Actually, Sib, that's kind of what's been casuing me the problem. The meaning that I've been wanting to aim for, I've known since I agreed to do the piece. It's been figuring out how to get that across that's been the real issue for me. There's a very specific house style that I've got to adhere to and which doesn't totally click with my own, personal style, which has been a massive hurdle for me to get over - this particular house style is something that I've tried to work with before, but has always led to me being massively unhappy with the final results - always reads forced, obvious that I'm forcing the square peg into the round hole.
That, and the intro. I've just not been able to get an intro sorted that hasn't sounded absolutely crappy, and I need to get that right for the rest of it to flow.
Thanks for all the advice though, guys. I started to see the wood for the trees about an hour and a half ago, and so far I'm much happier (although still not *happy*) with the latest starting-from-scratch. |