of the BB producers this year with their tortuous tasks.
22:19 / 28.07.04
Wellllll, according to this evening's flailingy-manic EFourum (and I must admit, that presenter's grown on me), Michelle has 'done a Victor' ie. she's turned the eviction odds around from Jaylord to herself, by dint of her "don't bloody dare giggle or owt" stalker behaviour during the chaintask. The predominantly twentysomething female Big Brother demographic is apparently gunning for her swollen Geordie thighs...

Which is interesting. In many ways, evicting Michelle would be the biggest shake-up of the house. Stu would be released/forced to develop some sort of relationship without being part of a (coerced) couple, and Jason - with more time to hang around Stuart and Dan - might yet evolve some social skills (and even some self-examination abilities). The weird thing is, as people see him interacting with the rest of the group, they seem to be warming to Jason...

I'm voting Michelle.
22:29 / 28.07.04
I still believe that he could fake it well enough to 'bed' a number of women, probably not hundreds though. It's almost certain that he's never had a serious relationship with a woman though, as he seems to lack the emotional depth for such a relationship.

In many ways, my theory is the least pessimistic. The idea that, in such a small community (and rural west-coast Scotland is relatively gossipy), someone as socially-unskilled as Jayboy could "fake it" well enough to bed hundreds of women (and I think he lacks the emotional depth to make it through the night, let alone a relationship) is quite depressing to me - to the extent that I'm perhaps failing to give it serious consideration.

I guess I also can't quite imagine Jayboy enjoying sex with women in and of itself - certainly not to the extent that he'd pursue it into the hundreds. I can see him engineering sexual encounters (with the aforementioned FHM trophy blondes) as a means of shoring up his Alpha-masculinity, to himself and others, but, given his reluctance to share anything of himself with anyone else (especially women), I can't see him relishing the experience enough to repeat it that many times.
22:40 / 28.07.04
Vic's metaphors are interesting. He talks of Nadia in resolutely masculine-derogatory terms ("trap-jaw", etc.), Dan in terms of arses and shit, and Shell as a receptacle for sperm ("the personality of a used condom"). One wonders to what extent these metaphors are generalisable to the way he envisages MTF transsexuals, poofs and women...
22:52 / 28.07.04
I'm voting Michelle.

Then again, the Spamster's showing every indication that, released from the Shackles of Sociability, he'll return to sullenly non-interactive 'polar bear in zoo' pacing of the garden - with only occasional narky flirting to break the tedium.

Of course, if Michelle goes, both he and Dan may be inspired to raise their game...
23:08 / 28.07.04
Watching Jay ablute is unbelievable. His moisturising regimen alone seems spectacularly demanding. He spent at least a quarter of an hour on one side of his nose. I don't mean to drop psychiatric terms carelessly, but doesn't it seem almost OCDish? It certainly looked extraordinarily ritualised.
23:16 / 28.07.04
It doesn't constitute OCD because the rituals themselves are not perceived as irrational, silly or unwelcome; rather, Jayboy views them as of paramount importance. They're not the distressing 'fighting against' compulsions of OCD, but a series of comforting behaviours he's evolved as part of his attempt to control his physical appearance to the nth degree - in lieu of addressing those parts of his life which really do require attention.
23:25 / 28.07.04
Yeah, sorry, I see the difference. I just don't think I fully got that side of Jay unil I saw that in real time. There's something to be said for the live coverage; I've been missing out.
23:30 / 28.07.04
It may not amount to OCD (mainly because there's little or no subjective anxiety/distress involved) but I do think Jay's coming across more and more as someone who's quite lacking in terms of psychological development. The evening ablutions are just one part of his overall attempt to marshall his physical form as a defence against that which frightens him (without and within). His meaty armour is a more literal example.
Nobody's girl
01:17 / 29.07.04
VicWorld seems to have won the battle for Jason's soul.

"It's a male pride thing", apparently.
Goodness Gracious Meme
03:26 / 29.07.04
am still reeling from the magnificent evil of the 'chains' task.


Michelle revisiting her appalling Whitney/Celine impression to warble dreadfully as shell and stuart made their pot.

The chains stimulating Michelle to even greater heights of control-freakery and clinginess. Felt sorry for Shell for the first time all series, being manacled to the couple with no awareness/boundaries.

But admittedly, being shackled to Jason must be crazy-making. Miserable, pathetic little man. I'd've been waving knives around...

My sympathy for his trappedness, which was quite acute early on in the VicWorld period,is gone, with his ongoing vileness towards Nadia and his pathetic attempts to suck up to Dan while still bitching about *everyone* and recasting of friendly social behaviour as

I'm still voting Jason. Michelle can keep for a week. I want him out. Vile little man, he's really not going to develop or move on.

The longer he stays the more he'll believe that that the Jungle Twat Code is the way to succeed in life, as opposed to the hopeless, terrified mysognistic fantasy it actually is.
Goodness Gracious Meme
03:32 / 29.07.04
also, the sooner he's evicted, the sooner 'nesh can ride to his rescue.
07:33 / 29.07.04
Oh, I'm very much an armchair White Knight, me. Unless he pays.
07:58 / 29.07.04
think michelle's lucky that shell's such a friendly puss - she's every right to have a massive go at the ponytail for being so untrustworthy with her precious drumstick. 'uh, sorry, you do know that i have an actual boyfriend don't you? not some crush from a tv show i was on once, but someone who i've actually spoken to away from the eyes of the entire nation and means something to me personally. you think you and stu are more important than that?'



bye michelle
08:29 / 29.07.04
08:51 / 29.07.04
Mmm. Michelle's becoming more and more of a twisted caricature of dead-eyed black-hole neediness. She'll be out soon, but whether this week or next remains to be seen.
09:14 / 29.07.04
According to some bookie on that Eforum thing (I only watched a little part of it honest!) The change in odds from Jason out to Michelle out has been the biggest swing in Big Brother history, they've had lots betting that Michelle will be out this week.

Shell to win!

But then they were sure that it was going to be Jason out last week.
09:52 / 29.07.04
Shell to win!

Pfft. She'll be out after Jayboy and the Mollusc...
10:00 / 29.07.04
yeah. the most important thing to happen last night, lest we forget, was those cunts shouting over the wall. it's in the bag for nadia now, and that's how it should be.
10:14 / 29.07.04
Poor Michelle, she's done herself no favours with her bunny boiler routine. I think she is aware that she goes too far as she often tries to turn it into a joke like she had said it tongue in cheek. It's clear that her insecurities have driven her to seek reassurance from Stu that he loves her at every given moment. Any instance where he is not thionking of her is a problem for Michelle.

In many ways she is the antithesis of Jason who's problem with intimacy asserts it self through the creation of his body image. Michelle's issues with her body image assert themselves through her seeking intimacy and emotional ties, and having to reaffirm them almost constantly.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:31 / 29.07.04
The most cringe-inducing part of the Shell/Michelle/Stu chay-chay-chain of fools was Michelle saying "you don't take me seriously do ya princess?" (OF COURSE SHE'S SERIOUS) and Shell telling the Diary Room "I don't think Michelle minds really, it's all in fun" (DOH DOH DOH). I've grown to quire like Shell over the past couple of weeks but it's amazing that the Diary Room reveals how given two possible interpretations of someone's behaviour, one transparently accurate and one highly implausible but more favourable, she'll pick the latter every time - and yes, I do think that's what she really thinks, not a g***p**n.

Thought Dan handled Nadia very well last night - especially when they were sharing in bed and he said "It brings it home to you when you hear something like that, doesn't it?" This was clearly the opening for Nadia to confide in him what he's known for a while, but it was phrased vaguely enough that when she wasn't comfortable doing that - "What do you mean?" - he had a way out - "Hearing people shout your name..." Although I wish she'd just tell him at least. I'd like to see them as the last two - maybe she will then...
16:33 / 29.07.04
An amazing BBLB today. We see the songs chosen by the housemates to accompany a film of their best bits in the house and Jay's and Michelle's are so apt it's spooky.

Jason: Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand.
Michelle: Crazy in Love by Beyonce.

Also we see Victor exchange one of his hats for 12 snails all named Victor.

It's all very weird.
Mourne Kransky
17:19 / 29.07.04
Yeah, weird, but the snails, at least were slick. I'd have snapped up the Talking Mr T model, nae probs.

It does occur to me that the joy of evicting an unfavoured housemate is soured by the knowledge that Dermot will be puffing them up for the next week on BBLB. Michelle would probably be more entertaining than Victor in that situation. Although having the Spambot™ in the studio might encourage Dermot to get his own butt on camera. He was rather lovely in the paddling pool with Marco.

Thinking about Marco makes me realise how long this BB seems to have gone on for. Barely remember the Daaaahling Boy now. Action packed this time around. Can barely remember what Vanessa looked like.
21:56 / 29.07.04
Oh, fucking fucking Michelle. She could barely permit him to enjoy his 'Team Handsome' Video Moment for one heartbeat before turning interrogatrix; "what did they mean givin' your number to a girl?" This, coming so soon after her reaction to the dual-written typewriter task ("that's crap!" because it was written by Stuart and another girl who undressed him with her filthy jezebel eyes while sluttily breathing the same air as him).

And, in the ginger corner, we have Jayboy's "to be honest" straight-talking. Apparently jockstrapped 'Funtime Frankie' only manifests when there're people in the house that're fun to be around - which makes one wonder which "fun to be around" person was evicted between weeks 1 and 2, the last time he cracked a smile. Didn't seem to manifest much around VicWorld, anyway...
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:31 / 29.07.04
Do we think that, were it not for Fightnight and the associated plug-pulling/fallout/censure/panic, Jay and Nadia would have been shackled together?


looks like they decided this would be tooo much and went for the safer, less punch-friendly but worth viewing shackling of Michelle and Jay, Shell and Stu.

I think that although Michelle is appalling, and emotionally inredibly manipulative, I still can't see past Jay's horribly 'press my body up against them, and thus demonstrate my way with the women' more-than-bordeline abusive behaviour and constant misogyny....

Having said that, BB live has just started, and already I want to kill Michelle.

Stop Singing, you awful woman. With yr dreadful 'soul singer' vibrato...
22:37 / 29.07.04
I still can't see past Jay's horribly 'press my body up against them, and thus demonstrate my way with the women' more-than-bordeline abusive behaviour and constant misogyny....

Has he been doing the Happy (Almost) Rapist stuff again? I thought that'd been pretty much confined to Vanessa and, latterly (and particularly in the wake of Victor's eviction), he's largely stopped pretending he likes women any more than he likes men.
22:42 / 29.07.04
By which I mean he's stopped bothering with the whole limp 'phwoarr, chicks, eh? I love 'em, me' routine he periodically affected - mostly, I suspect, for Victor's benefit. I suspect he finds women at least as much of an effort as men, in terms of the whole fucken' talken' shit, man, and he's now treating both sexes with equal boorishness.
22:54 / 29.07.04
The one redeeming quality that Jason has shown today was his ability to wind Michelle up. I can't remember exactly but to paraphrase him.

"I'm just being practical man, but with you living in Newcastle and Stu in Leeds it'll just be a weekend thing aye".
23:09 / 29.07.04
As well as being a Mollusc wind-up, I think it also described (possibly unconsciously) what is likely the Spamster's ideal boyfriend-girlfriend relationship: separate cities, meeting "like, once a month or something, so you'll have plenty of free time". It's notable that, for all the puffed-up hoo-ha over his supposedly 'missing' his 'relationship' with Vanessa, his initial reaction to her eviction was relief that he could "concentrate on my own thoughts again".

He's trapped alright. Part of him yearns to belong to... something (and the girlfriend - or at least 'shagging women' - part is important in establishing/confirming his 100% heterosexuality, to himself and others) but he's unable to do intimacy, or even sustained social pleasantry. He's therefore stuck with the 'shagger' persona, the guy who never forms stronger friendships than 'drinking buddies'; the guy who, in less guarded moments, admits he feels ill-defined, dissatisfied, depressed.

It's only a gameshowww, it's only a gameshowww.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:51 / 29.07.04
oh, no, he hasn't started again, but since then I've found him deeply unpleasant and his sullen, miserable persona hasn't hugely redeemed him...

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