More'n a day late and more'n a dollar short, here....
Ariadne gives me
New Zealand
And again, I can't win this one: I'm going to end up looking like a xenophobe or an exoticist no matter how I play this...
Okay, given that: China goes over the cliff. Too big, too complicated to manage either in marriage or in a no-tell motel. And frankly, I think I might be putting her out of her misery: she's been in an abusive relationship for a long, long time, and has suffered terribly: she doesn't need a lover, she needs a divorce lawyer. I'll miss her, and she'll haunt me, but I had nothing else to give her.
France gets the shag, and I'm out before the sheets dry, and that's pretty much how she wants it: she really doesn't want me hanging around anyway. She'll be offended if I leave fifty bucks on the dresser, but she'll be offended if I don't, too.
But New Zealand—ah, she's a keeper. Friendly and domestic, but with a wild streak that will keep things interesting. She embodies both comfort and magnificence, and never ceases to enchant and amaze. I'll never grow tired of her, and I'll do my best to live up to her wonderfulness.
Flux was just axin'...
Mick Jones
The Edge
Johnny Marr
Oh, boy. You know how to hurt a guy.
I can't crag The Edge, because he was so beautiful and inventive when he was young: but I've got all his licks figured out now—he hasn't surprised me in years, and domesticity would be dull as ditchwater. So it's a long, echoing shag for old times' sake, then a lingering kiss and goodbye.
Mick loved only Joe, I know; so it's another mercy killing as he goes over the cliff to join his beloved: Straight to Heaven, boys.
That leaves Johnny to be mine, all mine. He's been a rambling boy for years now, but I think he's ready to settle down. I'll never be bored, and I've so much to learn from him; all the wonderful tricks he'll be showing me, those late nights in the warm glow of the amplifiers...
Bizunth, are you there? Who do you love, baby?
War |