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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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14:48 / 19.12.06
Hang on - because of what, exactly? Stoats said that he cleared out _his_ stuff, not that he cleared out the flat. Dickery, huge, absolutely, but is it the role of the community to impose financial penalties for dickery?
Char Aina
14:56 / 19.12.06
no, but if he has run away from his repsonsibility as a father, then i feel that others would be justified in redirecting their responsibilities to him to the deserted mother left carrying the can.
if i owed him anything it would be going to her, and he would know why.
emptying the bank account wasnt meant to be a permanent theft of his money, more a safety measure so that he cant remove hers.

i guess i should have made that last point clearer.
23:23 / 19.12.06
No, no joint bank account. She's not THAT stupid.


I've spent most of the day doing stuff as a chore that in a better world would be being done by someone else as the best day of their life.

Fuck, it should have been something SHE'd look back on as a momentous, though difficult, time.

Instead, it's always going to have been a fucking nightmare couple of days.

I don't even LIKE babies. But they should have a better start than that, if all the means are within reach.

I'm not sure I'm making too much sense, but fuck it. I'm really fucking angry.

(And drunk, having been to my work pissup straight from the hospital... possibly not the best combination).

(What was quite embarrassing was the fact that when I turned up today to help her get home with baby and baby accoutrements it was into a ward full of people who'd heard in no uncertain terms what a wanker the father was... and assumed it was me. I've never been so self-conscious in my life.)

I know this helps nobody, but I'd gladly kill him right now, having seen what he's fucking done to my friend. GOOD BIT- wow, she loves that baby. I still don't get the whole baby thing, but she appears to, and it's great.
11:53 / 21.12.06
Dear employer.
You have been docking my pay for a while now. Any time i am late to sign in on my shift i get docked 15 minutes pay. This loses me a good five to ten pounds a week, but i can deal with it. You feel it necessary to punish the less-temporaly-adept like me and though i feel it is rather unfair, i was told about this when i started and can accept that this is 'the way things are'.

But the other day, i noticed you have been changing the clock-in times on my timecard. This seemed a litle strange, so i asked what had happened. Apparently one of your little pixies checks all the timecards each day and readjusts the clock-in time to allow for any extra time we spend signed in, but not on the phones (yes, it's a call centre).

I can understand the rationale for this. You obviously don't want people to sign off the phones and sit and chat while they are being paid. This makes sense.

But you seem to forget that you are using archaic software on clumsy systems; software that crashes frequently, systems that take a good five minutes to reboot.

When i pointed this out to you, dear employer, you told me i should have mentioned that my system had crashed when it happened, otherwise you have no way of knowing why i am not on the phones.


And why do you fucking tell me you 'will get an email sent to planning and fix it' when you have no intention to do so?

Why do you get to dock 3 hours of pay without informing me that you are doing so? How dare you change my logged hours (hours that i am to be assessed on) without informing me? Surely there is something, you know, illegal about what you are doing here?

I know you and your friends in the management are happily salaried and well-paid, but please could you attempt to bring your imagination down to my level for a few seconds in order to realise that, though it is only a small amount i am being docked, i only get paid a small amount by you greedy bastards. I have a multitude of debt, tax and christmas bullshit and it makes me feel waay underappreciated.. no.. SHAT ON to be treated like this.

On the plus side; i know now that i am not insane and/or very forgetful. I also know now that i need to write down my hours. I wonder how much they have docked.

12:45 / 01.01.07
So much bad shit is happening to so many people I know right now.

And there's nothing I can do to make it alright for any of them.

I feel like Xander when he realised there was no monster they could kill that would ever make Buffy's mum not be dead.
21:32 / 01.01.07
Indeed. One can only hope to be there for them when it all goes tits-up.
16:46 / 05.01.07
I hate my little brother.
I'm not being hyperbolic. I actually hate him.
He's an unpleasant, selfish, bigot.
I actually think that it is getting to a stage where he should be self aware now. He's 14, this means he should care about other people at least a little bit. HOwever, he and middle brother (tinyemobuckling) are sitting next to my asthmatic mothers bed and smoking. They are stealing. They are keeping drugs in the house. They are *hitting* my parents. They are yelling at me because *they* stole *my* stuff. If the police hear "fat youth" they come straight to my door because the stupid, ugly, pointless waster is always, always to blame.
I'm against violence, as a rule. But whenever I see him I wish someone would hit him over and over again until he stopped being a shit. Not, and this is important, so that he would be an improved human being, but just so that he would stop being my problem. I wouldn't mind if he just got so frightened that he couldn't be himself anymore, I wouldn't mind he if he was broken by the process. I wouldn't mind if he spent the rest of his life trapped inside his own overly flabby head, too afraid and too unhappy to ever connect with a human being or feel emotion.

I know he is still (barely) a child, but I don't care. He's nothing but fossil fuel and hatred. I don't care if he has low self-esteem and that he thinks I don't like him, because I don't. The child is scum, and so far beyond my capacity for love it is painful.

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.

And I'm glad that you are unhappy, so there.
17:11 / 05.01.07
Oh goodness.
Did I hulk out again?
The Natural Way
17:13 / 05.01.07

18:19 / 05.01.07
I'm not being hyperbolic

Sounds like your brother is hyper-colic.

You know, like the babies?
18:19 / 05.01.07
That sounds like bollocks, Princess. The situation. Not the truth of it.
18:33 / 05.01.07


electric monk
18:42 / 05.01.07
Ultimate Bollocks(tm)!
18:44 / 05.01.07
I suppose the next issue will be delayed until I'm retired.
12:03 / 06.01.07
Rage is gone.
But he does remain very unpleasant.
16:00 / 06.01.07
I pay my electricity using those powercards - pay £10 get card worth £10 of electricity, when that runs out your electricity cuts out. My flatmate decided to switch electricity company (never agree to anything from a guy who comes to your door to flog you stuff) and I've now been sent a bill for £120 of outstanding charges.
How they fucking worked that out I have no idea, given that as far as I was concerned the whole point of powercards was that you paid for what you got as you went along.
Bang goes my christmas money. A hearty fuck you to Scottish Gas, the bastards.
16:13 / 06.01.07
Well, okay, first things first, do a meter reading and work out how much you actually owe and pay that - it'll almost certainly be less than your current bill. Second, if I remember rightly pay as go electricity, which I lived with for three years, is about half as expensive again as standard metered electricity. Obviously there is an advantage to pay as you go in that it's a constant reminder that you are spending money, that said, my life got a lot cheaper when I went the metered route.
16:15 / 06.01.07
Oh, and, Princess, I don't know what response you intended to elicit with your post above, but I kind of hate your brother right now. I feel your (now evaporated) rage.
17:42 / 06.01.07
Thanks Boboss, but the meter reading was the first thing I checked, and it's correct. As for switching if it was up to me I'd get it changed, but unfortunately it's up to the landlord.
Saint Keggers
17:59 / 06.01.07
Arrrgh! A thud to you and one to you, and for to the both of you? A thud!

Now pardon me but I have to go find the bottom of a bottle of something comforting.

18:27 / 06.01.07

20:34 / 06.01.07
Axolotl, first of all you need to check exactly what the charges are for. Then, if it's your landlord/flatmate that insisted on the change then it's the person who made the change who is responsible for the charges. If you did not make the change yourself then you cannot be charged for it by law. If the bill is in your name but your flatmate/landlord made the change then the electricity company shouls not have allowed them to change it and they are at fault.
00:24 / 07.01.07
Rage is gone.
But he does remain very unpleasant.

Rage is actually a she.
00:31 / 07.01.07

I made that mistake at first when reading Princess' post...

but I think ze actually meant "the rage ze was experiencing in hir earlier post" had gone... but the person referred to was still unpleasant.

"rage" as opposed to "Rage". I think. But I am very drunk.
00:32 / 07.01.07
Or did I miss a joke?

GRR. Must not post drunk.
02:59 / 07.01.07
Well, Ms Radio Host, you think you're smart. You say that when you joined the brigade to volunteer in third world countries, you were naive. You said you thought you were going to save the world. And then you said you became more interested in saving yourself, keeping your soul, because the world is dark and scary. You said you became disillusioned.

And then, Ms Radio Host, you said that North Americans are naive, as well. We don't realize that the world is actually barbaric, and that's the word you used.

The nice political scientist you were interviewing replied, "Uh, yes, quite, but seriously..." and you ignored him.

Yes, Ms Radio Host, you said that most of the world is barbaric. I'm not misquoting you, Ms Radio Host. I remember it well. I also remember you saying that North America was the one to save the world, with its naive do-gooders.

Yes, Ms Radio Host, shame on everybody with good intentions who want to save the world, even on a microcosmic level. They're obviously stupid, and you're obviously wiser, but you realized your mistake and became a talk radio host.

Great. I agree, the world is barbaric.
03:06 / 07.01.07
Hmm, yes. And Mrs. Canadian Journalist, you cannot use the argument, "I'm not a prude by any means, but what about those kids and their sexy clothes!"

Hmmm, yes. And Mrs. Canadian Journalist, if I may? I know I'm not one to judge (you can find the thread), but really... aren't we being a little, I don't know, hypocritical? It's all fine and dandy for you to point the finger at the parents and at the media. But, let's all remember here, you're a fucking journalist. You are the media.

And then, the magazine that you appear in, Maclean's, features this neat little piece about "dirt for art's sake," a sort of neat little history about the controversy over pornographic literature around the time of Fanny Hill and even Lady Chatterly's Lover.

Hmm, yes, this piece quite accurately showed that the uproar was in direct correlation to the new availibility of new media, such as cheap pulp novels. The better the availibility, the better the chance that the women and children are exposed to such filth.

This piece then concludes that the passage of time made us realize that it's art, not pornography, and it's almost cyclical.

In the same magazine as the one in which you, Mrs. Canadian Journalist, said that the media is to blame for children dressing like "skanks". That we're not being vigilant enough and parents aren't willing to fight with their children or lay groundrules!

Mrs. Canadian Journalist, please fuck off.
03:09 / 07.01.07
07:41 / 07.01.07
Ax, are you sure this won't be cheaper for you in the long run? As far as I can remember there is a charge for switching - installation and the new equipment - but after that's out the way things could well get cheaper. Obviously that won't change the unpleasant fact of the current bill, which, whether you're on it or not, I imagine you're compelled to pay.

I appreciate that I may be misunderstanding your situation.
14:22 / 07.01.07
Lula - No, the company shouldn't have changed it without my say so and my flatmate should have had more bloody sense than to agree to anything being sold door to door.
Boboss - it may well end up being cheaper, that's what the salesman told my flatmate, but as you may have worked out I'm less than confident in the salesman's honesty.
However neither of these things really affect the fact that I will have to pay at least 50% of said bill. I'm hoping I can convince them to let me do it over a period of weeks. Thanks for the advice/commiserations though, I appreciate it.
19:22 / 11.01.07
Oh dear.

Today i was meant to have my disciplinary.

Rewind a week - At my work, we work for a probationary period of 3 months at a lower rate. If you are on time for your shifts and get good stats (keep call times low, avoid going to the toilet too much etc. Yes, i work at a call centre) you get to pass your probation and get a raise of 20p an hour.

So i was meant to have my probation last week. I didnt think i'd pass. I figured they'd extend my probation for another couple of weeks to let me get my stats up to par, as is the usual way.

Instead, i got called into one of my supervisor's offices to have a little chat. He produced a printout of my timesheets for the past three months, with nice highlights over all my lates and awols (times i hadn't turned up and had failed to ring in).

I totalled twenty-eight lates and three awols. I pointed out that i had actually spoken to the supervisor himself about two of those awols and a few of those lates and that he had told me he'd get them sorted.

I agreed that, although the majority of those lates were within 5 minutes of the time i was meant to be in, and many are in off my lunch (yes, we get a timed lunch), it doesn't look good on paper.

He tells me i am to have a formal meeting on thursday (today) and that i am to prepare by looking through my hours and thinking of my reasons. He made sure i was aware i could get sacked at the meeting.

So i spend a week worrying. Thing is - if i keep my job, i get to travel to visit my zen master in New Zealand. This means a lot to me. If i lose my job, i won't get to go to New Zealand, but i will at least get a boot into finding a job i like and want. But not knowing is stressful to me. I don't enjoy stress.

In the meantime, i look into flights and get some reserved until Monday. I figure i will know by then whether i can afford to go or not. I need to give an answer on Monday.

But by Wednesday, i still haven't received my letter from work. I decide to go in (on my day off) and get a printout for myself. All is well.

I turn up to work today, worried and stressed. It feels like being at school. I hated school; it made me ill. I do some work and wait for 2 o'clock to come.

While i am on the phones, someone hands me a letter. It is my printout, with a formal cover note. The note says my meeting is to be on Tuesday the 16th. This is worrying.

I go to ask the supervisor who will be 'acting decision maker' at my meeting what is going on. The supervisor says that, due to legal requirements, i need to have my meeting at least 48 hours after having received the letter. I tell him it was meant to be today and that i have been waiting for the letter all week. Why haven't i had the letter before?

"Oh, we tried to give it to you, but you didn't come in."

"You mean, yesterday? My day off?"

"No, oh.. Um.. Actually, the lady who was meant to print your letter didn't get one printed out"

"So i have to wait until Tuesday? And i can't have it today, even if i request it?"

"You have to wait until tuesday"

"Well, can you just tell me if i will get to keep job please? It's quite important that i know by Monday"

"I'm afraid i haven't had time to look at your case yet"


So i get another 4 1/2 days of utter stress. I have no idea what to do about my flights. Speaking to most the people there, it seems i will likely keep my job, and i'd love to just take a chance and buy my flight, but £950 is a large chance to take.

So i am getting utterly fucked over by my employer's fuckups. Obviously i am not blameless, but it's not as if i got paid for any of the time i have been late.

I'm a good worker. I have consistantly high scores on my listen-in tests, i have had customers ask to speak to my supervisors to tell them how helpful i have been, i even took a call in French today, for fuck's sake. I do my job and have slipped up by a few minutes. I get fucked about for it.

The worst thing about it is that when i get home, i am shit. I snap at my Love, i'm bitchy with my housemates. All i want to do is hit things or cry. I have to work loads of extra hours in case this is my last pay-period. I am turning into the classic angerball, fucked by my own trapped position.

I am really fucking angry and stressed. I really hate that a shitty McJob can do this to me, that i'm too scared to take a risk and find a job i might like and succeed at. I hate that i'm so poor at saving money and keeping time that i fucked up a task as simple as this.

I hate that i'm just a fucking number - an appointment in some bored supervisor's book. I hate that there is nobody at work at whom i can point the finger and blame. I hate the beaureaucratic mess that is my position in this world.

I really fucking hate that it is my fucking fault i'm in this mess. I hate that i can't comprehend the reality that expects these things of me - the reality that makes it okay for an employer to make an employee's life a burning bundle of electric fear.

That i feel no fault, yet am to blame has always left me feeling confused and afraid of this society.

It's fucking pathetic and small. This is a shit job. I will get to see my zen master another time. I will get a better job. I will find a way to live in this society that escapes the slave/owner dichotomy...

But right now, this is my life and it fucking hurts. I am so fucking pissed off.
00:37 / 12.01.07
Fuck call centres. I work in a call centre too, but they are not as bad as the one you seem to be working for. I really do hope it works out for you, and as an added bonus, somehow fucks the call centre. Somehow.

(I just did an interview for an assistant manager of a clothing store which is a huge pay cut from the call centre that I work at. But I'm getting out)
00:44 / 12.01.07
.trampetunia- if I was you, I'd just say fuck it and look for another job. I know that doesn't help with the travel plans and stuff, but it really sounds like you'd be better off getting the fuck away from there whatever.
02:42 / 12.01.07
You could always sign on as a hand on a ship bound for N.Z.

Might be a pay cut and harder work, but you'd reach the destination....

Probably impractical, but I've been thinking of the sea lately.
Char Aina
04:38 / 12.01.07
i dunno, i think that sounds like the perfect antidote to call centre living. fuck, man, sailing round the world sounds like the perfect antidote to a lot of stuff in life.

i'm sure there's a lesson for life waiting to be wrung out of that.

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