>> You're turning killing a whole bunch of people just 'cos they happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time into something light-hearted and frivolous (it's not like I even get the sense that the humour here is meant to be read as dark or sick, which would maybe be a mitigating factor).
As opposed to an intended 'frivolous' tone, I kind of read it as being a big clumsy "Fuck you, USA, let's kill lots of innocent people for fun and subversion" and not much more than that. And like you said, most people here aren't remotely Bushies or mindless Ashcroft patriots. When the Dadaist responded "YOU need a motivation [in the story for Jenny to] blow up the statue, I don't need one", I feel like he/she sort of unintentionally made our point for us about what some feel the story is lacking.
And I geniunely think the critiques here of the story have been honest, intelligent, not harshly made, and came out of an attempt to be constructive and respectful. It wasn't like 'Dude this sucks, you suck', it was something an editor might tell you when you submit your writing samples to a comic company, publishing house or newspaper (artists get the same critique from publishers, agents and comic editors - "this is not clear, you need to work on the anatomy here, the storytelling isn't clear in this sequence, etc.") - talking about motivation, characterization, tone, etc. etc. But that's just my take on it, and I'm sorry the Dadaist feels he/she is just getting mercilessly slammed with venom. But believe me, I know how it's no fun to get critiques of your work.
I agree with this comment:
>> I think that all of the anotations you provide above are things which were reasonably clear to me on a first reading of the strip, and I don't think they actually serve to counter my own misgivings/criticisms.
No one is saying the Dadaist didn't put a lot of work or thought into the comic. I saw a lot of those things on my first reading but they were more like the research or magickal intent that goes into a story, for me, they didn't serve up the story points that I wanted to see more of in the story. But no one is saying "you suck, don't come back here, you have no talent" - far from it. I think, of those who critiqued the story, 95% of them were like "There are some good ideas here, I would like to see more of this and this and I think it could use more clarity as to this and this." I would hate to think that an author who got some mature criticism would be offended and think we're all trying to drive him/her away, because I honestly don't think that's what happening here. |