Jayboy's been trying a li-i-ittle harder, and his relationship with Dan's improved, but VicWorld meme lingers - or perhaps it's a combination of his own utter terror/loathing of any sort of intimacy with another human being (especially a female one), lent substance by Vic's paranoid bullshittery.
"This is a ridiculous task for me," he said. "I'm having to spend so much time with the rest of the group." It's almost like he lives in a House with lots of other people...
"There's so much arse licking, it's shocking" he went on. "I'm surrounded by people who butt kiss each other all day long. I don't even want to sit near them."
The possibility that people might genuinely like each others' company enough to be nice to them doesn't seem to cross his mind. Social pleasantry - even civility - is interpreted as 'inauthentic' buttock-related sycophancy (and the fact that he expresses himself in arse/butt metaphors - possibly his own favourite tanned & moisturised body-part - perhaps indicates an underlying yearning to be able to interact with others in such a way).
And he's still weirdly hung up on Nadia.
"Nadia is a pain in the arse, to be honest. They all lick Nadia's arse. They're scared of her because she screams like a banshee. 'You're so beautiful, glamorous and exotic'. Are these people looking at the same person?" he enquired.
Nadia is not a standard-issue FHM arm-candy trophy blonde (ie. likely to enhance one's status among other males), so he just can't understand any possible reason for enjoying her presence in the house, or even for treating her with respect - other than being "scared of her". There's such a fundamental dearth of emotional intelligence here - or even imagination - that it casts further doubt, in my mind, over his 'shagger of hundreds' story. Can he really have found so many women (who presumably were acceptably "beautiful, glamorous and exotic") so apparently attracted to his meaty Sparmour-casing that they were willing to forego all social niceties, intimacy, actually sleeping over (he can't stand sharing his bed) for a pissed-up shag? I don't deny that such women exist, but I find it difficult to believe he'd have managed to work his way through so many in such a small community without getting a shitty reputation.
Although on the face of it, he seems very geared toward straightforward exhibitionism/narcissism (sexual partners merely providing a silent-but-appreciative audience, perhaps on the other side of a glass screen - which is possibly part of the fantasy appeal of Big Brother), the way he's previously talked of his adoptive parents, previous sexual encounters and general dissatisfaction with life, suggests he's ambivalent. He's repelled by intimacy, but at some level he's disturbed by his own detachment, and would like to be part of some sort of relationship.
He's a sad and sorry soul, though, and I've no idea if he's ever gonna resolve any of this. |