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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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Michelle Gale
15:10 / 21.11.06

I make no apologies for my dislike of Edith.
All Acting Regiment
16:16 / 21.11.06
I will, I will. Just as soon as I finish with those chief pigfuckers right there.
09:12 / 23.11.06
What does that even mean, Legs? Get a new bloody place sorted pronto, Tonto.

Are these the same ones that pebble-dashed the bath?
All Acting Regiment
12:17 / 23.11.06
Nah, these are different ones. I'm not lucky with people I live with, I've just come to accept it.
12:38 / 23.11.06
Are these people you've liked previously and then moved in with or random assortments? (Just out of curiosity)
All Acting Regiment
13:53 / 23.11.06
Oh, they were random. It really shouldn't be a problem, but they're...human cul-de-sacs, you know? Dead ends. You can't watch Hollyoaks or listen to Gwen Stefani in the house because it's commercial, see, and they'll get all sanctimonious about it and accuse you of killing dolphins and making teenage girls commit suicide if you so much as say you "quite like" one of Girls Aloud. And of course, they "hate the chavs".
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:30 / 23.11.06
Could we all come round your place one afternoon?
16:02 / 23.11.06
Bring P.Diddy and J.Hova 'round. Or better yet, Crazy Kanye. Shove commercialism right in their wazoo. Or hoo-ha. Whichever is more convienent.

And in unrelated news, URGH, and then a FUCK, because I hate my job but I need the money.
16:08 / 23.11.06
"Symphony and Metallica" is of course in no way commercial.
16:10 / 23.11.06
I wish I could post an auditory sample of my friend doing his James Hetfield voice. It's truly the greatest impersonation ever heard by human ears. Verily, it's fit for Gods.
"Exit light, yeah-ha! Enter ni-ight! yeahhhh, graaaain of ssande, off to nevah-nevah lahnde! Yeah-hah!"
17:40 / 23.11.06
Is it all guys or a mix? I've always found living with a mix of guys and girls faired me better, or at least living with a divide along the lines of sexual orientation.... (it's an assumption and one thoroughly based on my own experience). At the moment I'm living in a completely straight male house which isn't too bad although I do have to suffer Jean Claude Van Damme movie nights and see what cool cheats people have discovered on Pro-Evo a little bit more than I'd like.
I had hoped upon moving in with a random assortment that the inital politeness and cleanliness would last six months but alas no and we have already accumulated most of the street signs in the area and broken numerous appliance, doors and walls. And it was such a nice house.
17:42 / 23.11.06

Tender is the Night: A Romance - Penguin Designer Classics S. by Sam Taylor-Wood, et al.


Kit-Cat Club
17:47 / 23.11.06
Console yourself with thinking about how antithetical that is to the spirit on Penguin, etc. I much prefer the design of their little philosophy paperbacks anyway - those are really covetable.
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
23:28 / 23.11.06
This just in on America's War Against the Homeless: random guy stopped me yesterday to complain about being arrested. The charge was that he was not wearing a coat. Yes, really. He even had it with him - it was just in a bag at his foot.

After a short rant about Big Brother and the current state of affairs he ended with "But I don't have dual citizenship, so it's not like I can go anywhere else. Just have to deal with it, you know? Tilt at the windmills, brother."

All Acting Regiment
11:09 / 24.11.06
Arrested for not having A Coat- bloody hell.

One of them's a girl. Nice enough, gets talked over, shame really.
21:10 / 24.11.06
My girlfriend broke up with me over the phone today (so this will be a little all over the place)

A week or so we started having an ongoing pregnancy scare. We talked about it and I said that I'd prefer her to have an abortion and that if she wanted to keep the baby, I wouldn't stand in her way but wouldn't want any part of it. From week 1 of going out my stance has been that I don't want to be a dad til I'm at least 28. I've got a lot more growing to do and, you know, we've only been going out for three months.

But, when we go out I pay for most everything. We're both unemployed at the moment (although, new job on the way) but I've been footing the bill for most stuff.

We've been going out three months. [1] I've dealt with her self-harm, sleeping tablet abuse, depression and suicidal tendencies with understanding and caring. A few weeks back I actually stayed up for 41 hours with her, without sleep, to make sure she didn't kill herself. Even went to A&E to help her argue why she should be put onto suicide watch (her idea). That was two months in.

I have wanted to break up with her but was afraid of what she'd do. This even extended to arguements. I know she has a stash of sleeping tablets and plastic bags at home to kill herself (how? she told me) so even when we argued and she wanted to storm off I found myself compromising - just in case.

So two reasons for the breakup: she didn't want me to hurt her over the baby thing (if she is pregnant) which is completely fair but 2. that I'd let her down for "not caring enough" over her self-harm? Fuck that and fuck her.

The three people I've vented at (tween crying jags) have all told me to run a mile while I still can.

I'm not saying I'm the innocent victim or she's a she-bitch. Or vice-versa but. Fuck it. It's for the best.

PS. Urgh! Fuck!
21:29 / 24.11.06
She did get me into Ultravox. She wasn't all bad.
Lama glama
21:31 / 24.11.06
I'd offer my condolences on the breakdown of your relationship , Triplets, but in some respects it genuinely sounds like you're better off out of the relationship. My brother (who I hope doesn't happen across this thread) had a similarly unhealthy relationship, right down to the self-harming and suicide threats. Near the end of their relationship she verged on becoming a stalker, ringing our home phone even when my brother wasn't here, for some unfathomable reason. She was a bit of a human black hole, to be honest. You're probably going to be immensely concerned about her for a while, but as long as there are other people around her she should hopefully be fine.

we have already accumulated most of the street signs in the area and broken numerous appliance, doors and walls. And it was such a nice house.

That's what I absolutely despise about living with a lot of people my own age. I don't care about the occasional traffic cone (keeping up with the Coneses as we call it down here) or signpost, but when they start damaging the house itself, it just irritates me immensely. They seem to have an implacable desire to mutilate their house and make it as dingy and uncomfortable to live in as possible. It's usually people who have never been away from home for any extended amount of time that seem to enjoy wrecking student accomodation. Out of interest, Shrug, what age group are your housemates? I'm assuming they're early twenties, because if it's any older, then you seriously need to get away from them.
21:36 / 24.11.06
Triplets, but in some respects it genuinely sounds like you're better off out of the relationship.

You, my brother and my mate R should all go out for a pint.

You're probably going to be immensely concerned about her for a while, but as long as there are other people around her she should hopefully be fine.

Probably, she's got plenty of mates. But tonight (after the initial OHGODOHFUCKNO) I think I feel relief. That's not too horrible is it?
21:38 / 24.11.06
Legba, you need to invent a giant fucking laxative for houses.
All Acting Regiment
13:09 / 25.11.06
I should. And, more importantly at the moment, that's a lot of shit you've had to go through and that you're being reasonable about it here is a pretty big testament to your maturity, despite you're saying you've still got growing up to do. You're handling this a lot better than I would/sort of did.
14:13 / 28.11.06
I've got a kind of slow-burning anger at the moment...

...remember that guy I was angry about the other day for letting his dog try to fuck Sheena? Well, although he's not homeless, he spends all his time in the cemetery getting drunk, and a friend of mine who works there tells me he has built himself a little grotto to get pissed in somewhere in the bushes, which he's decorated with things he's found (ie stolen).

ANYWAY... on Thursday (my birthday) I went to visit Biscuits' grave- it used to have some plastic flowers, and a little note a friend of mine had written in memoriam. And guess what- they're not there anymore.

Now I'm not 100% sure that this guy's nicked them to decorate his drinking den, but it seems very very likely at this point. And it's really starting to bug me. At some point I intend to ask my friend to show me where this place is, and if they're there, then I'll take them back (though I imagine the note is long gone whatever, and that's the bit that's really upsetting me). At the very, very least I'll take them back. If they're there, then I really hope he isn't, because I'm not sure what else I might feel the urge to do.
15:29 / 28.11.06
Wow, I can´t get my head around someone building himself a nest in a graveyard for drinking purposes and "making it like home" with items belonging to the dead.

If you visit that grotto, take your friend with you!
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:45 / 28.11.06
If you visit that grotto, take your friend with you!

And by 'your friend' I assume you mean the best weapon your place of residence will allow you to carry.

I am currently extremely mad at myself.

After I received some not totally unexpected (of the 'this will catch up with me eventually' type) but pretty bad financial news in the form a letter from a lawyer I got very angry and punched a hole in my living room wall.

I haven't done that in a VERY long time, and never when sober.

So yeah, urgh fuck, untamed rage turned inward.
16:02 / 28.11.06
And by 'your friend' I assume you mean the best weapon your place of residence will allow you to carry.

To be honest, the friend I have in mind is a pretty good weapon in himself...
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
16:47 / 28.11.06
Congratulations, Barbelith, on 3000 posts of untamed rage.
04:29 / 30.11.06
This really pissed me off for a day or so. The video is of a U.S. Marine in a moving truck holding a bottle of water over the back while small kids run as fast as they can trying to get it. It really got under my skin for some reason. I was a bit lightened to see the U.S. Military are looking into it. Makes me feel a tiny tiny bit... better.
Closed for Business Time
11:34 / 30.11.06
On way to work: Put ten quid into the ticket machine, then notices that it says "no notes". Get no credit on my Oyster card (electromagnetic ticket card). Tell man in ticket booth what happened. He replies "it doesn't say anyone has put any notes into it". Resist urge to scream impotently to his face. Walk away. Curse the London Underground for 5924th time, to no.. apparent.. effect...
Lama glama
12:57 / 30.11.06
Some blindingly stupid person just hit the college fire alarm for a larf and the entire computer basement was evacuated, resulting in a few hundred students waiting outside in the pouring rain to get back in and get their stuff. I came down, and my mp3 player (which I had stupidly forgotten to grab on the way out) had been tossed onto the floor and kicked half way along the row of computers. The screen was cracked, but it still seems to work at least. One of the ear pieces has been crushed under-foot too, so I now I need to buy a new pair of earphones which I really can't afford right now. I know that this could have been avoided if I'd simply remembered to grab it, but urrgh fuck, c'est la vie.

Dear Mr/Mrs Fire Alarm tripper,

Die a painful death, please. Preferably one involing fire.
20:17 / 30.11.06
/Begin minor word rant.

Hey, British People: No more Santa. No, no, Santa no! It's not Santa, it's Father Christmas as you well know. Why have you suddenly Santa-ward gone?

And no more Mom! No Mom! We do not have Moms, we have Mums. Why are you Momming everywhere? You're Momming on Freecycle, and at school and on the telly. Stop it!


Everyone in the world: No more bored of. You are not bored of, you are bored with. You are! You can't be bored of something, it's not possible. I am bored with it being everywhere, it's so common even the bloody newspapers do it.

/End of minor word rant.
20:58 / 30.11.06
I am so bored of linguistic prescriptivism.

Not bored with. The prescriptivism isn't bored, so i can't be bored with it, can i?

I can be 'tired of', so why not 'bored of'?

Perhaps 'bored by' might work, but there's a wonderfully boring, grey passivity to be found in 'bored of'. 'Bored by' seems to imply an active agent of boredom. When none is to be found, 'bored of' works best.

And Santa is a good word. Makes him sound a little mystical. Father Christmas is old and tells you to do your Christmas chores. Santa is all about play!

With you on Mum, though. 'Mom'? Ugh..

(Though 'MOM' upside down is 'WOW'. Think about it...)
21:06 / 30.11.06
I'm watching the Magdalene Sisters and it's making me sick with rage.

Those poor poor women.
21:15 / 30.11.06
Father Christmas is old and tells you to do your Christmas chores. Santa is all about play!

Nooo! Father Christmas is real and magical and kind to his reindeer. Santa has a plastic belt and a way with the ladies.
21:21 / 30.11.06
I like Santa, he's a fun guy, but there's something so much more weighty and mythical about Father Christmas.
01:43 / 01.12.06
I'm watching the Magdalene Sisters and it's making me sick with rage.

Word. I had to ask my dad to turn it over about fifteen minutes in, just the intros for each girl made me urghfuck. It's so bleak.

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