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Shag, marry, push off a cliff.


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12:14 / 27.02.02
quote:Originally posted by The Return Of Rothkoid:
Er, no. Crag would mean "push off a cliff", basically. Or off a crag.

Slowly realization dawns...

so "Bag" means marry then....

right, coming from New Jersery, the word "bag" would imply killing someone, so I had assumed that was push off a cliff.

Right then, carry on....
Cherry Bomb
13:42 / 27.02.02
Rosa can have my three, moving from Flux, to ERDP, to miss Rosa Delovely.

(sorry that took so long, blame the stupid schoolwork I have to do!)
hanabius yamamura
18:19 / 27.02.02
shag - jeri ryan (7 of 9) ... for a desperately sad number of reasons ... cue perspiration ...

bag - zoCher ... just to upset him

crag - a1 ( crass boy band ) ...based upon remarks they made re sept. 11th which underlined their total stupidity ...

i nominate .....gentleman loser..sorry

vanessa phelps

chris eubanks

anthea turner
09:18 / 28.02.02
on a pedantic note, its vanessa FELTZ, but anyway...
hanabius yamamura
09:20 / 28.02.02
apologies ... red wine took it's toll
Disco is My Class War
09:20 / 28.02.02
"Kathleen Hanna
any girl from Sleater Kinney (but only because I can't remember their names right now and to look them up on the web is a bit costly.)
Britney "

Britney goes screaming off the cliff in a nice little powder-blue PVC number with thigh-high boots.

Marry Kathleen, obviously. For various reasons having to do with being invited to the right parties and getting to go on all the Le Tigre tours and generally for the underground cred of it all, even if it ended in tears. I could also get a green card if I married Kathleen.

Shag: Carrie Brownstein. The girl has class. Look at that.

09:20 / 28.02.02
carrie brownstein is gorgeous! man, i don't know what i'd do if i had to choose between corin, carrie, janet, britney and kathleen. they're all my favourite gals.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:20 / 28.02.02
Can't get Rosa's picture to work so had to find a classy photo myself...

Oh yeah.

suds, since Mr Dupre seems to be ignoring my offers, and I am an impatient sort, would you like to deal with these three?

Will Oldham
Prince William
Billie (poptart turned child bride of ginger wanker)
Spatula Clarke
10:30 / 28.02.02
Hang on.

Crag: Billie. 'Because We Want To'. Revolution starts with not tidying away your toys. Married Chris Evans, thus keeping his gurning mug front page news for far, far longer than any of us needed. Possesses absolutely none of the sex appeal that leaks from Britney's pores.

Shag: Prince William. I could sell my story to the papers, thus bringing fame, fortune and filthy notoriety to myself while at the same time bringing the future King down by claiming that he was a bit shit.

Bag: Will Oldham. Actually, I don't really want to, but he's the best of a bad bunch. Balding, generally miserable, with a slight, occasional spark of optimism. He's me if I had talent. Nice. Married myself.

Suds, because I've pinched those back, have a go at:


[ 28-02-2002: Message edited by: E. Randy Dupre ]
Cherry Bomb
11:41 / 28.02.02
Heh, nice one Rosa. Back when I saw Sleater K. in Chicago, one of the girls´ guitar straps broke, (which was ¨highly annoying because they would get to the fab guitar riff chorus and then have to stop - although the shouting of "FUUUUCK!" about a million times instead was pretty great), and ol´ Carrie tried to keep us entertained by telling us about Sleater K´s adventures in Chicago.

anyway, back to thread...
Matthew Fluxington
12:33 / 28.02.02
sorry, I hadn't been looking at this thread.

for Cherry:

Kathleen Hanna goes off the cliff, and it's nothing personal. I'd just rather shag Britney, and marry Corin Tucker from Sleater-Kinney cos she's been my rock star crush for 5 years now.

for Haus:

I think that Christopher Lee is a bit scary and too tall, so he's going over the cliff.
Bruce Lee is the one I'd shag, because he's the prettiest, but I'd marry Jim Lee because he just seems like a nice polite asian guy and would give me a lot of space.

for the Zenarchist:

I'm throwing "blues guitarist/freaky albino Johnny Winter" over the cliff, shagging 54 year old Audrey Hepburn, and marrying the young Audrey.

for Suds -

Mark Ibold
Josh Hartnett
Max Fischer

for Flyboy -

Allyson Hannigan
Kylie Minogue
Chan "Cat Power" Marshall

for Haus -

Shaquille O'Neal
David Letterman
Rob Liefeld

for Cherry Bomb:

Latrell Spreewell
Eddie Vedder
Al Gore

[ 28-02-2002: Message edited by: Flux = Expert Textpert ]
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:08 / 28.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Flux = Expert Textpert:
for Flyboy -

Allyson Hannigan
Kylie Minogue
Chan "Cat Power" Marshall

Off the sodding cliff with Kylie, who may have recorded a few good tunes in her time (even recently) but is currently a thoroughly annoying presence in not only the world of pop but also the British media generally. I am sick to the back teeth of her Bottox-enhanced buttocks and would be happy to push 'em off Dover...

I'll spend the night with Chan, who seems like a nice enough girl with a heart-breakingly beautiful voice (here's hoping she'd serenade me), who unfortunately happens to be *utterly stark raving gaga bonkers*, thus making marriage a very bad idea.

And I would happily marry Aly, a talented actress and by all accounts a pleasant and fun-loving person... Oh, okay, to be honest the main advantage of this is the sheer amount of envy, hate and bitter feelings that such a union would cause in so many, many people. Several of whom post here.

Okay, this one's for bitchiekittie. Your three choices are all luvverly English lads:

Darren Hayman, lead singer of Hefner
controversial Brit comedian Chris Morris
the Haus

[ 28-02-2002: Message edited by: Flyboy ]
Darryl Strawberry
14:14 / 28.02.02
Wait a second....Some of you are boys, talking about marrying other boys. That's just not the way things are, fellows. Not here in the U.S. or in the U.K. either. You can "shag" (how quaint)whomever you'd like, but no homosexual should get the tax benefits of marriage! Especially if they marry Algore.
14:16 / 28.02.02
I think you'll find pushing people off cliffs is similarly frowned upon, Rush...
The Natural Way
14:20 / 28.02.02
And "shag" is a pretty common term here in the U.K.

Are you calling us quaint?

Do you want to go outside?
Darryl Strawberry
14:21 / 28.02.02
I believe pushing people off cliffs is an acceptable expression of my 1st amendment rights to free expression. So long as they are small cliffs (bluffs, really) with little chance of bodily harm done to the push-ee.

And we saved your ass in WW2, don't you forget it, limey!
14:31 / 28.02.02

Jim Davidson

Jim Bowen

Jiminy Cricket
02:24 / 01.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Rush Limbaugh:
Wait a second....Some of you are boys, talking about marrying other boys. That's just not the way things are, fellows. Not here in the U.S. or in the U.K. either. You can "shag" (how quaint)whomever you'd like, but no homosexual should get the tax benefits of marriage!

why not, what problem do you have with this, live and let live... or is it harming you in some deeply personal way?
Just because some people may want to talk about scenarios like this(which is fictional I might add) does not mean that anyone should take offence
Disco is My Class War
03:58 / 01.03.02
Thanks for the classy Carrie photo; ain't she sweet? I didn't play nice and pass the buck yesterday so here is a nice theory-bitch one for Blue-stocking and/or Dread Pirate Crunchy, whoever gets in first:

Judith 'Jack' Halberstam
Judith Butler
Jack Smith

(Actually, methinks this one is far too easy for Crunchy.)
Saint Keggers
03:59 / 01.03.02's my lil' o list...
SHAG:The Youngest of the Gilmore Gilrs...she's just too damn sweet. I wanna ruin that.(and she talks too much for a girl her age)
MARRY:The Eldest of the Gilmore Girls...I could see spending nights just chatting infront of my fire place with her...SHOVE OF A CLIFF:Barbara Streisand. Anyone who would sell tickets at that price would deserves it....Mecha Babouwa!!!!
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:17 / 01.03.02
(I find it very disconcering that there are two things going on in this thread: one bunch of people are playing the famous old 'shag, bag, crag' game, while others are simply telling us, er, two people they like and one they don't. Does this illustrate some kind of profound dichotomy on Barbelith?)
Mourne Kransky
08:14 / 01.03.02
No, Flyboy, I suspect it's just the Barbelith equivalent of spectators invading the pitch when they get too excited.

I move the board be surrounded by green plastic netting in future. With one of those men dressed as a chicken to patrol the threads with a big stick to discourage barbefans from making up the rules as we go along.

Maybe black pvc netting would be more suitable, upon reflection.

Positive bunch these barbeloids with two "likes" to each proposed cliff-hurl.
The Natural Way
08:17 / 01.03.02
It's the old "Let's not actually read the thread" disease again. It is a bit annoying, isn't it?
08:17 / 01.03.02
Surely it doesn't matter in this context!

Personally I'm finding it vaguely amusing, but maybe that's just something about me.

It is what it is - does nae matter!
The Natural Way
08:17 / 01.03.02
It doesn't matter. But it's more fun watching peeps play the game. There's also the fact that I'm a grumpy bastard.
08:17 / 01.03.02

My three:
Robert Smith
Waylon Smithers
Waylon Jennings.

And I nominate... moominstoat! Ha![/QB]

Sorry... not paying attention (yes, that was me sleeping at the back there.)

shag- Robert Smith. (but can it be before he ate all those pies, please?)
bag- Waylon Smithers. (cos if I shout, he'll be all timid and do errands and stuff. Plus he has a great toy collection.)
crag- Waylon Jennings. For calling my bluff over recognising the names of famous people. Bastard. Whoever he may be.
Must... read... rest... of... thread... before... nominating...

okay, read it now.
Una Stubbs
Levi Stubbs
Primo Levi.
and I... nominate... ummm... GANESH!

[ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Moominstoat ]

[ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Moominstoat ]
10:10 / 01.03.02
ooh flyboy! esay peasy!

shag: prince william, because he's a fox.
marry: will oldham, because he's the sexiest man in america and i bet he's really mean too. mmmm.
push off a cliff: billie. do i really have to say why?

flux, yr a meanie and a half! i love all these boys.
ok...lets see...
i couldn't push any of them off a cliff!!!
oh fuck. ok.
marry: mark ibold, obviously. i mean, hello he was the bass player in pavement! and did you see him licking that stuff off the floor in the rangelife video? he's a keeper.
aaarg! josh or max?
which one's more annoying? i guess i'd have to
push off a cliff: josh hartnett
shag: max fischer ( jason schwartzman is really, really hairy! grrrr! but i couldn't marry him because i think his band phantom planet are pretty fucking bad.)

sorry josh.

for flux:
enid from ghostworld
rebecca from ghostworld
josh from ghostworld


e randy dupree, i can't even contemplate marrying, certainly not shagging or pushing animals of a cliff! ew!

[ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: suds ]
Spatula Clarke
11:25 / 01.03.02
rizla mission
12:01 / 01.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Saveloy:

Jim Davidson
Jim Bowen
Jiminy Cricket

good lord <choke> .. that has to be the worst selection ever..


Shag: Jiminy. He's a cricket .. novelty value and that. Plus it would be something to tell the kids about when they watch Pinocchio. But most of all, he's not the other two.

Marry: Bowen. He's kind of agreeable in his own way. Plus he's really old, so I could bully him and lock him in the basement when he starts to annoy me.

Off the Cliff: Davison. Because that bastard panders to everything that's low, evil and wrong in the human soul.
rizla mission
12:05 / 01.03.02
Oh yeah .. I've got to suggest another one now, haven't I?

Well I think I'll get Saveloy back with:

Wildman Fischer
Fish out of Marillion
Captain Birdseye
12:09 / 01.03.02
Rizla, is that old-skool Cpt Birdseye, or new, hunky, greasy Cpt Birdseye?
12:17 / 01.03.02
They've gotta come as a package. What you do to one, you do to the other. Could be interesting.
Matthew Fluxington
12:18 / 01.03.02
Oh Suds, this one is too easy - off the cliff goes Josh, I shag Rebecca, and marry Enid.

by the way, Max Fischer isn't in Phantom Planet, the guy who plays him is!

Kegboy, more girls should be like Rory.

for Suds:

Thurston Moore
Jerry Seinfeld
Spider-Man (as played by Tobey Maguire)

for Runce:

Emma Frost
Mariah Carey
Princess Leia

for ZoCher:

Logan from the X-Men
Russell Crowe
Eddie Vedder

for Persephone:

Han Solo
Michael Jordan
rizla mission
12:30 / 01.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Saveloy:
Rizla, is that old-skool Cpt Birdseye, or new, hunky, greasy Cpt Birdseye?

The former of course. The new one's just an imposter.
13:47 / 01.03.02
Wildman Fischer
Fish out of Marillion
Captain Birdseye

Bag: gotta be Captain Birdseye. Arr! Sailin' the seven seas we be, with a bunch of enthusiastic nippers to do all the hard work. Arrr!

Shag: Wildman Fischer I'd insist that he 'sings' what he's feeling during the whole thing, and have people banging pots and pans in our ears. "WOO WOO!" *crash splang* "RIGHT UP TO THE HILT!" *jink tang bash bash* "OH, GORDON BENNET!"

Crag: Fish But I'd make sure it was into the sea, cos - heh - he's - heh heh - he's a fish, right? Do you see? Ahem. He'd survive, but me and the Cap'n would catch up with him later and make him into fish(from Marillion) fingers to feed all the nippers.

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