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Jenny Everywhere Clearing House and Update Point


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Ben Christensen
03:42 / 22.02.04
Hola guys, I'm new here.

Anyone who read about the writing exercise above, the one on Penciljack, I'm the one that set that up.

Right now I'm working up a couple of scripts (hopefully for the main site, but we'll see). At the same time, my wife and I are working on a children's book involving Jenny.

We were talking earlier today about different things related to the book and a question came up, so I thought I'd pop in here and see what y'all had to say about it.

How nessecary is the Jenny Paragraph? We intend to include it for the story itself, but at the end we are going to have a page encouraging kids to create their own stories with Jenny. Now since they are children, and since their stories are never going to be sold or used in any commercial way (though it IS possible that they might be) what to do with the Jenny Paragraph? Would we need to explain such things to kids?

We couldn't come to a conclusion either way, so I thought I'd bring it to you guys, to kind of mull over and figure out.

Any thoughts?

-Ben Christensen
04:23 / 22.02.04
Hey, I think that's a great idea and something I can't wait to see. I don't know about the paragraph thing, but I like the bit about encuriginf kids to make their own stories. It might be cool to add and e-mail address where they can send in completed stuff to put up on a kids section of the site (or another site entirely.) But I'm getting ahead of myself and Moriarty is really the one to ask.

Good luck with the project.
15:44 / 22.02.04
Hi, Ben.

The paragraph is in place partly to spread the meme further. There have already been a few stories and cameos that haven't included the paragraph, or have some sort of variation. Sometimes, because of size limitations or, as in the case you're presenting here, a lack of understanding, no information is included at all. No one is going to come around to break anyone's legs over it.

However, the other purpose of the paragraph is to keep anyone from claiming Jenny solely as their own. In your situation, though it is unlikely that someone would commercially publish one of the children's stories, it has happened in the past, and if it did the author (or the author's parents or guardians) would have to make it clear to the publisher that the character is copyright-free and that they cannot lay sole claim over the character. Otherwise, there could be a big hassle down the road.

Still, I think most kids consider fictional characters to be copyright-free anyway, so if they want to tool around with Jenny without the legal stuff, it's pretty much just as if they were to draw their own Batman or Dragonball Z stories. Let 'em.
Ben Christensen
16:01 / 22.02.04
That's what I thought.

I just figured before we got too far that I'd check it out.

16:01 / 23.02.04
out of curiosity, moriarity, this brings up a question I've wondered about. I know the goal of this project is not to make money, but what if someone did do, to use the current example, a children's book about Jenny and it got picked up by a publisher? Would the creators be able to make money off it, as long as they were clear that Jenny was not a copyrighted character? Could the story concepts/plot be copyrighted but not Jenny herself? Just curious. (i don't have any plans related to any of this stuff, but I was wondering a while ago - what if a Jenny project makes money?)
17:18 / 23.02.04
From the Jenny Everywhere FAQ.

Is it ok to get published and/or paid by another source for my Jenny Everywhere story?
Yes. Your story is your story. You have every right to use and exploit your story in any way you wish. But keep in mind that the character of Jenny Everywhere belongs to everyone, so you have no more rights to the character than anyone else and can not transer total rights to another person or organization. If one of the conditions of selling your story is also to sell the character of Jenny for any exclusivity, you are not free to do so. This is the one and only rule for the Jenny Everywhere concept. If you do this, you are selling your publisher a bill of goods and nothing else.
15:35 / 24.02.04
Posting this to poke myself into action on my project: She's a bit grubby, needs polishing.

And the lettering will eventually be done by hand but at the moment my arm hurts. Geocities will probably soon protest at the traffic and sned her back into the ether, but in the mean time, I will get lettering.
Ben Christensen
03:42 / 25.02.04
Something's been bugging me for a while.

Why do we still lack a bunch of open-source characters? Jenny's great, don't get me wrong, but it seems to me that more people climbed on the Jenny bandwagon than the open-source bandwagon.

Moriarty showed how easy it is to achieve open-source, so why not more characters from that model?

I just feel that something's missing. I guess I hold to a belief that a vast library of open-source characters would serve a better good than the success of a single one. Wasn't that the original challenge? Wasn't that what converted the Shifter into the Jenny we all know in the first place?

I love the character of Jenny, but I tend to see her more as the "Superman" of open-source, the instigator from which all future o.s. characters are based.

Am I the only one?

Regrettable Juvenilia
11:57 / 25.02.04
Hey Ex - nice work - is that just shadow on the right hand side (my right, her left) of Jenny's face, or is she smoking a Gauloise under her scarf, which would be unbelievably Left Bank?
13:43 / 25.02.04
Nice work, ex. The text is cool too!

Jenny as the "Superman" - the one who came first [in this sub-genre of open-source characters]. Very inspiring idea!
13:52 / 25.02.04
Just wondering, any chance on jumping in on this now? If so, how do I go about, some general info?
15:44 / 25.02.04
Compu-comp -- I think if you follow the links on, you'll get a good idea of how to start.

Ben: Why do we still lack a bunch of open-source characters?

I think because it's still a new and kind of small idea, although growing rapidly. It takes work to write and draw these things, and there hasn't been much in the way of distribution yet, aside from an official website and a few zines.
Ben Christensen
17:03 / 28.02.04
I can understand that.

I think my question should then change to: Is anyone working on any NEW open-source characters? Using Jenny as the model?

Personally, I am. I just finished the first draft of a Jenny comic that intros a new open-source creation.

Hopefully he's not the last.

Oh, I should put out there that I'm going to need an artist for the above project. It's not an easy story, but anyone interested can contact me about it.

15:27 / 29.02.04
I`ve been thinking of a jenny story entitled "The Tao tea thing", mixing Alice in wonderland, tao and maybe some Super Mario..sounds interesting to any of you drawers out there?
Ben Christensen
20:59 / 03.04.04
I think I should title this... because I have...
“One man’s take on the Shifter.”

I’m facsinated by this character. To simply say that I’m obsessed wouldn’t be enough. I think constantly of her and the ideas she holds. She’s adaptable to any person, any taste, any direction. Every person on the planet can know who she is and be thinking of a different character.

But she is so much more than a girl wearing goggles and a scarf.

In my seemingly endless brainstorming, it was not her adaptablity or her natural iconism that caught me. It was the concept of her existing in a multi-verse. Sure the idea of multiple realities is not a new one, but never before have we had a character that exists within them the same way as Jenny does.

Imagine what it would be like, having literally infinite versions of yourself in existence and being able to know what they know, think what they think, feel what they feel? Quantim theories have more or less proved that multiple realities MUST exist, there are any number of people that are “me” within a multiverse. Yet I’m me, and unless my dreams are some limited gateway, I have no access to any other versions of myself.

There are a limitlest number of sotries that could be told about any one Jenny (which I’ve come to call Nodes), but what about the whole of Jenny? A stream of conscienceness that we could never properly imagine. What amazing stories are held within that concept.

I look back at Watchmen a lot, because it holds many unique visions. The one that is most important her is the narrative structure of issue 4. Alan Moore managed to give us a glimpse of what it would feel like to have knowledge of the past and future that was just as real as the present. Dr. Manhatten literally exists within all time and he knows it. Think what Jenny must feel like.

This character is so much beyond simply fighting zombies or doormen. Now don’t get me wrong, those were great stories, but I’m trying to show that there is another option. In fact, there are literally endless options. Given enough thought behind it, a Jenny Everywhere story could achieve what no other story could. The Shifter is primed to break rules, both of writing and art. She could hold the key to really opening up the industry to the outside world.

And the important part of that is her status as open-source. Everyone that could think of something to do with her is allowed to. She could serve as the icon for the 21st century that really sparked new creative directions. I truly hold to that. Imagine what a god of story like Moore or Morisson or Gaimen or King or Kaufman could do with this character if they tried.

I’ve said above that I think Jenny is truly the next Superman, the next Spider-Man (since I feel both of those characters atribute for the majority of the creativity that has fueled comics for so long). I dream of a world where every company has at least one Jenny title under it’s belt. I dream of a world where Jenny is the spokesperson for major projects. I dream of the day that a big-budget Jenny Everywhere movie opens the same weekend as an independant thought provoking Jenny Everywhere movie does.

But why stop with our lovely Constant? Why not more open-source characters using her as a model. As I’ve mentioned above, I think this would be an incredible experiement in creative expression. Think of a world without copywrites that last a hundred years. Do you know that I will never be able to legally create and sell my own ideas for Spider-Man in my life-time? No one but the creators within the company will ever be allowed to do anything with Superman.

That’s not a creative venue. No matter what someone might do down the road to “mess” with present status quos, within a three years those rules will be back in place. And companies like Marvel and DC will keep pushing the same characters on the market place over and over again. Is it any wonder why manga is getting bigger? They actually DO stuff within their stories. And they aren’t pushed under the table like the independant market seems to be.

Picture what would happen if DC open-sourced Superman right now. Sure there would be things that would suck, but there would be ideas presented that never would have existed before. I mean for crying out loud, except for a couple of changes here and there (that never last all that long or change all that much) Superman’s costume hasn’t changed since he was created, and that was 66 years ago.

It’s time for a revolution, and I think Jenny is the starting point.

I know that this isn’t going to happen tomorrow (but that would be really cool). I simply feel as though more can be done. I hold that the collaberation process is to blame. I put up notice for my need of an artist weeks ago, I’m asking for jsut 6 pages, and yet I can’t get anyone to respond. Anytime I actually manage to get an artist for anything I write, they disappear on me long before we get started. But I digress, that’s a whole other issue in the industry.

I just feel like I have to get these words out. Get them said in some form or another to see if anyone feels like I do, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m the only one.

I wanted to share two things with you, since I’m typing this and I’m in the mood to do so.

The first is a basic framework of sorts that I’ve created for working on my numerous Jenny ideas. I call it the “6 Degrees of Jenny Everywhere” and it reads like this:

1 - Stories that revolve around a single node. Also, anything on the official site, since it is the orign point of the character (in most respects).

2 - Any story revolving around more than one Jenny. Since we are talking all realities, and all possibilities, this would occur on an infinite level.

3 - Any real world product with Jenny on it. T-Shirts, stickers, posters, movies, shows, etc.

4 - Any story where Jenny travels through time. Time has been theorized as nothing more than our perception of traveling from a dimension representing a single moment to another dimension in some sort of logical fashion.

5 - Any story with a child Jenny (i.e. the children’s book that my wife and I are working on )

6 - Any story that explores the whole person of Jenny Everywhere. Exploring any of the other degrees, but doing so in a fashion where reality and time are not important.

The other thing that I want to give at this point is my own open-source character. As I said above, I would like to see an extensive library of these characters. The trick would be making them as adaptable as Jenny. One other “rule” is that they should be able to travel through other dimensions in some way, again to allow them the openness of Jenny.

I call my character The Ideal. It is an abstract being that can travel through dimensions and take any form. It exists as a void untill someone desires for an ideal (i.e. an ideal doctor, an ideal date, an ideal garbage man... hey, it could happen), then it can choose to take that form and do whatever is neccesary. No matter what form it takes, it has two different colored eyes for some level of iconism.

It may not be the greatest character, but that’s why I’m open-sourcing it:

The character of The Ideal is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving The Ideal, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.

If anyone wants to do it better, now they can. I’d be interested to see if anyone does.


I know this has been long, and I know that I have little to show for all the talk above, but I am working on a Jenny/Ideal story. Of course once I get it done, I have to find an artist.

I’m going to shut up now and see what if any discussion comes from this post.

-Ben Christensen.
Nelson Evergreen
14:37 / 05.04.04
Worthy of a new thread, that, I would've thought...

Ben, your contributions to the storyjam have evoked precisely what's most fascinating about the concept of Jenny, namely her very everywhereness. I don't think any other tales, with the obvious exception of Sax's 'Death Of...', have quite gotten to grips with the real potential of the character.

More later. I'm meant to be working...
12:22 / 22.04.04
Nelson Evergreen
12:37 / 23.04.04
Does this mean you're one of us now, Suede?

Further delays in my neck of the woods: I haven't got a desk to work on at the moment, and if you use mapping nibs and ink, you NEED a desk. Absurd but true.
12:59 / 23.04.04
At some point, I shall join you... (Did you get your mail, by the way?)

I'm still confined to the kitchen table, though. I used to have an awkward set up with a coffee table brought in from the garden which I had to hunch over in the most awkward of ways, and draw in total shadow! I dream of a proper workspace.
13:16 / 23.04.04
Since people are chiming in, I'm on page 4 of an 8-page Jenny story written by Impulsivelad. It's a long time coming, but it'll be done eventually....
13:17 / 23.04.04
Very cool pic, suedehead!!!
Nelson Evergreen
14:20 / 23.04.04
I used to have an awkward set up with a coffee table brought in from the garden which I had to hunch over in the most awkward of ways, and draw in total shadow!

And you've now made me feel quite utterly lame. Still, at least you can get your knees under a coffee table. I have to sit on my feet if I want to hunch at home. This hurts.

(Mail, you say? Did you send me a copy of Sleeping Beauty? I moved house recently; I'll chase up my ex-housemates for it)
rizla mission
14:36 / 23.04.04
This character is so much beyond simply fighting zombies or doormen. Now don’t get me wrong, those were great stories, but I’m trying to show that there is another option. In fact, there are literally endless options. Given enough thought behind it, a Jenny Everywhere story could achieve what no other story could. The Shifter is primed to break rules, both of writing and art. She could hold the key to really opening up the industry to the outside world.

I deliberately started writing a script for a more serious JE story dealing with the confusion and weirdness of alternate reality shifting etc., but it all got a bit sort of tied in knots, and as usual I couldn't decide where to take the ideas, so it remains unfinished sadly..
14:48 / 23.04.04
Nelson: there were no knees under that table! It was kind of knee height... it hurt. I don't really know why I drew there anyway. My mother gets mad when I appropriate the "dinner" table, though. It's not like anyone actually eats there...

(And yes - chase up your ex-housemates! Oops, I should have checked!)
Ben Christensen
15:40 / 23.04.04
Rizla, I know what you mean. It's not easy to write something like that, of all the ideas swimming in my head about this character, only 2 have actually made it to a full script.

But, my motto is "If it was easy to do, someone would have done it long before you."

Char Aina
03:43 / 01.05.04
ah, jenny.
i introduced her to my mate sizemore... he's never been too trustworthy around the ladies.
it was on der gruppenblog 'blacknapkins' for which i am a contributing wierdo.

dont click! for the love of stuff and all that is stuffed, dont click!

you clicked, didnt you?
Char Aina
03:48 / 01.05.04
if you did click, you'll have found the top of a page...
posts dinnae have purma-linx in mah blog, righ'?
aye, yeh kin fuk'n scrouw doon, ya daftee.
17:34 / 03.05.04
It's right here and it's grotesquely kinky.
23:10 / 22.05.04
Have you guys heard of Loxie and Zoot? Jenny shows up in their strip, stripped.

02:20 / 23.05.04
i've been following it for a couple weeks now. Nicely drawn with many different body types. One warning, though.

04:58 / 23.05.04
Very nice. I'd like a closer look at her tattoo.
21:20 / 23.05.04
moriarty, what if someone uses Jenny to do some "minimalism + realism" thing... something utterly wrong. A piece of racial propaganda (I'm being extreme here, but you know what I'm talking about), maybe. What if this completely wrong version of Jenny emerges to the public eye, introducing Jenny to a wider audience in a really bad way? I'm thinking Buhdobaduh here, the analogy here being not very on mark because Buhdobaduh was not perverted into what she is, that's the way she was created.

Sorry if this issue was already dealt with before, but I wasn't following this project for a long while now.
21:22 / 23.05.04
It would be sad but those "fucked up" people are free to do with Jenny as they see fit. (As long as she has her goggles.)
21:33 / 23.05.04
You gotta be kidding. I can't even conceive something like that. As a creator, I would be drowning in bile if one of my creations got messed up with by some mopehead.
03:12 / 24.05.04
That’s how it is when your character is truly open source.

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