Back during the turn of the X-franchise, when Uncanny split and birthed plain old X-Men, Claremont/Byrne/Editorial were toying with the idea of "replacing" the Hellfire Club's old guard of lingerie and piratewear with a younger, wilder, powerful, and competitive group of mutants, known as the Upstarts.
The Upstarts were a loose organization that collected points for killing other powerful mutants. Trevor Fitzroy was a member, as was Fabain Cortez, Siena Blaze, and I believe the Fenris twins wanted membership as well. The chaotic element was kept tight by the observation and competition garnered by the mysterious telepath Gamesmaster.
While this was a brilliant idea, it was never realized for the same reason Jean never stays dead.
Fabian Cortez's first ploy for points was the murder of White King Magneto, which took place in the first artc of X-Men (XM 1-3). Trevor Fitzroy, the enemy of the corresponding arc of the Uncanny series, plotted to take out Donald Pierce with Sentinels he stole from the near future. When attacked, Pierce used the teleporting powers of Gateway to bring him to the "one who sent the Sentinels against him". This resulted in him being dropped in the Massachusetts Acadamy/Hellfire Club (I forget which).
Emma Frost, who still EVIL at the time, showed signs of lightening up when she extended an invitation and truce to the X-Men -due to the fact she was becoming aware of the existence and threat of the Upstarts. Trevor Fitzroy had also come to the party, and was planning to take the White Queen out, in order to get more kills than Fabian. Pierce shows up, and it's a Sentinels versus Hellions/X-Men free for all.
Trevor escapes, and his Sentinels manage to "kill" Jean Grey, as well as capture most of the Hellions and Emma Frost. After chaining the Hellions down, Treovr began to use his power on them - to draw out the life-energy of an individual in order to power time-portals into the future. His portals released countless future mutant criminals -another brilliant new idea to establish more "bad guys" to the X-Universe. His portal also brought Bishop -possibly the best of the latest round of "new characters to be X-Men". |