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Jenny Everywhere Clearing House and Update Point


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Nelson Evergreen
12:10 / 22.07.07
Cool. I've been in touch with Alex Thoth, and he seemed happy to get all his collaborators to forward their pages to the guy building the site.

I pm-ed Sax and dlotemp a few days ago and haven't heard anything back, so I'm assuming they're no longer frequenting the board or simply can't be bothered!

I'll try Lentil and Kit-Kat Club, who drew Sax's stories...

If dlotemp's disappeared then Mrs Zirma's gone with him, and that's a shame because it was a corker.
Nelson Evergreen
07:13 / 23.07.07
Found him!
13:52 / 23.07.07
glad you found him! This sounds fun...
19:50 / 30.07.07
Nelson, will the various Jenny stories remain where they are until the new site is completed? Just curious?
Nelson Evergreen
11:33 / 06.08.07
Yup. In any case, I'm in no rush to chase whatever strips are presently holed up on my site; it's not like they're causing any trouble!

Here's the work-in-progress archive site. Oddly, I've heard rumours that moriarty is indeed trying to get the original site back online. Rumours... myths... who knows, or would dare to say?
17:32 / 13.09.07
what's the latest on this, by the way? just curious...
17:47 / 13.09.07
I just looked at the site and it looks almost completely DONE!!! Pretty much all the stories & links to the stories are working.

from the News blog on the site:
Monday, September 10, 2007
Quick Update
Just letting people know I'm still working on the other parts of the site. I'm going to be going to Geek Kon this year (I'm slated to speak on the webcomics panel), and I try to plug this site and Jenny for a special project I'm lining up. May not officially Launch until October now, though the site will pretty much already be here.

I DO WARN PEOPLE THOUGH!!! The links are not permanent, as they will change with a new site and Domain name... which may not be an issue for the most part at this point though...

pretty cool , eh?
17:48 / 13.09.07
And a special thank-you to whoever is compiling/working on this new site archives. THANK YOU!!!!
Ben Christensen
03:01 / 16.09.07
I concur! It's great to see all sorts of Jenny work collected again, including all sorts of things I've never seen before.

Bang up job, keep it up!
09:53 / 20.09.07
Well cool.
Ben Christensen
18:26 / 08.10.07
Hey guys, I've been asked to inform you that Jason Franks and Scott Wegener's Jenny comic has finally been released online.

It can be found HERE.

It's pretty f'ing cool, so by all means check it out!
01:31 / 09.10.07
how awesome is this.

I'll tell you: Awesome awesome awesome.

Great stuff. I loved the essay, too, and the sketches from all the various artists (even from the GODLAND guy! nice!!!!)

Terrific. Will this be linked on the new Jenny site that's being developed?

more comments soon. Great to see new Jenny product!!
02:21 / 09.10.07
p.s. I love the Jenny Everywhere logo you came up with ! And great to see the Tom Orzechowski-based font in use!!
14:19 / 09.10.07

toast. excellent.

"Everyone is Ambivalent Towards Miranda." I love it! "Barbara Mattel" is a great name for a Barbie-type actress.

The different 'worlds/sets' she walks past was fun.

The TV execs are hilarious. "Jenny - Can I call you Jenny? [moving on without answer from Jenny] Great."

"If I can't be a Rockette..." "Evil henchmen?" "I've heard talk." This writing is fantastic, it really pops. I can't keep commenting on every line that I love, because there will be so many, but I might write a bit more about other favorites...

excellent work, once again. And I love the cover art!
15:16 / 09.10.07
Toast is indeed excellent!
15:23 / 09.10.07
Barbelith synch strikes again.
Yesterday afternoon, I set about finally sorting out a room snowed under by years of neglected papers, letters and magazines. I was rewarded by turning up my copy of the Flyboy / Nelson "Name's Not Down" collaboration. Aces!

Unrelated quilt and journal curiosity brings me to Creation today, only to find Jenny right there at the top of the list... hmmm, arriving last night after a twenty-odd day lull... bumped just minutes before I get here.

Okay, I'll bite (although When Casting Calls is one hell of an act to follow... I'll just slip this one past while you reach for the popcorn)

My offering to The Blue Book took the form of a Jenny strip I'd already roughed out in my sketchpad. So as not to hog the Blue Book, I decided to make a pull-out folded into five sections. This gave me the nine pages I needed plus one section for sticking it to my page of the Wandering Notebook. The pages are as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Since I was using both sides of a strip of paper, there was no room for heavy erasing and reworking: I only had one shot at each panel and had to run with it no matter what happened. Which is what you see above.
Ben Christensen
19:18 / 23.02.08
Bump... with ART!

This is kind of a random pic I did recently. I'm working (slowly) on a big Jenny Project, but this isn't for it.
12:06 / 24.02.08
Wow, that looks fantastic!
22:04 / 24.02.08
Long may she wave.
21:44 / 28.02.08
very cool --- looks great!!
Ben Christensen
08:20 / 07.04.08
Hey everyone.

Just wanted to point you to my new comic:

The Jenny Everywhere Chronicles

It's the culmination of all the brainstorming and development I've been doing with the character for the last four years. I really want to delve into the mythology of the Shifter and see where it takes us.

Anyway, please check it out. The first page is up today.
14:10 / 07.04.08
20:10 / 19.05.08
Most excellent! Is there more to come soon...?
Ben Christensen
15:28 / 20.05.08
I'm almost done with Issue #1 and I've been (slowly) writing issue #2. Last week I didn't update as I was working on the coding for the site (amongst other projects) but now it's full steam ahead with three pages a week.
Ben Christensen
08:02 / 06.06.08
Issue #1 of the Jenny Everywhere Chronicles is finished.

You can read it from the beginning HERE.

Issue #2 starts on Monday.
16:15 / 11.06.08
extremely well-done! Very entertaining story, the first page image is fantastic...

"You landed on a bunch of pacifists" is a great line.

My one constructive critique would be, in the future, to leave a bit more white space between the lettering and the word balloons; gives the eye a bit more breathing space and makes the lettering look less dense. Or maybe it's the choice to have rectangular word balloons that makes the lettering look a little cramped...?

"Zlopp!" Hee hee.

Fun set-up for future stories.

The sudden shift in tone to drama (the mention of Michael) and then back to the usual antics was a bit abrupt, but still interesting.

I like the symbol on Jenny's shirt & the whole 'dice' motif visually (the page numbers, etc.) I like how her scarf transforms into the parachute, the sword (while still maintaining the white w/red stripe design)

What is The Wilson"? A ship? Interesting idea that Jenny has a support system and someone like Raleigh who is 'locked' onto her by some unknown group...
18:06 / 11.06.08
Yeah, so far, so fun!

I quite liked the plane-o-Jennies.
16:33 / 15.07.08
Just got caught up with Ben's story. I love it!
Ben Christensen
21:21 / 07.03.09
Hey guys, I just wanted to point out that after a bit of down time The Jenny Everywhere Chronicles is back up and running, this time with art by Mr. Scott D.M. Simmons.

Only a couple of pages of the newest storyline are up, but I've set it way back in Jenny's teen years as the Shifter.

Please check it out. New pages each Saturday.
13:53 / 15.03.09
Very cool! I love the Shifter's very superheroy outfit and I can't wait to see more. I'm curious to see how you explain why she went from tights to scarf and goggles.
20:42 / 12.08.09
I like it... a nega-Jenny, if you will.

Anyone else doing any more Jenny projects out there...?

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