Well hello Haus, we're having this conversation again are we?
does that mean that you disagree now with your own decision not to call women slags on Barbelith, because people on Barbelith are more sensitive than people in the real world?
No. I was thinking about this the other day funnily enough (because of the recent links to it in the Feminism 101 thread), and I think I have actually excised that word from my conscious (or at least spoken) vocabulary, even when talking.
I think my problem is that I do have some pretty vulgar unexamined or reflexive speech patterns, I think attributable to my very working-class upbringing and fondness for being puerile. I swear a lot, unnecessarily. My partner of seven years and I call each other all sorts of horrible names as terms of endearment. When talking to my very best friends, very few subjects are off-limits as targets for awful, childish jokes and lurid bullshit stories. It's just a part of who I am in certain areas of my life, and I make no apologies for it.
When I started on Barbelith I was dumb, I fully admit it. I failed to recognize the 'culture' of the board for a few months, and put on the page some rather silly examples of my unexamined speech. As I was quite rightly bollocked/censured for what I said and my various defensive reactions to criticism from other board members, I was forced to think about the issues concerned such as racism/homophobia/sexism much more and also think about my language and what it means.
So yes, I do moderate my language when I'm on Barbelith. But being on Barbelith has also moderated my thoughts on these matters as well. It's made me much less judgmental, more likely to vocally disagree with people when they're being bigoted and has opened my mind to concepts I didn't even know about when I wrote what you insist on bringing up every few months. So when I'm saying something, it's not that I'm lying, but the language is generally much more considered and thought-about than it would be if I was simply saying something that meant the same.
Also, was this directed at me? - Feigned idiocy concealing actual idiocy. If so a) that's not very nice and b) I am actually not as smart as most people on here. Fact. |