No vote from Todd.
Well, there's no way out of it, regardless.
The ballots are in. As the shadows lengthen, the assembled Grantonians follow Old O.M. out to the ancient tree on the edge of town. Two citizen employees cut down Doc Flyboy's body and string a noose for the trembling, bearded figure of Patriarch Todd, catatonic with fear.
He swings, twitches once, and dies on the rope.
A brief inspection of his personal effects turns up:
* a set of brightly colored wagon paints, with brushes
* a German Bible
* a tattered clipping from the 1903 Amish Alamanac, headed "Sheep Husbandry the Levitical Way"
* a well-polished, crank-operated beard trimmer.
* an unfinished letter to his cousin Grodd in Angola. It reads, "Dear cousin, Hope the missionary work is going well. The story of talking gorillas is fascinating, and increases my wonder in God's mysterious creation. Here in Granton, things aren't so well. If you don't hear from me again, I may have been lynched by accident. These darn fool outsiders think I'm a killer! Wait, there's someone at the door..."
Upon reading this, Mayor McGrant looks up in frustration.
"Good Lord, people! You've just lynched another innocent man! At least he wasn't the town's doctor. Still and all, though, we've got to work harder. Now let's get to it!"
It's Night. Mafia, Doctor, PM me your victim and protectee. |