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Big Brother 2004


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Cat Chant
07:54 / 07.08.04
Just wanted to add my voice to others' thanking Ganesh (and the rest of you, but especially Ganesh). I've read this thread with much enjoyment and alacrity, only seen about 10 minutes of BB on TV, and been able to keep up animated and authentically engaged conversations about it with very obsessed people throughout the run.
Tryphena Absent
10:35 / 07.08.04
with the possible exception of Russell Brand's frankly imbecilic jokes on EFourum

You know I hated Russell at first but as he went on and toned down I liked him more and more. And I love Darrell Tarkenter.

This is awful, I may have to start working to fill the space.
18:44 / 07.08.04
I didn't watch that much of BB5, but every day I'd tune in here to read what you guys had to say about it all (maybe add my own idioctic notions here and there), and I too am in awe of Ganesh and his insight.

Favourite bit of Jay's interview was the lovely Davina complementing him on his application of the fake tan to his bottom, (and apologies if I mis-quote, it's been a long day):
"... the way you work it right in, right in the crease. Where you planning to spend a long time bending over?"

Heard that (or whatever the actual words were) and imagined Ganesh and pretty much everyone else cracking up with laughter.

Happy thoughts
Mourne Kransky
21:38 / 07.08.04
Result! What a star the gorgeous Nadia is! Here's your Mama, here are your lovely friends, and here is your adoring public with a mind to lynch your detractors! Great sniffles erupting in the Temple of Ganesh here. 21st century panem et circenses indeed.

What a graceless boor Jason continued to be right up to the end. And here is your one loyal, rather dull, friend ...again. Almost made me feel sorry for the miserable sod. Almost but not quite.

Wonderful to watch Victor's evident misery and discomfort. Ahmed at last understands the concept of metaphor and laughs away the sandwich reference. Surely some kindly dentist out there can fix that damn tooth of his yet.

But Nadia's triumph was glittering, like the finale of a Douglas Sirk film, without the tragic undertow. That she was so overwhelmed was the most touching thing of all. Endemol, you done good this time around, bringing much merriment to many barbelites, who have been as entertaining as the show.

How to fill the gap though? Took half the population of Brighton, half naked and shimmying in a field at Pride, to keep him busy today. Tomorrow, I may have to enrol him in the Space Programme or get Bengali to teach him to knit.
00:49 / 08.08.04
Yes, another thankyou to the Nesh. I tried so hard not to watch and harder not to care, but the commentary kept me glued. Right, back to real life now.
What? That may well include subbing pages of a paper where people less insightful than Ganesh are paid to talk shite about the BB newbie celebs?
(Still, fingers crossed...)
yay Nadia... but my het conditioning still finds the Dan cherry/blancmange gag funny.
10:46 / 08.08.04
Thanks Ganesh and others, it's been emotional. I think I may have got over my withdrawal symptons that I was suffering from yesterday. I just didn't know what to do with myself.

In an effort to prolong this thread a little longer do you think that Nadia's win represents a significant acceptance of her and or transexuality by the British public.

I'm concerned that it doesn't. She was accepted as a woman inside the house as no one knew her history, but it was different outside where it was public knowledge. Has she been accepted as a woman or merely as something other, a transexual? Will she henceforth be known as Nadia, Big Brother 5 winner or Nadia the transexual who won Big Brother 5.

Why am I bothered by this? Following a conversation about Big Brother with a friend of mine and his girlfriend, both of whom are intelligent liberal-minded people. They hadn't watched the show and both made quite offensive jokes about her. I was possibly more offended because I had watched Nadia for 10 weeks and had come to know and respect her somewhat than I would for a joke made about some random person I didn't know.

But if this is a typical response from the average person that hasn't watched the show and that is the majority of people in the country then I hope Nadia can weather the storm.
Char Aina
11:02 / 08.08.04
Will she henceforth be known as Nadia, Big Brother 5 winner or Nadia the transexual who won Big Brother 5.

i had second thoughts about mentioning it here, but three tabloids i scanned in the shop said "transexual Nadia" every time they mentioned her. not even her name gets higher billing than her gender reassignment.
one, the mail i believe, opened the article with "transexual nadia...". i'm not sure, but i think it may even have been in the headline.

i think she has a lot of support and will find that people like her, but i reckon she'll be in for the occasional nasty moment in the years to come. whether she sees articles that hurt or overhears comments in the pub, she's definitely going to have to work harder to ignore that kind of shit.
11:36 / 08.08.04
In the interests of getting this thread to a record 50 pages...

The first BB brother to have Sex, if you don't count Teen or Europian BB's

Or a blow job, anyway. (Incidentally, I was reading somewhere recently that 'blow job' comes from the Victorian slang 'below job' - which explains by it's generally more about sucking...).

It was a more intresting mix of characters than in previous years.

It could hardly have been less interesting, could it? They really pushed the boat out, though.

I think BB were tryig to play up the Homo/Hetro sex angle and ended up with a The jungle Cats. But it wasnt just a mix of diffrent sexual prefences, there were some definete clashes of presonalty.

Oh yeah, absolutely. The two were very much connected, though, and the interesting thing for me, this year, was the fact that the psychosexual elements were so near the surface, so easy to read. At times, it was like watching a particularly intense Freudian psychodrama (projection, ambivalence, paranoia as a defence against (possible) homosexuality, fear/fascination with the cock, etc., etc.). I made the point, early on, that this year's selection formed a spectrum or continuum of sexualities - at least notionally (the bis, other than - ho ho - Jayboy, were neither here nor there) - and this threw up conflicts of sexuality, personality and (subliminally) gender.

Now speaking as a hetro male the whole exess of screen nudity. Mowing the lawn Naked, Baps baps and more baps, Mud westling and icing bilkinis-Did't do anything for me. In some instances it was like watching a TV programme with nudity in it with your parents. A whole "Eurg, put some clothes on quickly please" (And Ganesh can make of that what you will)

Shown in a concentrated burst at the end, yes, it was something of a parade of flesh. Usually, for me, it's the cynical exhibitionism that makes me gag, rather than the expanse of skin itself - and although there was plenty of exhibitionism, I actually didn't think it was as cynical as previous years. It seemed genuinely connected to individuals' characters, rather than played up for the cameras, which made it interesting speculating on the reasons for the exhibitionism. Michelle's Jordan-wannabe baps-ootness had its moments, notably the aggressive topless admonishing of Ahmed (which I felt was quite a thrilling woman-as-authoritarian Breast Power moment). Nadia's tit-baring was a form of persona-building, or defence against vulnerability. Jayboy's was the same, but with the added buttock-flashing mixed message (and the rather sad pseudo-paradox that he spent hours on his physical appearance, but didn't seem any more able to take confidence in - or even objectively on-camera look at - himself). Shell's exhibitionism perhaps served as a sort of outlet for the rest of her terrified-of-conflict, agree-with-anyone character.

So... I guess I didn't mind the flesh-baring too much.

High points.
Fight Night (even though BB are trying to brus it under the carpet)

I kind of wish they wouldn't. Perhaps they're saving it for the uncut DVD?

Slient Protest.

I preferred the subsequent glimpse into Stu's emotional priorities: The Man Who Mistook The Love Of His Life For A Hat.

Michelle and Stu (awwwww. Heres hoping for a much publicised wedding and divorce in the space of 18 months)


One would hope that, if he's able to resist a mock-wedding, Stu's able to resist the real thing. Particularly when his putative bride has already named the kids, and sold the whole experience, in advance to OK! magazine...

Dan talking sense/mediator (WTF was he doing in there in the first place)

Yes, that really sealed his role in the house, didn't it? I wish Dan had revealed a little more of himself, though; he remained something of a cipher. It was notable that, when Davina asked Nadia who'd been her best friend(s) in the house, she needed prompting to recall Dan, even though he'd been her most recent comforter. I think that reflects the fact that he always held something back; he remained semi-detached. I'd have liked to know a little more about him.

Low points.
Ahmed, (plate smashing hyprocondriac. Trying to Fuck up the milltary challange deliberatly)

God yeah. Tosspot. At one point, I surfed a couple of UK Muslim boards, and there was widespread lamentation along 'why, out of all other possibilities, did they pick this arse' lines. Other than a couple of telling interactions (which provided small insights on the way even the most 'liberal' Britons stereotype/Other the Foreigner), I feel Ahmed was limited by a ridiculously narrow way of viewing human encounters, and a hair-trigger readiness to assume the role of victim.

Vic (Makes Emienem look like a credible Gangster)

Yes, I think paranoid, misogynistic, homophobic/homofascinated VicWorld was the most poisonous addition to the house. It sucked in already-insecure men, and effectively stymied any sort of personal or social growth for weeks on end. For me, this squashed any peripheral amusement his carefully-rehearsed gangsta-posturing might've provided.

The Jungle Cat converations.

Insightless and boring. Boring boring boring.

Big Brothers Inconsistency regarding rule breaking.

Mmmm, not sure I'd agree. I got the impression the combination of housemates outdid themselves, and were a major handful in terms of keeping control. I think Big Brother was, at times, a nervous supply teacher, a hair's breadth away from anarchy, and was making things up on the hoof. I think that, not infrequently, they must've been shitting themselves, and I don't blame them. Under the circumstances, I reckon they did okay.
11:38 / 08.08.04
I've read this thread with much enjoyment and alacrity, only seen about 10 minutes of BB on TV, and been able to keep up animated and authentically engaged conversations about it with very obsessed people throughout the run.

The Barbelith Big Brother Thread: We Obsess So You Don't Have To.
11:42 / 08.08.04
You know I hated Russell at first but as he went on and toned down I liked him more and more.

I did too; he got a lot less irritating - and, in his defence, as time passed, he toned down the 'Portu-geezer' gags. He was notable, however, for being the most transphobic of the Big Brother presenters: Davina and Dermot handled the situation much more subtly/sensibly.
11:55 / 08.08.04
Favourite bit of Jay's interview was the lovely Davina complementing him on his application of the fake tan to his bottom, (and apologies if I mis-quote, it's been a long day):
"... the way you work it right in, right in the crease. Where you planning to spend a long time bending over?"

Heard that (or whatever the actual words were) and imagined Ganesh and pretty much everyone else cracking up with laughter.

Indeed. Coming so soon after the wonderful 'Gay Bar' montage, Davina's comment was honed to a lethal sharpness with a Selfawarian whetstone.

As I write, the BBLB reunion barbecue is playing in the background, and the Jaylord is conspicuous by his absence. Every other housemate has turned up (and one assumes it's a contractual obligation). I suspect his non-appearance is directly related to the puncturing of his hopelessly fragile self-image: if things had gone differently, his time in the house might've been characterised by honesty, Selfawarian examination of his motives, turning over the 'bisexual' label and peeling away a layer of Sparmour (or at least considering its usefulness as ego-defence); instead, with VicWorld's 'help', he retreated even further into his shell, constructing a pathetically transparent Alpha Male edifice - which even something as apparently jokey as the 'Gay Bar' montage would've stripped away, or at least significantly eroded.

I think he's not there because he's repairing his shaky ego, and he's afraid of further slights to his "100%" heterosexuality. Even while I feel he brought it upon himself by making all the wrong choices, I feel quite sorry for him.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:37 / 08.08.04
Jason seemed genuinely angry with Davina once they started showing the 'Gay Bar' montage - no doubt he missed the reunion show because he will soon surface with claims that the footage was manipulated or something...

Tragic, fascinating man in some ways. Extremely fucking boring in others.
Alex's Grandma
12:57 / 08.08.04
Yes, I do too.

Realistically, it's not going to be easy for Jay when he gets back home.

His pre-Big Brother friends aren't going to be all that happy with being tarred with the same brush as " that poof of the telly, " and while ok, to begin with, they'll maybe back him up if things get ugly, I'm not totally sure if that'll last much past Christmas.

He should move, he should emerge blazing from the closet, but he won't do, will he ?

Anyway, in the interest of approaching the magic 50;

Does Nadia's win genuinely reflect something new and intersting about UK society, or is she just basically this year's Larry Grayson ?
13:11 / 08.08.04
Jason seemed genuinely angry with Davina once they started showing the 'Gay Bar' montage - no doubt he missed the reunion show because he will soon surface with claims that the footage was manipulated or something...

Possibly. I've also just heard that his birth-mother - who he hasn't seen since she put him into foster-care aged two, and had no idea of her identity - has made herself known. Whether or not he's agreed to meet her, I expect that's an additional potential-good, potential-headfuck factor...
Spatula Clarke
13:31 / 08.08.04
Or a blow job, anyway.

Jade and PJ? Or was that never confirmed?
14:19 / 08.08.04
Jason interviewed in the Sunday Mail

He confirms much of the speculation we had about him.
He said: 'It's a bit boring going out on the pull all the time with the guys, so now I'm looking to just chill out a bit and try and find that one special person.

'I don't go out on the pull all the time anyway - I don't know where this 250 women thing comes from.'

But still residing outside the borders of Selfawaria I see.
Jason said: 'Dan's a cool guy. I've never been attracted to a man in my life but it was quite fun to play around with him.

'I like attention so if it's from a man it doesn't really matter but I don't find men attractive in the slightest.

'Dan was a ploy to keep me in because I knew he would always vote to keep me.

Ah I see a ploy was it and was acting like an grumpy twat a ploy to get everyone to nominate you including Dan.

The whole thing was just escalated by the pressure cooker of the house. I'm sure I'll see Nadia again and maybe have a drink.

Things about me irritated Nadia and vice versa but we did have a lot of fun. I enjoyed getting my backside spanked. That was all right.

See Nadia again and maybe have a drink! Really?

I'm too harsh on him. It's clear that he has some problems that he needs to work through, I just wish he could see that. I thought he was a pretty decent guy to Nadia right at the end when it was just the two of them and it was announced she was the winner but then he had to ruin the final impression we got of him with the eviction interview.
Char Aina
15:57 / 08.08.04
no doubt he missed the reunion show because he will soon surface with claims that the footage was manipulated or something...

not to defend the man, but isnt that almost certainly the case? that the footage was manipulated?

i thought that was par for the course with big brother. i usually consider what they show as, i dunno, inspired by real events. the themes they like are exaggerated, the ones they dont ignored... am i being ridiculous here?

i keep thinking of the way everyone forgot about jason for a week, just in time for him to survive an eviction.
(yeah, that would be the edit helping him... bt i dont really watch it so i dont have more apt example...)

i'd just like to add my voice to the clamour for ganesh to get a job supervising the BB head-sperts.
dude, you are awesome at this... along with the rest of the posters in this thread you have made BB feel worthy of my headspace.

and i only watched it about three times.

17:05 / 08.08.04
Dilating what?

Her neovagina - the surgically-created tube of genital flesh which functions as her vagina. In male-to-female transsexuals, it's a relatively sophisticated procedure, with the glans penis becoming the clitoris. Healing skin will always contract, however, so post-operative transwomen have to undergo a programme of dilation ie. using a dilator to 'stretch' the neovagina, stop the healing/granulation process from shrinking it. Sort of a more complex variant of using 'sleepers' to stop piercing holes from closing.

Nadia's still relatively recently post-op, and I wondered whether she still had to dilate. I don't suppose she's having to do it three times daily or whatever, but I reckomed she'd probably have to dilate a few times a week.
17:24 / 08.08.04
yay Nadia... but my het conditioning still finds the Dan cherry/blancmange gag funny.

That's not het conditioning; I liked that one too. We had cherries at our end-of-Big Brother mini-party (along with strawberries, they taste really good with champagne - and they're very Atkins-friendly) and, too late, I thought it'd have been nice to make some cherry blancmanges...
18:00 / 08.08.04
In an effort to prolong this thread a little longer do you think that Nadia's win represents a significant acceptance of her and or transexuality by the British public.

I think, at the very least, Nadia's win is a massive broadside in terms of communicating the difficulties faced by post-operative transsexuals (bitchy gossip, her angst over whether to disclose her past) as well as normalising the phenomenon for all concerned (she presented not as an unlikeable freak or a Miriamesque 'honey-trap', but as a normal human being with normal human boons and flaws).

The whole 'has British society become more tolerant' question is likely to loom large in the coming weeks and months: today's Observer quotes Clare McNab, a prominent transwoman activist as saying of Nadia, "I was initially sceptical about whether she would be helpful because of the attention and the tabloids getting down her neck... I'm pleased to say I was wrong and people have seen a real transperson in real life", and I think this true. I also see Nadia's triumph as another gain in the battle for trans visibility - or, at least, having a public discussion on the complex rights and responsibilies of the trans community. I think transpeoples' time has come, and Nadia's win is a positive step, a sort of mini-Stonewall. I honestly think it's that important.

I'm concerned that it doesn't. She was accepted as a woman inside the house as no one knew her history, but it was different outside where it was public knowledge. Has she been accepted as a woman or merely as something other, a transexual? Will she henceforth be known as Nadia, Big Brother 5 winner or Nadia the transexual who won Big Brother 5.

Oh, I think it's inescapable that she'll be known as 'the transsexual who won Big Brother, in the same way as Dana International became renowned as 'the transsexual who won Eurovision'. What's different, though, is that we've come to know Nadia pretty intimately, warts and all, and we're fairly intimate with her human ebbs and flows. She may be publicly trumpeted as a transsexual, but does anyone actually think of her as male? Does anyone think or say 'he' and have to correct themselves? I'm betting not. Nadia's female persona is so incredibly successful that, if the tabloids choose, uniformly, to think of her as a male-to-female transsexual, her persona and behaviour are so unequivocally female - she's so unequivocally a 'her' - that she's the best trans PR since Coronation Street.

Why am I bothered by this? Following a conversation about Big Brother with a friend of mine and his girlfriend, both of whom are intelligent liberal-minded people. They hadn't watched the show and both made quite offensive jokes about her. I was possibly more offended because I had watched Nadia for 10 weeks and had come to know and respect her somewhat than I would for a joke made about some random person I didn't know.

That's the thing. People who haven't watched the show will retain the same old same old prejudices. People who have watched the show - and, on the final night, this constituted at least 50% of the overall viewing public - will have come to know Nadia as a woman. A transwoman, but nonetheless a woman, beyond any shadow of doubt. Those who've actually followed Big Brother will have gained a unique insight into the motives and dilemmas of the post-operative male-to-female transsexual - and Nadia has succeeded in normalising many of the issues. She's a woman who was once a man. That's it.

But if this is a typical response from the average person that hasn't watched the show and that is the majority of people in the country then I hope Nadia can weather the storm.

I don't think there'll be that much of a storm, really. Religious issues aside, I suspect at least 74% of the viewing nation loves Nadia for Nadia - and she'll be treated accordingly.
18:35 / 08.08.04
i'd just like to add my voice to the clamour for ganesh to get a job supervising the BB head-sperts.

dude, you are awesome at this... along with the rest of the posters in this thread you have made BB feel worthy of my headspace.

Thanks to Toksik and everyone else who's thanked me for my chin-strokey, navel-gazey theory-bitch-lite obsessings in this thread. I have hee-yooogely enjoyed indulging my totally-sucked-in psycho-theorising on Barbelith, and I'm both surprised and delighted that other people have liked reading my meanderings even a fraction as much as I've enjoyed writing them. Xoc jokes that, as with In Bed With Madonna, I haven't considered my Big Brother experience real if I haven't communicated my thoughts with Barbelith - and I have to admit he's right.

It's been a blast. And - hey! - it's not over! There's gonna be a whooole messy 'what does it say about society' aftermath, and I haven't yet collected my thoughts on the show's Highs and Lows. I look forward to a good chunk of healthy overanalysis before this thread dies a death.

And that's even assuming Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa Victor Ebuwa doesn't check us out.

(Come and have a go, Vic, if you think you're Alpha enough...)
19:48 / 08.08.04
Incidentally, 'La Isla Bonita' aside, did anyone else find Nadia's eviction outfit reminiscent of 'Like A Prayer'?

(Okay, I know I've posted this pic already.)

Separated at birth?
20:09 / 08.08.04
on the other hand Nadia's win has put the pro-smoking campaign back a few hundred years
20:13 / 08.08.04
That's true: I honestly think people with absolutely no inclination to smoke might well think, 'well, that awesome Portuguese transwoman smokes, so I'm gonna start'. Damn your eyes, Nadia!
20:31 / 08.08.04
That's true: I honestly think people with absolutely no inclination to smoke might well think, 'well, that awesome Portuguese transwoman smokes, so I'm gonna start'. Damn your eyes, Nadia!

More likely they'll think "Fucking hell, it seems that nicotine withdrawl turns you into a crazed, whining, self-pitying, over-agressive, obnoxious fuckwit, I'll not be taking up smoking anytime soon."
20:32 / 08.08.04
Well, yes. Minus the sarcasm, that's pretty much what I was getting at, Bamba.
20:37 / 08.08.04
Yeah dude, I know, it's just that her behaviour at those times bothered me so much I felt it bore repeating in more obvious terms. I mean, I smoke and have done for years but nicotine withdrawal has never and would never reduce me to that state. I watched her tearful please in the diary room and just thought "Oh ffs woman, get a grip on yourself." The way she would act like an utter arsehole then angrily berate others for not giving her any support (when she was giving them every reason to just stay well away from her) got me somewhat steamed to be honest, it was all pretty pathetic really.
20:42 / 08.08.04
The other thing that bothered me - knowing that she's been through the Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic system, and is well aware of it - is the increased thromboembolic risk of oestrogens + cigarettes (and she must still be taking at least a low maintenace dose of oestrogens, to stave off osteoporosis).
Spatula Clarke
22:56 / 08.08.04
I wonder how much Jason's decision to skip the reunion was down to being rejected by Vanessa. Could be an awkward situation for a man so ill at ease with himself.
23:09 / 08.08.04
I wonder how much Jason's decision to skip the reunion was down to being rejected by Vanessa.

I imagine it was relatively minor compared to the perceived 'being labelled a poof' thing. The fact that he's barely mentioned Vanessa would seem to indicate it's hardly consuming him.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:17 / 09.08.04
So, baring in mind I only watched the last forty-five minutes of the entire thing, every time someone's got voted out has Davina eagerly asked them whether they had guessed Nadia was a transsexual? Number three seemed half Jarvis Cocker half a friend of mine, so posed by the outside door. I loved that Davina had to tell the crowd off for booing number two.

And big boo's for the Independent on Sunday, for their profile of Nadia (and you might want to read it quickly before it disappears into their portfolio) which ends with:

Sorry Nads, but however much it hurts you and those of us who wish people who change sex could live equal, unmolested lives, victory just makes you its most popular freak. Time for another fag, love. All those post-pub BB fans who phoned and sent texts voting for you were not voting for a woman. They were voting for the bearded lady.

Although she apparently has signed up the services of a showbiz agent she is currently refusing all press interviews. Possibly a tactic to drive up the price of any future engagement but if the 'people's favourite' doesn't face up to 'her responsibility' to talk to the people through their newspapers, that support could turn against her very quickly. From what I've seen and read I understand she considers herself a woman and not a TS-woman, which brings me back to the question of Davina's questions again, I wonder how happy she will be if she sees the media coverage of her whilst she was in.

God, maybe I will have to watch it next year...
yawn - thing's buddy
08:01 / 09.08.04
nadia is a dreadful bore now she's out the house.

feeling is Independent summation is right.

Get another feeling that Alan Moore (or maybe Neil Gaiman) could write a story set in say, Elizabethan England, where some transexual is involved in a royal court competition an she captures the imagination of the king and the public and she ends up becoming Queen or summat. And then she dies 17 years later and tales of gender-adventures are forgotten until the next confluence of transexual-friendly variables is brewed.


I was at an eviction ‘party on Friday and I was startled at the amount of people who heralded this as a massive event in British culture – I had to correct them - it’s a massive event in British media culture.

They told be to fuck off.

I yawned, skinned up, went for a pish, didn’t wash my hands then helped myself to some salted nuts.

Anyway – cheers n that.
08:50 / 09.08.04
... and onward limps this brave thread to its 50-page destiny...
10:09 / 09.08.04
not to defend the man, but isnt that almost certainly the case? that the footage was manipulated?

Taken out of context, certainly - but I don't think the point was to say 'woohoo, look, you're having sex with Dan!'; rather 'woohoo, look, you're physically intimate with Dan in a way which belies your claim that no-one in their right mind could possibly imagine a mutual attraction between the two of you'. Which was a fair point.
10:11 / 09.08.04
I missed the live finalé. But I've managed to watch the highlights about twenty times now (damn E4 for repeating everything except the interviews).
The montage at the end of the reunion BBQ actually had me in tears. I couldn't quite believe it but the whole "I've been accepted" face and then to throw in her mother as well.
I'm just a big baby.

And for those of you lamenting the lack of Nadia interviews in the press you obviously missed the Huge one in some trashy sunday tabloid (I forget/didn't notice the name). AND it's only Monday... she's gonna be on BBLB all bloody week so I expect there'll be plenty more Nadia-love for a while.

Has there been an "official" explanation as to why Jay wasn't at the BBQ? Or are we left to assume he's even less of a man now than he was before?

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