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Mafia2: The Game Thread


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Rev. Orr
12:00 / 21.03.03
Okay, who mentioned fear? 'Twas not I. I haven't dared you, although I've come very close to begging you. Why so angry when I was just reasoning with you and trying to move this game forward? When it comes to that, why so angry when your avowed tactic is to ensure it's not your fault, to make sure you don't have to make a decision? 'I don't mind being outwitted but I'm not going to be fucking dared' or blamed it seems.

To be fair, it's not just Qalyn that hasn't voted. I'm sure everyone has very good tactical or practical reasons and I'm not going to deny how attractive they are (please feel free to read that either way). However, this has undeniably lead to a breakdown of the game. If everyone wants to abandon the thread or put it on hiatus could we just acknowledge that?

If that isn't the case would it help if the remaining votes were pm'd to Grant and only revealed to everyone after they've all been cast? It's not perfect but I'd be willing to try almost anything at this stage.
8===>Q: alyn
13:04 / 21.03.03
Yeh, I thought both Flyboy's and your posts impugned my courage, and the continued silence of two or three other players reads as a "dare" as well, but I was being emphatic, not angry
(the misunderstanding is my fault for be so emphatic). And holding out like this is bringing plenty of blame my way, so that's not it, either. I'd be very willing to go through grant, I'd take an executive order from grant or a recommendation from Stoat, I'd go ahead if there was a general agreement on how to proceed, and I've offered the opposition a draw, so I don't see how I'm being unreasonable given the situation.
13:35 / 21.03.03
So what happened to the deadline, grant?

People started voting. Then they stopped.

I like the PM idea - I'm going to add that to the wiki discussion.

I'm willing to conduct a secret ballot.

- g
15:37 / 21.03.03
AAARGHHH! How's about if I vote first, thus casting everyone's "voting order" ideals away?
8===>Q: alyn
15:51 / 21.03.03
I think the secret ballot is the best compromise.
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:24 / 21.03.03
suits me fine.
Whisky Priestess
16:29 / 21.03.03
Yep, I reckon that's probably the best solution. Either that or Orr and I remain, frozen in time, waiting to be hanged ...

Although, tsk, Orr, there's no need to be disingenuous:

"Iszabelle is still a mystery. She has expressed deep suspicion of me in the past but as far as I know has yet to make up her mind."
Except that I haven't had PM contact with her for any reason - if I'm going to win people over I'm trying to do it in the thread, not by forming little cabals. Just sayin'.

Anyway, that's beside the point and probably below the belt. Sorry, I just hate not knowing what's going on, but that's all part of the game I guess. I still maintain that the best way to work is publicly and cooperatively - the problem with this game is that you cannot be sure that what you say to someone you trust might not get passed on to someone you don't - which was what I was getting at when I mentioned that the Doctor might have been happy to show BC hir PM, but might have assumed (known?) that as you were so close it would also be forwarded to you, Q. Only sensible, really.

Er, anyway, where was I? Oh yes. Secret ballot, fine by me. Why not? I'm in Oxford again this weekend so if I'm strung up I probably won't even feel it.

Don't go lynchin'
To try to please me

Damn tune stuck in my head ...
Rev. Orr
16:41 / 21.03.03
Oh no, I pm'd her twice and was politely told to go ahead and do whatever as she was still making up her mind. I pm'd both Iszabelle and Maominstoat when Qalyn made it look as if they had formed a voting alliance and was told that there was no such agreement. Shortly after this I gave up trying to gather a broad coalition of independant minds and went ahead with unilateral action. I honestly don't know which way either of these two are going to vote. I just wish everyone would.

There are huge drawbacks to the 'secret' ballot but these are outweighed if it means we can finally get a decision. At this stage I would endorse most solutions, particularly arming the Chairman with something werry scary and letting him wipe out everyone else in the willage.
16:41 / 21.03.03
I have received two votes via PM thus far. I'm able to report voting records at the end of the vote if Granton so wishes. Voting *order*, however, would tax your fair mayor's patience with record-keeping.

Now get to work!
Rev. Orr
16:42 / 21.03.03
Oh, and Whisky:

I lynch you just the way you are...
Rev. Orr
16:46 / 21.03.03
Your nasally challenged honour, I would be most humbly grateful if you could see it in your capacious heart to furnish your dwindling subjects with as many details of the vote as possible as soon as the pollings closes. If this hell is to continue, we shall need to avail ourselves of, study hard and generally drive everyone nuts with lunatic theories based on these records.

18:04 / 21.03.03
Two votes remaining.
Whisky Priestess
04:24 / 22.03.03
I just need someone
Who I can string up
I'll lynch you just the way you are

Oh, that's beautiful. I'm fighting the urge to google for the whole lyrics. Somebody tell me not to.
8===>Q: alyn
13:16 / 22.03.03
Whisky, don't do it, mostly because Billy Joel is a really irritating fathead. I can say that because we're both New Yorkers.
Whisky Priestess
12:22 / 24.03.03
Having screwed my courage to the sticking place to check whether I was a goner, I can't BELIEVE neither of us are dead yet!

Not that I'm ungrateful for the extended lease of life, but if we leave it any longer the suspense will kill me ...
13:35 / 24.03.03
I know! I've been getting really itchy, wanting to know if I've made a horrible mistake...

And with the secret ballot, we don't know who to yell at to hurry up and vote.
14:08 / 24.03.03
Your nasally challenged honour, I would be most humbly grateful if you could see it in your capacious heart to furnish your dwindling subjects with as many details of the vote as possible as soon as the pollings closes. If this hell is to continue, we shall need to avail ourselves of, study hard and generally drive everyone nuts with lunatic theories based on these records.

The votes are in.

These are not necessarily in the order of voting:

ProfessOrr Yaffle - Whisky
Whisky - Orr
Qalyn - Whisky
iszabelle - Orr
bengali in platforms - Orr
lolita nation - Orr
Maominstoat - Whisky

Thus do we proceed to the sepulchral mass of the Hanging Tree, now rank with crows in the dim of twilight.

And thus is Orr, fortified with a final slug of a rye-slurry cocktail, led to a low-hanging branch and hung. The process is quick and relatively painless, although many in the crowd murmur about a peculiar look the condemned man directed towards Whisky Priestess, a near-smile playing across his agonized lips. She demurely refuses to meet his gaze, fixing her eyes instead on the rotund figure of Mayor Obed McGrant as he leads the assembled villagers to And/Orr's Slurry Saloon.

"Drinks are on me, villagers," he cries, "but only after we get to the bottom of this!"

The Granton Volunteer Fire Department produce axes and crowbars, and the bar is leveled.

"A ha!" says one tippler. "There's a dead rat in a brandy flask! Filthy! Filthy!"

"Oh, shut up," says another. "That's a pear. It's supposed to be there."

Behind the bar, bottles of slurry, some dating back to the Napoleonic Wars. In the cellar, more slurry. And in the ProfessOrr's private chambers...

...more slurry. A pile of rags. A souvenir statuette of a monkey, made from painted coconut shells. A single, used prophylactic. A bowl of wax fruit. An Edison phonograph, cylinder still spinning ("Bob Kahalai's Wahina Sweethearts do The Oahu Wahoo," one villager reads aloud). And a ukelele.

The Mayor clears his throat.

"This man was a slob and a drunkard, yes. And his bizarre obsession with Hawaiian culture is self-evident. But no Grantonian who dared teach himself the hula could be involved with organized crime.

"No, this was an innocent man. Whatever shall we do??"


Mafia, Doctor, PM me your selections.

At this point, the best the village can hope for is a stalemate, barring some unanticipated lynch vote hijinks on the part of rogue Mafia members. If we play this out, the truth should be evident in two Days' time at most.

Good luck.
8===>Q: alyn
15:23 / 24.03.03
So, any bets on who they'll hit tonight? Stoat seems a little obvious. Me? Iszabelle? Whisky's about the last person the doctor would protect, things being as they are. If she's not mafia, she's practically a sure thing... which of course means they won't hit her.

Hrm. Inconceivable!
No star here laces
15:34 / 24.03.03
Someone is feeling really stupid right now.

But who?
Rev. Orr
17:09 / 24.03.03 dirty rotten swine - you deaded me...
8===>Q: alyn
18:25 / 24.03.03
I know I am, Byron.
Whisky Priestess
12:31 / 25.03.03
Whoops and shit.

Although on the plus side, I am still alive, on the minus side I'm looking both stupid and guilty right now.
16:28 / 25.03.03
There is an old Grantonian proverb: Late nights make for early mornings.

This certainly holds true as this Day dawns in its feeble, hung-over attempt at glory.

There is, as has become customary, a commotion in the Granton town square. It is outside the old boarding house Colonel Qalyn calls home.

Yes, a constable is vomiting outside the front door.

The Mayor grumpily leads a sparse procession of villagers in, not even bothering to keep them clear of what promises to be a grisly crime scene.

The Colonel is not present. His spartan quarters are in disarray.

There is a collection of medals scattered across the bed -- a Purple Heart, a Humanitarian Service Medal, a Bronze Star -- and a selection of walking sticks, all broken. An army issue Springfield carbine lays on the floor, apparently fired once.

Beside it, an unusual tool:

"It's got 'US Army' stamped on the handle," says Mayor McGrant. "And by goodness, it's got blood on the blade."

He begins to rise and then halts.

"What's this? What's this? A TRAPDOOR?"

Yes, indeed... beneath the writing desk is a small trapdoor, hanging ominously open. Filing down the stairs, the assembled Grantonians - Maominstoat, iszabelle, Whisky Priestess, bengali in platforms, lolita nation - find themselves in a root cellar, lined with shelves.

On the shelves, iszabelle spies several packages:

Hanging on the wall, Maominstoat admires a print:

The Mayor, however, notices one of the shelves is askew. It swings freely on a hidden hinge... and behind it, a secret chamber. Sterile. Cold. Gleaming. Lined with surgical tools. At the center of the room is a picnic table converted into a surgical table.

And atop the makeshift surgical table is a remarkable likeness of Leonardo DaVinci's famed Vitruvian Man:

The medium of the artwork: the deceased body of Colonel Qalyn, United States Army Medical Corps, Ret'd.... Granton's Doctor!

The Mayor gasps.

"Whoever did this... they're in this room right now! And... there are more of them then there are of us!!

"As Mayor of this town, I move that we throw ourselves immediately on the mercy of the Mafia! What else can we do?

"Well, Mafia, how about it?"
16:38 / 25.03.03
To clarify the point: there are now two Villagers and three Mafia.

The Mafia have won.

From now on, iszabelle and Chairman Maominstoat will be taking their orders from...


...the dreaded "fe-Mafia" of Whisky Priestess, bengali in platforms and lolita nation.

All Granton factory proceeds will now go to Mafia coffers.

All Granton citizen employees are now wholly owned subsidiaries of the Mafia.

Congratulations, signorinas!
8===>Q: alyn
16:38 / 25.03.03
My penis is way bigger than that.
16:39 / 25.03.03
Was, Qalyn.

lolita nation
17:56 / 25.03.03
Well ladies, we officially own this town.

The rest of you suckers... up against the wall! Bwahahahaha.
18:27 / 25.03.03
Well, that's that.

I'd like to steer any further discussion over here.

13:31 / 26.03.03
Well ladies, we officially own this town.

The rest of you suckers... up against the wall! Bwahahahaha

You obviously do not know the full wrath of my avenging spirit -- I'm going to drive you MAD, darling....

[What a great double bluff you pulled, though ]

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