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Mafia2: The Game Thread


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00:27 / 09.03.03
And/Orr sez: All I'd say, people, is try looking over this thread with my theory in mind. Watch the way these three vote, the way they work together, the way that at least two of them are alway key in deciding who is lynched in trying to blame all the woes of our small town on the "femafia."

Well, I've looked. In case you're wondering, he's blowing again.

Round 1 (which doesn't count if you're a villager, since you don't know shit about anybody): Whiskey and Lolita voted against bitchlaces, and BiP voted against Whiskey. It's not exactly working together, certainly wasn't key in lynching Flyboy.

Round 2: Stoatie sealed Todd's fate with a fifth vote, before you even posted a decision. BiP and Whiskey hadn't weighed in yet, couldn't have changed the outcome no matter what...

Round 3: Yes, BiP and Whiskey were the 3rd and 4th votes against bjacques. But it wasn't anywhere near a sure thing at that point - Stoatie made the outcome a tie at best by voting against bitchlaces, and Lolita voted against him.

My conclusion is that there is no so-called "femafia" and that if I could change my vote, I would indict our "friendly" barkeep, And/Orr.
8===>Q: alyn
00:59 / 09.03.03
iszabelle, with a slightly altered outlook the exact points you use to excuse WP can be used to indict her. Your argument here is not quite reasonable. And/Orr's argument itself is far from reasonable, but you're making the same "total certainty" type of error.

It's in BiP and Stoatie's hands. Let's let them sort it out.
lolita nation
01:39 / 09.03.03
Lolita, your reasoning is very strange. How did And/Orr split the vote? His was the first one out of the gate.

Because there are three mafia and only five villagers this round, it could be easy for the mafia to get a majority by simply voting as a unit. There are so few people that there can't be too many nominees or the villagers don't have a chance. By nominating first, And/Orr limited our options, although he's right to point out he invited Whisky to nominate him back, which I (sorry And/Orr) sort of wish she had. Maybe split is the wrong term to use, though... my bad.
01:44 / 09.03.03
OK, I'll unpack my post a little.

1) There is no basis for the argument that And/Orr makes against the "femafia." He's making shit up, smearing blame wherever he thinks it will stick - I don't know if that's because he's mafia or just really scared and needing somebody to blame. However, this is not, in and of itself, a defense of Whiskey.

2) I'm finding his behavior suspicious. Not his voting behavior (although, for what it's worth, he sealed flyboy's fate in the first round by voting against me and preventing a tie), but in his posting, making shit up...

I think I've already shot down the idea that "they" work together. Our barkeep also sez: "They've voted late to swing the outcome every time so far and the only way to stop it happening again is to trust me"

Voting late is not the same as swinging the outcome. Yes, lolita and BiP voted near the end of the first round, but Flyboy was already a goner at that point. Second round, Whiskey and BiP could have, at best, contributed to a tie, but Lionheart voted for Todd anyway. Third round, Stoatie and I prevented a tie from saving bjacques, and Lolita didn't vote for bjacques...

So it's not clear that the so-called "femafia" is actually responsible for lynching any innocents, and quite clear that And/Orr is building a case based on misdirection and misrepresentation of the voting record.

Is that better?
Rev. Orr
02:16 / 09.03.03
Okay, can I just ask, when did this get personal? If Whisky (the person I am actually trying to get lynched this round) and I can sit around in meat space talking crap without even so much as a cross word how come I'm getting flamed by at least one person I know to be (or, if you prefer, strongly suspect to be) innocent? If the term 'femafia' is causing offense then I'll stop. Sorry, I thought it was funny. If it's just the fact that the three players I suspect of being mafia happen to self-identify as female then tough shit. I'll point out again that I didn't assign their roles and ask you to lay the fuck off.

So you disagree with me. Fine. Why would I be scared? It's not as if we lose if we lynch an innocent this round. Oh, whoops, it is.

He's making shit up...
...I think I've already shot down the idea that "they" work together

Look, it's four in the morning here and I think everyone would be grateful if this post wasn't four pages long so I'll just post part of what I sent the colonel way back when. This is what I mean by voting and posting patterns:

BiP cast suspicion on Flyboy:
At 03:32 08.02.2003: Not sho shure about that Doctor chappie, though. Heard things about him that'd make your hair curl. And *thats* without his home remedies...

BiP first to suggest Tex may be the ‘tec:
At 14:46 09.02.2003: Just rats, Tez?
Or should I be more careful to address you properly? With all those chemicals at home....
No offence, I'm sure Mr Tezcatlipoca.

Lolita then joined in to smear the doc:
At 18:04 09.02.2003: I heard Doc Flyboy was connected to some kind of Clan from Staten Island, someplace even worse than Toddsylvania. You know the subway don't even go there....

After that, they kept quiet and let others actually start voting (starting with BC), joining in near to end to keep under the radar.

During the wait for the final votes, however, we note the following from Whisky:
At 19:17 11.02.2003:
Oh great, Enamon & Lionheart, the terrible twins.

With Enamon to die that night and Lionheart slain shortly afterwards this is the only evidence of any animosity towards either of them.

Also before Flyboy finally bit the dust, Todd sealed his own fate:
At 19:21 11.02.2003:
Whim? This is a vital test of my precognitive powers. I'll declare to all and sundry that I'm a precog, and start charging Ms. Cleo-like rates if Flyboy actually is Mafia.
And don't think you're above suspicion, "Priestess."
[delivers evil eye]

With the outcome decided, BiP could throw a vote for Whisky safe in the knowledge that it was impossible for her to get lynched that round. Why would you vote for her unless either you knew she was not mafia and couldn’t hurt you, or that she was and so were you?

With the vote all but sown up and the mafia discussing their first hit behind the scenes, BiP again suggests that Tez is more than he appears:
At 16:31 12.02.2003:
Ouch. No need to get all uppity, Tez. Touched a nerve, have I?
Masquerading as a villager is a bit tedious if you run the risk of being thought stupid, it would seem.

Therefore, looking at the voting, Whisky got in a bitch fight with Laces and Lolita and BiP were two of the last three to vote along side the ever tardy Lionheart. Hmmn…

The Colonel then made his suggestion that we all split up. Now universally recognised as a bad plan the only person not to point this out from the start was Whisky who thought it was worth a shot. The gal’s not stupid…

After the scrutiny of late voting in the first round, all three ladies are quick to join the avalanche of votes for Todd. No great evidence here, it fits but doesn’t prove. However, as they vote early, they are a pains to point out how deeply unsuspicious this is.

Now we come to Lolitas assertions that it was obvious Tez was the ‘tec. Suspicious but inconclusive, but do note that originally it was BiP not Lolita who suggested that Tez was more than he seemed. Collusion?

So, in the first round, Whisky votes early, Lolita and BiP vote late. In the second round, Lolita votes early protesting about how late voting proves nothing and Whisky and BiP wait to mop up at the end. I’m just saying.

Whisky then starts in on the Colonel casting as much smoke over his attempts to sniff out the mafia and making veiled threats over the mafia hits. Basically (to paraphrase a long argument) Whisky gets the village to the stage where a hit on Qalyn would cast her in a dodgy light but any other result makes her seem innocent. With no obvious targets for the mafia who in their right minds would give themselves up as a potential scapegoat like this unless they knew damned well that there was no way Qalyn was going to be the target that night. If Whisky were innocent, the mafia would have been fools not to off the Colonel that night and all but guarantee she got lynched the next day. Two villagers gone and no risks. Rule no.1: Whisky is not a fool. Rule no.2: Whisky is not innocent!

You know, you're right. If this were real I wouldn't be stringing people up on this basis. But it's not. It's a game. This is the best solution I can find to the problem. My conviction stems from rl chats with Whisky which originally convinced me of her guilt. There's no way anyone else can take that as proof so I worked hard to back it up. It looks like I've failed and whatever happens we can't lynch Whisky. That's a shame but them's the breaks. Please feel free to ridicule me at length should I be proved wrong.
8===>Q: alyn
13:44 / 09.03.03
We've all made our cases or not by now, and Stoat and BiP have plenty to think about. Let them speak up if they have any questions, but otherwise I think we should all lay off.
13:46 / 09.03.03
Sorry to keep you all waiting- I've been away for the weekend staying in a B&B in Weymouth, and have just got to my mum's house where I can use her computer.

I'm gonna have to accuse Byron again, if only to prove that I wasn't just being random last time. That and the fact that pretty much everyone else I've doubted (let alone accused) has got pissed off at me about it. Byron has also got pissed off at people casting doubt on him. But not when I voted for him- maybe because at that point he figured it was all sewn up for poor ol' bjacques (upon whose shallow grave the Chairman is even now pouring precious slurry in an act of contrition for his town).

I'm still not dead certain though... I'd put money on it, but not necessarily very much.
Rev. Orr
15:15 / 09.03.03
And we're dead.
No star here laces
08:10 / 10.03.03
Mr Mayor, can we clear something up? Surely people can change their votes if they want to, so long as the lynching hasn't happened yet...

Anyway, assuming that you can change your votes, I'm making an impassioned plea to do so.

I'm not in the bloody mafia, and someone here is benefitting from all this suspicion being heaped on me. Many hats will be eaten once I'm dead, but by then it'll be too late.

I say we lynch the Priestess. I'm kind of suspicious of And/Orr also, but her enormous long post throwing suspicion every which way but loose has made me plump for her this round. That and the fact that it's my best chance of living.
8===>Q: alyn
12:35 / 10.03.03
Nah, he explicitly said that an explicit accusation is binding. Unless BiP goes against the inclinations she's shown and gives us a tie, you're toast.
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:21 / 10.03.03
Sorry all, I've been feeling really queasy recently. (eyes flagon of slurry suspiciously)

but I vote Bitchlaces. I've been spelling out for ages now why I've been a bit worried about him. I *do* wish it wasn't a choice betwen Bitch and Whisky, but as it is, this time I gotto go for the Bitch.

Many apologies if you're not Mafia, sweetcheeks, but I think that's unlikely.
14:04 / 10.03.03

-> And the lynching is accomplished! <-

Byron Bitchlaces, villager of profane name, lurches under heavy escort to the Hanging Tree. The sun streaks the sky crimson through the dank miasma that clings to its peeling branches. The only life that seems to thrive here are the crows. And, below the villagers' feet, recently turned earth shows the inevitable activity of a growing colony of worms.

Byron is tied to the tree, twitches and goes limp, a fire in his eye silently indicting those who voted against him.

The crowd somberly marches over to his room, now vacant, and commence the ransacking.

They find:
- two pairs of dungarees, grey denim.
- four slightly discolored work shirts.
- one pair of work boots with broken soles.
- one formal suit, outdated & moth-eaten.
- a membership card in the Granton Public Library.
- a forlorn goldfish in a bowl.
- a bookshelf, improvised from cinder blocks and two-by-fours, holding at least 10 years worth of Vogue magazine.
- a large mirror.
- sundry grooming paraphernalia.
- a note, resting under the shaving brush, which reads: "I now wish I'd never come to this town. If they think I'm mafia, they deserve what they get. Finks."

"Alas," says the Mayor. "Another innocent man, you boetian buffoons! Why, why couldn't I have hired professionals? What has happened to the state of education in this fine country of Barbelith that I'd be saddled with a decision-making body as easy misled as this? Great napping Nehemiah!
"We're in dire straits, Grantonians! Dire straits!!"

Doctor, Mafia, PM me your choices.
No star here laces
15:03 / 10.03.03 bastards

I can't wait to be vindicated in the final analysis. And if Iszabelle doesn't eat that darn hat I'm going to haunt her house forever and taint her teabags with asafoetida.

Rev. Orr
16:14 / 10.03.03
Grant, you've photoshopped that nose, haven't you? Here we are hanging on to life by the fingernails of the unknown doctor and you're worried about your profile? Fie on you for shame. May our ghosts hang heavy on your (beautifully sculpted) shoulders. Just how lucky are we going to have to be for the doc to pick the right name?
8===>Q: alyn
17:12 / 10.03.03
22:20 / 10.03.03
Oh shit.
02:04 / 11.03.03
The Widow morosely cuts a small felt cloche into delicate little bite-sized pieces, not sure if it will be more palatable than her straw sun hat. It may not be as digestible as the straw (hardly a hat to sit easily on the stomach!), but there is less of it.

The thought of mercury poisoning stills her scissors, but only for a moment. Even if she survives this night, she doubts she'll last the week.
Rev. Orr
04:13 / 11.03.03
Here, have some of my Uncle Nand's Farmhouse Rotgut Scrumpy to wash that down with. Can't have innocent villagers poisoning themselves - there's so few of us left - and Nand's finest is not only the most efficient emetic known to these parts but also tastes exactly the same in both directions. Sadly that taste is somewhat akin to parafin but it's perfectly safe. You don't smoke do you?
10:35 / 11.03.03
"Hey", says the Chairman, in a surprisingly youthful display of vernacular. "We can't be that incompetent... well, other than them lynchins, I s'pose... them goddam pizza-boys don't seem to know no better'n'us who's the doc...".

You really don't want to see the mess he makes as he falls face-first from his rocking chair into a big pile of slurry/vomit cocktail. Though, even as he loses consciousness, his hands flail in the time-honoured "hey, no, but listen , I'm not pissed" gesture.
Tom Coates
14:16 / 11.03.03
From a nearby hillock, noted scientist, philanthropist and explorer Thos. Coates Esq pulls his golden telescope from a leather satchell, and - pressing it to his left eye - looks towards the distressed village. "Truly, an accursèd hamlet," he mumbles to himself through his thin lips... "And one I have no pressing need to visit..." Gesturing towards his compatriot, he murmurs, "Come, dear chap... Let's search for a less murderous neighbourhood..."
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:27 / 11.03.03

erm, sorry Byron. Don't haunt me, please?
22:51 / 11.03.03
Oh, come on, Tom... Drop by and visit the estate sales, at the very least!
11:04 / 12.03.03
Not to mention the mafia being a majority here--hey, why don't you just rename the place Palermonuovo?--and the packs of disgruntled and thirsty ghosts roaming about the place.

Can you make chianti out of slurry?
Whisky Priestess
13:55 / 12.03.03
I like Tez's idea of the international ocean liner ... very Titanic. You could lynch people by keelhauling them. And if the villagers won we could steer the ship away from the iceberg in the nick of time.

Plus we'd have better weather and nicer jobs than in the dark satanic mills of Granton ... and the worst the Mafia could do to their victims would be to chuck them overboard.

Dammit, where's that travel brochure?
16:14 / 12.03.03
Morning comes to Granton.

In the peaceful village square, there is a bus. The Cockle Creek bus.

This would be all well and good, were the bus parked against the curb, but no - it is squashed comfortably into a ditch beside the road. By the crumpled roof and mudstains, it appears to have rolled there, end over end.

The Mayor marches out.

"Well, what's the bus doing here? Rolled down Mount Huggles, you say? Don't know if anyone was in it? Oh, we'll get to the bottom of this alright!"

Hat is fixed to head, cane is gripped in hand, and a brisk walk to the summit of Mount Huggles commences.

At the foot of the mountain lie the slag heaps... the Heaps of Huggles, homes to scroungers, salvagers and vagabonds. The unwashed of Granton.

The constables ask if anything suspicious happened in the night.

"Yeah, that man... Maominstoat, he was up in the bus last night. This here's the hubcap," says a scrounger. "I'd be surprised if he made it."

Breaking into a trot, the Mayor leads the villagers further up the road.

There is a disturbance in the foliage near the top of Mt. Huggles. Something heavy passed through here. In the mud, footprints - many footprints, all leading back to Granton.

And there is... a body. The Mayor bends over it, then fans himself with his hat.

"Good Lord!" he says. "It's Maominstoat. He's badly hurt - but someone has expertly bandaged his wounds! I think he might just make it! Thank goodness the Doctor finally made himself useful. Or herself. Whoever it is, they just earned a bonus come payday.

"But the Mafia are still at large! You people, we're having another assembly tonight. Get to work!"
Whisky Priestess
16:48 / 12.03.03
Nice one!

Who was it who was saying that the Doctor was useless?
Rev. Orr
17:24 / 12.03.03
I still don't know who the doc is but can I proffer an invitation to accompany them to the nearest casino post-haste? Seriously, the chips are on me.

Anyone believe me yet about the identity of the faceless horrors amongst us?
8===>Q: alyn
18:17 / 12.03.03
I'm not that impressed. Obviously it was going to be Stoat:

Our main scenarios right now are Orr's Femafia theory and WP's Orr/Q/Bitchlaces theory -- a little shaky since Bitchlaces turned up clean, but then so's mine. If WP is guilty, she wouldn't hit And/Orr, since it would make her look so guilty. Conversely, WP is safe if Or is mafia. I think I was probably safe either way -- W/P wouldn't incriminate herself by killing me and Orr wouldn't dispense with a useful dupe. Lolita & BiP would be safe from Orr, since either of them turning up dead would disprove the Femafia theory, and obviously safe if the Femafia holds water. Iszabelle was safe from Orr, but would've make a great target for WP, since killing iszabelle would make Orr look terrible.

Which leaves Stoat...

So, can we assume that, because iszabelle was not killed, WP is not mafia? From the arguments put forward in the last vote, Orr has the best motive to off Stoat -- not that motive counts for much. It could be a clever way of discrediting Orr.
Whisky Priestess
19:34 / 12.03.03
Arghhh ... it's all doubletreblethink from now on.

Are you perhaps dissociating yourself from Orr in a belated attempt to save your own neck, Q? Or are you genuinely innocent and beginning to believe that Orr is not what he has so strenuously claimed to be?

I have to say that whyever the Mafia chose to hit Maominstoat, they've done us a huge favour because now at least - as well as retaining a villager majority (just) we have one confirmed innocent among us. Shame it's not me, but then, like you, say, Orr would have had to be much dumber than he has shown himself to be if he had targeted me last night, even if that way he could have been sure of getting a stalemated vote with only 3 villagers and 3 mafia.

You have no idea how sorry I am, in a number of ways, that Bitchlaces wasn't mafia, and yes, my theory that you three were working together is now up the spout. I don't claim to know all, like our friendly bartender, and I'm unhappy to admit that I honestly don't have a clue as to whom the third mafioso is, but you're still looking pretty dodgy to me, Q, and as far as I'm concerned Orr is still guilty as hell. I just wish I'd taken him up on his offer to counter-accuse last round, but that's my own stupid fault.

Excuse me while I get a pen and paper and go back to the bloody drawing board...
00:33 / 13.03.03
"Christ" mumbles the Chairman. "That was a close one. If I find out who it was that saved me, I must buy him or her a celebratory slurry". Then he lapses into unconsciousness.
8===>Q: alyn
03:33 / 13.03.03
Are you perhaps dissociating yourself from Orr in a belated attempt to save your own neck, Q?

Cute, but if you look back you'll see I never was strongly associated with Orr. We happen to both think you're bent; I'm not convinced that his guilt is mutually exclusive to yours. If you squint real hard and tilt your head sideways, you'll see that I'm not saying anything about me but something about Stoat. An attempt on him doesn't tell us anything -- which, of course, is why he was such an obvious target and I'm not that impressed by the doctor's save. It could mean Orr's guilty and had too much staked on anyone else; it could mean you want it to look that way; it could mean iszabelle's making monkeys of us; it could mean that Stoatie's a mafioso who takes some crazy chances.

Aaanyhoo. If anyone cares:

Whiskey Priestess: And/Orr, (Qalyn), (Byron Bitchlaces)
Byron Bitchlaces: iszabelle, Whiskey Priestess, lolita, (Chairman Maominstoat), Bengali in Platforms

Order of votes: And/Orr, iszabelle, Qalyn, Whiskey Priestess, lolita nation, Byron Bitchlaces, Chairman Maominstoat, Bengali in Platforms. The swing vote against Byron happened around lolita/Stoat.

4:3 villagers.

You'll forgive me for having my name crossed out here, but I pasted this from a PM where I was figgerin'.

McGrant, you red-eyed shyster, give us a ruling on whether mafia can kill one of their own or I'll beat your nephew's butler senseless. With my toupee.
14:18 / 13.03.03

Your answers are here.
8===>Q: alyn
17:18 / 13.03.03
Thank you, kind sir. No disrespect to you illustrious nephew was intended.
8===>Q: alyn
19:39 / 13.03.03
All right, this is incredibly obsessive, but I've actually gone through the entire thread from post one and made charts. I went through it looking for patterns, not with any specific targets in mind. I also made notes on where key concepts came in and by whom, though I'm sure I missed lots -- that part is not intended as comprehensive. Anyway, here's some things to think about.

In Round 1: Flyboy, every single person who voted for Flyboy was innocent. I count myself among the innocent, but you needn't. If you don't, it's every single one but one. Iszabelle, Whiskey Priestess, and lolita were teamed up against Byron; Isz. & WP gunned for him fairly consistently throughout, in the voting and in argumentation. Anyway, the momentum here came on early. I just thought it was interesting that all the names Flyboy's column were crossed off.

In Round 2: Todd, it actually was Whiskey who threw the pivotal vote. Before she voted, it was Todd 5, Byron 1, lolita 2, with four votes to come (my inthread tally didn't include Todd's vote). It was still possible to lynch lolita instead, and Whiskey deliberately withheld her vote until that point. This all takes place on page 5.

In Round 3: bjacques, the score was at bjacques 2, BiP 1, Qalyn 1, with four votes to go when BC told us that his scheme was broke. Byron then raised BiP to 2. Whiskey came next, voting for bjacques. For the second time, the pivotal vote. Subsequently, lolita voted for Stoat (huh?), maintaining bjacques' lead, and BiP finished him off... though maybe she had to.

In Round 4: Byron, lolita cast the pivotal vote, the one making it impossible to save Byron... though maybe that was a foregone conclusion; Byron looked so dirty, 6 out of 8 Grantonians agreed.

The matter of Orr's writing style: Here, lolita brings up the Romeo & Juliet reference within the quoted passage... but it was Chromeo who made the references, way back at the beginning. I think, this was planted. Here, Bengali seconds the motion and names Orr as the author.

Here, Whiskey says that Bengali voted for lolita in Round 2, but in fact Bengali voted for Todd.

Uh, there are a few more but I'm being asked to leave the computer lab, something about a plague of locusts or something. A big emergency, anyway. The point of all this is that Orr's "femafia" is the most convincing theory so far. Also note that unlike you and me, Orr has never, so far as we can prove right now, voted for an innocent. Could be a big scheme, obviously.

Okay, really, gotta run. They're pointing phasers at me and shit.
Rev. Orr
20:28 / 13.03.03
Er, except I have. I voted for Iszabelle. 'Cos I had no idea at that stage who was what and I needed to cast a vote. Doesn't prove a lot. I think we're re-hashing old ground here. Going to keep quiet now. Anyone fancy joining me for a libation?

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