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Mafia2: The Game Thread


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21:43 / 19.02.03
As night fell, Chromeo cozied up with fair Juliet. "Shit!" he exclaimed, if you cozy too much up to me iszabelle might accuse you of being mafia." "Don't be ridiculous," she offered to calm him down, "she's a lesian."

This is frightening, Chromeo pondered upon himself silently, I knew I should have protected Todd harder, but it was difficult as he wasn't exactly talkative. Good enough though, the reasons of the 'villagers' who accused Todd might reveal who is mafia and who is not.

In no particular order, I do not trust bjacques, the first one to openly accuse Todd. iszabelle, her behaviour might indicate she's a villager but it could be a perfectly balanced act of double-play. lolita nation, although we have a varied history together, she made a few mistakes through PM. Bitchlaces and WP. I knew I shouldn't have been so trusting.

But I think I know who they might go after tonight, and I have no problem envisaging it being foiled...
22:00 / 19.02.03
(And to all the innocent villagers, I know I've at least got 2 mafia in that group, a third is outside)
Rev. Orr
23:02 / 19.02.03
"Huh, whassat? Iszabelle is Elysian? You're sleeping with a dead Greek warrior? How do you keep the sheets clean?"

Very suspecious. Clearly troubled by a cheese induced nightmare And/Orr briefly stirs in his sleep and then return to the arms of Morpheus (or whoever else got stuck down here behind the bar).
01:28 / 20.02.03
The Widow finishes her slurry morosely. She's responsible for the death of an innocent man and feels horrible about it, and is uneasy about her future. She is now guilty of the only crime Todd committed, agitating for the death of a fellow villager. Against what little "better judgement" she has left, she decides to go home...

"Mafia be damned! I want to spend tonight in my own bed."

As much as she fears the Mafia, she feels too guilty to ask for company from anybody, and is very much afraid that the Mob will leave her to be offed by the lynching crew just like she did to Todd, and attack another innocent villager tonight.

She staggers homeward, wisely leaving her bicycle at the saloon.
8===>Q: alyn
02:53 / 20.02.03
"Ah, quit yer bopin'" the Colonel barks from the corner, his teeth curing in a glass of shandy (whatever that is). "Bhy, bhen I wav in Kabtatka, I feen twelf Efkibos tear a Frenf adjutant to pieffev for cleanin 'iv ear wif a toofpick. Fhat'f juft bhat ya do bhen fub Benenite rollv into town wif hiv fanfy relibion an' tellv ya vibberf ivva borka vh'devil. I rebebber one tibe a vibber near faved by fool neck ..."

Then he starts in on that story about the boot, the muskrat, and the prostitute, which you've heard a million times.
04:47 / 20.02.03
Does that beat the story about the time that a friend almost was refused service for wanting to buy just tent stakes, condoms, and duct tape?


The Widow is very much not sober, very afraid, and having trouble thinking about who she can turn to, who she can trust, and who might be abha to hep her ... able to help her! Dammit, Colonel, you're a bad infuenfe!

There have been accusations and accusations, and Iszabelle is left wondering what a lesian is as she passes the scarecrow.
07:49 / 20.02.03
Bjacques would have been better off consulting the giant purple bats resulting from his coal-gas-and-Klim bender than his shaky sense of logic. Mafia? If I could hold a knife straight I'd be eagerly sawing my wrists to save the villagers the cost of the rope. But by going after TWO innocent villagers I'm doing the Mafia's work for them, which means I'll probably survive the night, though in a cheap-perfume-induced delirium. Shit, I can't even afford a crack habit.
8===>Q: alyn
11:28 / 20.02.03
Ah, Schnitzels. I think I flubbed another joke. Teeth=dentures up there, dig? Like, I ain't got my uppers in.

Ethan Hawke
13:35 / 20.02.03
(egads! I log back in, (I'm on holiday and haven't the inclination to go online) on my birthday, no less, and find out I've been lynched. Serves me right for going away when there's such serious business a foot. Not that my vote would have mattered....)
15:39 / 20.02.03
sshorry, Todd... mumbles the Chairman, checking to see if his smokable slurry's dried out yet...
Whisky Priestess
16:04 / 20.02.03
Erm ... happy birthday, Dead Todd. Sorry.
16:54 / 20.02.03
Chromeo still can't sleep. Decides to go off for an all-nite movie theater where "Atajarnuat", the acclaimed Eskimo movie, is being shown.

During the incredibly beautiful movie Chromeo says to himself: My list of suspects have to prove themselves, they have to duke it out. The innocents know I am innocent, I trust currently 5 villagers, it should provide to be very easy to narrow down the suspects to 4.

Look again, see the entire thread, question the motives of the people in my list.
Whisky Priestess
17:09 / 20.02.03
Fisticuffs at dawn, anyone?

No, nor do I.
17:21 / 20.02.03
WP: Fisticuffs at dawn, anyone?

No, nor do I.

Hihi, you betray yourself. You actually think you can lead the opinion here -- why, might be someone's interested in the fisticuffs.
8===>Q: alyn
20:57 / 20.02.03
Feeling fisty? Watch yer cuffs.
01:17 / 21.02.03
I thought that's what gloves were for.
lolita nation
04:46 / 21.02.03
lolita nation bends down to place a single hilarious carnation on poor Todd's grave. "I know he's with his God now, but I'm so sorry, Todd..."
8===>Q: alyn
09:38 / 21.02.03
I thought that's what gloves were for.

You have gloves that cover your cuffs? Cool. I suppose they match the collar, too?
Whisky Priestess
12:28 / 21.02.03
Why would anyone be interested in the fisticuffs indeed?

Perhaps because they're on your list of "suspects" whom you insist must "duke it out". Or then again, like me, maybe no-one can be bothered to "prove themselves" to you because they just don't care what you think?

I know it's crazy, but it might just be true ...
12:44 / 21.02.03
You know damn well it wasn't to be taken as literally as you seem to have, WP. Fact is that you're on the shortlist of suspects -- at least in my book -- and your behaviour throughout has been a strange one.

And how long can we wait for this night to end, anyway? Must the business of 4 people (3 mafia and the doctor) take forever?

WP, it is very easy to accuse wrongly, but anyone who is reluctant to engage in a further examination of what went wrong during the last round is highly suspect. And anyone who is willing to lead the opinion, not hearing whatothers have to say first is even more suspect.

I'm onto you, WP.
8===>Q: alyn
13:04 / 21.02.03
Bleh, let's leave off the irrelevant hashslinging till we find out who gets murdered tonight.
Whisky Priestess
13:26 / 21.02.03

I'd listen to what other people had to say if you didn't keep SHOUTING OVER them, BC. You really are not doing yourself any favours.

Deep breath.
15:09 / 21.02.03
WHAT??? You think I am playing this game to do myself favours?

8===>Q: alyn
18:13 / 21.02.03
I'm sending you two to your rooms.
Whisky Priestess
22:05 / 21.02.03
Rowrrr ... discipline me, Colonel! :P
8===>Q: alyn
22:20 / 21.02.03
All right, hell with the mafia, I'm taking Whiskey Priestess and Iszabelle upstairs. Barkeep, send up some Ben Gay, a large basket wih a hole in the bottom, and a case of vitalis. And some sandpaper. For me leg.
00:50 / 22.02.03
Rev. Orr
01:23 / 22.02.03
Eyes carefully fixed on the floor six inches in front of his feet, And/Orr slowly opened the door to room 13 and stepped inside. Laying the tray of supplies on a convenient Louis IV fake dresser he was struck by the pungent aroma of sawdust and mescalin. The only sounds emanating from the other end of the room were some slightly ragged breathing, a low rasping sea shanty and what could only be the distrssed cry of a small ferret or marmoset. Convinced that there were some things best left unknown he hastened to return to the drafty comfort of the saloon bar.

Jeepers. Maybe in the morning he'd explain to the Priestess that the idea of an honour bar was relying on ones honour to pay for what you drank, not to pay with ones honour and drink with the devil. In the meantime he'd better get whittling a new leg for the Colonel.
15:23 / 22.02.03
The good Widow, if she survives the night (NOT casting any suspicions on the Colonel!), will be suffering from a massive hangover, and in no condition to defend herself against the acid tongues of other villagers.

However, I swear that if any of you makes any kind of splinter jokes, she'll ...ummmn... oh, hell. I don't know! Spill her drink in your boots, or something equally squishy and unpleasant.

I'll see if I can come up with something creatively icky over the weekend...

(And, no, this is not a challenge. You won't like whatever I decide // excuse me, whatever it is she decides to do.)
09:38 / 23.02.03
Hmmm... is that up to and including horses' heads left in beds, wonders the Chairman. Nah, he thinks, that'd just be perverse.
Rev. Orr
11:27 / 23.02.03
Maybe the horses are safe. I suspect the Granton mafia leave snail shells in peoples beds. When will this accursed night ever end?
Whisky Priestess
12:25 / 23.02.03
Hear hear. I'm starting to get cramp in my spleen.
17:07 / 23.02.03
As soon as our lovely mayor has access from work - we have another 24ish hours to play and be silly before the next occasion of all hell breaking loose...
17:09 / 23.02.03
"Well, m'dear, the most obvious cure for a cramp is a simple change in position. Did you need some assistance??"
Whisky Priestess
17:55 / 23.02.03
Oh. I thought we were waiting for the mafia. Oh well, while we're here I might as well order a full English and a massage.

Up a bit
(Coffee and orange juice ... yes, room 15)
Oooh ... left a bit
(Scrambled please)
A bit harder .... oooh ...

Just there.

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