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Big Brother 2004


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Goodness Gracious Meme
19:47 / 24.07.04
Vic's 'let's get along' speech. Singling out Jason, much?

Vic sounds really nervous. HA!
22:22 / 24.07.04
If Jason and Victor hadn't decided to single themselves out and distance themselves from the other housemates they would have got into the position where they are gonna get evicted two weeks in a row.

Jason himself says in the diary room that he didn't want to bitch about the other housemates but because Victor was the only person he talked to that he kind of fell into the habit of doing it. What a pair of eejits!
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:38 / 25.07.04
Even by the Jungle Prats' standards of "are they wildly disingenuous or just totally lacking in self-awareness?", Jason has been very, very quick to paint Victor as the bad influence who seduced him into nights of bitching over cups of malt liquor.

But his heart is wracked by loss. "Aaah, Vicky boy..." he sighs as he paces the garden late at night. Wonderful.
17:25 / 25.07.04
My feelings were that seperately they were fairly decent guys but when they got together they just got locked into a cycle of bitchiness and misanthropy that neither of them was easily able to break from. It took the break-up of their partnership to release Jason back into a pattern of 'normal' behaviour.
17:44 / 25.07.04
That's the power of the VicWorld meme...
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:47 / 25.07.04
It took the break-up of their partnership to release Jason back into a pattern of 'normal' behaviour.

Except it hasn't. "I can't even have a beer with these people..." and so on.

Anna de L reckons Jason can't cope with the presence of Dan and all that implies without some kind of macho het back-up (Stu obviously doesn't count) and that's why he wants to leave. I concur.
21:10 / 25.07.04
I think it's partly that, and partly the fact that, having been rather unpleasantly spurned (in the notorious 'backtracking' conversation), Dan just can't be arsed making the same amount of effort to engage Jason - and I don't blame him. I think Dan still quite likes Jayboy (despite his rather pathetic painting-himself-into-a-corner with VicWorld) but expects him to do a modicum of grovelling now - and Jay's too dumb to pick up on that.

Also, Dan seems to be stressed by ambivalences of his own now, what with the 'I don't want to be here yet I'm here' stuff.
22:52 / 25.07.04
Well, anyone who expected Victor to face piss-taking or halfway-challenging questions on BBLB would be sorely disappointed. I'm not sure if it's Ahmedesque wariness on Dermot's part, but not only was Fight Night ignored completely, but even something as innocent as the 'World's Most Rubbish Gangster' line has been dropped. So... absolutely no chance of anything like "how 'slick' is shouting 'fuck off, dickhead' at a crying woman in a wedding dress?" Humouring the arsewipe is very much the order of the day - although this clearly necessitated the occasional abrupt change of subject, when Vic fulminated, for example, about Shell having "the character of a used condom". Nice that he was enough of a straight-talker to say that to her face, in the house, eh?

Cunt. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt. And - surprise! - no closer to Selfawaria. Does anyone ever learn anything from seeing themselves onscreen for ten weeks?
23:17 / 25.07.04
Umm, Ganesh, has Victor even seen anything but edited clips of his behaviour, yet? I mean the guy's probably catching up with sleeping and spending time with his family/friends.
23:23 / 25.07.04
You think it's gonna make a big difference when he sees the Fight Night stuff? On BBLB, his VicWorld fantasies appeared to be running riot...
00:07 / 26.07.04
I'm pretty sure that the guy will still maintain that he was, y'know, right.

I think that's just what he's like, and likely to be his way of thinking - perpetuated by his own big man fantasies, and how those around him will perceive him/how he wants to be perceived.

It's a pity, because somewhere in there he seems to genuinely be a nice guy. Albeit only nice in reality if you can tolerate WHO THE FUCK HE IS. Temper, temper.
Alex's Grandma
02:30 / 26.07.04
Nah, fuck him. I've watched literally decades of lousy TV, and I still think Victor's performance with Shell this week was really quite something.

I mean the insane amount of aggression, over what as it turned out seemed to be something to do with the sleeping arrangements, or that she " didn't really want to marry him, " or some such thing... He really did make an utter cunt of himself, on reflection.
10:41 / 26.07.04
I can't say how disappointed by BBLB I was. Vicworld as Ganesh terms it like Ahmania the week before was bolstered and encouraged rather than been knocked down and shown up as the bullshit it is.

Victor admits that the wedding night fracas was a mistake but he did not seem at all remorseful and he gave the impression that he still thinks he was right to what he did. To paraphrase him It's the viewing public that has got things wrong and who can't see the real Shell underneath the nice girl image.

Have to remember it's just an entertainment show though. Was it more entertaining to see Vic arrive on a milk float with some busty babes or to have seen him exposed as a mummy's boy with a mouthful of macho bullshit.
Mourne Kransky
15:31 / 26.07.04
What can we do to heighten the tension in the last week as they get to the wanting to strangle one another stage? Let's manacle Jason to Michelle for a whole week, so he can't pump himself up or hide away from his tormentors, and Her Imperial Geordie Majesty will have to watch Chicken Stu shackled to Shell for the duration of The Task. Hehe.
15:38 / 26.07.04
What happened to the task on Saturday? I thought there was meant to be some sort of quiz involving Paul Daniels and others? Aren't the tasks usually live?

Who does everyone want to win then?
Alex's Grandma
16:03 / 26.07.04
Anyone except Nadia, that screeching buffoon. But probably Dan, since he seems most likely to embarrassed by the whole situation, more than anything else.
16:06 / 26.07.04
Nadia, that screeching buffoon. Or Dan. Don't really like anyone else much.
Jack Vincennes
17:43 / 26.07.04
I'd kind of like Nadia to win as well ; Dan winning and being deeply embarrassed by it would be funny, but I can't honestly imagine any of the others being happier to win it than Nadia would be. That seems like a really pathetic reason (all this relishing the nasty lives they've been living, and at the end of it all I want is for people to be happy) but so it goes...
18:17 / 26.07.04
I think it'd also be a genuinely big thing for the trans community. Weird as it sounds, winning Big Brother really does appear to convey a certain sort of societal acceptance. Brian Dowling winning felt quite exhilarating at the time, and I think Nadia winning would have a similar effect.
19:20 / 26.07.04
I'm not sure I like anyone enough to want any of 'em to win it. Although she is the bookies' favourite do people believe that the public will vote for Nadia to win it.
Whisky Priestess
20:12 / 26.07.04
Gaaah ... I just can't believe how bloody clingy and paranoid Michelle is. Doesn't she see what she's doing? Doesn't she know?

"Why are youse all [Stuart and Michelle] having fun [making bread] without me?" Criminy Christ on a bike ...
20:47 / 26.07.04
Christ, Jayboy's a fun-free zone, eh? After his customary whinge in which people being friendly to each other = "arse-licking", and people having fun = "fucken' laughter gettin' louder every day" (some of them, he opines, are doing it just to piss him off), he decides to stay after all. Why? Because he's enjoying himself, getting on well with others or learning stuff? No. He wants to stay because "if I quit certain people will be really happy so I've decided I'm just gonna grin and bear it". Not for his own pleasure or benefit, then, but to defy his 'enemies'.

The good thing about a paranoid VicWorldview is that, while it's not particularly conducive to personal insight or even fun, it places you squarely at the centre of your own cosmos. It's all about you.
Jack Vincennes
21:08 / 26.07.04
Although she is the bookies' favourite do people believe that the public will vote for Nadia to win it.

I'm biased, because I want her to win, but I do think she has a lot of the qualities people want in people they choose to win (horribly tortuous, if anyone can tell me what I mean please do) -she's been pretty stoical, as her best friends all left and she just got on with it and made friends with everyone else (unlike Jason), and she seems to actually enjoy herself in the house more than anyone else who's left does.

I just can't believe how bloody clingy and paranoid Michelle is. Doesn't she see what she's doing?

Seems not, but Shell has to...

...that doesn't seem like it's going to be a fun task for anyone concerned, really.
Spatula Clarke
22:27 / 26.07.04

Chas 'n' Dave to release a BB5 tie-in single: Boiled Rabbit.
11:31 / 27.07.04
doesn't part of this weeks challenge state that the person you're chained to have to perform the other persons chores. Like feed/wash(brush teeth) the other. Should be interesting to see Shell's face when she realises this may extend to Stu's duties to Michelle

Okay, perverted I know, but still funny...
15:05 / 27.07.04
Surely that would be Shell-Stuart's duties to Michelle-Jason?

Even more ewww...I wouldn't touch him with yours.
15:08 / 27.07.04
Also, does this mean that Michelle has to mope around the garden mumblin 'fucken' to herself, paint her arse orange and pull strange rictus sex-faces whilst attempting to lift her own body weight?
08:47 / 28.07.04

Jayboy's been trying a li-i-ittle harder, and his relationship with Dan's improved, but VicWorld meme lingers - or perhaps it's a combination of his own utter terror/loathing of any sort of intimacy with another human being (especially a female one), lent substance by Vic's paranoid bullshittery.

"This is a ridiculous task for me," he said. "I'm having to spend so much time with the rest of the group." It's almost like he lives in a House with lots of other people...

"There's so much arse licking, it's shocking" he went on. "I'm surrounded by people who butt kiss each other all day long. I don't even want to sit near them."

The possibility that people might genuinely like each others' company enough to be nice to them doesn't seem to cross his mind. Social pleasantry - even civility - is interpreted as 'inauthentic' buttock-related sycophancy (and the fact that he expresses himself in arse/butt metaphors - possibly his own favourite tanned & moisturised body-part - perhaps indicates an underlying yearning to be able to interact with others in such a way).

And he's still weirdly hung up on Nadia.

"Nadia is a pain in the arse, to be honest. They all lick Nadia's arse. They're scared of her because she screams like a banshee. 'You're so beautiful, glamorous and exotic'. Are these people looking at the same person?" he enquired.

Nadia is not a standard-issue FHM arm-candy trophy blonde (ie. likely to enhance one's status among other males), so he just can't understand any possible reason for enjoying her presence in the house, or even for treating her with respect - other than being "scared of her". There's such a fundamental dearth of emotional intelligence here - or even imagination - that it casts further doubt, in my mind, over his 'shagger of hundreds' story. Can he really have found so many women (who presumably were acceptably "beautiful, glamorous and exotic") so apparently attracted to his meaty Sparmour-casing that they were willing to forego all social niceties, intimacy, actually sleeping over (he can't stand sharing his bed) for a pissed-up shag? I don't deny that such women exist, but I find it difficult to believe he'd have managed to work his way through so many in such a small community without getting a shitty reputation.

Although on the face of it, he seems very geared toward straightforward exhibitionism/narcissism (sexual partners merely providing a silent-but-appreciative audience, perhaps on the other side of a glass screen - which is possibly part of the fantasy appeal of Big Brother), the way he's previously talked of his adoptive parents, previous sexual encounters and general dissatisfaction with life, suggests he's ambivalent. He's repelled by intimacy, but at some level he's disturbed by his own detachment, and would like to be part of some sort of relationship.

He's a sad and sorry soul, though, and I've no idea if he's ever gonna resolve any of this.
Jack The Bodiless
09:03 / 28.07.04
I agree - while vaguely repelled by him, I can't help but feel sorry for him. It's like he's envious of others' ties and relationships, and on a lot of levels an isolated and very lonely guy - but he just doesn't have the requisite empathy or, as you say, emotional intelligence, to form them himself in any way deeper than 'drinking buddy' or 'casual encounter'.
09:05 / 28.07.04
He's a sad and sorry soul, though, and I've no idea if he's ever gonna resolve any of this.

Careful Ganesh - that sounds almost like concern!
09:06 / 28.07.04
michelle's being hilarious at the moment, and i think if she keeps it up may protect jason for yet another week. the bit last night with shell shrieking 'aaaargh, the chemistry' j:'what what i was just looking at his stubble'

oh yes
09:14 / 28.07.04
Careful Ganesh - that sounds almost like concern!

I am concerned about Jason: as I've said elsewhere, he brings out vaguely White Knight feelings in me, in terms of wanting him to achieve some degree of psychological self-awareness (which would enable him to change his life in ways more likely to bring happiness); also, the evangelical 'everyone's bisexual' part of me screams, "g'waaan, try men!"

Thinking about it, part of the appeal of Victor was that he legitimised Jayboy's isolated detachment by way of self-affirming (if paranoid) scorn. Inability to interact in a pleasurable way with the rest of the group was no longer Jason's problem; through Victor's distorting lens, the problem became the group's - it was inauthentic, dishonest, sycophantic, fake, less-than-masculine. Jason could then take comfort in the belief that they were the socially-backward freaks, not him.
09:22 / 28.07.04
It's like he's envious of others' ties and relationships, and on a lot of levels an isolated and very lonely guy - but he just doesn't have the requisite empathy or, as you say, emotional intelligence, to form them himself in any way deeper than 'drinking buddy' or 'casual encounter'.

Absolutely - and his lack of empathy betrays a lack of understanding. He's apparently unable to perceive how the process of emotional attachment actually works (and, in the case of Nadia, he can't imagine the 'how?' or the 'why?'), and the whole thing leaves him sad/puzzled/bitter (which, in the aftermath of VicWorld, he's still expressing as 'everyone's out of step except me').

It makes me wonder what sort of adoption experiences he had...
11:59 / 28.07.04
Nadia's superb (if unwitting) 'Have you got a strap on?' comment last night had me wishing Jason had been heavier than Dan at the weigh-in.

I think there's still scope for Jason to move away from VicWorld as he is forced to bond with the rest of the group. There were flashes of his pre-Vic self during Shell's 'I can't stand the chemistry!' exclamation. He patently enjoys flirting with Dan - certainly more than he enjoyed bitching with Victor. If Michelle does get voted out before him, I still have some hope that re-establishing his bond with Dan will be the path of least resistance.
12:56 / 28.07.04
Yeah, but I think that's unlikely. I also wonder to what extent Dan can now be bothered putting in the effort required to penetrate the VicWorld-strengthened carapace...

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