I've come up against a similar kind of resistance myself at times, where I've been taking my percieved interaction with a particular deity too... literally, I guess. (I banged on about this over on one of my blogs recently.)
I realised that I have a tendancy to slip too far into the "some guy" mindset. My Guys are very viceral, very personal, I guess, so it's tempting to get into the mindset where I'm dealing with a plus-sized human consciousness--which is when the trouble starts because when They say I need to do something I don't wanna do, I end up reacting on an emotional level the way I would if a human authority figure was throwing his weight around.
But a God both is and is not "some guy." They are living consciousnesses, They exhibit drives and emotions, but They are also the mysteries that They embody. How do I fight Chaos? Or Love? Or Death? Aggressive leafleting campaign? In any case, what I'm having a problem with is often not the deity Hirself, but the way I relate to those things in my own life and psychological makeup. The interactions between myself and my Gods can often be an expression of that.
I get on very well with certain Gods and spirits because They embody things I'm comfortable with--healing, peace, love, compassion--whereas my relationships with deities embodying areas I'm unfamiliar or uncomfortable with--chaos, strife, trickery, the warrior mysteries, liminality and ambivalence--are a lot more fraught and problematic. That's not because Odin or Loki are Bad Guys, although some of my interactions with Them are downright hostile and scary. It's because of the mysteries that They embody, and my own issues with those things. |