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Mafia2: The Game Thread


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16:57 / 25.02.03
Pretty much the exact opposite reasons I suspect Qalyn, Whisky. (It's two contradictory sets of logic, I admit, but I'm not sure which one to go with). Qalyn's been dead suspicious all along (for reasons outlined, and which he has refuted fairly convincingly). You, so far as I can tell, haven't. A complicated double-bluff, methinks?

Just musing, really. Don't worry, I'm not accusing either of you just yet. Right now, I don't actually trust anyone.

Qalyn- your explanation was convincing. I'm just not sure if I'm being very gullible.

I mean... uuurggh... foul doings afoot, eh?
21:17 / 25.02.03
Right now, I don't actually trust anyone.

Meet the one you can trust, Maominstoat.

01:49 / 26.02.03
quoth Bendt:
iszabelle: Divisive and desicive for no apparent sound reason, and is too willing to accuse Bitchlaces and bjacques when she is a major suspect of her own.

So our one known innocent has decided to be divisive and decisive....

I haven't been divisive. I've been providing at least semi-intelligent critique on what other people post. As far as being decisive goes, I've done the best I could, and have provided rationale for my decision to lynch Todd. If you look back over my posts, first round was a simple tit-for-tat and a what-the-fuck vote for the lynching. Since then, I've built a character, provided analysis, agitated to lynch Todd, and put up some weak entertainment over the weekend. I haven't flung wild accusations all over the place like other folk have done...

Bendt - certainly you're innocent of being Mafia, but that doesn't grant you a halo or a sheriff's badge, or license to hound everybody on a whim.

As far as the player who's blackmailing me into forwarding "the PM mayor grant sent to us at the beginning" under threat of guaranteed death - certainly I will. You'll have to put up with cut&paste, though, since there's no forwarding function in PMs...

Now, back into character.
02:32 / 26.02.03
The Widow looks around at the unfriendly faces.

"When did I become a suspect?"

...dead silence...

"Never mind. It was a rhetorical question anyway; at this point everybody but Bendt is still a suspect. And Bendt seems to be airing suspicions about everybody... It doesn't seem to be a particularly efficient means of separating the Mafia from the villagers, at least for those of us not privy to Bendt's thought processes, and is hardly the way to organise the villagers into a cohesive front against the murderous Mob.

"And, given that Bendt's put everybody's name on one list or another, I suppose I shouldn't put too much credence in the fact that he's named both Byron Bitchlaces and bjacques as being under suspicion. But I can't shake the feeling that he's right about at least one of them... I'll post my reasoning as soon as I can put my finger on it."
Whisky Priestess
07:19 / 26.02.03
Originally posted by Old Mr Maominstoat

Qalyn's been dead suspicious all along (for reasons outlined, and which he has refuted fairly convincingly). You, so far as I can tell, haven't.

Hang on - am I suspicious because I haven't convincingly refuted (non-outlined) reasons for suspecting me - or because I haven't been dead suspicious all along?

Bloody hell, I can't win ...
No star here laces
07:46 / 26.02.03
Bitchlaces saunters over to the old colonel looking far cockier than usual. "What up, you old soak" quoth he,"if you think that was heated, you ain't seen nothing. What the hell is a hoser, anyhows?"

Then, addressing the town as a whole he says "I think that Bengalese in thingumabobs needs to explain herself to us all. It's all very well saying she's too busy to talk to us grantonites, but this is a matter of life or death..."

After all, those of us with time to kill have been defending and accusing fairly actively, but I want to know what all those lurkers can say to convince us of their innocence...
09:50 / 26.02.03
Whisky- am I suspicious because I haven't convincingly refuted (non-outlined) reasons for suspecting me - or because I haven't been dead suspicious all along?

Cause you haven't been dead suspicious all along, or even at all, despite posting regularly. A little too squeaky-clean, if you get my drift. Other than that throwaway "mafia" comment I mentioned earlier.

Although now Byron's saying he has "time to kill"...
Rev. Orr
09:58 / 26.02.03
Right, that's it. I've had it with this town. Innocent people are dropping like dead monkeys from the trees. My cellar appears to be some form of interdimensional honey trap, incarcerating victims for random periods. Overnight, the Colonel has turned my respectable family inn into a combined knocking shop and wood turning emporium and during the course of this somebody has hobbled my legs and hands together with a length of hemp rope so I can only shuffle around, head bowed. To top all this, the industrial size jar of maraschino cherries on the bar has gone missing and I don't want to think what Whisky is doing with it.

How am I supposed to play with my lathe when I can't lift my arms? How am I going to explain all this to my parole officer? What did the good BiP want with my leather needles and what the hell do I charge her for their use? I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. Somebody please untie me before I go ape and lynch someone.
10:01 / 26.02.03
Urg. I can't prove a negative, but I only voted first the last time since it was a choice between sticking around for discussion of rooting around the city dump in search of bottles with a little booze left in them. I been drinking heavily in hopes one of my DT hallucinations might have a clue, because I sure ain't got one.
Goodness Gracious Meme
12:43 / 26.02.03
Oh for pity's sake. I keep getting overenthusiastic abuot food and goth t-shirts in the Conv. and hitting my posting limit before I can post to this thread. And you can check that with Tom.

I also don't have much to say atm, I'm too confused and everyone seems dead suspicious at the moment, and I'm scared of saying something that'll get the mafia after me.

I don't have to explain myself, but I don't want to get lynched just because Byron semed so have decided it's a good idea. For almost no reason as far as i can see. Maybe he doesn't like my face.

Bitchlaces, I don't think over-egging this decidely dodgy logic is doing you any favours...

Personally, I'm beginning to think that Stoatie's persona pops up just enough to avoid these accusations and point a hesitant finger, but little enough to somehow stay off everyone's radars. Nice play, sir.

Erm. not that Im accusing.
Goodness Gracious Meme
12:44 / 26.02.03
oh and Master Orr, I don't think I'll be able to give you back those needles for a while yet, add'em to my tab, willya.
8===>Q: alyn
14:37 / 26.02.03
As far as the player who's blackmailing me into forwarding "the PM mayor grant sent to us at the beginning" under threat of guaranteed death - certainly I will.

I certainly hope no one is foolish enough to forward their confirmation PMs to anyone but Bendt.
No star here laces
14:47 / 26.02.03
Bendt - get down here and nominate your lynchee - you're probably in the best position to know...
8===>Q: alyn
14:47 / 26.02.03
"Cease these delusions of respectability, And/Orr. This place has never been anything but a meat market, since the day it was founded by your grandfather, Either/Eye-ther (and a fine old pervert he was). Seriously, 'The Welcum Inn'? Might as well paint a big, rosy vagina on the shingle."
14:54 / 26.02.03
The Widow sits quietly in the corner, trying to add things up.

Let's see. Byron Bitchlaces started out as the "inconspicuous and innocent" villager and quickly gave that up - apparently boasting loudly about being inconspicuous seemed too obvious.

Then, there's the shaky logic: "the mafia will all vote together to ensure a lynching, therefore the mafia must all have voted for Flyboy (unless he is mafia). If he is a villager only myself and whisky are guaranteed innocent..." At that point, there were ten villagers and three mafia, and the voting for Flyboy was such a landslide that the mafia could have voted any way they wanted. It's more 'don't look at me.'
There's what appears to be a blatant untruth: "And people who voted for me, I might point out that I was practically the only person urging y'all not to vote for the innocent villager last time round. Now why would I do that if I were mafia, eh?" I didn't see any support for Flyboy, just sniping about where he might be getting his drugs.

And the outright contradictions: "The other (true) explanation is that I had no need to PM grant about anything and was therefore not around on this or any other thread." versus "Well if you bothered to check the rest of the board you'd see I posted on friday and saturday, and even started a new thread in that time, so I really can't see where you're getting your 'smoking gun' from"

The Widow clears her throat.

"As much as I hate to be demanding, I think I'm going to have to insist that Byron Bitchlaces explain himself. So many things are suspicious, so much behavior just doesn't add up... This doesn't yet constitute a smoking gun, but it doesn't seem like the behavior of an innocent villager, either!"

[I don't have reliable access from work, so my suspicions about bjacques will have to wait. I'm late as it is...]
22:22 / 26.02.03
A bit late, and unable to answer everyone, for now, here goes: As it stands now, based on behind the scenes tomfoolery, the major suspects would have to be

1) BiP

2) bjacques

& 3) Maominstoat

according to my calculations at least -- this basically means, we, the innocent villagers, could go for either one of them, and if it turns out that the one we went for isn't mafia, then there is something very, very wrong with what we have achieved so far.

Just out of sympathy to dear old Maominstoat (huggles and best of luck) and not wanting to be un-gentlemanly against BiP, I will get down to it and accuse bjacques.
Rev. Orr
23:16 / 26.02.03
Well, I'm not a gentleman and we've had no success in only lynching the guys only so I'll open another option and nominate BiP. Frankly I won't get a moments peace until I get my cobblers needles back and anyway, she's mafia through and through. Anyone else notice how she was the first to suggest that Tez was more than he appeared, just before he got whacked? She's always saying how she can't get to the net and yet she finds time to post any time she is questioned. No one listens to a drunk barman hog-tied like a gimp, but at least this way it's not a forgone conclusion.

By the way, could someone please untie me...
01:11 / 27.02.03
"Interesting. The vote is immediately split..."
Rev. Orr
01:18 / 27.02.03
Yeah, well I like the guy, but he's wrong about his choice and his main method of deciding who's innocent or not is deeply flawed. We need to bag a baddie this round so I have to put my neck on the block and do what i can. Anyone wants to know my reasoning - pm me. Anyone thinks I'm mafia trying to split the vote - ignore me and let me do my Cassandra act before I'm murdered tonight. Either way I've done what I can and the rest is up to everyone else. Best of luck and remember, you may have no reason to trust me, but how sure are you about your trust in anyone else (their innocence or their ability to finger the mafia).
01:55 / 27.02.03
jeezus, turn my back for one minute in this town...

and the hell of it is, I can't even think of anyone to j'accuse yet.
No star here laces
08:17 / 27.02.03
Iszabelle, I'm really at a loss as to what exactly I'm supposed to explain. Perhaps you'd care to explain yourself?
8===>Q: alyn
11:54 / 27.02.03
I accuse bjacques.
21:36 / 27.02.03

Keep 'em coming, you turkeynecks! Time's a wastin'! Let's get to work!
23:39 / 27.02.03
Uh-huh. Well, I j'accuse da koinel!
07:25 / 28.02.03
"Explaining myself." Easier not to do in character...

shaky logic: The vote to lynch Flyboy was nearly a complete landslide. The mafia didn't need to throw all of their votes the same way to off him. In fact, with 3 mafia and 10 villagers, the mafia could each have accused a different person and it wouldn't have made any difference. The questionable logic is in claiming "guaranteed" innocence because you didn't accuse Flyboy.

blatant untruth: Nowhere do I see you defending Flyboy - "And people who voted for me, I might point out that I was practically the only person urging y'all not to vote for the innocent villager last time round. Now why would I do that if I were mafia, eh?" Where is that? Please explain why you were misrepresenting yourself as being supportive of Flyboy when you weren't.

outright contradictions: in one post, you claim "I had no need to PM grant about anything and was therefore not around on this or any other thread" and in another, refering to the same 'long night,' "I posted on friday and saturday, and even started a new thread in that time, so I really can't see where you're getting your 'smoking gun' from". Were you not around? If you were, why have you ignored Qalyn's request to show us what you posted?

Meanwhile, there are all your attempts to fade into the background, followed by various assurances that you are not mafia, are spotlessly innocent.

"Surely, he thinks, no mafia member could be so unsubtle as to proclaim his innocence so loudly."

Oh, yes, one could. And, I suspect, does... Defend yourself or stand accused. (one last chance...)
No star here laces
08:30 / 28.02.03
Er, yes, that's coherent, iszabelle.

Really, you've proved my point for me in that whole post. With the disruption caused by the mafia everybody's logic gets made all topsy turvy - different grounds for suspicion are flung around, accusations are made and rebuffed. Someone is guilty if they're posting too much, someone is guilty if they're not posting enough. Someone is guilty if they were around at the weekend, someone is guilty if they weren't.

If you were to collate anyone off this threads responses into one post you'd get contradictions. So yes, I got confused between an IRL conversation, pms and posts on the thread in regard to flyboy. And if you care to look in the music and check the dates on the 'good charlotte' thread you'd see that you certainly weren't waiting for me that night.

Anyway, on the final analysis, I'm personally not looking for evidence of guilt in anyone's posts - it's just far too easy to lie round these parts, everyone's facial expressions seem obscured by some kind of textual shadow. So, it hurts me to do it, but I believe that Bengali is a veritable canker in our midst and must be surgically excised to exile the stain of corruption from our beloved industrial wasteland.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:30 / 28.02.03
A voice from the netherworld intones: "Damn, there goes my theory."
Whisky Priestess
17:33 / 28.02.03
Much as I, like Iszabelle, have my suspicions of Mr. Bitchlaces, I will give him the benefit of the doubt for this round at least.

Of the three major suspects we have been presented with, all (perforce) have given us little to go on because they haven't been about much. But I think of the three - and I'm afraid, like Maominstoat, I can't claim that it's more than a feeling (who sang that?) - I am most suspicious of bjacques, because he's all slippery, and he spends too much time hiding in a bottle.

And so, since I am not going to be about much if at all on the weekend, and I don't want to incur suspicion by voting late, I'm going to accuse bjacques.

See you all on Monday - don't go lynching anyone without me ...
19:06 / 28.02.03
...time to put my money where my mouth is, even if it kills me...

The Widow sighs.

"Oh yes, indeed, it's much too easy to lie in this town.

"And yes, having the threat of Mafia around is enough to put a kink in
anybody's thought processes. I can forgive logic errors in making
accusations, wrong accusations made in the sweat of paranoia, but
subterfuge cloaked as logic while proclaiming your own "innocence"???

"I can't justify making accusations based on posting frequency or other such circumstantial evidence. But the content of posts, truthful or otherwise, is available for analysis. Lies and subterfuge are the best indicators of Mafia behavior that I can think of; villagers have no need to deceive....

"Bitchlaces, I accuse you."

... and I suspect this will kill me... If I'm right about bitchlaces, I don't think I'll survive the night, whether or not he gets lynched. And if I'm wrong, I suspect I'll end up being lynched tomorrow...
20:39 / 28.02.03
Damn, this is a fucking mess and not enough time to straighten it out with what has gone on behind the scenes. My computer is unable to log on the net, so I will remain very much mum, until we can get that fixed, but I do promise to look in once a day.

I would love to revote, but in reality I can't, so BiP is prolly off the hook this time.

This. Time.

[Stares suspeciously]
01:20 / 01.03.03
Slippery?? I've been honest about my reasons for my votes. They're crap, but the're mine; I came by them honestly. But I can see wherer this is going. Hey Flyboy, does the netherworld have an open bar? And serve anything besides Heineken?
12:51 / 01.03.03
Byron, lovely asset to Granton though he is, has protested too much. (And yes, the Chairman, weirdly enough, does have a graph on which he measures such things. Then translates it into Venn diagrams, for Venn diagrams rock.)

Therefore (apologies in advance if I happen to be helping to drag an innocent man, kicking and screaming, to his fate- and yes, I will be haunted by your empurpled face twitching as your body dances the hempen jig if I'm wrong, but)

Let's take the burning brands and lengths of rope round to Bitchlases ' house.
No star here laces
14:05 / 01.03.03
I can assure you that you will be haunted for I am but a villager.

...or did you already know that, eh?
lolita nation
18:29 / 01.03.03
I really don't know where to go with this one. I'm suspicious of both Bengali and Bitchlaces, but I think for right now, I accuse Chairman Maominstoat. He's been relatively quiet and never seems to come up with reasons for lynching people, which sounds like a mafia tactic to me, trying to blend in with the crowd...
15:55 / 02.03.03
"Looks like we could have a tie shaping up here... by my count, bitchlaces and BiP are neck and neck with two accusations each, and bjacques has a slight lead with three votes against him. Qalyn and stoatie are bringing up the rear with one accusation apiece.

"Bengali - you get to decide who swings or if we have a tie."

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