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A joke to cheer everyone up. Mayhap, this could turn into a prolonged and merry joke thread...


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Mon Oncle Ignatius
21:04 / 12.02.07

But then, I am a blonde, so YMMV.

I'll give you a quid if you can ask me a question I can't answer under torture.
21:05 / 12.02.07
Oh, I just remembered one I haven't seen on here yet.

Jesus walks into a hotel and hands the innkeeper some nails.

"Here, put me up for the night."


And now I shall await the hostile responses saying that I am hostile towards Jesus and this joke is my way of expressing my true feelings without getting in trouble and how I am a misanthrope and how my sense of humour is banal and unworthy and that I should not laugh at this if I want to be some morally superior elitist being and all that whatchamacallit.

21:08 / 12.02.07
Battered wife gags, dead baby jokes, if you think it's funny put it up. If you don't find it funny feel free to say so and then post your own jokes. Such is life.
21:12 / 12.02.07
Let's see...

Didja hear about the rabbi who gave circumcisions for free? He only took tips.

That's an old one. Here's a new one.

God and Jesus Christ are eviscerating a koala. St. Peter comes along to watch. After about fifteen minutes of staring he finally asks "Hey, what are you guys up to?"

God turns to him and smiles - "We're making a pinata."

Jesus turns around too, all bloodylike, and says "All we need is rum."

St. Peter looks confused - "Rum?"

"That's right. Everyone knows you need rum to make a Koala Pinata!"

St. Peter thinks for a second. Suddenly, the brightest fucking halo lights up above his head.

"Oooooh. Pina colada! Not Koala Pinata!"

"Son of a BITCH!"
Eloi Tsabaoth
21:19 / 12.02.07
How do you keep an idiot in suspense?

Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:20 / 12.02.07
Dude, why are you being such a pillock?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:21 / 12.02.07
(Not you, Biz.)
21:26 / 12.02.07
I'll give you a quid if you can ask me a question I can't answer under torture.

OK, fifteen minutes of hard thought later, your quid is safe. I'd just shoot you behind the chemical sheds, probably.

...back to the subject...

...are people REALLY having problems telling the difference between "offensive" and "funny" again? Mr leespider, are you not even vaguely getting it yet? (CLUE- apologising for offense caused may not be everything, but, y'know, baby steps... baby steps...)
21:27 / 12.02.07
Eh? I don't get you.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:01 / 12.02.07
Battered wife gags, dead baby jokes, if you think it's funny put it up. If you don't find it funny feel free to say so and then post your own jokes. Such is life.

Yes! Because all teh funneh jokes are equal, offence is in the eye of the beholder, if you're not laughing there must be something wrong with you, free speach!, style, cramping of, etc etc etc...
miss wonderstarr
22:04 / 12.02.07
Q: What do toilet stalls and the Tony Awards have in common?

A: They only allow in one woman at a time!"

That's not... really... true of toilet stalls. I feel my contribution to this joke thread has been shit so far though.
22:20 / 12.02.07
Yes! Because all teh funneh jokes are equal, offence is in the eye of the beholder, if you're not laughing there must be something wrong with you, free speach!, style, cramping of, etc etc etc...

Except if you read what I wrote you'll see that I'm not saying any of that. I'm saying some jokes are funny BECAUSE they are offensive. I also say if you don't find something funny then that's ok. That's my whole point. Everyone has their own sense of humour. What bothers me is people telling other people not to post stupid blonde jokes because they're "mysogynist". What also bothers me is somebody telling me that it's wrong for me to find some jokes funny because they're "bland" and are not up to some elite standard. I'm sorry, I've never watched Everybody Loves Raymond but if I did and I liked it so what? What's the big deal with me liking stupid jokes? Why did this thread have to go from people posting jokes to people complaining about jokes? And how can anyone get worked up about stupid blonde jokes?
Spatula Clarke
22:24 / 12.02.07
Hello Enamon. Is it that time of year already? Was your brother too busy to fill his annual role of popping along to Barbelith and proving that he no longer has the slightest fucking clue what the place is about nowadays?
Lama glama
22:25 / 12.02.07
And how can anyone get worked up about stupid blonde jokes?

Because they perpetuate a negative stereotype that has no basis in fact?

Just a wild stab in the dark, which is, incidentally, what I suspect you'll be getting if you continue to cry facist.

(Love ya Blackadder!)
22:31 / 12.02.07
Because they perpetuate a negative stereotype that has no basis in fact?

Just a wild stab in the dark, which is, incidentally, what I suspect you'll be getting if you continue to cry facist.

So what you're saying is that all those people who keep making and listening to dumb blonde jokes actually believe them to be true? Please, show me anyone who makes a dumb blonde jokes and actually believes that the color of a woman's hair has a significant effect on her intelligence.

I never cried fascist. I just got a little sad when people stopped posting jokes and started complaining about minor trifle things.
22:32 / 12.02.07
Hello Enamon. Is it that time of year already? Was your brother too busy to fill his annual role of popping along to Barbelith and proving that he no longer has the slightest fucking clue what the place is about nowadays?

Well I figure I'd come back and have fun/intelligent conversations. But if you feel like avoiding all that and instead settling for personal insults and a lack of rational discussion, please feel free.
Lama glama
22:37 / 12.02.07
The offensive content is still present in the joke, even if the intent isn't to offend the subject of the joke.

Plus, they're horribly unfunny jokes that we've all had to endure during some stage of our lives--usually the school playground.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:39 / 12.02.07

fun/intelligent conversations

You wouldn't know a fun or intelligent conversation if I ran up to you in the street and punched you to the ground shouting "TWENTY-THREE, FNORD!", Enamon.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:40 / 12.02.07
Sorry, if it ran up to you in the street. Got a bit carried away there.
22:42 / 12.02.07
The offensive content is still present in the joke, even if the intent isn't to offend the subject of the joke.

Plus, they're horribly unfunny jokes that we've all had to endure during some stage of our lives--usually the school playground.

Nobody raises a fuss about dead baby jokes but talk about dumb blondes and people start getting angry. I find that interesting. Oh, and may I ask, who are dumb blonde jokes offensive to? Blondes?

And while you might think they're unfunny I've found some of them to be quite reasonably witty and worthy of a laugh. On the other hand I've found some other jokes not that funny. Like I said before, sense of humour varies from person to person. Don't think that something you do not find funny won't amuse me. Having said that, something that you may find funny I might find to be... unfunny (is that a real word?).
22:43 / 12.02.07
You wouldn't know a fun or intelligent conversation if it ran up to you in the street and punched you to the ground shouting "TWENTY-THREE, FNORD!", Enamon.

I tried conversing with it but it was Mime Week for me and my lips were sealed.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:44 / 12.02.07
Have you tried asking yourself why the blonde in the blonde jokes is always a lady, Enamon?
22:46 / 12.02.07
Have you tried asking yourself why the blonde in the blonde jokes is always a lady, Enamon?

Yes, I have. Have you ever tried asking yourself who is it really that's offended by these jokes nowadays? Heck, half the time it's blondes saying them. They can be funny and amusing. Seriously, why are so many people getting so worked up over dumb blonde jokes? I mean come on!
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:49 / 12.02.07
They are misogynistic. You can put your hands over your ears and cry "lalalalala I'm not listening 11, 23" as long as you like, but that will not change the fact that they are, much in the same way that I fear nothing is going to change the fact that you are as dumb as a lobotomised pig that's been fucked in the brains by the corpse of Robert Anton Wilson.
22:49 / 12.02.07
Read the thread. Every other joke is a stereotype. The thing is we can laugh because we know that none of it is real. They're just jokes.

We don't enjoy killing/raping babies.
We know that the majority of Catholic priests are not pedophiles (and that that is a major stereotype).
And heck, all those "How many ______ does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" are all about stereotypes.

And yet it's dumb blonde jokes that offend people.
22:53 / 12.02.07
They are misogynistic. You can put your hands over your ears and cry "lalalalala I'm not listening 11, 23" as long as you like, but that will not change the fact that they are, much in the same way that I fear nothing is going to change the fact that you are as dumb as a lobotomised pig that's been fucked in the brains by the corpse of Robert Anton Wilson.

Misogynistic? Hahaha! That's great. So all women are blonde? And making dumb blonde jokes mean that we hate women? Is that it? Heck, I heard most dumb blonde jokes from women!

And what about all the other stereotypes in all the other jokes? Why is it that you're all obsessed with ones that focus on women? And why is it that the only people complaining about them men? Are you saying that women can't make decisions for themselves and speak up when they find something offensive? Do you have to point it out for them? I don't really understand this line of thought.
Tom Coates
22:55 / 12.02.07
There's certainly a bunch of humour that relies on saying things that are normally verboten. I think that's indisputable. I think it's also indisputable that groups of people have jokes between themselves that they find entertaining based on commonly held assumptions or on the basis that everyone understands that they're being ironic or that part of the humour is on them saying something so terrible and incongruous.

Unfortunately, the thing about humour is that if you rely on common understandings to make the humour work and you rely on the idea that you're saying something scandalous or controversial to make it particularly funny, then you're taking a risk. If someone else doesn't hold those assumptions and doesn't know or trust you, then you have to accept that from their point of view you just said something really appalling and thought it was reasonable.

Basically if you rely on being edgy to be funny, then some people are going to think it's on the wrong side of that edge, and to be honest, they're entitled to get angry about it and shout at you.

I think it's reasonable to try and persuade them that it was meant in a funny way, and reasonable to try and convince them that you're not meaning it seriously. It's perfectly reasonable to also argue that they should have more of a sense of humour. After all, you can fundamentally say what you want. You wouldn't want your speech chilled arbitrarily for some abstract concept of offense. But having said that, a reasonable person does not continue to say things that cause offense unnecessarily. Social pressure comes in there.

Bluntly, what it comes right down to is that a joke like the two black eyes sort of relies on an unspoken agreement that while you'd never do these kinds of things in some ways commonly understood between men it might be a light-hearted fantasy solution to the problem of incessantly talking women. Now—again—between men who are comfortable with each other and who know full well that it's a satire that they couldn't conceive of ever thinking about in real life, well perhaps they'd feel justified in finding it funny. But I don't think you could legitimately claim to be surprised that female members of the board might not find it funny or might already feel vulnerable enough in their relationships with men. And I don't think you could be surprised that other men felt a desire to stand up for those women.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:55 / 12.02.07
And why is it that the only people complaining about them men?

They are not, you total fucking cretin.
22:55 / 12.02.07
And RAW would be rolling around in his grave if he saw people arguing about how dumb blonde jokes are offensive and misogynist and should not be spoken!
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:56 / 12.02.07
Tom, when men protest about sexism they are not "standing up" for women.
22:58 / 12.02.07

Ok, I understand your point about that. However, I should mention that no one said a single word about dead baby jokes. That, and I still don't understand the big fuss over dumb blonde jokes. I mean they're dumb blonde jokes!
23:11 / 12.02.07
My sincere apologies to those who were & still are offended.

The refusal to accept the Barbelith joke policy stems from the fact that I do not deem myself a misogynistic sexist bastard just because I see some comedic value in said jokes. I disagree with the notion of the mere action of posting the joke to this board negates this premise and turns me into everything some "mods" here have hit me with.

My "bandwidth" of acceptable comedic values are obviously vastly different to what Barbelith expects (and ruthlessly demands) from it's "contributors". Having said that there are some contributors who have shown they have an axe to grind with me which is fine, such is life, but the spitefulness shown by some towards myself for posting some stupid jokes is very bewildering. I don't get into petty name calling but I do see the funny side of life, & this situation oddly enough. I did censor myself to refrain from posting wife bashing jokes as I can't see the real funny side of that topic. I do have limitations, as do all of us and they are all different. What do you want? A board full of clones?

Jokes are subjective, and from reading the first couple of pages of this thread(did not get to page 5) I thought I was well within these parameters. Obviously not! Some contributors parameters at that time and now have shifted, but mine have not, and I can say my sense of humor will remain pretty much the same as it always has.

Does my ability to see the funny side of the odd blonde joke head me for the airlock? Seems like it's one strike and your out here? Or have I had strikes in the past that some remember and keep for occasions such as this?
23:11 / 12.02.07
That, and I still don't understand the big fuss over dumb blonde jokes. I mean they're dumb blonde jokes!Yes, and you are not going to, because you have no interest in understanding other people's feelings or thoughts. You just want attention, and for some reason have decided that Barbelith is here to provide it to you. So, why don't you just carry on writing dumb blonde over and over again, in italics, if that is the extent of your ability to interact. We will work something out involving your special needs.

Tom: a) these jokes are not edgy, they are incredibly conventional and tie into very conventional atittudes, in particular belittling or insulting women. b) The argument that one can behave in a racist/misogynistic way as long as one is confident in oneself that nobody would ever think you _were_ either of those things has been pretty soundly debunked around here.
23:12 / 12.02.07
And why is it that the only people complaining about them men?

They are not, you total fucking cretin.

Nice insult. Like I said, as far as I know. I don't think anyone who's been offended by the dumb blonde jokes in this thread is a blonde woman. Am I wrong? May be. If I am then please correct me in a calm and rational manner. Please explain to me my error and do not resort to personal attacks.
23:14 / 12.02.07
The refusal to accept the Barbelith joke policy stems from the fact that I do not deem myself a misogynistic sexist bastard just because I see some comedic value in said jokes. I disagree with the notion of the mere action of posting the joke to this board negates this premise and turns me into everything some "mods" here have hit me with.

My "bandwidth" of acceptable comedic values are obviously vastly different to what Barbelith expects (and ruthlessly demands) from it's "contributors". Having said that there are some contributors who have shown they have an axe to grind with me which is fine, such is life, but the spitefulness shown by some towards myself for posting some stupid jokes is very bewildering. I don't get into petty name calling but I do see the funny side of life, & this situation oddly enough. I did censor myself to refrain from posting wife bashing jokes as I can't see the real funny side of that topic. I do have limitations, as do all of us and they are all different. What do you want? A board full of clones?

Jesus. Could somebody turn down that high-pitched whine? My ears are bleeding...

Little hint, JLS. If you want to apologise sincerely, following it up with insults and self-pity is rarely a good way to do it.

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