Well, that would all go nicely in the thread. Moving back to hate and anger, I have to say I'm fed up of people who don't enjoy things for their own sake but for the sake of being "better" than others. You know what I mean, don't you?
I'm talking about people (or in fact a person) who don't just like a book...they like it because hah, no-one else could understand it (yeah, uh you're reading the Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, it's a lovely book but it's not exactly Foucault).
Or, you start by pissing me off by saying very knowingly "Of course Shakespeare Was On Drugs", and refuse to be drawn into any kind of logical argument about it presumably because it is very important to you that Shakespeare Was On Drugs because it's something that only you know and all those people who actually like the plays or actually research his life are all wrong. Because you know best. Never mind that the only drugs available to Shakespeare would have been snuff and ale. Never mind that A Midsummer Night's Dream is based on a folk story and thus can't be a record of his own drugs trip. Never mind that I am doing a fucking English degree and thus simply know more than you about Shakespeare as a mechanic knows more than me about cars. You're right, Shakespeare Was On Drugs, okay, go fuck yourself.
Then you go on to say how much you like smoking weed but it's not enough to say that is it? You have to get in a dig at "people who take ecstasy pills" or people who take heroin, who you are better than how exactly? How? Oh fine, change the subject, yes, go on. You take weed and you know better than people who take pills or heroin. That's right. You can't just enjoy weed can you? It has to involve being better than other people.
Or, you like making and eating a Thai green curry, but, oh, it's not enough to say "I like this" it has to involve a dig at how "most people" have "a shit diet".
Or, you watch Dune which, yeah I agree it's quite a good film, but you know what, I would rather sit quietly and watch it than listen to you slag off those people who don't watch sci-fi films. While we're on the subject, stop slagging off Billy Piper for being in Doctor Who. You haven't watched the series. You don't know she was a bad actor, you think she was because you're full of prejudice, so stop fucking making pronouncements about the State of Culture when you haven't even seen the Culture in question.
Or, and this is what really made me howl in derision, this is what really made me just go mad, you stick your Cream record on. Okay, you like Cream featuring Eric Clapton. That's cool, most everybody likes music. But you know what? When you finish saying "I like this" with a sneery aside to me of "Mehah...it's probably been ripped off by the Zutons" and then waddle smugly out of the room...well you know what? Not only do I not like the Zutons as you imply, you have no fucking way of knowing what I like, you fucking patronising rockist prepuce. I'm supposed to be offended by that remark, I suppose. It's supposed to fuck with my sheeple mind with all its dirty pop muzikzzzz. Also, what, a modern band making music that sounds a bit like Cream is "a rip off", but Cream making music that sounds like BB King isn't? Also, people can go to see the Zutons, yes? Because people like new, exciting music, even if it's maybe not wildly original, in preference to old music by dead people. People who hate life. Like you. Fuckhead. Balltickler. Poetaster. Milqetoast. Flim-flam, braggart and phordyman.
Fuck you and yourself and your constantly masturbated "I". You've raised me wrath. The living room is a public area. It's time for some Merzbow. |