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Jenny Everywhere Clearing House and Update Point


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07:49 / 24.05.04
I think it was rather inevitable that someone would get Jenny's tits out. Even under the rather dubious auspices of "naturist comics for naturist people".

Just think, someone, somewhere is having a wank over Jenny Everywhere. In this very reality.
22:11 / 24.05.04
Well, toksik's chum's story was an extended wank fantasy...
00:28 / 25.05.04
Someone got Jenny's tits out?!

And so the level descends.
05:56 / 25.05.04
Jade, before I entered Jenny into the public domain I not only considered the possibility that she would be used in ways that I wouldn't agree with, but knew that it was inevitable. Not only that, but I took some time to imagine what possiblities might occur, including the one you've mentioned, though I'm sure my imagination will be tame compared to what can, and probably will, occur. So, yeah, I wasn't going in completely naive, and I can't imagine I'll be incredibly upset if an when it does happen. It's completely out of my control. No one's putting this genie back in the bottle, and I wouldn't even if I could. Thanks for your concern, though.

Olulabelle, Sax is referring to a webcomic linked to near the bottom of the previous page of this thread. It's a comic about people living in a nudist colony (actually, I'm not sure if that's what they call them anymore), so not only does Jenny join in, but she does alot more then "take her tits out". In fact, every single character is completely nude. I completely disagree with Sax' reaction to it and do not think it was made with a hidden agenda. It's sweet, well-drawn with many varying body sizes, ages, and ethnicities (a rarity in comics) and is closer to my impression of Jenny then the majority of stories I've read with her. Great stuff if you're not bothered by nekkid people.
17:17 / 25.05.04
That Loxie & Zoot thing rocks -- they actually reference other Jenny stories. Far out.

It's like... continuity!
19:16 / 25.05.04
Oh, I don't object to it at all, Moriarty. I like Jenny's tits as much as the next alien. I'd have to read more to be convinced there was actually any reason for everyone to have their collars and cuffs out in this story, though.
19:27 / 25.05.04
Oops - my bad, slightly. I thought episode six was the first page of the story, which left me slightly confused as to why everyone was nekkid.
20:15 / 25.05.04
That was actually really fun! And well-drawn and well-written! It may be about a nudist colony, but it's not a porn strip - far from it. Very witty & cute!
Perfect Tommy
05:17 / 26.05.04
There's something I'm a little unclear on: Jenny is open source—no one owns the character. The stories she appears in are owned by their creators. I'm inclined to believe that this means that characters who are not Jenny Everywhere are not open source unless explicitly made so.

Sooo... are someone's modifications to Jenny open source? I was thinking about pulling Crab Claw Jenny from her appearance in Dalton Sharp's entry in the Jenny Everywhere Strip Fight into one of my stories, but I'm not sure if I'm free to do so.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:20 / 26.05.04
Tricky - when Nelson and I put out a minicomic of our two strips to date, I'm pretty sure we had a disclaimer saying 'all other characters copyright Evergreen/Macare', but I could be wrong as I don't have it to hand. Anyway, I think it says 'copyright free' elsewhere in the body of one of the strips, so I don't know how we could ever enforce that - my point (and I do have one) is that generally I reckon if you're going to use someone else's characters or concepts, you might want to drop them a line first and check they don't mind. Someone did email me a while back asking if they could put Jenny's Right-On gang in a panel and I was happy to agree - I've never seen it though...
08:08 / 26.05.04
I'd second that. Impulsive Lad e-mailed me to ask if he could use the un-named guy from My Bloody Valentine in one of his strips (the excellent Shiva one), to which I obviously agreed. And he named him after me, which was nice.
Mr Tricks
16:49 / 07.06.04
Well it seems Jenny everywhere is inspiring a whole community of potential open source charactors here
11:23 / 08.06.04
By the by I have now seen A Jenny Everywhere Tijana bible - in keeping with all the conventions of the form...
Spyder Todd 2008
19:09 / 08.06.04
This probably should be a new topic, but because of this comment-

"Why do we still lack a bunch of open-source characters? Jenny's great, don't get me wrong, but it seems to me that more people climbed on the Jenny bandwagon than the open-source bandwagon."

-I guess I'll use this as an excuse to introduce a new open source character that I've done the initial design work for: Future Boy.

This boy from the 38th century set out to traverse the omni-verse of existence to explore and have a good time. He can travel to any timeline, any point in history, any imaginary universe you can think of.
The biggest difference conceptually between Future Boy and Jenny Everywhere is one of continuity (sort of). As a general rule, no two Jenny Everywhere stories star the same Jenny Everywhere. There are a few exceptions, but this allows very different takes on the character.
Future Boy is a little different. Future Boy can travel to any point in existence, but Future Boy himself is one character.(Of course, theoretically Future Boy could meet a different version of himself, but...) So, lets say Future Boy was to have his hand cut off or something- in all the following stories, he'd be missing a hand (Unless it grew back somehow). I'm really interested in getting this character out there, but I'm crap at website stuff, so I'd need serious help. I'd like to only have one website that everyone who writes this stuff can add to, but again, someone else would need to host the site, 'cause I don't know how to.
Editorially, anyone who would send a story would get posted without any problem. As long as nothing hugely bad were to happen to him (such as the whole hypothetical hand thing), all stories would be posted instantly. If something like the hand thing happened, a big time note would be posted on the site about it for new scripts.

I don't know how feasible this project would be, but I'm already working on an adventure staring him, and I'd love to have some assistance getting it up and running. If you're interested, let me know.
19:43 / 08.06.04
By the by I have now seen A Jenny Everywhere Tijana bible - in keeping with all the conventions of the form...

For real? Where?
08:21 / 09.06.04
For real - at the Bristol Con - and like all those Tijana Bibles no-one has put their name to it ...
Jack Fear
21:18 / 09.06.04
Is it just me, or does the idea of "Hey! Let's create a wholebunch of open-source characters, just for us!" kind of miss the whole point of "open source"?

What these nimrods are talking about is a shared universe, which is a whole different thing.

Oh, and Future Boy? Jenny with a sex change, travelling in time rather than dimensions: entirely surplus to requirements. Nothing you can do with him that you couldn't do with her.

I herewith invoke Occam's Razor.
08:20 / 10.06.04
Actually, I agree with you there Jack - (surely this means I am also becoming a grumpy old man)...
Jack Fear
22:12 / 10.06.04
It was bound to happen eventually.
19:25 / 11.06.04
I'm still working away on an 8-page story with Imp...on page 4 now

The Tijuana Bible is hilarious -- we gotta see a scan of it!!! (not for porno purposes but for entertainment and bizarre curiosity)
Ben Christensen
05:05 / 12.06.04
(not for porno purposes but for entertainment and bizarre curiosity)

Here here.

21:23 / 16.06.04
The Jenny Everywhere Tijuana Bible

(Contains images of Jenny Everywhere having sex. You can se her t1tZ and everything)
21:28 / 16.06.04
Wow. That was really bad and unpleasant. Which I suppose was the point.
09:01 / 17.06.04
How many Tijana bibles have you read Haus?
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:27 / 17.06.04
So these Bibles are another mini-genre in which one of the conventions is that they're all shit? Like we need more of those in comics...
10:36 / 17.06.04
Yes and those fucking cave-men should have tried harder too with their stick-paintings of buffalo. Their composition, style and narrative structure all sucked.
10:48 / 17.06.04
... not to mention their rampant sexism.

OK, For those unaware of the history of Tijana Bibles, A brief primer. (*warning* images of 8 page sex comics are prbably not work-safe)
14:26 / 17.06.04
I think we know what Tijuana bibles are, sleaze. We read "Watchmen". The fact remains that I don't really see why one should strive to create something, as Flybs says, which is basically shit, objectifying toss, just because other people have in the past.
09:38 / 18.06.04
How work safe is this before I open it?
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:12 / 18.06.04
As work safe as sexual intercourse rendered explicitly in comic strip form can be.
14:04 / 18.06.04
Would it be possible for those people putting up Non-Work Safe links to place a little warning when doing so? This has happened a few times now. And if any mods are visiting, could you insert a warning label on the Tijuana links found above?
14:15 / 18.06.04
Well, if people don't get that this is porn, they may want to stop using Barbelith and attend to their studies, but since you asked...
20:34 / 19.06.04
That was pretty awful. Even without the Avid Merrion dialogue.
Tryphena Absent
02:29 / 20.06.04
I am unstartlingly unimpressed.

I would also like to remind certain posters that assume puts the ass in u and me.
08:05 / 21.06.04
Quite right - foreknowledge of Tijuana Bibles is by no means universal. I apologise.

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