I'd offer my condolences on the breakdown of your relationship , Triplets, but in some respects it genuinely sounds like you're better off out of the relationship. My brother (who I hope doesn't happen across this thread) had a similarly unhealthy relationship, right down to the self-harming and suicide threats. Near the end of their relationship she verged on becoming a stalker, ringing our home phone even when my brother wasn't here, for some unfathomable reason. She was a bit of a human black hole, to be honest. You're probably going to be immensely concerned about her for a while, but as long as there are other people around her she should hopefully be fine.
we have already accumulated most of the street signs in the area and broken numerous appliance, doors and walls. And it was such a nice house.
That's what I absolutely despise about living with a lot of people my own age. I don't care about the occasional traffic cone (keeping up with the Coneses as we call it down here) or signpost, but when they start damaging the house itself, it just irritates me immensely. They seem to have an implacable desire to mutilate their house and make it as dingy and uncomfortable to live in as possible. It's usually people who have never been away from home for any extended amount of time that seem to enjoy wrecking student accomodation. Out of interest, Shrug, what age group are your housemates? I'm assuming they're early twenties, because if it's any older, then you seriously need to get away from them. |