Barbelith synch strikes again.
Yesterday afternoon, I set about finally sorting out a room snowed under by years of neglected papers, letters and magazines. I was rewarded by turning up my copy of the Flyboy / Nelson "Name's Not Down" collaboration. Aces!
Unrelated quilt and journal curiosity brings me to Creation today, only to find Jenny right there at the top of the list... hmmm, arriving last night after a twenty-odd day lull... bumped just minutes before I get here.
Okay, I'll bite (although When Casting Calls is one hell of an act to follow... I'll just slip this one past while you reach for the popcorn)
My offering to The Blue Book took the form of a Jenny strip I'd already roughed out in my sketchpad. So as not to hog the Blue Book, I decided to make a pull-out folded into five sections. This gave me the nine pages I needed plus one section for sticking it to my page of the Wandering Notebook. The pages are as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Since I was using both sides of a strip of paper, there was no room for heavy erasing and reworking: I only had one shot at each panel and had to run with it no matter what happened. Which is what you see above. |