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Jenny Everywhere Clearing House and Update Point


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19:50 / 10.01.04
For which I feel utterly grateful....
15:23 / 11.01.04

12 months is indeed a long time to wait and it was lentil's amazing art that kept me going.

When can I see the last two pages?

Can't stop smiling.
Tryphena Absent
19:05 / 11.01.04
it was drunken cajoling by sleazenation that led to this tryst coming about

And he has been placed on my HATE list.
19:23 / 11.01.04
heh - just remember who it was that drunkenly cajoled you to writing your ideas down as Jenny scripts Ms Tryphena...

Hmmm this seems to be a habit, drunkenly cajoling people to do jenny stuff...
Kit-Cat Club
08:17 / 12.01.04
You've done it to me, too, old chap.

Sax - I am having trouble working out how to get these things into digital format and eventually online for you to have a squiz. I'm going to run round the internet cafes of Oxford after work today to see if any of them do scanning etc. If they don't I am going to have to throw myself on the mercy of Barbeloids and beg someone to help me out. Or I can put the pages in the post to you if you prefer. Let me know.
10:24 / 12.01.04
If you can get them scanned you can host them at, which is where lentil first did the My Bloody Valentine pix.

I'll ask Persephone about the nuts and bolts of getting them on the jenny site.
Kit-Cat Club
07:57 / 14.01.04
Sax, check your PMs. I'll check villagephotos, but haven't they recently changed their deals? Will have a look anyway.
10:51 / 14.01.04
Yup, Villagephotos no good. I've PM'd Persephone regarding the website, if P or Moriarty read this first, get in touch.

I can't look at the e-mails until about 6pm. I'm afeared I'm going to wet myself.
15:21 / 14.01.04
I checked villagephotos yesterday - my free account was still functioning and I was able to upload the new pages, the only frustrations were that it wouldn't accept anything over 100k and that I couldn't for the life of me get the publicly viewable page to display the damn things in the right order (this is why I haven't linked to it).
19:06 / 14.01.04
From the message I got, I don't think you can link from other websites to free accounts now.

But on the plus side, I've seen KCC's work on the Death of Jenny Everywhere. Wow.
Nelson Evergreen
19:49 / 14.01.04
Then let's get it up on the site for a preview. Ditto Imp and lentil's latest. I could do with a good hard doubleheader.
22:18 / 14.01.04
I think Perse is taking a few weeks off so it might be a while, Nelson.
Kit-Cat Club
11:59 / 15.01.04
Oh, dratitude, I knew I should have got it done before Christmas, bah, humbug... is there anywhere else at all that I could use as a free place to upload stuff? Even to link to... (thinks: have I still got that Geocities site somewhere...)
13:29 / 15.01.04
Perseph has promised to have the story on the site by Wednesday at the latest.
18:51 / 15.01.04
Yeah, she just PMed me and it seems she's back from her break... YAY! we were lost without you, Perse!
18:23 / 20.01.04
Hey, has anyone ever clicked on the little graph icon on the front page of the Jenny site, which gives all the info about who's viewed it and when and where they're from etc?

It's reeeeaallly interesting.
18:29 / 20.01.04
I would like to add that the first hit I got for googling "Jenny" was entitled "the shifted librarian".

Sounds like a story to me, too.
23:05 / 20.01.04
I've never noticed that before... my favorite part is the "Country of Origin". I love the fact that people from all over the world are checking this out.
14:32 / 23.01.04
I guess the board is working properly again (Yaaaaaay!). So I've seen the story, but when will it be up here so all can preview it. This one's a no-brainer - great story, great characters, great art, no way will anyone not want to resoundingly approve this one. Really nice work to the writer & artist!
02:45 / 02.02.04

Hi, My name is Scott Simmons and I am the artist on "Soulless Mate", one of the 18,000 Jenny Everywhere stories written by Alex Hernandez. ;-) I just completed it this week, and I understand it may be available for preview/review soon, possibly this week.

I hope you all enjoy it. I had alot of fun doing the story and look forward to doing some more Jenny stories. I have some of my own, and I will be doing another one for Alex sometime after my big move back to Cincinnati.

I'm rather new to the forums here, so I'll be checking out threads here and there, and I hope to see you all soon.

11:02 / 02.02.04
I'm working up to a short graphic story - Jenny in 1920s Paris Left Bank, with Jenny dropping in on Natalie Barney's salon.
As it's in part about how that bunch of lesbian artists and writers have become iconic and mythical and intimidating, I'm hoping to incorporate photographs in the strip - rather than laboriously producing my own Gertrude Stein and Alice B Toklas, who might be semi-recognisable and certainly lack that instantantaneous "Look! It's her! Get a load of that suit...".
At the moment I fear it becoming bad Radclyffe Hall realfic, so I'm sharpening my nibs and dialogue and getting nervous. I hope to finish the script this week and then force a friend to don the goggles and pose.
These threads and the other strips have been terribly useful and inspiring (especially the lettering - not at all pedantic, very handy). Any other hints, tips, requests gratefully received.
14:50 / 02.02.04
Scott Simmons/Cliff Steele, just wanted to say welcome, and your work on "Soulless Mate" was really excellent. Nice, crisp, clean line work, with excellent layout & design and very good lettering placement (we all know how it can be when word balloons are not placed properly to direct the reader as to sequence, and it should be done in such a manner that you're unaware you're being directed; it just flows - you've nailed it here). Welcome, and I look forward to seeing more of your work and your next Jenny story!
16:19 / 02.02.04
Ex, a word of advice. You may want to work up a short story before going straight into a graphic novel. One of the (very loose) restrictions we set up was that initial stories should be no longer than 8 pages long. Obviously, we've allowed some leeway there, but it's a good way to determine if any further stories you do will be suitable for the site (if you even care about things like that), figuring out where any of your technical faults may lie so that you don't repeat them later, and it sets a more realistic goal, which, when achieved, may give you the nerve to go on to a longer story.

You can even take a short standalone scene from your script, or fashion some sort of prologue for it, and present that as a sort of teaser for future work.
17:43 / 02.02.04
Thanks for the thought, but I'm doing a "short graphic story" - not attempting a novel, that would indeed be foolhardy. On current plans, it'll be 6 pages.
That may have been a slightly wanky way of referring to it, but I'm not sure yet about the balance of visuals and text - it may end up as a heavily illustrated short story or a heavily annotated set of images - and it probably won't be a traditional pannelled layout, so I thought I'd go for "graphic story" rather than "comic" as it sounded more vague.

Although I'm not sure quite who I thought would poke me and shout "That's not a comic! Scott McCloud defines a comic as sequential visual art - but you're just taking the piss! Ahhhtside!"
18:04 / 02.02.04
Hey Ex, I think your story sounds ace. It'll make for a pleasent break away from my pulp, no-brainer stories. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
18:26 / 02.02.04
Oops. Sorry for misreading your post, Ex.
19:04 / 02.02.04
Any other hints, tips, requests gratefully received.

MicroSoft Paint, baby, on the "monochrome" setting. Save any photograph, copy it, paste into MS Paint monochrome, and it'll look like any other photo pasted into MS Paint monochrome, even if the originals are way way different.

MS Paint is the only tool a *real* digital artist would ever need. Photoshop is for WUSSES.
20:41 / 02.02.04
Take. That. BACK!
10:53 / 03.02.04
MS Paint is the only tool a *real* digital artist would ever need. Photoshop is for WUSSES.

And by a strange coincidence (actually, because of utter Photoshop illiteracy) it was exctly the tool I was going to use...

moriarty: but it was worth saying, definitely, because now it will gently deter novices from embarking on a Jenny Epicwhere, without stomping on their nascent dreams.

My own dreams are a littl estomped: my expedition to purchase antique postcard corner-mounts (scroll down to bottom) from these lovely people was foiled - shop shut, annual holiday, the swines (that link just for UK stationary perves).
Captain Zoom
23:12 / 04.02.04
I have 2 Jenny Everywhere scripts that will never be drawn by me. Can they be put on the website, once approved, or is the site for fully produced comics only?

21:00 / 08.02.04

Thanks, Hunter!
And thanks for the Barbelith message.

I am going to try and finish up a new Jenny story (my own) by the end of the month, and get on Alex's second story he's given to me sometime in late March/early April... shortly after I clear out another project for Gunslinger Press.

Nelson Evergreen
12:19 / 11.02.04
Fat Jenny strikes back....

13:50 / 11.02.04
He's alive!
15:31 / 11.02.04
Nelson, that looks amazing - your art never ceases to amaze me! Thanks for posting the tease!
18:18 / 11.02.04
YAY! That looks fantastic, man! Can't wait to see more.

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