Byron, you are indeed on dangerous ground. When I tried to do this, it started a big shitstorm... though eventually it worked to my benefit, I think, so maybe you're all right.
I've looked pretty closely at the voting stats and they don't contain much in the way of evidence, unless you want to indict BC and I as tremendous fools (which would be perfectly reasonable). If you look for 'scattering' behaviors you'll also net bjaques and BC, who we know are innocent -- and your own fine self, of course. I assume your post was not intended as a confession.
if bengali is mafia, and Bendt had the best chance of knowing who is and who isn't, then the mafia will have to have voted to save her,
I'm not following you. BC wasn't in a position to know anything, since his PM plan was foiled (and I think we ought to look at how that might've happened). Frankly, I don't understand the case against BiP any better than I did the one against Todd. I'm not saying she's clean, but that no cogent argument has been made against her.
so they are probably drawn from: Whiskey P, iszabelle and Stoatie.
I'm inclined to believe that iszabelle is innocent too as her vendetta against me is too dogmatic to be the actions of a pragmatic mafioso.
I agree that her behavior doesn't say "mafia," but it's hardly "dogmatic." I suspect her vendetta is based on your behavior. Your strategy of baseless certainty worked against Todd and it looks like you might be trying it again.
Lolita is exonerated because if she were mafia she would probably have voted for me or bjacques.
Lolita was the second-to-last voter, with only BiP to go. She didn't need to vote for you or bjacques to save BiP -- quite the opposite, in fact, since the deciding vote belonged to BiP herself.
This sorta forces me to reveal something I been holding back because it begs a question I can't answer. BC forwarded me this exchange from early on, after Tez was killed but before Todd was lynched:
BC said:
> lolita, answer this and I will determine IF I trust you:
> How was the PM that our mayor sent to you, telling whether or not
> you were mafia and otherwise, written?
To which lolita replied:
Subject: Re: Re: P.S.
From: lolita nation
Date: 14.02.03
Time: 00:41
It said "Welcome to the industrial mill town of Granton. You're a villager. It is your duty to find and expose the Mafia." Was yours the same? I also recently got another PM from Grant but I don't know if I should reveal it because I don't know who else you are in contact with. Did you get a new one too? About Enamon etc.??
And followed up 12 minutes later with:
Subject: Re: Re: P.S.
From: lolita nation
Date: 14.02.03
Time: 00:53
Here, I thought I deleted it. Can you forward?
Subject: Mafia2: The Early Years.
From: grant
Date: 06.02.03
Time: 17:00
Welcome to the industrial mill town of Granton.
You're a villager...
Good luck.
I think it's revealing that lolita's first response was so wordy. It looks like she was taking a stab at it, based on the longer PM she would've received as mafia (and yes, iszabelle, I'm aware of the circular logic), then PM'd her colleagues and they got a clean copy from somewhere. Who else could've had access to a clean one? 12 minute is a pretty fast turnaround, though, and it does also look like she could've searched her message box in that period.
If the source of the forged Villager PMs was not a guess (and it's not incredibly unlikely that it was a guess), and no one sent their PMs to anyone but BC (if you did, speak up!), then I think the likeliest leak is Whiskey Priestess. She shares a PC with Flyboy and might've been able to access his message box. She's got other strikes against her which are extant elsewhere -- speak up if you'd like to see them reviewed.
This would make lolita my second target.
My third target would be yourself, Byron, because of your strategy of baseless accusations against a) Todd, b) BiP, and c) And/Orr (via PM -- really, why accuse your only public ally against BiP?). You'll say that you've been at odds with WP since the beginning, but I'm not convinced by that. You never conflicted anywhere that it would matter, and staying publically at odds guarantees that should one of you fall, the other is safe. (This is another one of those things that is something to take note of, not a basis for accusation in itself). Your groundless "exoneration" of lolita counts against you in this scenario, as well as the way you deflect the point of iszabelle's intentive criticism by denigrating it's method rather than its message (suggests you watch a lot of FOX News Channel... is ad hominem the right word for that?).
1. Much of my info comes from And/Orr, though I've reconstructed it a little differently than he has. He becomes a little suspicious under the same logic as Byron: he's dead-certain who he thinks is guilty but his reasoning is "circular" (Qalyn says, "kettle, you're black."). If this is the case, And/Orr supplants lolita.
2. I still wonder about that long second night -- it lasted from midnight Wed/Thurs to Sunday afternoon, meaning two full days (Thur = Fri) passed while we waited for... something. BiP says she was over her posting limit. Does anyone know whether the posting limit applies to PMs? Could her being over the limit have stretched mafia deliberations into the weekend? If this is the case, BiP supplants lolita.
You could also look at my track record in this game, though, and decide your best bet is to do the opposite of everything I've said. I wouldn't blame you. In that case you've got iszabelle, Stoat, and me.
Ah, how I pine for the happier days of page 6... |