NOooooooooo. Kit-kat, don't recant on that first version, it's genius. (by which I mean, if I'd'a thought of it, that's the answer I'd've given, of course.) The Age of Peter is past, the Age of Harriet is upon us...
(er, can you tell I just saw TTT again? can you? )
Kit-kat, you evil minx, what am I to do with either of those trios?
Well, this, I guess:
after (I must admit, a brief reminder of what I'm dealing with here)
Miss Annersley - bag, obviously, because she *is* the coolest: caring but authoritarian, intensely sarcastic, and if I'm a very good girl, maybe she'll bring Miss Wilson as part of the deal. I like to think we'd get on well. Oh, and according to the Chaletian, she has a rather tragic family history so she's probably suitably fucked up and bizarre- erm, what I mean to say is, we can help and heal each other. A match made in heaven (?!)
Joey Bettany - Crag.(you must have known this, Kat) crag. crag. can I get a really high Cracks-of-Doom-style crag here? Found her loathsome as she develops into the Pride of the School, even more so as she drops sprogs all over the place and *still* manages to combine a writing career with saving the school and negotiating for Peace In Our Time, or something.
which leaves me with Mary-Lou for a quick shag. At least she'd be nice and strong....
Now *this* is just diabolical, how can you make me choose?
Matron - crag, sorry, but no competition for this one.
Miss Wilson - shag, I think she'd be a lot of fun, but ultimately, for reasons above, I just gotta let her go...after a *good long while*...
Miss Annersley - bag. bag. bag. bag. (are you getting the hint yet? )
Here's one for Grant -
Spider Jerusalem
the Kilimanjaro Mustard Baboon Spider(if you must, check here for further info) |