crikey. forgotten about this.
why Grant, you little tinker, you.
crag - shag. 'orrible word. I don't shag.
shag - screw. as in 'a long slow screw'... plenty of time and options, but I don't really see a long-term future in it for us.
bag - fuck. me and fucking undesta-a-a-a-nd each other, baby. 'Till death do us part. Oh yeaaah. Oh yeaaaahh. Oh yeaaaaahhhhhhh.
Sean Cody
Rocky Lamont
Zoe Lamont
Victoria Lamont
Trixie Lamont
Flyboy, you absolute bastard. They're all drawn by PB, so I want them *all*. and making me sort them as well.
gon' split them thematically and see whgat happens
Zoe Lamont
Victoria Lamont
Trixie Lamont
Ok. so here we have the Lamont ladeez.
bag - Victoria. She's the most interesting one, the one I'd want to talk to and hang out with. And I think she's kinda cute. and as I suspect she's about to regain her powers, if we fancy having her young and smooth again, we can. Geez I'm a geek.
shag - Zoe. of course. Sexy as fuck, and far too barmy for anything but fabulous sex. and she'd be mad and filthy, I suspect, always a good sex option! oh, and looks rather like the fucking gorgeous bus driver I saw yesterday (who was actually sexier, for being, yknow 3-d, and a lot bigger) And I've always preferred dark hair.
Which leaves me cragging Trixie, I'm afraid, don't have anything against her, but process of elimination demands.
Sean Cody
Rocky Lamont
The non-lamont ladeez
Shag - sean. cute but dim. fun and disposable.
Crag - Cassy. Can't see me getting on *or* getting on with a Tunbridge Wells Horsey Set slumkid. Too much of a whiff of Common People about it. My awful inverse snobbery tells me I'd hate her.
Bag - leaves me with Rocky. Reckon I could make quite an atypical rock star's wife. and I'd meet some interesting people. And the money'd be nice. |