Mordant - Sun Wu-k'ung thanks you for getting the joke.
Crag: Sorry, the pig-boy [Chu-Pa-Chieh] gets it. Nice guy, decent sense of humor, handy with a rake, but he's doing time for indecent fairy assault. 'Nuff said. [chucks piggy] Anyone feel like a Loo-si-ana style Bar-B-Que?
Bag: The Sand Man [Sha Tang]. Mostly by default, but they're some sort of allure to a scruffy water demon with red hair. As it turns out, he's also a monk, but moreso of the ass-whooping kind. We make a good team...soon to be serialized as a DC Vertigo product.
Shag: Tripitaka [Hsuan Tsang]
Why? He's a monk I cite this passage by Kyokutei Bakin:
"...of all the lovers [one]...can take, the most passionate is a monk. You see, take your typical townsman: he works from dawn to dusk everyday, not knowing if he has made enough money that day so that he and his family can eat, can wear clothes and own all the other essentials of life. Even when his work is completed, he constantly worries about whether or not he will survive another day, provide for his many children, his elderly parents and relatives, how he will cope with the struggle that is his life. Compare to this the life of a monk; he wears the best clothes, his meals are prepared for him daily, he receives lavish gifts and praise, and can spend all hours of the day in his luxurious private room, with nothing else to do other than think about when he will next meet his lover, and let his imagination, and sexual appetite, run wild..."
Just can't wait to introduce him to the 13500lbs golden-ringed wishing staff. Mm-hm.
But obviously to clingly and petulant for anything long term.
Off to find clip art of "Journey to the West..."
Will return in time for revenge, and possibly tea. |