On the windward side of mighty Mt. Huggles, a two-hour train journey from the quaint village of Toddsylvania, is the factory town of Granton, the thriving industrial heart of the region known as Barbelith.

When the sun is shining, Granton is a pleasant, sun-dappled burg, a place where honest men and women know the value of a good day's work, sweating and toiling for their daily wage at the McGrant Brick and Mortar Foundry, converting surplus pudding slurry into the building materials used all over Barbelith.

It's hard work, but fair, and there's never been any sign of grumbling or discontent... until lately. For now, when the sun sets, and the simple Grantonians cease their labors for the day...

... a shadow falls over the town.
A shadow made of fear.

Yes, fear and death have come to Granton. But wait -- here's the mayor!
Yes, it's good old Mayor Obed McGrant, the sole business owner in Granton, known familiarly as "Old O.M. -- Our Mayor, bless his flinty heart."

"My dear citizens and employees. I've just gotten a cable from my affiliates in Toddsylvania... it seems they've just rooted out a chapter of the cosa nostra. Yes, that's right - our main pudding slurry supplier was in fact a hotbed of mafia activity. Apparently, even my own cousin was involved.
"Well, I don't know how they do things in Toddsylvania, but I won't stand for it! I won't!
"And that's where you come in, good citizens. It's only with your help that we can uproot this murderous menace for once and for all. I need each of you to keep your eyes open. Turn your minds back. Think about your friends. Think about your neighbors. Have you seen anything suspicious? Anything... potentially incriminating?
"My town will be a peaceful town - and I won't stop killing citizens until every last murdering mafioso has been judged and executed!
"Now, let's get to work! I'm calling a town meeting tonight and I expect a suspect to be named and dealt with by a majority of votes!
"As a special incentive, every voter who helps nab a mafioso gets an extra ration of slurry with the dinner gruel allotment.

Mmm! Slurry!
"Let's get rid of these rats for once and for all! Everyone, back to business!" |