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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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23:36 / 04.12.06
21:55 / 06.12.06
A B is still good. Maybe not what you deserved or wanted, but still good.

Especially if it's an 'ology.
22:24 / 06.12.06
Unless it's in grad school. Some grad schools, anyway. I don't get it either.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
23:10 / 06.12.06
Time Warner Cable, you've made my life a misery. My DVR box fried on election night, and they just got around to fixing it last Friday. Worse, my internet connection is now a blazing 400kbps, when I'm supposedly paying for a 4 meg connection. And when you call them up to bitch, you wait on hold for an hour and then the line goes dead. The motherfuckers hang up on you. The real kick in the scrotum is that I never signed with these people. They bought my old cable company, so I'm apparently stuck with them despite their utter shit-ness. I never had to wait more than ten minutes on the phone with Adelphia. Unbelievable.
14:08 / 07.12.06
I had the internet at work. Had being the operative word. I was just hired for another position within the same building (a lateral move), and that starts on Monday. Yesterday, I was on the net looking at trompe l'oeils on fucking Wikipedia when my team leader came by and asked me to come to her cubicle. Then she says she's taking away the internet effective the next day and she'll be telling my new team leader of this event. Great. So because I had the internet and used the fucking internet to go on fucking Wikipedia, this might jeopardize my lateral job movement. Fuck you, you shitty fucking company. I'm so close to quitting anyway. Just give me a reason, you motherfuckers. You ruined my goddamn week you fucking uncaring sociopathic cold bastards. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DER:OGRE:GOG:OSEJ S:GOKS:GOKsegposjgspegjapijalefsaldk jaj
16:30 / 07.12.06
So you're kissing other guys now? Fuck off!


16:38 / 07.12.06
For a second I thought that was addressed at Matt, which was confusing.

Anyway, condolences on continuing radiation sickness. Huggles and similar.
16:51 / 07.12.06
That's impossible, Princess.

Matt will never get over me.

Anyway, cheers dude.
17:01 / 07.12.06
matt: Thank you for feeding my paranoia about internet-usage at work. I don't spend all my time at work using the internet as a diversion, but I do worry that I'm being monitored - although, I'm not visiting any sites of questionable content to my mind, the worst in taste possibly being b3ta.

However, every time we log on at work we're reminded that "Misuse can lead to prosecution under the Computer Misuse Act". Having looked this up, I really don't want a maximum of five years in prison for "Using the Company's email or internet system to distribute content that may be classified as questionable or offensive."

I have a complex that they're logging every site I visit every day into one giant folder and when it reaches some arbitrary number they're going to call me in and fire me, or discipline me, or do something irritating, and I'll be sat there like Charles Freck, called to account for my numerous internet sins.


Triplets: I feel for you on your point, because I've had the same happen to me. All I can say is: drinking heavily, while not the answer, may help in the short run. (Or it may not).
17:05 / 07.12.06
Delete your cookies and all the other stuff every day, even when you leave for your lunch break, Feverfew. Better safe than sorry. Firefox is very useful for these immediate cleanups.
17:17 / 07.12.06
"Using the Company's email or internet system to distribute content that may be classified as questionable or offensive."

I hate laws like this. Laws that are ridiculously open to interpretation and are obviously designed to be such. The contract from my letting agency included the clause that 'no immoral behaviour' be enacted in the building.

I don't understand how people can get away with putting these things in legal documents. They might as well have a clause that disallows 'action which we deem unnacceptable. Unnacceptable here defined as anything we decide we don't want, after it has happened.'

It makes me quite angry really. Which is fitting.
Lama glama
17:32 / 07.12.06
I read all of these stories about internet "misuse" and can't help but grin. Where I work part-time has the most ludicrously lackadaisical internet policy known to man. We're a hardware shop and have 6 computers. Three are used to serve customers with and answer queries, two are in the office and there's a sixth tucked away in the corner of the shop (which is pretty huge) for god knows what reason. I think it was originally designed as some sort of self-service station, but that idea quickly went out the window.

Anyway, I was working in this particular shop for most of the summer, and as happens to all people who work a particularly boring job, I decided to head onto the internet on this "hidden" computer. When I had finished browsing Barbelith and Outpost Gallifrey, I decided to check the history files, just to see what my co-workers browse. There were some pretty appalling things in there, from websites that featured bestiality to websites whose titles indicated some other fairly ghastly stuff that I just don't want to get into.

A part of me finds it absolutely hilarious that these morons don't delete their history on a terminal that contains file history that could potentially get them in a lot of trouble with the law and if anybody senior at the company found out, it would cost them their job. So..browsing b3ta is fairly tame, and the fact that your job is being threatened because of it is mind-boggling.

Oh, I also have an urrgh-fuck for today. I was heading to the local comic shop this afternoon to get this week's 52 and when I arrived I was greeted by a fairly irritating sight. Turns out that the shop isn't going to sell comics anymore, instead focusing on shitty figurines and tabletop wargaming. ARRGH!
Char Aina
17:35 / 07.12.06
...but they can still find out.
the admins will still have records of all sites visited by your login, and all your boss has to do is ask them.
Lama glama
17:41 / 07.12.06
One log-in serves all. Our admin is in another outlet about half an hour away. He's too busy doing three other jobs and fiddling accounts to give a crap about any sites that an assorted group of perverts are visiting. This company is deserving of an urrgh fuck in itself; in fact, I think I did several during the summer, earlier on in this topic.
20:39 / 07.12.06
Thanks, all. I delete my cookies, but not as regularly as I should. The history seems to self-delete following logging off, but is not deletable whilst using the terminal.

It is deeply worrying and annoying, though, the thought of being monitored and disciplined for internet usage.
Char Aina
01:33 / 08.12.06
sorry, llama, i meant my post to arrive two earlier.
apologies for the confusion.
Evil Scientist
07:03 / 08.12.06
It is deeply worrying and annoying, though, the thought of being monitored and disciplined for internet usage.

Well, if the server and hardware you're using to surf that interweb wave is the property of the company who employs you then they do have a right to know what you're using it for. It's hardly Big Brother when you are "technically" supposed to be diligently slaving away.

My employers are pretty cool about internet use during work hours, as long as the work gets done. They've got some pretty hefty filters which can be irritating though.

In short, if you don't like being monitored then get an internet link from home.
14:05 / 08.12.06

Apparently one of my co-workers was forwarding most of my e-mails to my team leader, who confronted me yesterday saying I need to be more professional. That's just fucking great. So not only will other team leaders squeal on me, but other fucking co-workers.

FUCK ALL OF YOU MOTHERFUCKING INFORMERS! (and I don't mean the Bret Easton Ellis novel!)
15:56 / 08.12.06
Dear Staff of my Co-op:

Thank you for responding as swiftly as you possibly can to my use of two emergency pager numbers last night. It seems that "as swiftly as you possibly can" means "during normal business hours." I hope you will amend the section of the handbook that says "in case of a co-op emergency during non-business hours, please page the appropriate central level staff person on their emergency pager" to read "in case of a co-op emergency during non-business hours, please stay up all night worrying with no ability to do anything to make sure your housemate has not committed suicide somewhere far away in the last week, and no contact whatever with the people who are supposed to be there to help."

13:50 / 15.12.06
You know that wasn't necessary. Yet, you did it anyway. Why? Because YOU are an idiot. It really is just that simple. No theories about how righteous and justified you are - you are just simply, a fucking IDIOT! Am I causing trouble for you? No. So, why do insist on messing in mine? BACK the fuck OFF!
14:09 / 15.12.06
Llama? matt? id? You all need better jobs, dudes.
17:07 / 15.12.06
atomic raging wrath of mine...

To expect me to somehow get all of the work you assign without consulting me about my current schedule, and assign the request after work hours, somehow magically done according to your expectations is completely and utterly stupid.

further enraging your SysAdmin who you know has been busting ass to fix random server crashes and build new servers without any assistants this very morning by repeatedly saying that I should have notified you of the scheduling issue is suicidal.

To be clear you know I leave at 5 PM EST and do work again at 10 PM during 1 hour window that I have to fufill the request that have been scheduled before I left work. To then give me attitude because your 6 pm request was not done nor were you notified of a delay is simply impossible. How am I to notify you when I don't even know the request has been made?

I have two hours a day to do these requests because of windows of downtime you set up. To expect me to get all of it done on your whim without consulting me is absolutely stupid.

there was a good five minutes when you almost lost your only Unix SysAdmin and you are very very lucky it is the holiday season or else I would quit.

I am now drenched in rage induced sweat and wish very much to finish all my work and report directly to the pub. Fuck Off.
17:28 / 15.12.06
Trip, unfortunately, it's not my job, it's my house. Where I live.
08:17 / 18.12.06
Gah! I got jumped on Saturday night. Two kids asked me for the time and then as I reached for the phone (as soon as I started to do this I knew it was the wrong thing to do..but hey) they pulled a knife on me, againt my throat and tried to wrench my phone out of my hand. thankfully I was drunk and belligerent enough to tell em to fuck off and hold on to my phone for dear life, until someone came and they ran off. Went home in a bit of a daze, and now it doesnt feel like it really happened. Im pissed off cos it ruined my night and whilst i got away unscathed, someone else might not be so lucky. Also, it doesnt seeme to have sunk in yet, and i feel a bit weird. Kind of waiting for something to happen, but perhaps nothing will. I feel bad, beacuse my girlfriend seems more upset by it than me. Am i going to start feeling something soon?
Lesson learned: dont go home the quick way on a saturday night in Peckham.
miss wonderstarr
08:34 / 18.12.06
Christ that's terrible. Of course you were both horribly unlucky and kind of blessedly lucky.
09:31 / 18.12.06
Trip, unfortunately, it's not my job, it's my house. Where I live.

Can I?

Thank you.

Where my kids play with their toys.
18:28 / 18.12.06
Can I just be angry at everything? Is that allowed?

One of my friends is currently in hospital having just had a baby (which all went very well, mother & son fine etc etc). It would appear her boyfriend has waited until today, the day after the birth of HIS FUCKING CHILD, to dump her. A couple of hours later she calls me to tell me ANOTHER friend of ours, who has no history of such things, is also in the same hospital, having just collapsed from a seizure in the park while out walking dogs. Surely Someone is taking the fucking piss?

(On a mild annoyance note, I'm kind of in the middle of a complex real-life soap opera of my own, which, truth be told, I was quite enjoying, and now have no time to think about).

It's supposed to be Christmas and I'm all bah fucking humbug, which is really not like me at all.
18:54 / 18.12.06
It would appear her boyfriend has waited until today to dump her

For once I really hope there is a hell. I will probably never meet them and that's got me angry, fucksake.
19:04 / 18.12.06
Well, to be fair, there's nothing like the birth of your very own child for inducing massive freakoutage. I wanted to be a dad, I cried with joy when my son was born, but I still spent a good day or so being absolutely 100% petrified.

Hopefully he'll get his shit together, apologise for being a complete waste of space, and proceed to work hard to earn some forgiveness. Then again, he'll probably just continue to be a complete wanker bastard.
10:17 / 19.12.06

Remember the lovely R***** C******, Nazi dentist and owner of the largest haul of some kind of chemical weapon ever found? (Google news results as of today: zero.)

Well, here is a nice bit of deja vu. This one's actually been convicted, so I think I'm safe to use the full name: Demetrius Crocker. Membership of extremist organisation? Check. Possession of nitroglycerin and other such fun materials? Check. Intention to kill lots and lots and lots of people? Check.

The whole case was covered by One. Single. Reporter. Because, of course, Crocker doesn't have brown skin and read the Koran, but instead is a white neo-Nazi who wished to kill the entire black population of a nearby town.

Given the amount of coverage this has received, I'm feeling somewhat doubtful that all the "oh, we'll report it when we're allowed to" talk from the BBC and others whenever R***** C****** is mentioned isn't just utter rubbish. These cases depress and enrage me in equal measures.
10:17 / 19.12.06
See, I really like the guy, but he just doesn't do responsibility. He vanished for a few weeks while she was pregnant, too, but crucially didn't bother telling her beforehand that he needed a couple of weeks to get his head together.

Suffice to say, I'm less than impressed.
10:18 / 19.12.06
(Crosspost- I don't "really like" any Nazis).

Pingle- that's odd- I was Googling for C****** last night too, to see if anything had ever been reported, and like you I got a big fat fuck all.
12:30 / 19.12.06
Oh, skipping back to my earlier anger, this prick gets worse. A friend of ours has just been round to the new mum's flat to make sure everything's cool for when she gets out of hospital today, and the guy went back and fucking stayed there last night, then took all his stuff. He fucking stayed there! Note- this isn't a shared flat, it's hers, and he stayed the night there after ducking out on her. That's just taking the piss.

I'm sorry, but I'm through making excuses for this cunt.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:45 / 19.12.06
You need to check with your friend about whether she has a joint bank account with this guy...
Char Aina
14:15 / 19.12.06
what a total fuckwit.
i hope you tell him he is a total fuckwit next time you meet him, dude.

i'd also advise getting the bank account drained if it is joint, as it sounds like he might do that himself otherwise.

does anyone owe him money that they can forward to to the mum instead? has anyone got stuff of his they can sell rather than return to him?

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