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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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15:06 / 23.10.06

Rydell got his bag of cornflakes out of the cupboard and carefully unrolled it. About enough for a bowl. He opened the fridge and took out a plastic, snap-top, liter container with a strip of masking-tape across the side. He'd written MILK EXPERIMENT on the masking-tape with a heavy marker.
"What's that?" Hernandez asked.
"Why's it say 'experiment'?"
"So nobody'll drink it. I figured it out in the dorm at the Academy."
William Gibson, Virtual Light

Though the acid idea sounds funnier.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:22 / 26.10.06
Rot in hell Limbaugh you sick fuck.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
12:42 / 26.10.06
I strongly dislike that man.
Happy Dave Has Left
13:12 / 26.10.06

Work related ennui is really rather tiresome.

13:58 / 26.10.06
You'd really think that if you were Rush Limbaugh you'd steer away from any statements about whether or not someone had been taking their medication.

Seriously, what a wanker.
14:02 / 26.10.06
it's all over the TV what an ass he is.
As far as I can tell, he has pushed some votes over to the folks Fox supports from people who are disgusted with his accusations.
18:39 / 26.10.06
Can we kill him?
18:41 / 26.10.06
Bush OKs 700-mile border fence ...and him?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:23 / 26.10.06

Worked on a story about eight months ago for a horror anthology (call it Thingy II) on a deadline, it got in provisional on some changes being made, pushed everything to the back burner to dance around the suggested changes.

Changes made, submission accepted to anthology. Hooray.

Now, six months later, I get an out-of-the-blue "press release" saying "hooray! We got so many great submissions for Thingy II that we decided we're also going to do Thingy III! Here's the contributors' list!"

So I have, without forewarning, been yanked from the second anthology and shuttled into the third anthology. Second anthology to be published early 2007. Third anthology to be published when they fill it.

I've just sent off a ludicrously restrained e-mail to the editors explaining why this really doesn't sit well with me. I am, however, freakin' furious.
Whisky Priestess
11:43 / 27.10.06
Insist on being paid for it now, at the very least.
12:11 / 27.10.06
A bit more from Rush Limbaugh;

"Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society"

12:19 / 27.10.06
Can we kill him?

Everyone, rush Limbaugh!

"Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society"

So, what about the unattractive men? Wait, that is mainstream society.
12:43 / 27.10.06
I really don't know whether it fits into Barbannoy or Miserable, but at this point it's pretty much a world of headsick.

After the classic you shouldn't criticise these advertising executives, or this company, while a single black person on a different continent working in a totally different medium does things I don't like, and the eternal let's not forget that the media never talks about what those awful Muslims are doing, before we pick on the poor old Pope, who is after all protected by the academic tradition of Western Europe, we have reached perhaps the event horizon - it's wrong to suggest that white people should take any responsibility for the inequalities of the post-imperial (or imperial, depending on your politics) world, when those everyone who is not white people insist on... um... drawing attention to the inequalities of the post-imperial world. A classic. A perfect circle.

And what really makes me headsick is that the lesson we get is that if you just keep on, just persist in peddling your particular strain of nasty weirdness while staying under the banning radar, eventually people will be so bored and disgusted by even the thought of interacting with your wronghead that they won't bother.

I mean, why bother saying any of this? At best it will lead to some more self-aggrandising tosh, or a refusal to register when somebody actually takes the time to try to treat you as worth a carefully considered, well-researched and surprisingly polite response, then disappearance from the thread rather than actually taking on board any of the illustrations of the gap between your representations of fact and boring old actual fact, utterly failing to substantiate claims and, having failed, storming out of your own self-justification thread in a huff.

And what really brings the headsick is that, as a friend observed to me, "natural philosophers" are meant to learn. A mouse, given a small lever that releases food pellets, will learn. And yet, somehow, we're back to "let's not talk about [thing that dicomfits or criticises pale-skinned people], when [thing that darker-skinned people are doing] continues unabated!"

Why is that? What, exactly, does it take?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:52 / 28.10.06
Wait... I think... the trance is upon me... the spirits draw nigh!

I see a vision of the future... a dark, a terrible future... I see a couple of IAWTC posts by exasperated board members... I see the arrival of three or four people who normally don't post suddenly showing up to offer four-page denunciations based largely around the words 'dogpiling,' 'elitism,' and 'Barberoyalty'; they offer grim tidings, dark speculation as to what Grant Morrison would think of all this. I see a journey... you are going to visit a long, tedious thread in the Policy forum--no! you have already been... past and future entangle hopelessly in my visions... there's a dog loose in the woods... I'm going away, Fiver...
21:27 / 28.10.06
Punching bag. You forgot "punching bag of the week."
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:28 / 28.10.06
Do you hear the voices too?
electric monk
01:57 / 29.10.06
dark speculation as to what Grant Morrison would think of all this.

That's always my favorite part. I can't wait till we get to that part!
Alex's Grandma
09:34 / 29.10.06
"Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society"

I suppose old Rush doesn't have much of a choice when it comes to saying this kind of thing, these days. I was going to say that the likes of old Rush are to attention what Pete Doherty is to crack, but realitically, even the most hard-edged dope fiend usually has some sort of capacity for self-reflection, in a way that old Rush, at least in a public context, would almost have to want to die rather than acknowledge.

Underneath all the bluster, there seems to be a very lonely, sad little boy, and I'm not sure if old Rush is the only one - Would anyone be innarested in discussing infantilism as it relates to the New (American, at the moment, though it'll probably spread) Right? There seems to be a whole raft of characters in positions of authority there whose personalities haven't essentially changed much since they were between three and twelve years old. Donald Rumsfeld with his toy soldiers, and so on. There might have been a 'decadent college' period, but they've turned their backs on it now ...

Even the likes of Richard Nixon or, moving down the food chain, Ronald Reagan, seem just about comprehensible as grown adults - the current lot, less so.
All Acting Regiment
09:44 / 29.10.06
That would be a very interesting thread, yes...
Saturn's nod
10:09 / 30.10.06
Yeah would be interesting. It fits in with the thesis of Neufeld and Mate ('Hold onto your kids', Ballantine Books, 2005) that western society at large is suffering from mass attachment disorder: much as in Lord of the Flies, in the absence of appropriate attachment to adults, culture flatlines through children making their primary attachment to peers, causing infantile behaviour to persist into adulthood. Iirr Neufeld and Mate date it from adult abdication of parental responsibility following the horrors of WWII.
All Acting Regiment
11:36 / 30.10.06
Well, that would all go nicely in the thread. Moving back to hate and anger, I have to say I'm fed up of people who don't enjoy things for their own sake but for the sake of being "better" than others. You know what I mean, don't you?

I'm talking about people (or in fact a person) who don't just like a book...they like it because hah, no-one else could understand it (yeah, uh you're reading the Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, it's a lovely book but it's not exactly Foucault).

Or, you start by pissing me off by saying very knowingly "Of course Shakespeare Was On Drugs", and refuse to be drawn into any kind of logical argument about it presumably because it is very important to you that Shakespeare Was On Drugs because it's something that only you know and all those people who actually like the plays or actually research his life are all wrong. Because you know best. Never mind that the only drugs available to Shakespeare would have been snuff and ale. Never mind that A Midsummer Night's Dream is based on a folk story and thus can't be a record of his own drugs trip. Never mind that I am doing a fucking English degree and thus simply know more than you about Shakespeare as a mechanic knows more than me about cars. You're right, Shakespeare Was On Drugs, okay, go fuck yourself.

Then you go on to say how much you like smoking weed but it's not enough to say that is it? You have to get in a dig at "people who take ecstasy pills" or people who take heroin, who you are better than how exactly? How? Oh fine, change the subject, yes, go on. You take weed and you know better than people who take pills or heroin. That's right. You can't just enjoy weed can you? It has to involve being better than other people.

Or, you like making and eating a Thai green curry, but, oh, it's not enough to say "I like this" it has to involve a dig at how "most people" have "a shit diet".

Or, you watch Dune which, yeah I agree it's quite a good film, but you know what, I would rather sit quietly and watch it than listen to you slag off those people who don't watch sci-fi films. While we're on the subject, stop slagging off Billy Piper for being in Doctor Who. You haven't watched the series. You don't know she was a bad actor, you think she was because you're full of prejudice, so stop fucking making pronouncements about the State of Culture when you haven't even seen the Culture in question.

Or, and this is what really made me howl in derision, this is what really made me just go mad, you stick your Cream record on. Okay, you like Cream featuring Eric Clapton. That's cool, most everybody likes music. But you know what? When you finish saying "I like this" with a sneery aside to me of "'s probably been ripped off by the Zutons" and then waddle smugly out of the room...well you know what? Not only do I not like the Zutons as you imply, you have no fucking way of knowing what I like, you fucking patronising rockist prepuce. I'm supposed to be offended by that remark, I suppose. It's supposed to fuck with my sheeple mind with all its dirty pop muzikzzzz. Also, what, a modern band making music that sounds a bit like Cream is "a rip off", but Cream making music that sounds like BB King isn't? Also, people can go to see the Zutons, yes? Because people like new, exciting music, even if it's maybe not wildly original, in preference to old music by dead people. People who hate life. Like you. Fuckhead. Balltickler. Poetaster. Milqetoast. Flim-flam, braggart and phordyman.

Fuck you and yourself and your constantly masturbated "I". You've raised me wrath. The living room is a public area. It's time for some Merzbow.
11:42 / 30.10.06
Ah, Legba, you take me back down memory lane. The joys of living in shared houses. I once lived in the next room to a really bitter and insane fundamentalist Christian who terrifingly went off to teach in infant schools. I was practicsing my neophyte occult stuff next door, a real shame I didn't know anything about cursing.
Alex's Grandma
12:56 / 30.10.06
While this is all very entertaining stuff LR, mightn't it be an idea, if it's at all feasible, to think about alternative living arrangements? Otherwise I kind of both fear and hope there'll be a post shortly that begins something like 'Your head is in the freezer now ... Your dreads are brittle with ice, and yet somehow, somehow, you still look pleased with yourself ...'

In the short term though, I'd advise dusting his pot with PCP (If memory serves you're in Manchester; if so it shouldn't be too hard to get hold of ...) and seeing how the guy feels about Cream, Dr Who, Thai curry and so on after that.
13:41 / 30.10.06
FUCK YOU AMAZON! I still haven't got my fucking book yet.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:52 / 30.10.06
Mine shipped yesterday. Based on my previous experience of shipping to the UK it should arrive in my mitts in around 10 days.
15:37 / 30.10.06
It's time for some Merzbow.

Yeah, Merzbow the bastard. (I have a shitload of Throbbing Gristle if you want a follow-up punch...)
15:47 / 30.10.06
I have a gabba remix of the My Little Pony theme if you need backup.
17:04 / 30.10.06
You can't fucking take away a position I have been elected to because I refuse to approve your fucking annual financial statement. I only refused to approve them until you actually showed me PROOF that they were indeed accurate. I haven't seen a monthly or quarterly financial statement and there was minimal programming for our constituents all last year! HOW? I ask, HOW! am I suppose to sign off on something so unsubstantial?

And now you pull off this shady little scam where you are going to con the Board into believing they have the authority to ditch me because I am blowing the whistle on you.

17:49 / 30.10.06
Well, I have some good news. I was shopping around and I found the book on a Canadian site which is cheaper and will ship faster. I'll have the book in my hands in a week.
17:58 / 30.10.06
matt, no offence but, wrong thread.

Unless that was sarcasm, of course.
18:46 / 30.10.06
Legba - I want to be your friend so i can meet this loathsome being and enjoy hating him. Can i please be your friend?
19:00 / 30.10.06
Today my rage is for
The Sun front page
Tony's picture- climate reform, I'm praying;
PM signals green tax blitz!
Argh! You fucking evil shits!
Families face huge eco tax hike!
Fuck off Sunshine, on yer bike!
19:02 / 30.10.06
Quantum, have you ever thought of writing lyrics for Conflict?
All Acting Regiment
11:28 / 31.10.06
While this is all very entertaining stuff LR, mightn't it be an idea, if it's at all feasible, to think about alternative living arrangements? Otherwise I kind of both fear and hope there'll be a post shortly that begins something like 'Your head is in the freezer now ... Your dreads are brittle with ice, and yet somehow, somehow, you still look pleased with yourself ...'

Oh, I have something lined up. A new house, that is. I'm sort of arranging my living around leases etc so I don't cheat myself out of any money, but I'm quite happy as far as that goes. Just venting, venting, rawhide!

Legba - I want to be your friend so i can meet this loathsome being and enjoy hating him. Can i please be your friend?

Of course. Everyone can be my friend. In fact everyone can probably come to my birthday piss-up, actually. PM for details. We can maybe make a pinata out of the guy. Whilst listening to Merzbow. In a black iron rubix cube orbiting Jeremy Spake's fucking head.
Whisky Priestess
11:03 / 01.11.06
Jeremy Spake's fat fucking face, isn't it? Or am I misremembering my Viz? That should be the code phrase to get into your party though.

Onto the rage: smug, clumsy flirting, in threads that simply don't call for it. Painful, predictable and not nearly as amusing as it should be; like watching short-sighted gorillas trying to mate with trees.

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