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Jenny Everywhere Clearing House and Update Point


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Nelson Evergreen
13:35 / 11.10.03
I'm all for the best meme winning, but this is hardly a level playing field. We all know full well that the slim, waiflike body shape is GOD. The proof is everywhere. As far as memes go, this particular one is insistently ubiquitous, to say the least. It wins, and it's been winning for an awfully long time.

Here in our obscure little corner of the aesthetic universe, though, I'd hoped it might have at least taken a backseat. That said, I agree with Persephone in that I'd much rather there was a skinny Jenny at the wheel than no Jenny at all. And hey, it'll broaden the fanbase no end: "You remember that fat open source bird? Well, she's lost the blubber! The concept is no longer strange and alien to me! PHWOOOOAAAAARRRR!!!!!"
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:00 / 11.10.03
Well, this is the kicker when it comes to characters being open source: as indicated in the Jenny Everywhere & Gender thread, if someone wants to write a strip in which an unfeasibly proportioned hot young slut gets what she deserves and call it 'Jenny Everywhere', there's really not much 'we' can do about it. As long as they don't forget the goggles.

Which is also to say, previous Jenny Everywhere stories have been more or less championned by most people on Barbelith and by the people who've made/are making other JE strips - but since she can by written by anyone and in any way, sooner or letter it is/was inevitable that this would come to an end. Sooner or later some people who'd been involved in this project would be less than enthusiastic about another strip - not saying that this is the one (maybe it was DFHT, hah!) - and that's only natural.
14:17 / 11.10.03
Again from the FAQ

Though the character of Jenny Everywhere is vague enough to allow for many different interpretations, there are a few things that define who she is. Do all these signifiers need to be represented? Absolutely not. But the fewer that you use, the less likely that your character will be recognized as Jenny Everywhere.

She has short, dark hair. She usually wears aviation goggles on top of her head and a scarf around her neck. Otherwise, she dresses in comfortable clothes. She is average size and has a good body image. She has loads of confidence and charisma. She appears to be Asian or Native American. She has a ready smile.

Jenny doesn't necessarily need to be not thin but she does become less jenny if she is thin, but then again she also becomes less jenny if she's not eating toast. Of all the visual signifiers the most important seem to be the goggles/scarf combo from the recactions of other readers here jenny's size seems to be the second biggest concern.

Issues with Jenny's bodyshapes are actually quite interesting- especially in the light of lentil and impulsivelad's comments which seem to imply that the default setting people learn/are taught to draw thin people. When I wrote my jenny script I also didn't give much description to Jenny herself outside of suggesting a variety of jennies and suggesting a couple of clothing items. I think Flyboy and Nelson hammered out a range of character sketches before starting on the script...

So yeah, basically all jennies, no matter how different are equally valid, the worst I think someone can say is that "my jenny would never do that."
14:36 / 11.10.03
On lettering

I just picked up Scott McCloud's New Adventures of Abe Lincoln - its an interesting book which self-consciously experimented with electronic means of creating comics - one area which he touches on is lettering - he mentions doing the lettering in Illustrator in a font called Tekton which looks pretty good as a default font. I guess the rule of thumb should be err on the side of caution and use bigger font size...
17:12 / 11.10.03
isn't it only Shifter central until some else makes a more official site? ...or is your site just going to be handed over to moriarty?

I had intended to turn over the site to moriarty this fall. With the attention the site's gotten lately, I've decided that I can do better and I've asked moriarty if I can do a redesign. But as far as I'm concerned, is moriarty's site & it's his for the asking.

That said, I agree with Persephone in that I'd much rather there was a skinny Jenny at the wheel than no Jenny at all.

Hah, I didn't say that. What I really meant was, bring on the big Jennys. It's not like there's editorial pressure to keep Jenny thin around here. You have the power! Jenny doesn't exist until she's drawn, after all's said...

And hey-- get shouty at the skinny Jennys. Already some people are saying that they didn't mean to make her so thin. How did she get that way, then? I'm with sleaze on this, I think this examination is one of the great things that could come out of this project.
18:32 / 11.10.03
Jenny doesn't exist until she's drawn, after all's said...

Ooooooh i wouldn't be so sure about this... who says Jenny can't appear in other media? - Nelson's already posited the idea of jenny computer games - why not jenny plays, films and text based stories...

And NaNoWriMo is coming up...
Eloi Tsabaoth
18:35 / 11.10.03
I actually had a Jenny cameo in my nanowrimo effort last year. I've been trying to write a Jenny comic script since then but A)I've never successfully completed a comic script, B)I have the attention span of...of...
So, who's going to see Intolerable Cruelty?
18:53 / 11.10.03
Well then, I amend my statement... Jenny doesn't exist until she's produced in some form. But my point is, the power is in anybody's hands --emphasis on "anybody," and not "hands." People draw with their feet, sometimes!

Or in other words, there's talking the talk... and there's walking the walk, and there's a reason that people who've made Jenny comics are listed on the site under the latter designation.
22:34 / 11.10.03
Before this thing gets out of hand, I'd like to note that we're all debating preferences and that, as note by others, Jenny's physical appearance is mutable. Who she is and what she does can and should change like the seasons. I'm hoping for an anthropomorphic Jenny comic some day. That would be fun.
22:40 / 11.10.03
haven't you seen bunny everywhere yet?
08:13 / 12.10.03
The Death of Jenny Everywhere (in progress by Kit-Cat Club) features every single Jenny Everywhere in the multiverse. Including a cat Jenny.
13:33 / 12.10.03
Awesome! Can't wait to see that. I know it's not done... but how far along it is? Are we gonna see it before the year ends or is it a '04 release?
15:44 / 12.10.03
Perse - re "brand identity": an icky term, I know. As I'm sure you know I wasn't trying to suggest that she needs a corporate sheen or associated level of control over her image. It was more an attempt to argue for a coherent "base meme", however Jack Fear's post in the "Holiday Pandemonium" thread in Comics has got me thinking that maybe that's irrelevant anyway.

I'm inclined now to view my earlier post as mainly a comment on my existing contibution and intentions for future work, which perhaps is closer to the purpose of this thread anyway.
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:00 / 12.10.03
I think Flyboy and Nelson hammered out a range of character sketches before starting on the script...

Not exactly - Nelson had already done a draft of Jenny that I hadn't seen when I sent him the character descriptions that came with 'Name's Not Down', and the two were pretty similar in, for want of a less pretentious term, 'vision'. The one thing I did add was the parka coat, which seemed to fit very well with with moriarty's initial sketch evoked in my mind, but may also have been the result of a) reading Couscous Express (hence nod to this in Jenny's choice of beverage in 'DFHT'), and/or b) the British weather circa Feb/March 2002*.

In terms of body image and shape - this probably belongs in the 'Jenny Everywhere & Gender' thread and I'll crosspost it there: I never really had any idea about body shape for Jenny when I was writing the scripts - but I did have in mind the fact she would be wearing the kind of clothes that people I knew who were like the character as I envisaged her would wear. In other words, not particularly tight/revealing. Whether you think this counts as a progressive decision or not is really up to you - it probably didn't occur to me at the time, but hey: you try to represent an extended group of people more or less as you know them, and you're being PC/'trendy' because some of them aren't straight, white or skinny...

Worth noting that it would also be really easy for someone to say "But Joe, your Jenny Everywhere IS a male fantasy figure - she just appeals to a different set of tastes, namely your own" (in fact this *has* been said, although not on the board). Don't know what there is to say about this other than while characters I write are sometimes people I'd ideally like to know, or hang out with, they're rarely people I want to sleep with. Jenny isn't anyway, and I guess I'll just have to ask people to believe me on that one. I'd probably be more into Clea...

*I will confess to feeling a small glow of satisfaction when I saw the sketch Cameron Stewart did of Jenny, complete with parka.
21:29 / 12.10.03
Clea from Dr. Strange, you mean?

My Jenny isn't like a waiflike supermodel but she's not overly curvy.
I think a lot of people in this discussion tend to confuse "heroin chic Kate Moss looks anorexic" thin with just regular average thin.
Just because someone's not fat doesn't mean they have a riduclously thin body and are unhealthily so.

I agree with the notion that Jenny is what the artist wants her to be within the framework of young, short black hair, goggles and/or scarf. Those are the only things that are absoultely required, from my reading of the FAQ and all that. I draw her without a scarf cause the story's in the summer - hope I don't catch hell for that! But even if I do, she's an open source character and these sort of risks come with the territory. And don't worry, Imp's script is kick-ass!

I also agree that if you don't like the Jennys that are out there, draw your own! I mean that in a fun 'call to action' way not a confrontational way.
03:26 / 13.10.03
Belated congrats, Dlotemp!

Sorry I haven't been around. Not that I need to be around or anything, but still. I've been reading everything posted, and have received numerous emails and sneak peeks for me to comment on. I'm afraid my involvement is going to be sketchy at best for the next seven months. I had honestly not expected this level of intensity in my classes. I've had to abandon blogging, I just wrote my mom and brother for the first time in two weeks, I've received at least three emails asking me if I'm still alive, and there hasn't been a week since school starts that I haven't had to pull at least one all-nighter. I hope I don't sound like I'm complaining. I'll be a better artist at the end of it, and hopefully that will come through in some Jenny projects.

Speaking of which, I've snuck her into some of my schoolwork. We had to do three characters with "heroic proportions" (How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way style, 8 3/4 heads tall) so I did Jenny. She looks like freaking Wonder Woman. And no, you can't see it. On to the mailbag!

Perse, I'll get you a scan of the zine shortly. It's b+w, with the same headshot Nelson created for the t-shirt iron-on, just cropped differently. A resources section might be cool. I'm sure there are plenty of existing sites like that we can link to. I think the print specifications are still kind of important. By no means does someone have to stick to them, but if they don't, they aren't likely to get into a zine with stories that do stick to those proportions. If someone doesn't care about any of that jazz, their contribution can still make it to the site, of course, and even into a zine with similarly proportioned stories. I know that I have at least one story brewing that doesn't fit the bill, so there you go.

I think if someone has put effort into creating a Jenny story, and they want to show it on the website, then, with a few exceptions, it'll get on. That's why we have a suggested limit of 8 pages, so that someone won't spend time drawing a graphic novel and having it denied. The few exceptions? I guess we'll know it when we see it. I'd say that stories that deal heavily in hatred of one form or another, or something that had absolutely no effort put into it, would be vetoed. Obviously, different people may have different interpretations of what the above could mean. I'm a pretty meat and potatoes guy, so the subtleties of various theories go right over my head. In the end, if there's any doubt on my part, I will confer with other creators whose judgement I trust.

For Tony Walsh's story, I wouldn't mind putting it on the site, maybe with a note that the rest can be read at his site. The Jenny stuff seems pretty self-contained so far. The audience is in the same situation as Jenny, not knowing what's going on or who these characters are. But I always assume that if someone has a Jenny story on their own site, they don't necessarily want it on ours.

While I trust Perse to post new stories without putting them past me (this thread was the first I had heard of Holiday Pandemonium), I'd be worried that a story might get posted which would later be taken down for some reason or another, and we'd have to deal with the complaints after the fact.

The open source vs. public domain thing. I'll admit to knowing nothing about open source. Sleaze pointed out ot me that it may mean that people can base, and improve, their contributions on other creators' Jennys, and not just on the first sketches and description that I provided. If true, it's a slight difference, but an important one. For instance, while Thor is public domain, if you wanted to use the character, you couldn't use any of the specifics in the Marvel version that are unique to their interpretation (shakespearean dialect, blond hair, costume, etc). Dorothy in the (public domain) Wizard of Oz books does not have ruby slippers, but the (still copyrighted) movie version does. Therefore, one cannot use the ruby slippers. There are countless cheap Snow White cartoons, but none of them look anything like the Disney character. I think basing Jenny on other creators' versions (and not just mine, especially if that version is not readily available) is inevitable, but some people might get ticked off down the line. Happily, this does not apply to any secondary characters, stories, or locations. Still, this is something we should probably decide upon. If any computer geeks can explain open source, please do so.

"Bring 'em on, and may the best meme win."

Ringht on. I once said something along the lines of if someone did a story where "Jenny" was tall, thin, blonde, buxom, caucasian, etc. it wouldn't necessarily be included on the Jenny site, but could still be called Jenny, and may in fact become the predominant Jenny. I mean, imagine if, say, Mark Millar wrote a Jenny story. It would no doubt be the big kahuna of Jennys to most people who know of her. That's the way the concept works. Jenny is controllable by no one. We can talk about how much we dislike certain characteristics or stories, but there isn't a damn thing we can do about it other than try to present our own version as strongly as possible. I've done up a model sheet of Jenny where she has the same proportions as a few of my friends (who were kind enough to pose for me). Watch your back, Nelson. My Jenny's large and in charge.

Taking off from what Dlotemp said, remember that many people contributing are novice artists, and may have barely any artisitic experience, especially when it comes to anatomy or keeping a character consistent. I'm surprised no one has put her breasts up on her neckline, or made her legs half their normal length, quite possibly my two favourite common mistakes.

On a side note, I have plans to draw a Jenny without some of her signifiers in particular stories, including her goggles, scarf, jacket, etc. Heretic!

All sorts of people have written or talked to me about the inherent flaws in the project, and there hasn't been one yet that I haven't already thought of ahead of time. I know it seems like this whole thing is very improvisational, but I've put an incredible amount of thought into the whole thing. You know that Exclaim article? My contribution was about 1/30th the actual amount I wrote to Tony (I know. Unbelievable). I anticpated the "well, someone could do a Jenny rape story" before I posted the first picture of Jenny on the board (speaking of that pic, is it on the site? If not, maybe it should be, just so we have the common base available for viewing, though by this point it's probably not necessary). This project isn't perfect. It has advantages that sole ownership doesn't, but it has disadvantages, too.

Despite the tone of the Exclaim article, I personally didn't think of Jenny as being anything that would be big or innovative, or a replacement for other systems. In fact, when asked what words of wisdom I'd like to impart to future contributors, I think I said "Have fun! Rock out!" which isn't nearly as intelligent as saying we're subverting intellectual property laws. Like most of you, I have plans for my own creator-owned projects as well. I had hoped that at least a few people would take a common character and have some fun creating comics they wanted to see made. That's it. The whole thing has already surpassed my personal expectations. This isn't to say I don't want to see it go further, but I don't feel it has to to be any more of a success then it already is. Obviously some of you feel differently, and that's cool, too. One of the great things about the project is that with this decentralisation we can have different goals (and, my favourite part, easy distribution in multiple countries) without all conforming to one game plan. We've had parents write to say that they've introduced Jenny to their kids for them to play with, and teachers who are looking to include her in their classes, and people who hate every single story made so far, but love the concept and are looking to kick ass. That makes me smile everytime.

Perse, is so a fan site. We're just twiddling our thumbs until some guerilla group swoops in and clobbers us. it's inevitable.

The reason I don't care to get an actual comic in actual comic shops is because I, personally, don't care to reach actual comic shop patrons. The Canadian Jenny zine was placed in practically every indy-friendly record, queer, feminist, magazine, video, head shop, anime, sex, etc. shop in Toronto and Ottawa. I pounded that pavement. For a fraction of the cost and effort, I tried to get the word out to the people who I was interested in getting involved, where they may not have thought of comics as a viable medium of expression, or had considered it but hadn't had that push yet, could find something fun to try their hand at. My agenda is obviously much different from others.

It's true that we haven't seen a huge influx of female creators (though how you can tell over the internet, I don't know), but I have received word from a number of (supposedly) female writers who would like to contribute, if they can find the time. Seeing as I'm in the same boat as them, I can't blame them. The short strip submissions should help that come along slightly. Hopefully we can see some more creators from outside Britain, too. Why no one has picked up on that angle is beyond me.

Think about how you would respond if you just happened to stumble across a character like Jenny. Would you get involved? Honestly, I wouldn't. I know that sounds horrible, but one of the reasons I think so many people are involved on Barbelith is because of the sense of community and involvement with the character from its origins that we all have. Why do people create? Maybe they want a character and story that's all their own with ultimate freedom of expression, possibly the most common type, so they wouldn't be interested in Jenny. Or they want money, so they're out. Or its a character that has meaning to them, like a superhero or fanfic, so we can't rely on them. Truthfully, Jenny isn't perfect for any story. A lot of the mini-comics folk I know tell very personal, oftentimes non-fiction, stories that would be completely ruined with the inclusion of Jenny. That potentially leaves very few people who would be interested. I think that the longer we put out good, solid stories, the more people will like and relate to the character as we do. Slow and steady wins the race.

There. Now that you're all sick of me again, I can disappear for another three weeks.

P.S. Hunter, I think Flyboy meant Clea, the supporting character from his Jenny stories, though he does seem to be the type who would be attracted to the Sorceress Supreme, so I can see how you'd make that mistake.
13:39 / 13.10.03
Wow. We should have an "interviews" section on the site.

OK, I propose this:

* Creators send me completed Jenny comics.

* I build the webpages, but don't add them to the index --i.e., they will not appear on the site's index page or on the comics listing page. (This is what I did for this latest comic, btw.)

* I post a "sneak preview" of the comic to Barbelith (for now, until Jenny gets her own message board) for a sort of peer review.

* After review, I index the comic for public viewing.

What do you all think? (Sorry if this seems kind of anal, I used to write procedures for a living...)
13:44 / 13.10.03
Also imp, or anybody, do you want me to hold on indexing "Holiday" until you've had a chance to fix lettering/typos? Or put in a little disclaimer & just go ahead?
14:28 / 13.10.03
Is that extra space on the bottom of the index page how you're going to deal with new stories? I was wondering what you were going to do about that.

I like your procedural skills there, Perse. I hate to sound so stuffy about it, but I don't like to see people disappointed. Hopefully we'll never have to veto a story. One thing to add is that, so far as I can see, you don't have contact info on the site, so I'm guessing that they'll send their stuff to me or one of the contributors.

One thing that bothers me, but not quite enough to have me dash someone's dreams, is legibility in lettering. I tried to make that clear in the FAQ.

1) Testing. Scan your first page in and shrink it down to the size you see on the site. Better yet, and if you're adding the lettering after the fact, make a rough test page. If you don't have a scanner, use a photocopier. Don't just assume that your lettering is alright. Test it out before putting in all the time and effort.

2) Print size requirements. The print zine that I made (and I will be printing a volume 2) is even smaller then the site version. The image size for the zine I made is 5 inches by 7.5 inches. That's 1/4 the size of a typical original comic page. If you don't care about my print zine, don't worry about it, but I'd hate to pass over a great story because I couldn't print it legibly.

3) Lettering Tip. One way to make your lettering take up less space but keep legibility is to place the letters in each word closer together, and leave only a tiny space between the words. It works. Take a look at professional comics for examples.

4) Self-editing. Don't fall in love with your writing and/or art. If you don't have enough space for your lettering, you should either cut back on the dialogue or cover up some of the beautiful artwork (either of which wouldn't be necessary if you had planned things out better before you started).
Tryphena Absent
14:47 / 13.10.03
I know this is naughty of me but I just can't shut up so... I think it's miserable that so many Jennys are coming out so thin. I mean, come on, every female comic book character is thin, even if a woman's muscly she's still thin. This must be something to do with fanboy demand but that's hardly the point where Jenny's concerned. It's depressing that Jenny Everywhere's thin as well precisely because she's not commercial and she's open source. Why is everyone taking a copyright free character and making her conform with the usual stereotypes?
15:10 / 13.10.03
Well, I don't think that you're stuffy. Your direction is absolutely appreciated & that goes for everyone.

Is that extra space on the bottom of the index page how you're going to deal with new stories? I was wondering what you were going to do about that.

Er, that is because I am retarded. I am designing a better index page, but the idea is --when there are lots of Jenny comics-- to have, like, dozens of different Jennys like in a portrait gallery. "Portraits of Jenny," like the song, except that was just one portrait...

One thing to add is that, so far as I can see, you don't have contact info on the site...

Unless you object, I'll set something up for this. I mean, I don't mind if people send stuff to anyone else; but it eventually has to get to me, so I can build the pages.

What's the best way of getting in touch with you, moriarty? That hotmail address on the site? I can notify you by email when there's stuff up for review, if you're not checking Barbelith very much.

I'm going to stick all that stuff that you wrote in the new FAQs. And I'll put the redesign up for review on the board, too, before it goes live.
15:53 / 13.10.03
You can contact me anyway you like, via the email on the site, pm on this board, or just through the regular ol' threads. I still read them, I just don't have the time to post to them, and very rarely respond to my emails. Sorry. I'll try harder.

Retarded? I just thought we were going to have five across and push the older ones off as the new ones came in, which isn't an idea I was happy with. It's obvious that I'm not a web designer, as I didn't even think of the possibility of increasing the length of the page. Chalk it up to a lack of imagination on my part. Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure we'll work it out.

Anna, I don't think "everyone" is making Jenny thin. And you have every right to be upset about it, but again, there's not much we can do about it.
17:28 / 13.10.03
Perse, yeah, hold off on the indexing until I can get it fixed. Thanks.
Not Here Still
18:28 / 13.10.03
why not jenny plays, films and text based stories...

I've been working on a text based story, 'All Over The Place" for a while, but (a) it's bloody depressing (the story, not the work, though the work ain't great) and (b)I've got a sneaky feeling I'm following the same lines as someone else unintentionally.
18:45 / 13.10.03
So what's happening with the short strips?
19:27 / 13.10.03
I still have to write up a description of the short strip side-project and get it out there. Hopefully now that I've closed down my blog I'll finally get to it. Sorry, Mr. Jump The Gun.
20:50 / 13.10.03
21:27 / 13.10.03
grant- Did you already finish your haiku strip? I wanna see it!
Tryphena Absent
09:07 / 14.10.03
No Moriarty, everyone except Nelson is clearly what I meant to say.
09:12 / 14.10.03
I have a feeling that Kit-Cat Club's Jenny won't be a waif, Anna. Can you draw, by the way?

I have a new Jenny Everywhere script, "Real Life", approaching completion and I need an artist. Any takers out there? MC Lentil, what are you up to, you no-good, quill-dipping I'll-draw-out-for-anyone-for-the-price-of-a-pint-me tart?
Chubby P
09:46 / 14.10.03
Sax you're a bastard! I only discovered this whole Jenny Everywhere thing properly two weeks ago and churned it over in my head and decided that the story I would write was "The Death of Jenny Everywhere" I was too damn slow! My story would only feature one Jenny though.

Should I still go ahead with this story. What do people think? I know theres nothing to stop me doing it and depending on how Sax did his story mine could sit beside it all in the same Multiveres and everything. But do people want to read that number of stories about Jennys death?
10:29 / 14.10.03
It's so true. I am a bastard. And I'm the bastard with first dibs on the title "The Death of Jenny Everywhere".

But that doesn't mean you can't write a story about Jenny Everywhere dying. I'm sure it'll be pretty different from mine.

I also think Not Me Again has a similar story on the boil. We could do an "All-Death Issue".
10:36 / 14.10.03
Another death for Jenny Everywhere anyone?
10:55 / 14.10.03
Very "Another Flip for Dominic".
Chubby P
11:16 / 14.10.03
Well I might have to just see if I can get some motivation to get this done. No time to start this for the next 3 weeks so I'll have a good hard think about it during my spare moments and see what I can do after that.

By the way Sax calling you a bastard was said in jest. Hope that came through in the email! I appologise if you took offense at it!

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