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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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08:51 / 12.01.07
heeh. In the light of a new day, i'm actually pretty glad that the only major worry in my life at the moment whether or not i get to go on holiday to NZ :-)

I'd love the ship hand idea, but i have too many ties at the moment. Jeez, it'd be cool though
10:06 / 12.01.07
Don't forget that in any disciplinary meeting you have a statutory RIGHT to take someone else on your side in with you and you can make any recordings/notes you care to make. The accompanying person is usually a work colleague or the official of an employer-recognised trade union, but it is likely that the law also allows for union representation by a union not recognised by the employer.
There's a fair bit on the net, but this is a handy summary.
01:43 / 16.01.07
Fuck you, tooth. Fuck you in your fucking enamel ass.

Okay, here we go. I've had x-rays on my teeth every year for almost a decade. I know where I have trouble spots, where I need to do some flossing, et cetera. But last time I was there, at the dentist, I say to Frank I say, "Hey, I'm getting some pains on my top left side from cold shit." He says, to me, he says, "Not to worry. No cavities there. Just get some sensitive toothpaste." Fuck you, that shit's grimy like toecheese.

Fast forward to Christmas day. I'm having French toast with whipped cream. Real whipped cream. As soon as the delectable white cloud of awesome touched my tooth, I was in agony. Enough to lose my appetite. That's crazy in my world.

This isn't the first time I've been in agony. But fast forward to three days ago, and I can't even drink room temperature water without using a straw. I don't like drinking from a straw.

Now, I work in a hot sweaty restaurant, and it would be nice to throw back a nice glass of cold water. But I can't. I can't drink fast, I have to drink so carefully, so carefully. And out of a straw. GAH!

I just had a delicious sub from Subway and I had a bite of hot chicken and it came into contact with my tooth for a moment. Ow. That's all. I saw black spots in front of me. I almost fainted from eating.

This is some of the worst pain I've ever had in my life (other than when I blew a hole in my lung, that felt like stab-stab).

And I can't get into the dentist for months.

If it's not a cavity, then fuck you. It must be. I say, let's yank the fucker. Or fill it. Or fill it and yank it. I don't care. This is URGH and this is FUCK!
13:46 / 16.01.07
From a chain letter bulletined by one of my mates on Myspace:

7. YOUR IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, any letter of your middle name, 2nd letter of your moms maiden name, 3rd letter of you dads middle name, 1st letter of a siblings first name, last letter of your moms middle name)

One assumes the Indiana big brother contestant name generator is waiting in the wings.
Closed for Business Time
10:36 / 17.01.07
Stupid fucking jealousy is eating my heart out today.. UUUUUUUUUUURHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!

It's so pointless; I don't even have a reason to be jealous. Long story short - last night my SO tells me about the last guy she went out with before we got together. I know the feller - we did the same MSc - and he's a decent enough guy. They only went out for a short time and it was never gonna be serious, again according to my SO. But, BUT, when she added that they shared a bed a couple of times - even though she insisted they never had sex, which I believe - certain images started forming in my mind of his hands.. her body... sigh. I'm sure many of you have been there: Untamed angry jealousy reared its head like an ugly prick, making me unable to sleep for hours, and its still coursing through me like hot and cold shivers. I'm angry and surprised with myself.

As I said, we weren't even together! How the fuckety fuck can I be jealous for... that, when I hardly knew her at the time?! Funny thing is - I don't give a rats ass when she tells me intimate details from her previous long-term relationships, so why (I keep thinking), why in the name of everything sane did this get to me?

I know I have a possessive streak, but... Arrrhhhh... I hope I'm not biting my own ass in posting this - mebbe I should just try and forget about it.. Somehow I believe that sharing this with you guys will have some sort of cathartic effect. So, will it? Anyone have troubles such as these? Any agony aunts out there today?

Argh what a pathetic shambles I am today...
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:00 / 17.01.07
How on Earth are you going to cope when you have a relationship with someone who did have sex with their previous partner? Get a grip, man.
Char Aina
13:07 / 17.01.07
i agree.
unless you've been loving the life of a monk and expressly looking for a partner leading a similiarly chaste life, i don't see that this is anything other than your problem, and one you should seek to get over as soon as possible.

y'know, so you can join the grownups at the adult table.
13:17 / 17.01.07
Well, maybe it affected you particularly because you knew the chap, whereas you didn't know any of the others? So you have the mental images, which you didn't with other people?

I think you might just have to deal with this one though, dude. I mean, did she assure you that nothing naughty happened before or after you got upset about the possibility? There may be worse to come...
13:20 / 17.01.07
SonMoltes, even though I agree with the two posters above, and they are most definitely correct, (and I think you do get that), it is possible the jealousy may be arising from the knowledge that they previously shared something that you cannot have with your SO, especially if you are currently physically intimate with SO.

I could be wrong, of course.
Closed for Business Time
13:27 / 17.01.07
joe, toksik... did you read my post or what? i said - "i don't give a rat's ass when she tells me intimate details from her previous relationships"... ffs pay attention!

of course she had sex in her previous relationships - as did i; that's not the point. i realise i sounded/was whiney and silly - that was sorta my private little point in posting - to vent these childish, angry, immature, fucked-up and unwanted feelings in the hope that seeing them spelled out would make it easier for me to face, accept and get over them. for what it's worth (not a lot - i'll be the first to admit it), my self-directed, barb-outed gripe was: if i'm perfectly able to stomach her telling me about her pre-us sex-life, why the fuck did this particular and on-the-face-of-it innocuous tale get to me?

and toksik - i never meant to imply that it was anyone's but my problem. hence, the question above is not for anyone but me (and possibly my SO) to figure out. thanks for the fish anyway
Closed for Business Time
13:31 / 17.01.07
Haus - I think you might be very right. I know the guy's face, posture, voice etc... ENOUGH! BANISH THE THOUGHT!

'Trix - I'm not sure I understand what you mean.. What were you thinking of when you wrote "it is possible the jealousy may be arising from the knowledge that they previously shared something that you cannot have with your SO, especially if you are currently physically intimate with SO."?

Oh dear oh dear, I'm being a right idjut today...
13:36 / 17.01.07
Well, if you are physically intimate with someone, then it is difficult to go back to holding hands, isn't it? you can't have that back, ever.

Although, I suspect Haus has something with the mutual acquaintance aspect to this.
Char Aina
13:39 / 17.01.07
why the fuck did this particular and on-the-face-of-it innocuous tale get to me?
because it was recent?
because you know the guy?
because you were able to put a face to the previous partner, removing the option of treating hir previous relationships as 'not really real'?

but of course, if you have it all sorted, then i guess i feel silly for answering your question.
ffs, etfc.

did you read my post or what?

option a, sir.
i still think you need to get the fuck over it, i'm afraid, even with a reread. if that isnt cool, why don't you tell me what you want me to say?
Closed for Business Time
13:42 / 17.01.07
'Trix - I get it. Thanks for spelling it out. However I don't think that that's the problem. We hold hands plenty..

The more I think about it, the more I realise Haus is spot on. I've always been really wary of getting involved with people I share a social or geographical history with. This.. thing.. touched a nerve, somehow. Why there's a nerve will probably take me a good while longer to figure out.

Thanks, peeps.
Closed for Business Time
13:47 / 17.01.07
Toksik - sorry about the aggro. It was the perceived "you're such a baby, get over it" vibe that ticked me off, even if it was deserved. Kinda hard to let all the steam out today, I guess. You're totally right, it's something I need to get over. Which I will.
Closed for Business Time
13:50 / 17.01.07
Ah shit... forgot to say in reply to toks:
No it wasn't that recent, over 2 years ago, so I don't think that was it. But who knows.
Yes, because I know the guy.
And yes, because I was able to put a face to the previous partners, removing the option of treating her previous relationships as 'not really real'.. probably. Good one that. Hadn't thought of it like that before. Cheers.
14:59 / 21.01.07
Why won't you EAT YOUR FUCKING FOOD you ridiculous baby?

Christ, I can see how food becomes a battleground. That, of course, must not be allowed.

(I am shouting here so I don't shout there)
15:17 / 21.01.07
I completely sympathize with you, Boboss.
15:30 / 21.01.07
Thanks, Trix. It's such a bloody pain in the arse, and it makes me soanxious that he's not getting what he needs and that he'll waste away... I know, I know, it's all a bit irrational.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:58 / 21.01.07
Aw, Boboss. That sounds really horrible and stressful. I hope the little 'un finds his appetite again soon.
16:11 / 21.01.07
Even baby-hating me can kind of get how that must do your head in, having been out with a friend and her five-week-old kid yesterday.
17:04 / 21.01.07
I think the problem is that he's set on feeding himself and hates the whole Mummy and Daddy shoving the spoon into his mouth thing. At just over ten months he's turned into a very can do baby, which is very good for all sorts of reasons, but quite difficult to manage when it comes to things like eating, which, it must be understood, he isn't very good at doing himself, and when he's given the opportunity he makes an appalling mess as much more goes across the room than down his throat.

Of course, the problem with food is compounded by the fact that he has still yet to grow any bloody teeth.

(I should add that he is getting some breast milk on a daily basis so it's not all doom and gloom on the food front, and that he's not a particularly fussy eater.)
18:46 / 21.01.07
Boboss, I'd like to tell you that this is just a phase that some kids go through and grow out of.

Really, I would.

I suppose once they acquire language it gets better.

God, I hope so.....
19:17 / 21.01.07
I do too.
06:31 / 22.01.07
Ah, the age of reason is what you are after, not just the talking bit. Babies aren't very reasonable. At least when children are about 3 years old, you can really negotiate with them. Before that, it is rather hit a miss situation. It is possible to find the right tools to use in negotiations with tots.

Here is a story on a Universal Baby Language that seems to be effective. Here is the Wikipedia page. There are some links to the videos on Wikipedia, which could be helpful.

I just love the phrase, "ridiculous baby"!
08:53 / 22.01.07
You know I'm fucking sick of having to jump though hoops to actually get to do the job I was fucking hired to do.
09:35 / 22.01.07
I don't know about universal languages but the young fool has certainly learnt to shake his head.

Thanks for the links, Trix. I'll check 'em out
21:36 / 23.01.07
In the spirit of "know your enemy", and also in order to back up some statements I made on Digital Spy about the fuckers, I'm reading St*rmfr*nt again.

It's a righteous anger, but I feel dirty for even looking at some of this shit.

My tendency toward pacifism is weakening with every click.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:16 / 23.01.07
It's painful to look at, eh Stoats.
22:28 / 23.01.07
In the spirit of "know your enemy", and also in order to back up some statements I made on Digital Spy about the fuckers, I'm reading St*rmfr*nt again.

'went through that once, myself. I found it a bit easier to look over some of their random threads. When I came across their lamenting their singleness with questions of "what are women looking for in a man," it was all I could do not to register in order to post

Listening skills, sense of humor and, oh yeah, NOT BEING A FUCKING WHITE SUPREMACIST! That last one goes over pretty big.
01:36 / 24.01.07
I also read some St*rmfr*nt, Stoats. I'm aghast at the topics. I kept writing and deleting sentences in this post to somehow describe my shock, awe and utter disgust at the topics and posts. I... I'm at a loss. Who gives a fuck if the Egyptians of ancient times looked more white than black? What the fuck?
01:39 / 24.01.07


I was quite glad that the topic about whether Tom Waits was a white supremacist was shot down in flames by other white supremacists, really.


As I say, it's a righteous anger.
electric monk
02:50 / 27.01.07
Keywords: run-up, 2003 Iraq war, Saddam Hussein, George W. Bush, supporters, right-wing, Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Don Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, conservative opinion, "9/11 changed everything", lies

Listen. You slack-witted boor. There's one fact that you are studiously avoiding in your smarmy screed, and that is this: You, me, everyone we know and a hell of a lot of people we don't know will tell you that the UN INSPECTORS WERE ON THE FUCKING GROUND AND THEY DIDN'T FIND DICK. Maybe a lot of other governments did think Saddam had the shit, but they were at least level-headed enough to get someone qualified and neutral to go in and check it out first. But no, that won't do. Bush tells them to get out of Iraq before they can finish the job. He wanted to go forward with "shock and awe". He couldn't wait. After the teams, who's job it was to find the WMD we'd been hearing about constantly in the run-up to this fuck-up, weren't finding anything. Nothing REMOTELY usable. Hundreds of thousands of people have died, and you dare call it 'victory'...the right thing to do for America and the world.

You pathetic little shit. Your self-enforced ignorance and your abject fear of the wider world have conspired to lodge your head squarely in your ass. Do suffocate.
10:44 / 29.01.07
Unleash bile!

On Loose Women about 2 mins ago:

"Obviously skinny models are getting a hard time in the papers because these journalists are fat and they're jealous"

FUCK and OFF. Horrible horrible program.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:08 / 29.01.07
Urgh fuck hate being mad. Would like to be not mad now kthxbai.

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