This is obviously a joke referencing the Holocaust and stuff. My joke is a play on the fact that most people who heard that joke expect that punchline.
Well first of all, Mr L, the punchline to the teh original gag goes 'two in the back, two in the front, and the rest in the ashtray.' As I'd imagine almost everyone reading this thread is already painfully aware. It's not all that funny, really, in it's original form, so quite what's to be achieved by posting a bowdlerised form of the thing, ie, a version without any point at all, is a bit unclear.
And you apparently haven't thought the situation through, either - if six million people were, for whatever reason, forced to get into a volkswagen, I don't suppose it would be a laughing matter for anyone concerned. In a way, the scenerio you describe, in your gag, would be just as hellish as boarding a cattle truck to say, Belsen, so, again (and even though it's Barbelith, and it doesn't, y'know, really matter, but still ... ) what point were you trying to make, Mr L? |