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Jenny Everywhere Clearing House and Update Point


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13:16 / 21.06.04
Well, yes and no. If your only exposure to them is via Watchmen, you might be forgiven for thinking they're slightly saucier than Confessions of a Window Cleaner, as opposed to featuring a close-up of a crudely-drawn penis entering a rather startlingly cylindrical Jenny Everywhere vagina.
22:57 / 23.06.04
Alright, now real life:

So these Bibles are another mini-genre in which one of the conventions is that they're all shit? Like we need more of those in comics...

Jenny has just been used in a way that seems to have annoyed some of you. I'm delighted reading some of the reactions.
23:03 / 23.06.04
oh, and...

1. god, now that was fast, wasn't it?
2. wow. gross.
07:33 / 24.06.04
Dude, where have you *been*? We've had fat Jenny/thin Jenny fights, try-bi Jenny fights, transJenny fights... it's a whole world of punch over here.
20:51 / 24.06.04
That's what makes it fun.
11:27 / 25.06.04
This is roughly the equivalent of someone arriving at your party and shitting into the communal punch bowl.

But hey.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:55 / 31.08.04
It's been a long time,
We shouldn'ta left you
Without some Takeover to step to...
10:54 / 31.08.04
Stick thin... blonde hair... black leather... smoking... can it possibly be the Anti Jenny..?

Good work fellas. Particularly liked page 6.
Jack Fear
11:30 / 31.08.04
Jenny Nowhere ?!?

She iz a Nihilist! She believes een nnaaahhh-sing!

Damned fine, indeed.
01:07 / 01.09.04
That was great. Some fantastic lines in there and the art, of course, was amazing. It's also nice to see a new Jenny installment in a while. I was so looking forward to this and now I can't wait for the next part.

I continue to love the Smallville references. Somebody save me, indeed.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:33 / 01.09.04
Jack Fear knows too much.
11:25 / 01.09.04
second verse
preferred to the first
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:57 / 01.09.04
Glad to hear it. One of the reasons I found the gap between the two parts frustrating is that some people expressed reservations about part one (here), several of which I thought were quite valid but perhaps rectified a little in part 2. (For example, comedy ultaviolence is cool v. no it's not, smashing up coffee companies makes you feel better v. no it doesn't...) And I'd already written the end but didn't feel I could say "aha, but you see, I get to that!" without looking lame.

Reading that other thread is funny (remember the Pitching To Epic wars?), but also very heartening (I'd forgotten how nice so many people were about part 1). I might bump it, if that doesn't seem like overkill. (Shit, the last post in that thread is me saying "I'll reply properly later..." - yeah fucking right, like I ever do.)
20:46 / 01.09.04
flyboy, evergreen, you have pleased me greatly.

i know this is why you create, after all -- to please grant.

thus, it must be said. i am pleased.
Benny the Ball
21:59 / 01.09.04
Truely beautiful folks...
Ben Christensen
02:15 / 02.09.04
Awesome, as always. Glad to see some finished Jenny, been a while.

13:21 / 02.09.04
Beautiful! The opening pages are esp. amazing (great use of lettering a la Will Eisner), nice action sequence.

The shot of Jenny entering the executive's room after the big explosion with the smoke and greytone is really cool.

Page 6 is really aces. Nice effect, nice building drawings.

I think this is the first time I've ever heard her referred to as "Jen." I like it!

Great rain effect on the people rushing into the coffee place/club top of page 8. All the pages with rain look really good.

Right-on-by-the-Sea. LOL!

Ditto the "Smoke NOW!" sign.

Jenny Nowhere!!!! I love it!!!

Only 4 pages left in my Jenny story...
15:33 / 02.09.04
What's 'catamite'? Dictionary, here I come...

and nice design on those cyborg ninjas!
Jack Fear
15:51 / 02.09.04
Catamite = toy-boy: a male concubine or sex-slave.
20:17 / 02.09.04
yep, just looked it up thanx
22:10 / 05.09.04
Great to see the end of the damn fine hostile takeover... the style shift is a little jarring, but the energy of that part of the strip was great to see - as was Nelson's take on the South Bank skyline - Apollo coffee tower is bigger than the Shell building and thus at least 3 times as evil...
11:48 / 13.09.04
Fly, Nelson, hats off to you, sirs. A very satisfying conlusion. I think you're right that it answers criticisms made my me and others in the thread for part one; what I particularly like is that it seems to do this not through trying to shoehorn some dialectic arguments in there but through the shift to a more downbeat mood and some more realistic interactions between Jenny and crew. As they're travelling back and slouching off the train (and significantly not at the party) they seem removed from the parodied opposition between two fallacious entities set up in the first, and ther reader is able to sit outside it too.

More generally, with hindsight I don't think those elements were that much of a hindrance to part one. I know I said they were minor criticisms, but still, my previous post has elements of "You've written a funny story but it doesn't expose the hypocrisy of certain sections of the Left! How dare you!". Yeah, 'cause, like, all of my Jenny Everywhere work has been meticulous in its consideration of social and political ramifications.

I agree with sleaze that the style shift jars a little at first - I seem to remember Nelson mentioning he had a project on that required him to significantly up his work rate a while back, does the new style arise from tricks he learnt doing that? - but any doubts are soon swept away in a maelstrom of kinetic design. Reading the two parts together it still looks very consistent - the last few pages on part 2, and the party scene in particular, read a little more like 'old-skool Nelson' and round the whole thing out.

Oh and I also really like the fact that it leads straight into a teaser for the next story. Don't know why - I think it's just one of those moments when you get joy from seeing an established convention used well.
11:56 / 13.09.04
Forgot to ask - is the 'catamite' speech in direct response to the specific use of the word 'fucked' in the threat made to our heroes at the end of part 1?
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:49 / 13.09.04
No, I'm not that clever. Although my subconscious might be. Actually, my subconscious was probably too busy being obsessed with pegging to worry about clever structural parallels like that...

Thanks for all yr comments, lentil - it seems like a lot of what I was trying to get across has been successfully conveyed, which is nice.
Nelson Evergreen
00:05 / 15.09.04
Lentil - you're on the ball, sir. If 'Name's Not Down' and DFHT 1 were an exercise in anal attention to detail born of having far, far too much time on my hands, then this one was all about trying to produce something worth looking at inbetween lengthy bouts of paid strippery. Thus, the look of pages 1-5, at least, is down to them having been blurted out recklessly as and when. Good fast fun.

The plan was to go back and fill in the whites with copious cyborg ninja mayhem, but by the time I'd got around to finishing the final pages it struck me that the sparse feel of the opening batch might contrast nicely with the more opulent finale...

The words "No more Ninjas. Finish this bastard NOW" may or may not have been throbbing in the back of my head at this point, mind.
at the scarwash
04:25 / 15.09.04
god, Nelson. The inks are fantastic!
09:43 / 28.09.04
Thanks for the reply Nelson - I look forward to the day that my non-paid work has to be executed with similar swiftness! I know this has been asked before, but where could one see your paid strippery? I'd be really interested to get a peek at it - maybe a PM if you're not overkeen to share with the board? Well, anyway, keep up the good work, as if that needed to be said.
Nelson Evergreen
13:48 / 28.09.04
>Lentil - the folk who commissioned the graphic novel have decided to sit on it until its animated series/film/whatever adaptation is done. I shouldn't expect any of it to see the light of day for at least another year.<

So, has Jenny Everywhere really ground to a halt? Or can we assume there are hundreds of silent, dilligent creators scattered across the globe making a point of keeping everybody waiting at least as long as I did?
09:37 / 29.09.04
Aw man, I wanna see that comic, Evergreen! Ah well, I luckily just got a copy of "mmm... magazine" in the post, which features lots of your pretty pictures and I'm glad to have it.

Oh gosh, I didn't say anything anout the new one yet, did I? I liked it, y'know. Is that obvious? I thought it was a little jarring in the changeover at first, but a) that's to be expected, and b) I soon got over the initial surprise, and it all flowed together nicely. Solid vibrant pop fun, which is the best kind really.

I've got a little Jenny thing bubbling along, waiting for me to start it... with any luck I can get it done by the start of the New Year. I'm a bit busy, you see, because I just started university, otherwise I'd do it RIGHT NOW!
09:45 / 02.10.04
Ooh! Where is "mmm" available from, Suedey?

Regarding new Jenny projects, I have to sheepishly admit that I PM'd grant way back in January saying that I wanted to illustrate the script he posted on the website, which is wonderful and which I still intend to complete at some undefined point in the future, but haven't lifted a finger on so far. I don't have the excuse of university any longer, as I finished that a few months back, but I'm having a bit of a work crisis right now which I need to address with desperate alacrity, and I don't know how long that's going to take. Sorry grant!

What kind of uni course are you on Suede? Are you at art school? If so I hope they're not giving you any shit for doing comics!
18:21 / 03.10.04
I'm afraid I have no idea where you could actually get the magazine from, sorry!

And I'm studying illustration, it seems alright so far. The illustration tutor seems to know what he's talking about, so that's a good sign, although it might be improved if I tried to actually go there more.
18:48 / 03.10.04
Sorry grant!

Wistful sigh!
Wistful, wistful sigh!
02:08 / 04.10.04
Was that the one with the mushroom spores? That one was great.
07:26 / 04.10.04
It is, isn't it? BAD lentil... it will happen one day... honest...
15:40 / 05.10.04
I'm still stuck on a design conundrum on page 4 of 8 -- although maybe now is the time to say "fuck it if panel 4 isn't perfect, just get it done." But that's been hard to do since I'm really happy with the first 3 pages and I'd hate to have something kinda lame (from my perspective) on page 4.

Maybe Imp and I can preview something from the 3 pages I've done...just to whet people's appetites for a new Jenny story. It's been one year for me to do the 3 pages... since I'm just doing it on the side.

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