Having read the thread, I'm a little cautious of contributing, but here goes anyway:

I'd love to draw a story for anyone who has an orphan script (and promise not to refuse to draw boys kissing), but also have a very vague idea about a dead Jenny in the Universal Underworld. The idea being that Jenny seems to me to be a fundamentally humane and well-rounded character, wheras the milieu into which she is dropped works by rules formulated over the centuries out of the worst aspects of humanity. And then, of course, we get to see what she does in that situation.
The above picture, therefore, is a bit of the conceptualisation of my idea. I've tried to avoid a sort of ultra-thin or glamour-model look, in that I've tried to create a sort of muscular appearance but without the impression of martiality. The sword and the wizardystick are there because they'll probably be props, as every hero in the underworld needs an Artifact of Great Power and a Trusty Sword. Or something like that, anyway.
Please tell me if I'm murdering the character - I'm aware of the open-source nature of J.E., but I'd also like to create something which respects the sort of memeplex that's grown up around her in these threads... |