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Jenny Everywhere Clearing House and Update Point


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Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:13 / 31.10.03
OK, the bug has finally bit. I've seen the first few pages of a JE story, now I've just got to get the damn thing down on paper, work out the rest of it and find someone willing to illustrate my brainwrongs.

No title as yet, and I may have to confer with Fly and Anna on some minor points involving their stories, but I can confirm it will have Jenny's annoying teenage brothers and their mates Bill Christ and L. Rik Hubbard.

Captain Zoom
22:32 / 06.11.03
Hey y'all. I'm back. I did at one point have a couple of Jenny Everywhere scripts floating about out there. One went to Mr. Moriarty and one went...umm...I'm not sure to whom. Anyway, if neither of them has shown up finished anywhere, they're up for grabs. One's a trippy, Kirby-esque super-hero origin story and one's set in the middle ages, is completely in iambic pentameter and involves Jenny's nemesis (or one of them.)

If anyone's interested, let me know.

13:26 / 08.11.03
Just read John Dee, Jenny Everywhere: Round One! Nice job, Woody. You've got a fantastic way with words... nearly put me in a trance.
Kit-Cat Club
09:53 / 10.11.03
Pencilled most of Sax's script, now need to acquire transfer paper before inking...
11:50 / 10.11.03
I think I just messed my trousers.
Tryphena Absent
13:54 / 10.11.03
I was going to have siblings but now it's reduced to Jenny's cousin and the cousin's boyfriend, a Japanese conceptual artist with a manic grin.
15:27 / 13.11.03
Just to let everyone know, the "He Is Just A Rat" Jenny (Bunny) Everywhere strips have continued - there are about 3 new ones since Oct. 10th. Click on the "News" section at the Jenny site, click on Part 3 and then click on "Newest strip" and read backwards - or figure out a way to not read 'em backwards if you can
15:57 / 13.11.03
Yeah, I'm really enjoying the Bunny Everywhere stuff. (Also it was kinda cool to read that Tony Walsh visited my home planet Cuba.)

Anna, you're story sounds cooler all the time... can't wait to see it.

And Sax, about time! I've been dying to read this Death Of Jenny Everywhere thing you've been going on about!
Nelson Evergreen
17:23 / 13.11.03
Because I'm a clever boy who's advancing quickly through his current commission, I'm going to sit back and get re-acquainted with the Right-On Jenny this evening. I've missed her, I must say.
18:13 / 13.11.03
And Sax, about time! I've been dying to read this Death Of Jenny Everywhere thing you've been going on about!

Uh-oh. Been bigging it up too much.

/modest/ This old strip? Oh, it's nothing... just something me and Kit-Kat Club knocked up... quite rubbish, really /modest/
08:08 / 14.11.03
So, I decided to get Jenny Everywhere an LJ.

Jenny goes journaling

Her PW is "kingmobber." Feel free to edit her profile, post your latest comics as new entries, etc. etc. etc.

And has anyone done fanfiction yet? What would you guys think of an "I'm not a sellout just because I got in the NY times, assholes!" piece? Or would that be lame?
13:34 / 14.11.03
Yay, Jenny already had me on her friends list!

Today I feel cool.
14:03 / 14.11.03
So now jenny has a livejournal as well as ablog. Cool.
01:21 / 20.11.03
Now previewing: New York Chaos by The Dadaist!

06:22 / 20.11.03
09:01 / 20.11.03
I had a really adverse reaction to this script - what was the point to blowing up the Statue of Liberty? ushering the age of Horus? How is it different from blowing up the WTC? Jenny read a different book first? and What pray tell is the expected response from the Whitehouse?

trying not to sound excessively negative here- i do think the strip contains the kernal of a good idea – it’s the execution I think leaves something to be desired. Basically it seem like there is a lot more story than can fit onto 6 pages, a lot more issues that if left unaddressed, as they are at the moment risk making jenny look like a cardboard cut out nihilist terrorist.

The immediate questions i think it leaves – What did jenny seek to achieve through ‘fucking shit up?’ Won’t it be viewed as just a senseless act of terrorism by the population at large – let alone the white house. Worse, since jenny is unlikely to be caught such an act just gives the US gov. carte blanche to launch pre-emptive strikes across the world under the guise of a war against terrorism – um kind of like the world in which we are living… Are we supposed to sympathise with Jenny? Or analyse the nature of terrorism? Its unclear cos there is little to the story outside of turning the statue of liberty into a smoking crator – and what’s the point of that when there is already a pretty big crator just across the water.

Again I’d like to emphasize I’m not trying to be excessively negative – I’m just not sure what this strip was trying to achieve.
13:09 / 20.11.03
I kind of have to agree with sleazenation - not sure what the story really IS, here. Other than the very intruiging part-and-parcel analysis of the components of the Statue of Liberty, I feel there's not much to the story, really, and what there is paints Jenny as a kind of arrogant, negative force. The graffiti message Jenny leaves for the gov't dudes to find just seems really snide and conceited, in a negative way. (Although I do like seeing Bush mocked , this story left a bad taste in my mouth.)

Anyone else? What do others think about this story?
14:31 / 20.11.03
I'm sorry to join in the negativity as well. My "ouch" on the previous page said it all for me, really. I think the art was fun but I'm afraid I didn't "get" Jenny in this one... sorry. Can't see the value in replacing "liberty" with "chaos", I'm afraid. And blowing up New York landmarks for rather vague reasons just seems... odd, really.
The Dadaist
18:08 / 20.11.03
Thanks for the (negative) opinions

I don´t want to blow up the Statue of Liberty. It´s a simbolic comic in 6 pages, nothing more. With a political and magickal perspective. And hey, I hate Bush and what the Statue represents. You should try to see the problems in my country because of the USA geverment. An example: 30.000 men and women "desaparecidos". Not dead. Tortured and missing people(in the ocean, in big holes, etc).
18:43 / 20.11.03
>> and what the Statue represents

Um, doesn't the Statue represent all the good, noble ideas that America *says* it stands for (and sometimes does) but often perverts (freedom, liberty, equal opportunity, and all)?? Not to get off-topic here, but I wanted to ask that question.
19:57 / 20.11.03
I think that's a totally valid and interesting question, HunterWolf. This word "represent." I think that "represent" is one of those words that seems absolute, but is actually relative. E.g., the Statue of Liberty represents "freedom, liberty, equal opportunity" to you, HunterWolf, who lives in New York City. From the Dadaist's point of view, in Argentina, the Statue looks quite different; and that's a view that I'm interested in.

I mean, I think that if more Americans would try to see themselves as the world sees them... argh, I'm not saying that 911 would never have happened. But I can't stand how so many Americans can't see at all how 911 could have happened.

So here is the Dadaist, who write a comic that --to me-- says, ARRGGH, Statue of Liberty, I hate it, I'm going to blow it up in my comic! And here he is, and I just think that this is a good opportunity to find out what that's about from him. On the relative safety of the page, if you know what I mean.

And you know, this doesn't strike me as too dissimilar from Jenny & pals jumping that coffee executive in the restroom. Fly's characterization is stronger & that probably helps. And actually, you know what I think startled me the most about Dadaist's comic that the little bomb that says "The End," because you know it's not the end. As Emma Frost would say, "And then what? Then what?"
20:04 / 20.11.03
Not saying I agreed with Jenny methods (as I'm a peaceful lad) but I did like that Jenny wasn't a hero here, even though she thinks she's being one. I like that she's being "really snide and conceited, in a negative way." Because if she really does inhabit a multiverse there's got to be some pretty fucked up Jenny's out there, ones that would make this one seem tender. So I like that we're, at the very least, getting a wider view of Jenny's personality spectrum.

I also liked the overlapping between Jenny and the SoL.

I knew this was going to offend lots of people when I read it. Ouch, indeed.
at the scarwash
20:41 / 20.11.03
I don't know if I'm offended, but perhaps there are other targets that better sum up what is reprehensible about the US. Sure, there is the infuriating irony that my government does the things it does and yet holds up this symbol of freedom and equality as being the transcendental signifier for what this country is. But the thing is, it does represent the nobility of the United States that can and does exist--in the people, not in their government. Blow up the Pentagon in your comic, or the J. Edgar Hoover building.

If there had been some exposition as to why this symbolic act was appropriate, as well as why the Shifter should care (after all, she can theoretically travel to an dimension where America was never colonized, or where it's a subject nation of the Mexican empire, or whatever), perhaps this would have worked better for me.
20:56 / 20.11.03
>> So here is the Dadaist, who write a comic that --to me-- says, ARRGGH, Statue of Liberty, I hate it, I'm going to blow it up in my comic! And here he is, and I just think that this is a good opportunity to find out what that's about from him. On the relative safety of the page, if you know what I mean.

Excellent point, Perseph -- I agree with you about questioning what the SoL 'represents' to different people, and about it being important to have the freedom and creative expression to present one's views about it on the page.

>> An example: 30.000 men and women "desaparecidos". Not dead. Tortured and missing people(in the ocean, in big holes, etc).

what's 'desaparecidos'? "Disappeared" in Spanish? What are you referring to here? Note: I'm not meaning to sound snide here, I'm genuinely curious (without attitude) as to what you meant here, since I have many, many complaints about my country's policies too, esp. under Bush. I probably agree with 3/4 of your complaints about the USA and I live in NYC

Are you talking about the large masses of people who were detained without trail as a result of the US' terrorist hunt? Or people killed in Iraq or Afghanistan? Or the lump sum of all these? Where are you getting the figure 30,000? (I know this might be off-topic in sense of being about political views as opposed to Jenny, but I figure we can address the politics and views as long as we do so briefly.)

I feel like I'd like to see more about Jenny's motivations and the results she hopes to gain in the story, just to make it a more rounded-out story, regardless of political views.

And nice art by the *three-time* Jenny pen-slinger whose name I can't quite recall at the moment and I have to run - Andres Ac_____o? Great to see someone drawing so many Jenny stories!! Gotta give props to the artist here.
22:53 / 20.11.03
I imagine that the dadaist is referring to the people who were abducted and murdered by government forces with the tacit support of the US and the active support of the CIA. Just a guess, mind.

Notwithstanding, I found this a bit...well, dull, really. a bit of a wankfest. Jenny Everywhere at least not hungry for cock this time around, but still basically a device for fulfilling the desires of the author. There's a distinct lack of selfhood about the whole piece.
Tryphena Absent
09:35 / 21.11.03
I think the main theme was quite good actually. I liked the idea and I didn't think it was in bad taste... or it didn't have to be. My question is this- how can you have a Jenny script without Jenny? The whole thing seems to have been based around the notion that exploding the statue would be great. Now why would Jenny explode the statue? It needs to be explained in explicit terms, we need to know her personal motivation if it is to be a Shifter story and especially about something as significant as this. Jenny can't go around making statement here, there and everywhere, she needs the rhetoric to go with them. She needs to stand there and say, I'm blowing up the Statue of Liberty because...

Why on earth would anyone take the time to blow up the statue for no reason at all? Seems like hard work for someone who appears so apathetic. I didn't much like the presentation of the service men, on the last page the chat seems stilted, doesn't quite give the impression of an exchange that would really happen. I'd place it more like 'Charlie, I think we need to land right there,' with the guy who's not Charlie pointing. You need to put across the notion that these guys would shoot her and I don't think it's there.
11:52 / 21.11.03
In an attempt to clarify...

The Dadaist cites I hate Bush and what the Statue represents. You should try to see the problems in my country because of the USA geverment. An example: 30.000 men and women "desaparecidos".
But we don't see that example in the strip and shorn of that context (and an explanation of that context for readers who are unaware of such activities) the strip loses most if not all of its impact. It simply becomes a tale of a terrorist blowing up another American landmark and there has already been those in real life.

To put it another way, Perseph says So here is the Dadaist, who write a comic that --to me-- says, ARRGGH, Statue of Liberty, I hate it, I'm going to blow it up in my comic! And here he is, and I just think that this is a good opportunity to find out what that's about from him. On the relative safety of the page, if you know what I mean.
But what the Dadaist's strip fails to tell us is *why* he or Jenny hates the statue of liberty. It fails to make us care about Jenny or her activist friends. The impact of exploration on page two of the various 'magical' attributes the the statue possesses is greatly reduced by jenny's failure to explore the symbolic meaning the statue as she sees it.

Again, I'm not trying to be needlessly negative, or trying to sound like i have all the answers. As tryphena and perseph (and I) have said there is a decent idea here, but i think it needs to be more adequately expressed.
13:46 / 21.11.03
Excellent points, sleaze, and well-stated. Regardless of anyone's political opinions, I think there are some valid criticisms stated about the story in terms of construction & quality of a short story. And I really think people are phrasing these critiques in a constructive way, trying not to just be 'bashing' or excessively negative.
16:59 / 21.11.03
There's a thread now for discussing Jenny Everywhere In New York Chaos here.

Totally different subject: call me slow, but I just realized two days ago that no one who isn't on Barbelith can actually click through to those Conversations links on the Jenny Everywhere website. So I have been looking into messageboard options, and here's what I have to present to you:

There is an option available on Ikonboard, which is a decent and free messageboard software, for a hosted messageboard similar to a blog that is hosted on Blog*Spot --except that it's a messageboard and not a blog. You know what I mean, right? So for example, a board could be set up with an address like --et voila, the Jenny Everywhere messageboard. It could be linked to the main site in the same way that Jenny Everywhere News --which is hosted on Blog*Spot-- is linked to the site. However, it could not be designed to the extent that JE News is --that costs extra. You can check out the details here.

The catch is, such a messageboard would have to be set up and run by somebody who is not me. My plate is extremely full & I have other projects going on outside of Jenny Everywhere. I am happy to do my work on the website proper, and have the other parts operate more or less autonomously --from me, anyway. But as I said, I would maintain links to these elements on the main site.

There is another option, which is that I am starting up an experimental messageboard --this is one of my other projects, I have a lot-- that's going to be called *giggle* Asteroid M. Geek! And I would be happy to host any Jenny threads there, if the first option won't fly.

So, thoughts? Volunteers?
The Dadaist
19:52 / 21.11.03
The Haus of tiny shrews said:"I imagine that the dadaist is referring to the people who were abducted and murdered by government forces with the tacit support of the US and the active support of the CIA. Just a guess, mind."
I was referring exactly to that, thanks.

Thanks to all of you (and a special thanks to Imp and Persephone).

I want to write a lot of things but my english is very poor and I don´t find the words. (if you don´t know I write in spanish and Impulsivelad translate the comics for me, thanks Imp). I can read english very well but my writing is very poor.

Visit the Topic fo Jenny Everywhere in New York Chaos in the comic books forum.

Thanks Imp and Thanks Persephone.
Tryphena Absent
18:01 / 22.11.03
Have you thought about asking one of us to play with the language a bit? Foreign slash writers almost always have beta readers who check their grammar and reword for them, I'm sure a few of us aould be happy to do the same for any Jenny writers!
The Dadaist
21:11 / 22.11.03
Impulsivelad translated New York Chaos.
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:21 / 23.11.03
It also would be good if non-native English speakers could translate the English Jenny stories into other languages like Spanish. Broaden your audience!
21:19 / 24.11.03
Found in the most recent Montreal Comix Jam digest.

Perse, would it be possible to have a forum devoted to Jenny on your message board? If it's too much hassle, or messes with your idea for the board, I think the option of just having threads there would be fine.
14:09 / 25.11.03
Very very cool, moriarity!!!

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