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Jenny Everywhere Clearing House and Update Point


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17:56 / 05.10.04
a preview of Imp (writing) and my (drawing) upcoming Jenny story...

17:59 / 05.10.04
Sorry the scan's a little bloopy.
Nelson Evergreen
19:53 / 05.10.04
03:45 / 06.10.04
The script called for an image of all the multiple Jennys from various stories & universes (and some that haven't been in any stories). I figured I could have done a collage/cut and paste thing, but I wanted to challenge myself to draw in the style of the artists who had drawn Jenny before (when I drew this page, there were a few less Jenny stories 'published'). It was really fun to tackle.
08:45 / 07.10.04
That's purty. I like that.

I'm also about to get my bollocks out on the table again and bash out another Jenny script, if anyone fancies drawing it. No monsters, no space travel, no thongs. A very suburban Jenny, but there is an overgrown boy in shorts. Let me know.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:15 / 07.10.04
Y'know FinderWolf, that really is rather good indeed.
13:34 / 07.10.04
Thanks - I really appreciate the kind words. I'm excited for you all to see me drawing more in my own style. If I can just get past page 5 of 8!!
13:53 / 12.10.04
OK, I finished the layouts for pages 5 and 6! Onward!!!

Who else has got Jenny projects in the works...?
21:21 / 12.10.04
I’m trying my hand at a superhero team comic strip and I’m including Jenny Everywhere.

07:26 / 14.10.04
Nice Auhthority parody, Imp!
14:31 / 14.10.04
14:34 / 14.10.04
Actually, now that I think about it it's more like my Teen Titans.
01:21 / 14.11.04
*bump* for Jenny fun and seeing what Jenny stuff people have cooking up...
17:27 / 12.01.05
JENNY in 2005!

Let's not let Jenny die out! I'm midway through a short story I'm drawing for writer Impulsivelad - I am shooting for getting it done in full by summer 2005, hopefully before. It's been slow going, but I will complete this puppy!!

Anyone else working on Jenny projects this year?
Nelson Evergreen
11:52 / 15.01.05
I've hung up my scarf and flying goggles - good innings, and all that - but, keeping it in the family, my gal's planning a Jenny with Goodness Gracious Meme; if their idea is anything to go by it should be a bit special.

Oh, and a friend who wrote a ridiculously fine, witty and literate JE script some time ago has now given up on finding an artist and is tackling it herself, which is good news because it begs to be read.

Flyboy tells me he has someone lined up to take over illustration duties for the next installment of Right-On Jenny and pals. I know who, and am most certainly a bit excited about it.
14:21 / 15.01.05
I've got a little something. It'll appear sooner or later.

A beautiful tunnel of ghosts
11:37 / 16.01.05
Bed Head and I have a six-page Jenny Everywhere story entitled Transmission which we'll be publishing later this year.
02:42 / 19.01.05
I'm currently doing an 8 page Jenny story for my class. I would talk more about it, but it's due Tuesday, so I should really be working on it now.
02:16 / 17.04.05
So, uh, Finder (and the rest of yez)... should I ask how this is going?
20:42 / 17.04.05
Having read the thread, I'm a little cautious of contributing, but here goes anyway:

I'd love to draw a story for anyone who has an orphan script (and promise not to refuse to draw boys kissing), but also have a very vague idea about a dead Jenny in the Universal Underworld. The idea being that Jenny seems to me to be a fundamentally humane and well-rounded character, wheras the milieu into which she is dropped works by rules formulated over the centuries out of the worst aspects of humanity. And then, of course, we get to see what she does in that situation.

The above picture, therefore, is a bit of the conceptualisation of my idea. I've tried to avoid a sort of ultra-thin or glamour-model look, in that I've tried to create a sort of muscular appearance but without the impression of martiality. The sword and the wizardystick are there because they'll probably be props, as every hero in the underworld needs an Artifact of Great Power and a Trusty Sword. Or something like that, anyway.

Please tell me if I'm murdering the character - I'm aware of the open-source nature of J.E., but I'd also like to create something which respects the sort of memeplex that's grown up around her in these threads...
23:51 / 17.04.05
Let me just warn you that you’re going to get hassled for making Jenny so thin. Other than that the art looks great and, since there hasn’t been anything new in Jenny’s world for more than a year, I’m totally interested.
Tryphena Absent
23:59 / 17.04.05
I think you're jumping to conclusions Impulsivelad.
03:24 / 18.04.05
I hope so...
09:31 / 18.04.05
Certainly, the Jenny/thinness/cartoon character/body image discussion is quite a complex one, and I don't think that comment does anything resembling justice to it...
13:54 / 18.04.05
Thin's fine.

So long as she's still got big tits.
16:14 / 18.04.05
The original image I made does, indeed make her look a bit thinner than I'd intended - I think I got carried away with the whole attenuated aesthetic. Below is one of the references I've drawn up, which I think is a bit more like it.
16:41 / 18.04.05
They're both great.
16:48 / 18.04.05
There are no coincidences...I've just been thinking that I need to get off my arse and get back to work on my story. I'm drawing an 8-page story written by Imp, I've got 4 of the 8 pages done, the next 2 pages are laid out... I need to make time to work on this and finally finish!

Those new pics are great - always cool to see new Jenny contributors. Thanks for the reminder and inspiration!
18:28 / 18.04.05
Withiel: I have two scripts that kill artists dead. They say they like them, and then they die dead dead dead.

You could look at them if you like. Or I could try to write something around your underworld thing, if you'd like to play some story volleyball.
01:16 / 19.04.05
Seeing as this thread is showing a bit of life with Withiel's beautiful drawings, I'm going to take a leaf from hir book and present my shot at the shifter.

The colouring's a bit shit because I've only recently managed to wean myself off black +white, biro and notepaper pictures. Also, the image quality isn't great because I had to reduce it for VillagePhotos. Still, hope you like them.

The first is from a potential Jenny story of my own that may or may not ever see the light of day.

The second is just a random Jenny + creatures image.

09:39 / 19.04.05
Fucking lovely, that. Colouring is great, too. I keep going back to look! Wow. Well done, that man. Reminds me of lots of cartooning guys that I don't really know anything about in style... someone help me out with a name...
10:42 / 19.04.05
Oh, I want to see both of these get turned into stories!
19:15 / 19.04.05
Tell me more about #2.
21:44 / 19.04.05
Thanks for the kind words, guys. I'll see what I can do about getting a story out, but with all the other stuff I should be doing, I don't know how likely it is.

There's not much to say about #2 really. I had a vague idea of Jenny getting pushed/pulled along mid-shift by a group of creatures and worked from there. Jenny and all the creatures were drawn, scanned and arranged seperately. The idea was for a bright coloured, candy-psychedelia Jenny with an appropriate tie-dye background, but when I got to that I realised I'd already used up too many colours for the characters and the background was clashing, so I settled on an easy green gradient just to be done with it and upload the thing.
21:56 / 19.04.05
Meludreen, those are gorgeous.

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