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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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13:41 / 10.11.06
Yes, I answered to a post of Shrug. For a moment, I was confused here, and thought I had posted my reply in the wrong thread.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:57 / 10.11.06
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
16:30 / 10.11.06
What, what, what?
16:46 / 10.11.06
bee en pee!
16:49 / 10.11.06
Still no Nazi dentist news either, I notice.
17:37 / 10.11.06

I heard the nazi dentist stuff was embargoed
19:15 / 10.11.06
I heard the BNP called the BBC cockroaches.
19:24 / 10.11.06
I thought the Nazi dentist embargo thing was only until the case was heard, though.
19:31 / 10.11.06
Next Feb apparently I'm afraid.
20:16 / 10.11.06
How come the embargoes never work when they have dark skin and beards?
Mourne Kransky
20:23 / 10.11.06
Stick a dvd in your dvd player and you have to sit through several minutes of warnings about video/dvd piracy. You buy a cd and you don't have to sit through that. You buy a book and you don't have to read pages of promises of prosecution. I resent having to give those minutes of my life to some huge global conglomerate bleating about their fractional losses through piracy. They are my minutes and I've paid you for x minutes of pleasure, not your paranoic preaching.
20:28 / 10.11.06
You don't even get Simon Bates saying "sexual swearwords" anymore.

It pisses me off even more when you get trailers BEFORE it will give you the menu.

Fuck you DVD manufacturers... is it any wonder we all nick stuff off the internet?
Char Aina
20:32 / 10.11.06
especially annoying if yer DVD player crashes and you have to start again.

20:51 / 10.11.06


...and I wouldn't expect a big bollocking lecture from a car/handbag salesperson after I'd bought their product.
21:26 / 10.11.06
Me, when I buy something I don't expect to have it insinuate that I'm a thief.

Can I point you all to the big fuck-off banner on the front page? It's exactly what this is all about...
22:00 / 10.11.06
Those DVD warnings are vile.

I never have to see them twice per DVD though, since I watch my DVDs at the computer. I stop the DVD and when I start the program again, I can choose to start again, at the time, where I stopped. The program even months and years later knows where I stopped.

Most of the time, I can even skip these "ads".

They are most annoying at the movies, where the sound is so loud and the screen is much larger than my 19" screen.

Really annoying to me is people writing DVD´s and CD´s instead of DVDs and CDs.
unheimlich manoeuvre
22:05 / 10.11.06
N*ck Gr*ff*n.
Mourne Kransky
22:44 / 10.11.06
My mommy always said there were no monsters - no real ones - but there are, aren't there?
23:09 / 10.11.06
I just saw some of the undercover stuff on BBC, some asshole saying "show the ethnics the door in '04" or some shit. Jesus. Ignorance is pretty sickening.
What are free speech laws like there anyway? Or was this guy actively agitating for something criminal (besides criminal, I'll stick with ignorance. The guy may be dumb, but I don't know enough to say. I always try to keep that distinction between stupidity and ignorance, it's important.)
I find it interesting that in the US, where I feel ignorance is heartbreakingly rampant for an "advanced" nation, there are no large, organized movements (yet) of nationalists or ethnocentrists. Large numbers, yes. But no big movements. You might point out the Republican agenda as being anti-immigrant and greatly homophobic or just generally prejudicial. Absolutely. But they're just garden-variety conservative monkeys for the most part. Numbers of them would feel at home in an equivalent to the BNP or Germany's NPD, Austrias FPO, France's FN, but we just don't have that. Maybe that's the upshot of a two-party stranglehold.
Evil Scientist
23:27 / 10.11.06
Fucking Gr****n uses freedom of speech like he believes in it. Of course once the little shit-tick got into power watch how quickly he'd try and slash that particular right.

Darwin fucking wept.

How ironic that, on Sunday, we acknowledge the people who gave their lives to stop hate-filled fascist detrius running the country.
23:32 / 10.11.06
What are free speech laws like there anyway?

Oh, you have so many questions. The simple answer is that there are none.

The longer answer is that we have a cobbled-together "constitution" which has never been codified (it's all nods, winks and precedents) and no Bill of Rights. We are also all subjects, not citizens, which means any rights we have are only allowed us by Brenda.
At the same time, though, our membership of the EU means that we are allowed to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, which I think has enshrined free speech. If you think you've been stitched up by the UK courts and take your case all the way to the Lords (like Senate, %but less inbred%) and lose, then you can appeal to ECHR. This costs a shitload.

We do grey areas very well. We also wear and eat them a lot.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
23:50 / 10.11.06
Fuck you DVD manufacturers... is it any wonder we all nick stuff off the internet?

The irony of all of this is that I tend to make copies of the DVDs I buy using DVD Shrink, copying just the film over, so the DVD starts immediately with no unskippable ads, no warnings, no... well, shit, really. So I keep my original DVD pristine in my case, and watch an "illegal" copy. COME AND GET ME COPPERS.
00:15 / 11.11.06
Fuck you DVD manufacturers... is it any wonder we all nick stuff off the internet?

It's a little thing, but why is it when you play the film, you see the studio's logo. Then, the feature starts and you watch the studio's logo AGAIN. Fucking idiots.

I've been thinking of creating a DVD production company just so I can make the kind of DVDs that people actually want.
00:17 / 11.11.06
Ones with decent extras you mean? Instead of a couple of shite deleted scenes and a bad commentary with perhaps a sycophantic backslapping interview or two with the executive producer? I'd buy off you.
01:12 / 11.11.06
I resent having to give those minutes of my life to some huge global conglomerate bleating about their fractional losses through piracy.

It could be worse -- haven't heard the Shawn Hogan story yet, have you?
01:55 / 11.11.06
bad commentary with perhaps a sycophantic backslapping interview

You should watch Made with the commentary. Favreau and Vaughn have one of those football drawing things. You know, so you can draw exes and ohs on the screen. It's a great commentary, filled with hilarious backslapping and painfully funny self-deprecation (a farthing for those who guess which of the two leads is the arrogant one)
Disco is My Class War
09:34 / 11.11.06
You wouldn't steal a car
You wouldn't steal a handbag

This ad is so stupid to begin with. If one could download a perfectly working reproduction of a brand-new car, or a hangbag full of cash, while sitting at a computer terminal, without depriving anyone of the pleasure of possessing the car or handbag themselves, I certainly would steal a car. Or a handbag. Or anything, in fact.

Who wouldn't?
09:36 / 11.11.06
Apart from anything else, you may not steal a handbag, but if someone came round the pub you were sitting in selling a bootlegged copy of one for a fiver, you might just buy it.
Char Aina
15:37 / 11.11.06
Jack Fear
16:27 / 11.11.06
17:53 / 14.11.06

Phone has been in the shop for 8 days getting fixed after the buttons stopped working. Got it back, didn't have my SIM card so couldn't test it in-store. Get home. Works for 10 minutes. Great! Excellent! The 4 key sticks a bit. Hmm. Leave it for a minute to go get a drink, come back and the volume button is constantly pressing itself down so all it lets you do is fight it for volume control.

Hilariously, the fix they used on the 'fault sheet'? "Replaced volume control button".

Now I have to go all the way into town tomorrow (again) and let them have it for another week.

Carphone Warehouse? You are complete cockwits.
Char Aina
19:44 / 14.11.06
dude, their error.
ask them for a courtesyphone.
if they seem lax, expain the situation so far, and perhaps express a desire to ensure your only daughter's wedding goes off without a hitch.

seriously, though, they will be ablo to sort you one, and they should cover the cost of it.
12:22 / 20.11.06
Jackson is off The Hobbit

All Acting Regiment
10:53 / 21.11.06
You may perhaps be aware that Metallica once played a concert with the New York Symphony Orchestra, or someone. Either way, the thing was called "Symphony and Metallica" (PSSST. S&M: LIKE BONDAGE!) and released as a record and a DVD.

And played in my living room for six hours, or something. While mister fucking "toploader singer" look-a-like tapped along on the sofa arm.

Now, this was going to be a really, really long post listing everything wrong up to this point, but the point is they're all pricks and there's been a roaring argument last night. They're, largely, in the wrong, and I'm pissed off. Things have moved beyond "cultural differences" and are now involving things like the dishes, and their habit of cleaning stuff up without asking me to help, or even telling me it's cleaning up day, and then getting pissed off when I don't help or when I clean up on the wrong day. This was going to be 10,000 lines of bile but I guess I'll make it snappy instead.
14:29 / 21.11.06
I know I've said this before, Leggy old bean, but FUCKING MOVE HOUSE.

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